The Collection of The End

Chapter 351 The Spider and the Robber

My name is Akatosh,


——4E, 201, Frost Moon, 6th, 08:33——

False Songgard, outside Jegrag's hut.

Looking at the "Hall of Valor" that he should not be able to see, Arthur found that the terrible fact that he had vaguely suspected before might have come true.

It was a majestic huge palace, but many places collapsed and damaged, and the whole exuded a rich, blood-like red light. Judging from the specific size of this building, it should have been impossible to be destroyed by a very far away Asian palace. They saw it, but it just pierced through the fog between the wooden house and it abruptly, making its figure appear in front of everyone's eyes, as if forcibly announcing to all the "wandering souls" in the fog: your The destination is here.

This operation is not what I thought it would be. Go through the "Well of Souls" to capture "Alduin" who is secretly absorbing souls in Songgard. During the period, there may be heroes from various periods to help, and the relationship was good before. The [Sgrammer] will definitely play a decisive role.

Obviously, the current "Songgarde" does not belong to the current era, it is the annihilation domain of "Alduin" who was exiled here by the "Three Warriors" from the ancient unknown era of reincarnation, a realm that has "ended" The annihilation domain of "has begun to recover due to absorbing the souls of the dead of the current era, and the "Alduin" that relies on it has gradually regained its strength.

It appeared in Helgen at that time, because it wanted to wipe out the leaders of the Imperial Legion and the Stormcloaks. If it could add the soul of its own "Dragonborn", it would probably be able to start a new round of "world devouring" immediately.

So Princess Emilia Septim, also a Dragonborn, would go around pardoning criminals who were about to be executed, and Zerah Pesh, the elf saint, would try to prevent anyone from dying because she knew that At this point, only myself, killing everywhere with various excuses without knowing it, and getting the title of baron for it is still complacent... They shouldn't have been quietly watching him mess up, and silently deal with the aftermath, right?

Arthur secretly glanced back at his companions, Emil couldn't see anything as usual, Lydia remained on guard, Babas and Sophie ignored, Zela's words... was looking thoughtfully at that The mirage-like "Hall of Valor".

"[This is a world that has been 'ended', nothing will be born, and nothing will perish,]" the avatar of Jegragh walked out of the cabin and said behind Arthur: "[When the new wandering spirit comes While here, a lot of them wanted to change the world, but ended up being a part of it after all the enthusiasm was gone.”

"What do you mean by 'becoming a part'?" Since this lady was like a statue of a god and demon, Arthur asked directly without politeness.

"[Lost memory, lost self, wandered forever in the mist of Songgarde, the only thing left is hatred for others, no matter how many times it is wiped out, this hatred cannot be eliminated.]" Jeglag's avatar replied.

I see... no, wait? "No matter how many times it is wiped out"?

"Jie—!" It seems that because the group was shocked by the "Hall of Valor", they stayed in front of the wooden house for a long time, and many pairs of eyes appeared vaguely in the surrounding woods, and the movement of joints and limbs was heard. Voice.

The next moment, a huge frost spider led its many younger brothers out of the fog and surrounded Arthur and the others.

The big guy at the Hanluo Temple? This Songjiade is really ruthless.

"Don't get close to these spiders - it almost corroded my sword at the beginning, it must be further strengthened now," Arthur reminded loudly, and at the same time used the "Summon Bow" spell to clean up the little spiders, and tried to go around Attack: "Its weak point is in the belly—uh."

Behind this frost spider,

It was another head with sharp fangs, exactly like the previous one.


“[This is hope, even if it is as thin as a spider’s thread,] After Arthur and his companions took a little effort to destroy the two-headed spider and turn it into ashes, the avatar of Jeglarg said: “[I will always Be by your side until your hope is extinguished. 】”

"Wow..." Babas was stunned: "I can so naturally express malicious words with kind expressions, I really want to know [Jegrag] himself."

"The reason why those 'wandering souls' lost themselves is definitely due to her." Lydia also agreed.

The black-clothed masked lady incarnation of the demon god did not respond at all to the words that commented on her.

"So, Arthur, what should we do next?" Zela Pesh used the whirlwind spell to blow the ashes back into the forest, and then turned to him.

Sure was different. Arthur looked at the female mage. Judging from Satya's information about her and her recent relationship with her, she has always been very strong and has a clear goal in major matters, and she hardly asked others. When it comes to opinions, it seems that she is very clear about how to achieve what she wants to do and there is no doubt about it, but she often consults other people's opinions on insignificant and life-related issues.

Of course, it is impossible for a person to have such a completely different personality. The only explanation at present is that she is not the so-called "former" saint at all, Ali-ai, or that [Akatosh] never gave up on her, She will be prompted for various embarrassing things.

But... Her previous strange style was inexplicably familiar and kind, but her current personality is a bit strange.

"In short, head towards the direction of the 'Hall of Valor ruins' first," Arthur made a decision: "I think that should be the key point to solve most of the problems in this world."


After a certain distance from Jeglag's hut, the originally dense forest suddenly disappeared in front of everyone and turned into a light red wasteland. In addition, different grounds are stitched together.

However, dense fog still gathered tightly around and visibility barely improved.

"Wow! There are no trees, so I'm in a good mood!" Babas circled the team twice to have fun.

"Well, at least it won't be as easy to be attacked as in the woods before." Lydia expressed his opinion from the tactical level.

"Dad, will there be anything edible here?" Sophie was concerned about things as usual.

"Well...although I hope there are, but they are obviously inedible guys." Arthur drew his sword out of its sheath.

The light red wasteland has no ups and downs at all, and there are only scattered stones on the ground. It seems that the road is smooth, but at the same time that Arthur made a fighting posture, the ground in front of him suddenly exploded, and five or six "humans" jumped out of the ground. .

Wearing tattered armor, carrying axes, mining picks and short swords in their hands, if it weren't for the bright red light in their eyes, they would look like ordinary robbers or miners.

Is this the bandit mine that he destroyed before he escaped from Helgen and arrived in Ximu Town? In this way... Arthur watched the movements of these "people" intently.

If the appearance is still human, then the movement fully proves their "non-human" status. When wandering aimlessly, even if they are tripped by stones, they will continue to move in the posture of falling down, no matter how Weird or twisted itself into something, and after they took two steps and noticed Arthur, they would immediately rush towards him with hands and feet, and even bumped their heads. At this time, only their faces were either cruel or cruel. It is only the expression of anger or fear that reveals the slightest "human" breath.

Crack! Arthur chopped the rushing "monster" into a pile of ashes with a single sword.

"It's a pity, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, unfortunately, I won't say these words that would directly or indirectly sympathize with you," Arthur drew his sword and turned around, nailing a guy who came close to the ground to death: "You guys To be treated like this after death is one's own fault and deserves no one's mercy."

Crack—crack—crack—As Arthur said, he cut all the approaching "ember men" into ashes.

"Wow?" Babas tilted his head in puzzlement.

"In Nairn, there are sixteen demon gods and eight holy spirits. Their priesthood and domains cover almost all aspects that human beings can relate to," Zela said: "Even a heinous villain can find willingness after death." Accepting his annihilation, there are only two kinds of people, who are not called people in the rules of the gods. After death, the soul will not be accepted by any holy spirit or demon god, and will eventually be attracted by this 'end' world."

"...I know a necromancer who uses black soul stones." Amir answered.

"And robbers," Lydia added: "In the case of a shortage of workers in the entire Tamriel continent, not only did they not work, but they robbed civilians in farms, caravans, and fishing grounds, and established a foundation based on this." The economic cycle of criminal groups, they are the most wanted targets in all territories, for example, Snowrun City has only 4,000 residents, and the number of robbers waiting to rob them in the wild is about 3,000."

"If the next enemies are all of this kind, we will be much more relaxed," Arthur retracted his sword and walked back: "Speaking of which, the number of robbers I killed during Xueman is..."

Boom! ! Boom! !

Heavy footsteps sounded, and it seemed that something extremely huge was approaching. Judging from the frequency of the sound, it was probably bipedal.

"This is... bad!" Arthur raised his sword in a parrying posture, frowned and looked in the direction of the voice, finally thought of something before the other party appeared, and then rolled to the side in shock.

Boom! !

An unusually thick giant wooden stick that was completely cut from a tree trunk slammed into his position just now.

Immediately afterwards, a giant who was obviously four or five times taller than ordinary giants and whose body surface was blue-gray appeared in front of everyone through the thick fog.

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