The Collection of The End

Chapter 348 Knight and Assassin

My name is Akatosh,

By the way... this firewall doesn't work.

——4E, 201, Frostfall Moon, 4th, 08:03——

The sky began to turn white, and the morning sun rose from the mountains in the east, gradually illuminating the Brasilian ruins with the rays, and also announced the official end of Jane Lasse's fruitless vigil.

After Arthur and other "qualified persons" all entered the vortex, or the "well of soul", that entrance was shrouded in a cloud of thick white smoke, which itself did not have any resistance or counterattack power. But Ella, who tried to follow and broke into the fog, came back through it strangely. According to her, she was able to confirm that she had been walking forward without turning, and she didn't feel anything unusual, but returned in the same way inexplicably. , and then several members of the comrades-in-arms group tried, and the results were exactly the same.

Unbelievable, everyone could only start to deploy defenses on the spot according to the plan discussed in advance to deal with the dragon that launched the surprise attack—but nothing happened overnight.

According to Jane Russell's intuition as an elf and an archer, she judged that there should be an extremely powerful "something" or "who" to help everyone block the attack at night, however, as the sky gradually brightened, this intuition also quickly faded , Could it be some nocturnal creature? Do I have to go back to the lair at dawn?

In addition, perhaps it is an illusion, this kind of "protection" faintly reveals..."maternity"?

"Enemy attack!" After the "protection" disappeared completely, Jane Lase, who was in charge of guarding the sky, still didn't find anything, and Farkas, who was mainly in charge of guarding the direction of Brasilian, suddenly gave a loud warning.

The dark elf archer followed the prestige, and saw that the ancient tomb that was usually overlooked by Brasilian visitors was constantly pouring out powerful ghouls, and leading them were the two legendary twin emperors. The overlord of the ghouls made her eyelids jump even more. A bone dragon crawled out from the long-abandoned Brasilian ruins, and after joining the ghouls, they approached the Shalidor maze together.

"[Mi-la-ke!]" The bone dragon with only a skeleton let out a terrible roar, and it is not known what part it used to make the sound.

"Hey! You archers and mages, think of a way!" Although the bone dragon itself is still far away, the three Wilkas brothers and the abandoned princess guard have already fought against the surging skeletons and ghouls , although they could wipe out several or even dozens of monsters by waving their weapons at will, but facing the seemingly endless undead creatures coming in like a tide, they also rushed to the rear for help.

"Unfortunately, although I look like a support character, I am actually a hand-to-hand fighter!" Satya tore off the maid uniform on her body and tied it up, revealing the light leather armor inside, and then put on a pair of fingers Hu, rushed directly to the front line, punching a ghoul and a skeleton, and wherever he went, it was like a whirlwind blowing, which slightly relieved the pressure on the few people in front.

No, no one with a little discernment in Snowman City would think that you are an ordinary bartender... Jane Lasse glanced at Satya, raised her bow and tried to throw a shot at the bone dragon in the distance.

Duo! Duo! Two arrows hit the huge head of the bone dragon at the same time, no, the skull, but they made a dull sound like a broken leather, and then both fell. When Jane Lasse turned her head to look at Ella, she found that she was also looking at Own.

"Our weapons can't harm it!" Jane Lasse shouted, "Where's that old mage who fought side by side with us in Heijiang?"

"He said that he has made significant progress in his spell research, and he can't shoot for the time being!" Ayla replied loudly amidst the roar of the undead creatures: "And! Who said that it can't cause damage?"

Then, she put away the bow directly, put her hands in a strange posture and muttered words. When Jane Lace wondered what she was going to do, Ella pulled her hands together, and a longbow made entirely of lavender magic power appeared on the scene. in her hand,

In the next instant, several arrows flew straight out, piercing through all the ghouls and skeletons along the way as if entering no one's land, until they arrived in front of the two overlords, they were dismissed lightly by the other party.

"Isn't this still unable to cause damage?"


"Fire, storm!"

Just when the two ghoul overlords shot down the flying arrows and cast their eyes on Jane Lasse and Ella, several fire dragons suddenly appeared and spun around them quickly, burning all the undead creatures they came into contact with along the way. , and finally converged around them, and then an unusually thick pillar of flame shot up into the sky, completely engulfing the two ghouls.

"Good job, master, do it again!" The three Farkas brothers, whose pressure had dropped suddenly, cheered.

"I can't do it in a short time," said Septin, and walked out of a house on the edge of the maze with his huge book: "I'm not like that girl. I'm a genius myself, and I'm blessed by the Holy Spirit. Now You have to prepare a defensive spell, you guys, hold on, for a moment."

Under Jane Lasse's curious eyes, the old mage walked up to the two archers.

"The ghouls and skeletons here cannot be completely wiped out," he said. "As the oldest relic and temple, Brasilian can summon almost endless dead. We must leave."

"Entrance?" Ayla looked at the fog-shrouded maze gate.

"Before they left, they only told to prevent the approach of the dragon, and did not mention ghouls and undead. This is enough to prove that they do not have the ability to affect the 'well of souls'." Septim said: "Now I can take you in, But there has to be some kind of, connection with the people inside."

"Contact..." Ella looked around, and then looked at her as Jane Lasse expected.

"Smart girl," the old mage nodded slightly, looking at Jane Lasse: "Among the people present, only you and Satya have nothing to do with the people who entered Songjiade, so now you have to separate yourself from her. Pick a name, though I don't know what these names from divination spells mean - 'Guinevere' or 'Morgan', take your pick."

The style of this name... seems to be very similar to the names of the "Knights of the Round Table" that Arthur and the others used to disguise their identities. When chatting with Ella about this matter, she complained about her name of "Drizzt" Too neutral, and a bit sad-sounding, but nothing contradictory.

Now it seems that those names were not made up by Arthur casually. They are more closely related to each other than imagined, so that they can be traced back to those that have not been said by the prophecy spell.

At this time, you can only choose with intuition. Jane Lasse frowned slightly amidst the roars of many ghouls and thought for a while, and judged by intuition that one of the names was more intimate with Arthur, so she said: "I choose— — 'Morgan'!"

Dazzling golden light shot up into the sky.


At noon, a team came to Brasilian. They all wore white hoods that covered most of their faces, and red-striped windbreakers on a white background. Walk between life and death.

Even so, they were quite surprised when they saw the ghouls that almost covered the entire ruins.

"Tsk, what happened here? All the ghouls from all over the sky have come here?" One of them tore off his hood, revealing a green head that belonged exclusively to Argonians.

"Maybe it has something to do with the golden beam of light that I saw not long ago," said a man in white with two Redguard scimitars on his waist, "Savila, you'd better not take off your hood casually."

"Don't worry, the Night Mother won't get angry because of such a trivial matter." Another person also took off his hood, revealing a beard and shiny bald head: "I can only say, Nazr, the fabric you use is good for your scalp." not good."

"As someone with hair, I don't know what it's like to be bald." Nazr crossed his arms.

bass! In this team, the shortest man in white suddenly raised the weird spear in his hand, and turned to look at a man who had pasted many patterns of squares, plum blossoms, hearts, stars, etc. on his white windbreaker. Her hood slid down on its own, revealing a girlish face with a small silver forehead ornament.

"Please, mother~ (Hearts)" Bai Yi, no, the man in floral clothes spread his hands: "You said that I was not allowed to touch other people's beard and hair, but I strictly abide by it~ Hehehe (Plum Blossom)"

"Lily, don't worry about that clown—" Another girl in white who was similar in height beside the girl hugged her and said, "You said that there is a fight here that deserves to be dispatched by all. Where are the enemies? It's not those lying on the ground." Bar?"

"No, the enemy should be there..." Lily raised her hand and was about to point to the Shalidor Labyrinth when the ground not far from her suddenly exploded, and a terrifying giant dragon made entirely of skeleton broke through the ground, but the skeleton They were all scorched black and looked quite miserable.

"Mi-la-k!" It stood up, roared with unknown meaning, and then swung its claws suddenly to take a picture.

Ding! when! The two paws were blocked in the air by an unusually burly man in white and a slim woman in white.

"Milak? Sound familiar?" The hurricane caused by the bone dragon's movement lifted the hood of the second girl in white, revealing her yellow eyes and the pair of pointed canine teeth: "This Could the dragon be the unlucky dragon lord who was said to have been sucked away by the first dragonborn to steal the dragon's soul and the dragon's scales and bone?"


The bone dragon seemed to feel unbelievable that it could not suppress the two "ordinary humans" in terms of wrestling, so it increased its strength, but at this moment, a certain section of its spine fell out of thin air, and then it seemed to lose the key supporting building blocks The same directly collapsed down.

"The target is cleared, leader." The white hooded woman who was walking at the end of the team floated down from the air and said to Astrid.

"I've said it several times, Gabriela, now I'm not the leader... Forget it." Astrid threw away the dragon claw in his hand, and gave up trying to persuade this subordinate with firm eyes.

"Our goal is behind that white mist gate," said Jeanne Lily, the Night Mother and the current leader of the Brotherhood. "However, we have to find a way to enter, such as—that!"

Before the words fell, the little girl suddenly jumped towards the edge of the ruins, and then hugged a shadow tightly there: "I caught you! Reindeer!"

So no matter how you look at it, it's a horse... Wait?

Astrid took a closer look, isn't this exactly the Shadowmare she lost when she went to recruit Jeanne Darke?

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