The Collection of The End

Chapter 345 Opponents and Allies

My name is Akatosh,

Amir's vest fell earlier than me, haha!

——4E, 201, Frost Moon, 3rd, 12:32—

"Oh, so that 'Amy' is indeed the imperial princess 'Emilia Septim'?"

Snowrun East, Stormcloak temporary camp, the army is packing up and preparing to retreat outside the Snowrun territory, and Ulfric Stormcloak is listening to Frigga Shattershield's report.

"Yes," Frigga nodded affirmatively: "Although the same superb stealth and invisibility skills cannot be used as evidence, there should be no second 'black mist' that can carry things away. 'Amy' who worked with it used it to recover a lot of property stolen by robbers."

"Oh... no wonder the idiot of the Snowhoof family fell in love with the princess who was far away in Solitary City and had never met before. It turned out that the princess herself ran to the Rift Valley—so, it was not Balgruuf who forced us to negotiate peace, but The princess who came here just after the wedding?" Ulfric folded his hands and propped his chin in thought.

"Hahaha!! Poor Esgail!" Galmar Stonefist laughed.

Very good, this guy is still not invited to the next group blind date party, Frigga gave the general who can't read the atmosphere a look.

"I think it's more serious than Lord Snowrun's doing," she went on to explain to Ulfric: "It means the Emperor himself supports this."

"Don't worry about this, the emperor will never get involved before the situation is clear," Ulfric said without hesitation, "This is not an invasion by foreign enemies, but just a conflict of ideas between lords within the empire, something like that It happened in Black Marsh to the south and Hammerfell to the west, they just disobeyed the Empire but still acknowledged themselves as part of the Septim Empire, and that's the bottom line."

"Hmm..." Frigga frowned, she couldn't understand this logic for a while.

"What's really serious is the hidden information revealed in this peace talks—'Balgruuf the Great' has the qualifications to participate in this 'game'." Ulfric signaled the direction of Snowman City.

"Impossible, his position is exactly at the intersection of our sphere of influence and the Imperial Legion's sphere of influence, there is no room for development at all." Frigga felt quite incredible.

"So, he intends to use methods other than military means to solve the problem, for example, not by force, but by expanding his influence, and eventually become the 'Supreme King' elected by the 'Supreme Council' through voting." Ulfric sighed: "There is no doubt that neither we nor the Legions of the Empire will vote for each other, so it is impossible to exceed the minimum quorum of 'two-thirds' to become High King."

"Then why don't we vote for that old boy?" Galmar said carelessly.

"However, all the lords participating in the 'Supreme Council' cannot vote for themselves, so at least two votes for me and Toig, Balgruuf has already decided." Ulfric smiled wryly.

"Then why not—oh, well, I'm stupid." Galmar shut up in the middle of the sentence.

Frigg knew what he was going to say, "If you don't vote for the empire, you can vote for other city lords of Stormcloak", but as the leader of an organization, do you think that one of your subordinates is more suitable to be a leader than yourself? Neither Toig nor Ulfric could do it, even if everyone knew it was a game.

According to common sense, generally the strongest "Supreme King" gets eight votes, and his own vote is symbolically voted for the lord of the second largest force. This situation is before the two sides each occupy four cities, plus a neutral city. Never seen before.

Now, one can only hope that the "Great Man" and his subordinates don't do something that can greatly gain prestige, such as saving the world or something.


Morning Star, Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary.

Nazr, who was sorting out the information, looked towards the entrance of the sanctuary.

【The largest in the world——】


[Welcome back——]


The members of the Dark Brotherhood originally had some doubts about the night mother fused Joan of Arc's soul to become Joan of Arc Lily, but these days, they just saw her poke the black door twice with a spear, and it slid open by itself , and had to start believing that was probably true.

"Lily, are you back? How is the task done?" Babette, who was playing with the spider at the door, went up to her and gave her a hug.

"Hmph, another fool who thought he could control other people's life and death, so I gave him a good lesson—don't put spider silk on me! Fool!" Jeanne Lily's voice echoed the original Na Dalk is very different, the clear female voice that always carries disgust has turned into a somewhat sharp childish voice, which inexplicably makes people feel suitable for scolding.

"Peter has been transformed by me, he can't spin silk but can only breathe fire~" "Then you are very powerful, do you want me to pet your head?"

It seems that due to the shrinking age, Joan Lily got along well with Babette, who was at least the same age in appearance, but she was inexplicably resistant and alienated to other elders, especially not very close to Astrid, the former The chief didn't look too happy.

"Aww~ Mother~ Why didn't you talk to Cicero~ (Spades) Cicero wants to touch his head too!" "It's so noisy!" "Bang!"

To add, Nazr continued to flip through his materials. After changing into this form, the Night Mother seems to have lost the ability to speak directly to Cicero. After all, she already has her own body and can speak, so there is no need Maintain that way of communicating only with the "listener".

Nazr did ask Lily if she could communicate with other fraternity members in the same way, after all, it is more concealed and convenient, but what she said at the time was that "only those who believe in her wholeheartedly can communicate in that way."

With Nazir's wisdom, I can't imagine how to believe in a cute little girl, but in this way, the fact that Cicero is always deliberately funny but is at most photographed on the wall can also be explained , as the only believer, even a lunatic can only admit it by pinching his nose.

"Nazir...uncle?" Jeanne Lily walked up to him, first calling him by his first name, and then tentatively adding a subtle address.

"You can just call her by name, Lily, what's the matter?" Nazr put away the information paper, not because she couldn't read it, but if Cicero came to make fun of him again, and the girl directly lifted the table, the information would be finished .

"The name 'Dark Brotherhood' is ugly, I want to change it," Jeanne Lily stared at Nazr: "The uniform is also ugly."

What a little girl's request... No, wait, Nazr, you're not a fool like Cicero, think deeper.

Astrid failed to assassinate the emperor, but her clothes were recorded. Now those red and black cloth and leather armors can no longer be worn out, and this is the snow-covered north all the year round, so the black clothes are more conspicuous.

As for the signboard of the Dark Brotherhood, it was basically smashed because the sharp-eyed eagle announced that it had destroyed Falkreath's sanctuary. Now, the entire organization really needs some radical changes.

"In this case, just remove the word 'Dark' and just call it 'Brotherhood'?" Nazr pulled out a piece of paper and began to write and draw: "The new clothing style will be based on your body, Mainly white, mixed with red decorations, in addition to the leather lining, plus a hood that conceals the face and figure, and a large windbreaker, how about it?"

The simple black and white sketch shows a muscular bearded man in a white windbreaker and hood. His hands are folded in front of his chest, and sharp claws protrude from his fingertips.

"I don't think so!" said Ain Bojorn, who was obviously the prototype of the person in the painting, who came closer at some point.

"I think it's okay." Astrid, who also approached silently, held him down directly: "Nazir, hurry up and paint it and frame it. I want to hang it in the hall."

"This..." Nazr looked at Jeanne Lily helplessly.

"The clothes are good, but he's too old." The girl nodded, and looked at Ein Bjorn beside him: "Maybe he should shave off all his beard?"

"Hey hey hey~(heart) obey~mother~(spade)" Cicero appeared next to him like a ghost holding a pair of scissors.

"Don't even think about it!" The werewolf turned and ran, covering his mouth.


Tomb of Dusk, southwest of Falkreath.

As the place closest to Nocturnal's Annihilation Domain "Eternal Twilight", it can freely teleport between any anchor points left by "Nightingale", but for now, the only one connected is the "Nightingale Hall" on the other side of the rift valley. ".

At this time, three new "Nightingales" were coming out of the dusk grave.

"What on earth are we going to Solitary City for? Amy is definitely not the one who married the second child of the Snowfoot family?" Xiaofan, who had the most contact with Princess Emilia, said with certainty: "I tell you, she has a A very similar stand-in must be replaced by her."

"That's not the point," Sapphire looked at her with a frown: "The point is that this wedding is held in the name of the princess, so that the 'stand-in' is the real 'princess', and she will never be able to use the name of 'Ai' from now on." Princess Milia's identity appeared, I have to ask Emil what she thinks, if possible, let her come back to the guild."

"In that case... huh?" Xiaofan suddenly thought of something and turned around the sapphire.

"What?" Sapphire glared at her.

"Speaking of which, do you know that you are very attractive?" Xiaofan stopped and stroked his chin: "The boys like Moore and Dazhi are so fascinated that even the things in their hands will change when they see you." There are ridiculous reactions such as falling, but you have never lied to any man, so it seems..."

"It's as if you had a good look at my bald uncle." Sapphire responded.

"Hey, don't change the subject, I'll just ask you, do you like Amir very much, the kind of love you want to get married." Xiao Fan narrowed his eyes.

"Hey! Hey hey!" Illya, who had been quietly listening, exclaimed.

"I don't have time to joke with you, Weeks Wright."

"I'm not going to make such a joke, Safire Malloy."

The two girls stared at each other, neither willing to budge.

"Well, I admit that I have that tendency, but I'm not sure." Sapphire was the first to give up, and she touched the dagger at her waist: "The feeling she gave me is the same as that of the person who gave me this demon dagger back then." Very much like, I want to be with her forever, but not about getting married or anything."

"Hmph, I just think she's cute and interesting, and I want to be friends with her all the time, but I don't want her to be monopolized by some guy." Xiao Fan pouted.

"fair competition?"

"Competition is a ghost, I want to supervise you not to cross the line!"

"That," Ilya, who had been neglected all this time, raised her hand weakly: "Amir said that she...doesn't know why, but she likes me very much."


The air was suddenly quiet, and there seemed to be a cold wind blowing around.

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