The Collection of The End

Chapter 352: Giants and Support

My name is Akatosh,

I seem to have found a way to hack in.

——4E, 201, Frostfall, 6th, 10:54—

"Ash Giant" - let's call it that - is a huge, powerful, invulnerable, almost unaffected by magic, and it is holding a huge and exaggerated petrified tree trunk. The most important thing is , Amir's special ability of "killing all living things" is completely ineffective against this kind of "ash creature" in a state of neither living nor dead.

Even if Arthur couldn't bear it and turned into a dragon and slapped it to death and turned it into ashes, the ashes would start to gather again in the next moment. Ember giants of weakened signs.

However, although this giant cannot be destroyed for the time being, it will only stare at Arthur and attack. Others only need to clean up the "ash miners" that crawl out of the ground from time to time.

"[Ah—————!]" The re-condensed giant waved the trunk and roared loudly. Its pronunciation was not very accurate, but as a giant, being able to speak itself was very rare.

"After finding a way, it's not difficult to deal with it," Zela said, looking at Arthur who was dealing with the giant, "but the problem is that its existence has blocked this wasteland area so that we can't leave, so we have to think about other things Method."

It's really not difficult to deal with, but it's just embarrassing. Lydia sighed softly as she looked at Arthur who was circling between the giant's legs and slashing the giant's ankles with his sword from time to time.

It was the guard's negligence to put the baron in danger, but she thought she couldn't be like Arthur who was always in the blind spot of the giant's vision, let it keep spinning, smashed around with tree trunks but couldn't touch the corner of her clothes at all.

As for "area blockade", Lydia is not good at magic, but since the chief mage of Winterhold said so, there should be nothing wrong.

"Wow! Let me tell you, Arthur can't hide in the blind spot if the giant lay down directly?" Babas commented rather irresponsibly.

"...shut up." Princess Emilia said to the dog in a cold tone.

"Don't worry, that guy doesn't understand what we're talking about." Babas raised his chin confidently.

"[A———————!]" The giant waved the big tree and continued to smash it, and it seemed that he had no intention of lying down at all.

"Speaking of which, we haven't tried to 'knock down' it yet. The previous few times we killed it standing up—" Arthur responded from a distance: "Lydia! Come and help—"

"I'm right behind you!" Lydia immediately picked up her shield and rushed towards Arthur.

"Wait, don't come to me just yet—" Arthur slipped between the giant's legs again, "Listen! I'm going to lure it in a certain direction, and you're responsible for keeping it from taking the second step— "

"As you wish! My baron——" Lydia stopped at a place far enough to charge but not within the attacking range of the giant tree, holding the shield.

"Hey! You idiot who mistook a yak for a mammoth!" When Arthur re-pierced, the sword pointed down and cut off two of the giant's toes.


Although the wounds immediately began to heal and regenerate like the previous few times, but judging from the roar of the giant, the effect of this attack attracting hatred is outstanding.

"Add bubble grass and wheat..." Zela, who was far away from the battlefield, seemed to be talking to himself.

Suffering from this pain, the red light in the ashes giant's eyes became even brighter, and it stared closely at Arthur, who no longer scurried under its feet after cutting out a sword, but ran away. It took a step and immediately caught up with him. Halfway through the distance he ran, if he took another step, Arthur would be within range of the giant log.

And Lydia wouldn't let it take this step. When the giant leaned forward and relied on one foot to support its weight, she raised her shield and charged directly into the facing bone of that leg.

Creak - click!

Accompanied by the jaw-dropping sound of bone fractures, the giant fell face down, even the ground trembled a few times.

"Nice job! Lydia!" Arthur turned back and stabbed the giant's back with his long sword.

At that moment, Lydia felt that time was infinitely slowed down, as if the phantoms of many acquaintances flashed by.

[Comrades-in-arms, Knights of the Round Table review begins (Seal Thirteen Start)]

[Confirmation] Septim said he was reading his big book.

[The enemy is stronger] Aila takes aim with her bow.

【It's Badass】Sophie and Ria are competing to eat.

[Not an Elf] The unfamiliar Hestra stands in the shadows.

[Confirmed to be a single challenge battle] The three Wilkas brothers cooperated with each other to fight.

[It's not for my own selfishness] Lydia saw herself raising her shield to face the dragon's breath.

[This battle is a battle to save the world] The figures of Jane Lasse and Satya appear.

[Go, Arthur. 】Craco Whitemane smiled.

Time returned to normal, and Arthur's golden sword that pierced the giant's back was shining brightly.

"【Oath and Sword of Victory! (Ex~calibur)】"

In the golden light gushing out like a tide, the fallen ash giant turned into ashes with no room for resistance, and just as the remaining clump of ashes tried to gather again, a fiery red spiral sword descended from the sky and directly nailed it in place .

"【I will always be by your side until the hope is completely extinguished.】" The avatar of Jeglarg appeared beside the newly born bonfire, smiling at Arthur.

"You..." "Oh!" "There is an exit! Let me go out first!" "Next time I believe in your teleportation spell, I will write the name upside down!" "Oh hehehe..."

Lydia saw that incarnation Shi Shiran took a few steps to the side, and then Arthur was crushed by a group of comrades who fell from the sky.

"[Welcome to Songgarde, the world after death, wandering souls]" The lady in black robe and eyepatch opened her hands to the members of the comrade-in-arms group who still didn't understand the situation: "[I am the God of Order'Jie Gragg', is also your guide.]”

That's all she can say, right?


Due to the appearance of the new bonfire, the fog around the battlefield was completely cleared, and the comrade-in-arms group, or the "Knights of the Round Table" who were casually made up by Arthur but recognized by certain rules, immediately took action.

Although he was surprised that Satya and Hestra also followed, Arthur trusted their analytical ability, so he began to introduce the current situation. The avatar lady who responds to the key words will be handed over to Septim to express the old man's routine.

In addition, since noon was approaching according to the time spell, the male members of the comrades-in-arms group began to build a simple camp and prepare lunch. Sophie, who could only look at the ashes animals all day and couldn't eat, was very happy about this.

"If Arthur is right, then I'm afraid we won't be able to act together with you." Satya didn't wear a maid's uniform this time, but a capable riding outfit, coupled with her calm demeanor, words and deeds, for her The rumor of the "Redguard nobleman of Hammerfell" added a lot of credibility.

It's not that I don't want to, but can't? Arthur didn't rush to ask why, but started to think.

If there is any difference between the two sides, it is the place and method of appearance and whether Zela can "confront Alduin". However, Alduin has not yet appeared, and the reason that can be directly seen and confirmed is...

"You... can't see this fog at all?" Arthur tried to ask.

"It's just one of the reasons." Satya nodded and shook his head again: "According to what you said, the 'Ash Giant' was encountered not too far away from the woods, so the woods should still be within sight. Yes, but we can only see the endless terracotta plain, the sky is very bright but there is no sun or any other light source, what can be confirmed is that if we follow you to that forest, we will probably think that the other party disappeared out of thin air."

"This..." Arthur was a little convinced when he thought of the strangely neat edges of the forest.

"Songjiade is [Shuer]'s domain," Septin, who had finished the routine, did not know if he had gained anything, and came over to join the conversation: "And Shure is the original two holy spirits 'time' Akka and 'space' 'In Rokhan, the incarnation of the will of a fragment of Rokhan, with little power, worshiped only by certain rare races, Khajiit, Argonians, etc."

"Sounds like it's weak?" Arthur was not very clear about the knowledge of the gods other than the Eight Holy Spirits.

"Hmph, it's enough to deal with us," Satya continued, "Simply put, although everyone is face to face and can contact each other, we are trapped on a boundless plain, and only you have the opportunity And the ability to defeat the 'Alduin' who controls this place... Hey, that Zela's discrimination magic is really effective."

"Hmm..." Although he suspected that the magic was not created by Zela himself, Arthur felt that it was better to keep silent for the time being.

"However, it's not that we can't help you," Septim implied, pointing to the flaming spiral sword that held the giant's ashes: "After you arrive at 'Songgard', we seem to be able to teleport there directly through it, but we can't be sure about that." What did the lady mean by 'a bit hot,' Flame?"

"Dad~ Let's eat~" Sophie waved her hand from a distance by the bonfire, and there was a faint smell of food. Obviously, the comrades who had never seen how the "bonfire" appeared took it as ordinary The bonfire came to use.

"After lunch, you can continue on the road. Don't worry, I am confident that I will take care of all the stupid boys in the comrade-in-arms group." Satya patted Arthur on the shoulder affectionately, and then hugged him.

Can't rest assured at all, Arthur thought as he looked at Ella, who was staring straight at this side, and Jane Lasse, who was full of eagerness.

Lydia, Amir, and Hestra completely ignored her as always. As for Zela, who seemed to have suddenly awakened herself... what does that thoughtful expression mean?

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