The Collection of The End

Chapter 347 Waiting and Patrol

My name is Akatosh,

Checking the examination room in advance is part of the examination~

——4E, 201, Frost Moon, 3rd, 20:38——

[Reminder: Arthur Pendragon's expected arrival time in Songgard (pseudo) is 1 day, 23 hours and 47 minutes later]

Remind my sister to follow Arthur very intimately, but now there is only a countdown embedded in the monitoring screen showing the entrance of a copy, but it didn't make me feel better.

"So, I usually arrive wherever I want to go in an instant, even with those apprentices from the Mage Academy. There is no delay in throwing people to Artayum. These days, there is a delay of hours or even days. What's going on?" I went to poke the stupid system.

[As the head of the Holy Spirit, even an incarnation is enough to carry NPCs around at will, just like people carry ants, but aren't you carrying Arthur and Emil? Ordinary people can hardly run if they carry a person of similar weight to themselves, and you are carrying two in one breath. 】

"Nonsense, Emil and I are not as heavy as Arthur!"

[Do you need me to list detailed data? ] The stupid system opens a transparent form in the air.

"No need! Shut up! You stupid system!" I reached out and turned it off.

【I'm not stupid...】

"For now," I opened the monitoring of relevant places and people in various parts of Skyrim Province one by one: "Although all the giant dragons are converging towards Brasilian, there are also many combat forces that can resist or even crush them. , so the outside world doesn’t need to worry.”

[However, you can't worry about it internally. 】

"Whose fault is that?!" I grabbed the little black dragon's wings and began to pull: "Why is there another Songgard? I always wanted to crush Alduin right here!"

[It hurts, hurts - think about the 'evil in this world'! 】

"Black mud? What's wrong?" I let go of the stupid system.

【It's been too long and you forgot? Think again, is that really black mud? 】

Hmm... It seems that there is also an evil god attached?

[Similarly, the 'Alduin's Breath' to be collected this time is not just a breath of that 'World Devourer'.] The little black dragon spit out a short mouthful of flame dragon breath: [Otherwise, this is enough for me.] up. 】

"Oh, continue." I began to silently calculate the ratio of the arrival speed of those dragons and the support, and consider how to make fine adjustments.

[The entire pseudo-Songgard, the mist that covered the sky and the sun in the sky was all 'Alduin's breath'. 】

"..." Calculation interrupted.

Just a little bit of imagination, in the original game, the dense fog in Songjiade was all sprayed out by a certain dragon...

Well, Maggia Bakunet.

[However, at present, we only know that there must be this kind of fog there, but there is no way to observe the specific situation. 】

"Well, it has something to do with the exile of the Three Warriors from the past to the present?"

[Yes, that's right, it should have entered the state of 'world devouring' at that time. Once the devouring is completed, it will transform into 'Akatosh'. After this key node is exiled to this reincarnation, it should have directly replaced the current 'Akatosh' and 'Alduin' and continue to die, but, you know. 】The little black dragon insisted on making a gesture of spreading his hands with its wings.

Hey, how lonely it is to be invincible.

[In short, 'God-Alduin' fell into a deep sleep directly, and created and covered a new 'Songgard' with his breath, and then 'Dragon-Alduin' hid in the fog to make trouble. 】

"So, it's what Arthur and the others have to deal with?"

[It's just 'Dragon-Alduin', as long as you defeat it, you can use the 'Jingtian' dragon roar to drive 'Alduin's Breath' out of that fake Songgard and be absorbed by us, and the 'God-Alduin' Because' also had to appear in our field of vision. 】

"You want to eat again?" I thought of that unlucky evil god.

[That's not the point, the problem is the first step in this matter, Zela Pesh will not be able to get your support, and it will be a second if he can't see anyone. 】

"When will I be the second to see someone?"

【→_→】A dialog box pops up in the air.

"It's amazing to be able to express!"

【Sorry, as a stupid system, you can really do whatever you want~】


"What did you say just now? Repeat it again?"

[404 not found] The stupid system started to play dead.

Tsk... It confuses the topic of whether to eat or not.

"Speaking of business, can it be that I really can't provide any support? I can only save the world with those boys and girls? Isn't this a hot-blooded animation set?"

[That is Song Jiade from the last era of reincarnation. It is impossible to judge the specific situation, but the specific size of the buildings and terrain should not change. You can try to look at the examination room before the exam? ] The stupid system stopped playing dead.

It seems strange that a mere Hino scholar is familiar with Songjiade's environmental data, but no one should have the time to think about this issue at that time.


After making a plan, I called down the "Akatosh" in the air, and prepared to ride it to inspect the "examination room".

If you refer to a setting similar to Alduin, I myself am "God-Akatosh", and it is "Dragon-Akatosh", replacing Zela Pesh when some hard power is needed I have shown up a few times, which adds a bit of credibility to the vest, but it is a pity that although it obeyed my advice, there was no hindrance to the possession, and the transformation into human forms of various dragons was also very smooth, but But there is still no sign of awakening self-awareness, no matter how you look at it, he is just an ordinary dragon god.

With a slight sigh, I patted the scales on its neck, and it immediately soared into the air knowingly.

This special field of annihilation in Songgard is the soul destination of all the heroes, warriors, and even ordinary soldiers who died heroically in the world of Nirn. Its area is theoretically "infinite". If you go straight in any direction, you will eventually return to to the place.

Perhaps in order to highlight the bravery and self-sacrifice of the soldiers, the overall environment of Songjiade is not very beautiful. In general, more than 70% of the area is Gobi, desert and mountains, and the other 20% is lush plains, rivers and mountains. Ten percent of towns, villages and forts.

The souls of most warriors who died in battle will appear in an environment very similar to that before their death, in order to avoid being too excited and dissipate or fall into the soul stone mound. When they calm down and realize the fact that they have died, they will Seeing thousands of golden lights on the horizon, the incomparably magnificent [Hall of Valor].

After wading through mountains and rivers and gradually approaching the Hall of Valor, the first thing they will arrive at is "Avalon"-that is the name I gave to the small town directly in front of the Hall of Valor.

All the souls who arrive here for the first time see an empty town. After settling down, they can renovate their houses by exploring around the town, or add things such as blacksmith shops, grocery stores, Facilities such as farms, plantations, alchemists, enchanters, animal pens, barracks, and chariots and horses.

From a high altitude, except for the Hall of Valor and the largest town adjacent to it, other villages are dotted all over Songgard, and they are also the places where various tasks related to the construction of Avalon are concentrated.

The Avalon of each soul is independent of each other, unless they go to the public place of Valhalla, make friends with other souls, and they can see each other in the town. If they join some large enough organizations, The town will liven up in no time.

That's right, this is an idea I moved from the fortress of WOW, and synthesized the settings of the "Fire" DLC. After all, it's too boring to have banquets all day long in the Hall of Valor.

Because they don't know how to AFK, I don't have any concerns about "player loss" or "precipitous drop in the number of active players"...but there is no monthly card to charge for.

On the way from "Avalon" to the Hall of Valor, there is a Dragon's Back Bridge. As the name suggests, it is a wide bridge made of giant dragon spines. There are no checkpoints on the bridge, only a not very responsible bridge guard. The souls with poor strength who want to go to the Hall of Valor will be let go casually, while the souls with good martial arts will be left behind for a few tricks.

He was a tall, hairy Nord named "Sun", wearing leather armor made of tiger and leopard leather, and the weapon in his hand was a long golden staff...

It seems that a famous person once said, "I think you look like a hozen, so why don't you call me 'Sun'."

Hey! I haven't changed the setting of this goalkeeper brother at all! There are so many things to complain about all over his body that he can't look directly at them!

In short, after crossing the bridge, it is the core building of Songjiade, [Hall of Valor].

It is a huge spiers building with an interior space comparable to snowman, with golden lights, and warm banquets are held inside it at any time. Food and wine are inexhaustible. Only those who have never seen it will never find it. of.

Although a similar mirror image technology is also used here, it is somewhat different. If we want to sum it up, it is "images are born from the heart".

For example, if... well, if Kraco Whitemane died and came here, he would undoubtedly see Sgrammer, the first werewolf Tifeg, and all the leaders of the Companions before him , but it is impossible to see the human heroes who are contemporary with the three ancient warriors and the group of dragon priests, because they are not in his cognition.

And if Balgruf dies, he won't be able to see any leaders of the comrades in arms except Kraco Whitemane, because he has never heard of them. On the contrary, he may see Old Wu's father, um, basically this look.

Generally speaking, if the terrain of that pseudo-Songgard is similar to this side, Arthur and the others would have to trek through mountains and rivers to break through the enemy's blockade all the way to the Hall of Valor over there, and Alduin over there would naturally not turn a blind eye, and most of them would be in those places. The village and key locations are arranged to intercept... Thinking about it this way, it feels a bit like playing a traditional RPG.

In short, with the map of Songjiade in hand, go back and prepare to provide technical support to the world-saving team over there.

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