The Collection of The End

Chapter 346 Channels and Vortex

My name is Akatosh,

I'm going to another Songgarde, and I'm a little excited when I think about it.

——? ? :? ? ——

Arthur "woke up".

At this time, he was in a very strange "channel" that extended infinitely forward and backward. The "wall" of the channel was a closed circle, composed of countless stars that pulled out afterimages of streamers because of their high speed. Appeared abruptly in front, passed by the four people and one dog at a very high speed and disappeared far behind, and when looking out of the passage through the gap they left, only darkness could be seen.

He didn't feel any restraint right now, but after subconsciously taking two steps to confirm this, he immediately returned to his original position.

If you think about it carefully, since the first few teleportations were "instantaneously completed", it means that their state "after teleportation" is determined. Unexpected problems, it’s okay if it’s just some harm to oneself, but if it will cause harm to the host of this “teleportation”——

Thinking of this, Arthur turned his head to look at Zela, who was behind everyone, and was shocked.

She "died".

Unlike the previous Lydia, Emil and Babas, although they fell into a strange static state, they obviously still had life and soul, as if they were standing up and fell asleep, and they still wore the weird mask on their faces

And now Zela, anyone with a little keen sense would not think that she is alive. Although she is standing firmly with a staff in her hand, the mask has disappeared like herself, and she has lost any signs of life and soul. , like a corpse, or rather, a statue.

If there is anything special about her, just like Arthur, the mask on her face disappeared at some point.

In Arthur's view, she was always entangled around her body, and even if she left temporarily, she seemed disconnected, which meant that the complete disappearance of the black vortex of "imminent death" was the most important evidence. There was no "death" entanglement at all, and she could act. , except for ghouls, skeletons, and vampires, only those dwarven machines are left.

"Zera!?" Arthur rushed over.

Although he knew that doing nothing at this time was the best choice, and the previous few teleportations to Zela were fine, so maybe this "death state" was one of the necessary conditions for teleportation, but since he can wake up , it means that something went wrong this time, if she continues to teleport like this, what should she do if she still hasn't recovered after arriving at the exit of the "passage"?

However, due to Arthur's approach, black "blood" began to flow from the corners of Zela's eyes and mouth, and as the distance between him and Zela shortened, Arthur finally had to stop and think about countermeasures.

Obviously, in this "passage", the distance between the "passengers" cannot be too close, or in other words, they cannot get close to Zela, but even if they can get close, Arthur does not have any recovery magic or carry healing items, and the team responsible for these It was Zela himself who was involved.

"Las...Ya...Ni!" Arthur, who didn't dare to move forward, frowned tightly, trying to read a dragon roar taught to him by a gray beard to Zela.

Just as restoration magic is not favored by traditional magicians, this healing Dragon Roar Graybeard didn't teach it seriously, but just passed it on casually. At that time, Arthur didn't think it would be used one day, so he just I made a general note, but of course it has no effect at this time.

"Huh——" Arthur took a deep breath and began to think desperately. Now his efforts may not be effective, but if he really does nothing, he will not be able to forgive himself after "going out".

Laas... Yah... Nir... That's right, it's these three pronunciations, which can heal all injuries and even restore magical energy, but they are only effective for dragons and dragonborn - of course Zela is a dragonborn, not wrong.

"[Laas Yah Nir (Dragon Soul Healing)!]" Arthur shouted the dragon roar to Zela.

Perhaps it was an illusion, Arthur seemed to tremble when he saw Zela's dull eyes.

——4E, 201, Frost Moon, 3rd, 18:03——

"Welcome to Brasilian—"

It seems that after only a moment, the members of the comrades-in-arms group who entered the "vortex" in Xueman and some non-staff personnel crossed a very long distance and directly arrived at the Brasilian Ruins, which is located near the entrance of the Shalidor Labyrinth.


Most of the people maintained the posture when they entered, and they were looking left and right with a little curiosity at this time. Only Arthur seemed to be standing unsteadily, and bumped his head against the outer wall of the Shalidor Labyrinth.

"... Arthur, haven't you been here? Why are you so excited, the wall is crying?" Zela turned to look at him with a smile.

"There~ there——" Arthur didn't care how much of a groove he had knocked out of the wall, and gesticulated his eyes and mouth at Zela vigorously.

"Huh? Ahh," the female mage was stunned for a moment, then let out a small exclamation, took out a handkerchief and hurriedly wiped away the traces of saliva and tears: "Could it be that I accidentally fell asleep? No..."

Not asleep, but almost dead, okay? Arthur was not surprised that those "black blood" turned into water stains. If a teleportation ended and the caster's face was covered in blood, no one would let her continue.

Obviously, this time is different from the previous few times. The same group of people, with the same spell, sent those who failed the test directly to Brasilian, while another group of those who passed the test arrived at the place tens of thousands of years ago. Brasilian, and then returned after witnessing the occurrence of a certain historical node and arrived at the same time as the previous group of people.

This spell is obviously the result of her mess. If she didn't do anything, Zela would... No, it shouldn't be possible to really die, but the soul is bound to be injured, after all, there was no doubt before." death" state.

The purpose of her doing this, of course, is to screen out candidates who will not be harmed when entering Songgard. The face shield has been blessed by [Sgrammer], and even if the princess guard is willing to die for the princess at any time, his own strength is still flawed.

This kind of understatement, the act of giving and sacrificing silently in a place unknown to it worthy of being called the saint of [Akatosh]?

However, by coincidence, I was still known by myself, huh, huh.

"Hey, don't look at it, 'Lord Baron'," Ella waved her hand in front of Arthur: "He made it clear that he doesn't like you."

"What? No, I'm just..." Arthur thought for a while, and found that he couldn't explain why he stared straight at Zela: "I was just thinking about something."

"It's useless to think about anything, anyway, you have to save the world once or twice~" Satya raised an eyebrow at him.

Aren't we on our way? Arthur turned to Lydia who had the same experience, but the female guard just smiled at him without saying anything.

Well, it turns out that the work of the baron's guard does not include protecting the baron's reputation at all.


"...The specific reason is this." Zela finished her appearance and took back the mask, and finished a short speech: "It's not that I have doubts about everyone's strength, but that I can't reach the time when Alduin appeared last time. I know that everyone is not afraid of death, but what about death without any meaning at all?"

"Even if I hit its eyeball with an arrow?" Ella tugged the bowstring twice.

"Although it's hard to explain, the 'shooting' itself won't happen," Zela saw that Ella seemed to be going to argue, so she added: "In the main world, you can't miss a target ten meters away. But in the domain of demon gods and holy spirits, it is completely up to them to decide where the arrow will fly, unless another comparable force prevents this kind of interference."

Indeed, Arthur thought, the previous few times, 'Molag Bal' was seriously injured, and the soul cairn had no owner, which was completely different from Songgard who was completely controlled by Alduin. The world creates avatars to resurrect dragons and create trouble for themselves.

"If we insist on following up?" Satya rolled his eyes, obviously unwilling to give up.

"I will use a screening mechanism similar to the previous one for the passage over there. If it can be broken through, of course it is no problem, but it is best not to use magic or items that can only be used once in a long time. Besides, you don’t have any means to fight against Alduin.” Zela shook his head: “But of course we won’t be idle if we bring everyone here. When we attack, Alduin will definitely bring the dragons back to attack and destroy them. The entrance, and then I will ask everyone to guard it."

"That's okay." Wilkas began to look around, trying to find a suitable place to hide and launch an attack.

"I want to protect the princess no matter what." Parasus clenched his fists: "If Alduin can't deal with it, can't he also deal with his subordinates?"

"This really won't work..." Zela thought for a while: "But if it is the commander of the sharp-eyed eagle, it should be possible."

"I'm going to send a signal." Paraisos turned his head and left.

"I'm going too!" Sophie ran over and grabbed Arthur's armor: "Otherwise, I'll eat Xueman!"

Who did he learn this threat from... Arthur couldn't laugh or cry.

"Hmm..." Zela looked at the sky, as if looking at someone, but there was nothing in the sky: "It's okay if you keep the dragon form, the white dragon is not under Alduin's jurisdiction."

"Great!" Sophie hugged Arthur's arm and refused to let go.

"Hmm..." Seeing that no one around had any objections, Zela raised the staff in his hand towards the Sharidor Maze: "Everyone, get ready, whether it's attack or defense."

With the fluctuation of some kind of magic, a dark green, constantly rotating huge vortex appeared at the original entrance of Shalidor's maze, and a huge skull pattern appeared faintly on it.

"This time, I will go first." Zela said as she stepped into the "vortex" first.

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