The Collection of The End

Chapter 349 Mist and Ashes

My name is Akatosh,

This way of entering the venue... a bit familiar?

——4E, 201, Frost Moon, 5th, 19:43——

This time Arthur did not wake up in the "passage", and Arthur was quite regretful and fortunate about it.

After all, the ongoing "saving the world" is not very realistic. Alduin and his minions are currently quite weak, and all he has to do is to prevent the opponent's plan to destroy the world once it goes smoothly. interrupt.

In contrast, saving a friend who is clearly dying in the cracks of time is more fulfilling, even if she doesn't know it herself.

These wild thoughts were only a matter of a moment. When Arthur found that he was in the air after passing through the "vortex" and began to fall downwards, Arthur had to quickly find countermeasures.

There is no sun, double moons or stars in the "sky" above, there is only a huge and narrow "wound" that is faintly shining white light, as if torn apart by some weapon.

Below, as far as the eye can see, is shrouded in dense white mist, so the specific situation of the ground can't be seen clearly, it may be flat land or it may be a deep abyss.

Huh——Just when Arthur was considering whether to transform into a dragon, his body suddenly lightened, and his falling speed slowed down instantly.

"Don't act rashly," Zela Pesh, who appeared next to him, also used a slow fall spell for himself, keeping the height roughly the same as Arthur, and then said: "This place is different from Cold Harbor. If everyone is lost in the mist It will be very difficult to reunite if you are here.”

"Everyone?" Arthur looked around suspiciously.

Huh—huh—the figures of Amir, Lydia, and Sophie appeared beside him out of thin air, and Zela quickly stabilized the falling speed with a slow-fall spell for each of them.

"I was supposed to be the first to pass through as the anchor point of time and space, but there seems to be something wrong," she casually tidied up Amir's disheveled hair, then turned her head and pushed Sophie to Arthur: "Your Why is the weight of time and space greater than me?"

"Can I say that I didn't understand what you were saying at all?" Arthur spread his hands, and then took Sophie. Since she didn't face Alduin directly, it didn't matter if she didn't have to become a dragon.

"I don't understand either, I'm just repeating... the nouns in the book." Zela spread his hands like him, but it didn't look like it at all: "Anyway, it's going to enter the fog soon, everyone move closer."

"Wow, woof, woof! I'm going to die!" Babas appeared from a high altitude, and then fell down in a whirl. Arthur grabbed the dog with quick eyesight and quick hands.

The next moment, everyone sank into endless fog.


If the phenomenon of clouds or fog is not so thick and exaggerated, it is impossible to achieve the level of "blank in front of the eyes" and "not seeing your fingers". In most cases, it will only gradually shrink according to its concentration. within the viewer's field of view.

And this piece of fog that covers the entire "Songjiade" has an internal visibility range of about ten meters, which is enough for people caught in it to deal with most situations.

However, what surprised Arthur was that although the visible range near the surface was very small, the "wound" in the sky and the light it emitted were still clearly visible. No one needed to light torches or use lighting spells at all.

"Hmm...Scar of the Sky? Nicole Nicone?" Zela muttered two inexplicable words similar to a spell, and then completely ignored it.

"Baron, there are enemies approaching."

With the help of the slow fall technique, everyone successfully landed in a small forest, but before they had time to carefully observe the surrounding environment, Lydia had already raised her shield to block the front of the team.

"Oh?" Arthur put down Sophie, drew his sword out of its sheath, and looked at Lydia's warning position. Since this is Songgard, the enemy is of course undead. It should be dealt with with the "Sword of Oath and Victory" There are great advantages.

Then, a snow leopard, two elk, a wild boar, three frost spiders, five snow wolves, and a huge white bear came out of the woods, all of them had flame-like red lights in their eyes.

"This..." Arthur was very surprised, not because they were too powerful, or that these animals didn't fight when they mixed together, but because they were obviously the animals he killed after experiencing the Helgen incident.

"Can Sophie eat them?" The little girl grabbed Arthur's armor.

"No... not until Dad has checked them carefully." Arthur patted her little head.

"Wow! Strange, why are all these guys' hostility aimed at Arthur?" Babas's keen perception verified Arthur's guess.

"Maybe it's because I was a hunter before I became a baron?" Arthur temporarily suppressed his doubts, sheathed his sword, and folded his hands, summoning a purple elf longbow out of thin air.

"The spell model is too rough and won't last long." The chief mage of Winterhold commented.

"No way, two-handed swords are totally unsuitable for dealing with swift wild animals... Well, probably wild animals." Arthur drew his bow and arrows, and first of all, he nailed all three frost spiders to death with a three-star lance.

Then, Emil, who disappeared when Lydia said "there are enemies", appeared behind the snow leopard, and cut its throat with a single flash of the black dagger.

Chi - sand -

Contrary to expectations, the spiders and snow leopards did not fall to the ground after being killed. The red light in their eyes disappeared after suffering fatal injuries, but their bodies remained in the posture before death and were directly reduced to ashes.

"Ah..." Sophie's eyes widened, as if she saw someone wasting food in front of her.

Why is it so like a vampire's way of dying? Why can't we see their "death" at all? And what is the relationship between the blue fire in the eyes of ghouls and other undead, the yellow fire in the eyes of vampires, and the red fire in the eyes of "creatures" in this world? In the end, if they are really the wild animals that I killed, wouldn't it mean that...

"Woohoo!!" "Boom!" The sound of fangs colliding with the shield recalled Arthur, who was a little distracted. Only then did he realize that the wild boar took the opportunity to charge over, but was stopped by Lydia holding up the shield. Big doesn't look like an ordinary wild boar at all.

Just like what Babas said, the targets of these wild beasts were all Arthur. Even though Amir didn't stealth or stealth and killed the snow leopard in front of them, their next move was still to pounce directly because of using With his continuous arrow skills, he was unable to attack again in a short period of time.

Wild boars and snow bears attacked head-on, while snow wolves and elk relied on their speed advantage to circle around the team looking for opportunities.

"Wow, woof, woof!" Although it seems to have been strengthened in different ways, the deer is still a deer. Babas happily chased the two deer and bit them to death. After the light in their eyes went out, they also turned into ash.

Now is no time to hesitate and hesitate! Arthur slammed the "summoning bow" away, gently pushed Sophie away, then picked up the golden sword and rushed towards the two large animals that were hitting Lydia's shield: "Zera! Amy! Those wolves will be handed over to you!" You guys!"

"Tsk——Emil?" Zela sighed deeply, and with her sigh, a ring of frost spread out, just freezing the snow wolves in place without affecting the white bears and wild boars in front.

"...Completed." Amir's figure appeared behind several wolves like flickering. When she returned to Zela, the heads of those snow wolves had just flown up and turned into ashes in the next second.

"Ah..." Sophie's expression became more and more sad.

"Be good~ I'll eat this~" The female mage took out two donuts out of nowhere and stuffed them for the little princess who came to ask for credit and Sophie who seemed about to cry.

Although they may feel that this is a fuss and a waste of time, it is still a very necessary detection behavior. After avoiding dozens of attacks by wild boars and white bears and trying to be hit by them a few times, Arthur finally swung his sword Cut the two giant beasts to ashes.

The conclusion of the investigation is that the physical fitness of these "ash creatures" has been greatly enhanced, and their strength and speed have also been significantly improved. On the contrary, their physical fitness and defense have been weakened to the same degree, and they are neither undead nor demons, so they cannot inspire The special ability of the long sword.

For example, it is impossible for Arthur's demon armor to be marked by the fangs of a mere wild boar, but every time he is picked by this "ash boar", it must be a pit, and a normal giant snow bear will also It is impossible to be killed by the "Sword of Oath and Victory" that does not activate special abilities.

"This 'Songgard' is completely different from the legend." Even after the battle, Arthur did not put away his weapon, but put on a vigilant posture: "We must find a safe place, at least leave this forest."

"Then? Just follow this path?" Zela pointed to a forest path that had been neglected because he got into a fight when he first arrived.

"If there is a road, it means that people have walked, but if they become like these animals...can they still be considered human?" Lydia asked the same question that Arthur was worried about.

"If you don't know how to deal with it, just throw it to Sophie and eat it." Babas said irresponsibly.

"No, you can't feed Sophie something of unknown origin." Arthur flatly refused.

"Sophie hates Daddy!" The little girl poked her head out from behind Zela and yelled, before continuing to share snacks with Emil.

"Hmm..." Arthur would naturally not be offended by the little girl's angry words, but thinking about it carefully, Sophie was indeed safer staying with Zela than here, so he made a helpless expression and held the sword Go forward along the forest path first.

Due to the appearance of these "ash creatures", Arthur was not sure whether the environment of "Songgard" was the same as that of the main world, but at least the common sense should not be too different. That is the job his adoptive father was in charge of. According to observation, this path is often walked by people, so the "Forest Ranger Lodge" should be nearby.

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