The Collection of The End

Chapter 353 Ember Dragon and Commander

My name is Akatosh,

My wit has already seen through everything,

Just mix some sand into it the next time Arthur calls for reinforcements—


——4E, 201, Frost Moon, 6th, 14:21——

Contrary to Arthur's expectations, the appearance of the "campfire" did not create an inviolable environment like the "Jegrag Hut" around it. After the "Ash Giant" fell, that walking style began to appear in the mist Very strange "ash human".

As soon as they appeared, they would rush straight to the bonfire. At the beginning, I accidentally missed one and let it reach the bonfire. I saw the monster rushing towards the spiral sword. Although it exploded immediately, the ashes under the sword were burning. The flame shrunk to a degree visible to the naked eye.

Since the members of the comrade-in-arms group came to "Songjiade" through this flame, no one can be sure whether they will be safe and sound after the flame is extinguished, or whether the difficult giant will be resurrected, so "all and Arthur walked until he reached the edge of the region" plan was stranded, and in the end only Ayla herself followed.

"Although your team configuration is a bit problematic, it's still acceptable." Ayla stopped and glanced at the four girls and a dog beside Arthur.

"I also really want to act together with Farkas and the other three brothers. At least I can use my status as a pioneer of the comrades group to order them to work without pressure." Arthur spread his hands.

If Sophie doesn’t mention it, no one will think of asking her to do things; Zela, as a mage, naturally can’t let her do physical work; Amir, “empire” and “princess”, these two words are enough, as for Leddy Ya, although she always talks about "Please order the Baron as you like", but if she is really ordered to do heavy work by this... Don't be despised by other companions, Arthur himself will despise himself.

"Babas! Go ahead and find the way!" Well, this is the only person Arthur can order at present, no, the dog.

"'s really a strange place." Ella stared at the earth dog and lost focus instantly after it crossed the "boundary line": "I can't see how it disappeared with my eyesight."

"The power of the demon god." In Arthur's eyes, Babas crossed a line between red and black, and rushed into a farmland with many withered crops: "Go back, be careful on the road."

"First of all," Ella shook her head: "Dogs can't see clearly, but people can't see clearly?"

"Well... as long as you're happy." Arthur nodded, turned around and crossed the boundary at a slow speed.

Due to the heavy fog, we can only see a small deserted village with dilapidated houses and ruined walls everywhere. The ground and cultivated land are mainly black soil, and the red color on the other side is the same. The Badlands are in stark contrast.

"——" Arthur could still see Ella shouting in place, but couldn't hear her words.

"She said, when you crossed the 'boundary', you instantly turned into countless very small golden light spots, Baron." Lydia followed closely.

"That's 'spirit transfer'," Zela said after crossing the border: "Everyone is 'qualified', and the test I specially conducted before departure is for this."

Hmm... Hasn't she realized that she has been under the care of the Holy Spirit? This kind of words that Arthur has never heard of can only come from the gift of the Holy Spirit.

"It's terrible." After crossing the boundary line, Sophie stared at the withered crops in the field.

Arthur took a second look at the crops. They looked like dead green onions and cabbages, so he resolutely stopped Sophie from trying to pull one out.

At this time, Ella turned around and left because she couldn't communicate with the boundary line. The last person to come in was Emil. She was stunned for a rare moment, and then said as if remembering something:

"...Oh, bad."


About an entire village being overrun by ashes-turned-necromancers,

It's not too bad, but the fact that the skeletons and ghouls summoned by them are not considered undead creatures makes Arthur quite depressed when he slashes and kills them.

At the beginning, Arthur was a bit puzzled that the princess would be afraid of these necromancers, until he accidentally failed to kill these monsters in a flash, and the unlucky necromancer's body was shot away, but his head stayed in place .

"..." Arthur looked at the head rolling towards him with gnashed teeth, and suddenly understood what was going on.

No wonder they don't stare at themselves and hunt them down like those miners and giants. It turns out that these guys don't know who killed them until their death.

"...Sorry." Emil refused to take the initiative, but kept sneaking behind her. Occasionally, some undead wandered around her, and they would be torn to pieces when they heard the princess's words.

I heard that she had been playing around in Skyrim Province with her guards before, maybe she was in this state, Arthur felt that she must be the truth.

Sophie had been repeatedly told not to eat the undead, so now she seriously smashed those ghouls and skeletons into pieces one by one with her small fists, while Babas and Zela mainly found and named those summoners one by one.

"The village has been emptied, Baron, and there is no sign of rebirth." With the strength of this team, even if those necromancers were strengthened a lot by "ashing", they did not constitute any obstacle at all, and they were almost wiped out. Then Lydia came back to report to Arthur.

"Everyone, be vigilant," Arthur reminded his companions, "One of the 'four things' mentioned by 'Jegrag' must be here, although it may not necessarily be a giant."

It is certain that these guys were indeed killed by Emil, but since the princess's dagger can kill almost anything, it is impossible to judge what kind of enemy they will be. With her personality, she should not provoke giants. , Could it be the snow troll in the northwest of Skyrim?

"[Blade-Warrior!]" The next moment, the high-pitched dragon chant from the sky answered Arthur's question.

Looking at Sophie, who had a pair of horns growing on her head and a thin tail behind her, Arthur just wanted to repeat what Emil had said not long ago—oh, no.


This ashes dragon, which is five times the size of a normal dragon, obviously recognized the culprit who killed it. It should be the princess who cooperated with the blade warriors to kill it. The warrior seems to have killed Thaloknir once under the misleading of Alduin, which is very troublesome. If the princess summoned the blade warriors, and there happened to be members who participated in that battle, Sophie would definitely have to worry about it. It's a mess.

"[Blade——]" The ashes dragon descended from the sky and rushed straight at Emil, but she remained motionless as if she was stunned.

Of course, Arthur didn't think she was really stunned, probably looking for an opportunity to kill it with one blow again, but I said before that these ashes creatures didn't eat her way at all.

He was about to transform into a dragon as he rushed to block the little princess, but this action was interrupted by a dark crack that suddenly appeared between the two sides.

Snapped! A huge sword wider than the city gate protruded from the crack, and slammed the dragon directly onto the ground. At the same time, there was a beautiful but extremely strong female voice: "What is the blade!"

"【——Warrior!】" After crashing into a large area of ​​houses in the abandoned village, the giant ashes dragon got up shaking its head. Although it was obviously ready to fight, it still couldn't avoid the next "crack" The fate of being slapped down on the ground again.

"What warrior!" The space rift widened, followed by a man with long black hair, wearing a purple full-body battle armor that seemed to have sparkles, and was lined with layers of lace skirts. He looked extremely beautiful but also felt extremely dangerous. The great beauty appeared in the void carrying the giant sword.

"[Knife——]" Boom! "Swordsman!" This time, just as the giant dragon raised its head, it was trampled on the ground by the purple armored woman who descended from the sky. The red fire in its eyes went out immediately, and then it remained motionless.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!" Even so, the woman didn't let it go, and swung the huge sword as wide as a city gate to slap the Ash Dragon's head back and forth several times: "Remember, our title It's 【Sharp-Eye-Eagle!】”

"Oh... that's terrible." Sophie unknowingly took back all the horns and tail.

Puff, rustle... The body of the giant dragon turned into ashes, and then tried to scatter in all directions as if fleeing. Unexpectedly, a certain flaming spiral sword fell from the sky again, stably inserted into the largest mass of ashes, and then slammed burn up.

"【Welcome to the afterlife Songgarde, Ms. Tuka Yagmi.】" The reappearing "Jegrag" raised his skirt to the purple armored woman.

The differential treatment is too obvious, this incarnation of the Holy Spirit!

"Hmph, don't worry, I won't mess around in this field of annihilation," Yagmi waved her hand, "It's just that this time, 'Princess is under attack by a dragon', 'Princess may be injured' and 'Princess may be injured' are triggered at the same time." Feeling scared' these three conditions, I had to make such a trip."

Not feeling that she was afraid at all, Arthur turned his head to look at the princess.

"... Sister Tuka? Did you come by yourself?" When Emil faced the commander, his words became a little more verbal: "But we need to keep people on the lookout here."

"I'm an army by myself... Huh, let's forget it this time." Yagmi swung his sword backhand towards the crack without looking back, and from there fell out the Parma wearing the sharp-eyed eagle uniform. Lasos and another man and woman whom Arthur had never seen before.

"Keep an eye on this fire. If it goes out, all of you will come to see me!" After Yagmi finished training the three subordinates, her figure suddenly became a little blurred. She clicked her tongue and returned to the crack in a few steps.

"And you, Arthur, if you dare to hurt little Amy—" The crack closed, swallowing the remaining words of the Grand Commander, but making her threat even more terrifying.

Speaking of which... Arthur thought belatedly that she was actually showing herself the way she treated the Ash dragon so viciously.

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