The Collection of The End

Chapter 354 City and Melee

My name is Akatosh,

Calm down, think about the best, although I can't control it anymore, but at least I still have a vest——

...I'm going to demolish the Hall of Valor.

——4E, 201, Frost Moon, 6th, 18:10——

Forests, wastelands, villages, after each "teleportation", the "Hall of Valor" that is far away but close in front of you becomes clearer. When Arthur "teleports" to a city again, the "Hall of Valor" The surrounding red light has already illuminated half of the sky—or is it thick fog?

Who killed it this time? After Arthur crossed the "boundary", he looked for things that could still move. After all, according to previous experience, the enemies in this fog were all "creatures" that the team members had killed. The country or annihilation can go, so it was captured by "Alduin" to transform and control it.

The shape and layout of this city are different from any city Arthur has ever seen. The houses inside are neither as rough as ordinary Nord buildings that can be built with only three logs, nor are they thick and artistic like dwarves or elves. They are built with a mixture of stone and wood. After ensuring the practicality and beauty of the ground floor, the tops of almost all houses point to the sky, as if they are proud of themselves, and they seem to be fighting for something.

"Wow! The human architectural style of the dragon empire?" said a dog of the demon god, and it recognized these buildings before Arthur, who had only seen these buildings in his dreams: "So this is what Alduin brought from ancient times. building."

"If it is intact, it may be of great archaeological value, but now..." Zela frowned as he looked at the city buildings.

Those buildings are entwined with countless twisted tree roots and trunks, protruding from the doors and windows, breaking the roof or protruding out of the walls again, every house seems to be covered with vines, but visually it is more miserable.

"...This time it's still me." Amir raised his finger and walked among the roots and branches. The "dryant" whose appearance is similar to that of a human, but whose torso is completely made of wood, looks even better when it is ashes. Like a few dead trees that can't move, they walk freely among the trunks, and stop at certain places from time to time to trim the trunks.

"It doesn't feel like it. They have already found us, but they turned a blind eye. They seem to think that taking care of those trees is the most important thing." Arthur drew his sword and looked around vigilantly: "I think there should be other enemies—— "

Hush - clang!

As Arthur was busy alerting the enemies on the ground around him, he ignored the top of his head. He didn't react until a giant sword pierced through the thick fog and directly pierced his head. Take a note.

The dense fog around "[War-friend-group-]" lightened slightly, revealing the true face of the enemy falling from the sky. It was a giant heavy armored warrior floating in mid-air, wearing thick armor that looked bloated, with a round shield in his left hand , a huge sword in his right hand, and a pair of bat-like wings behind him.

"The armed vampire lord?" Arthur got up, feeling quite surprised: "A vampire is not a living thing, is it?"

"I have studied the transformation ceremony of the vampire lord. The transformed person will be called a 'cursed person' before the transformation to success. If interrupted at this time, it will become a complete monster and can pass through Absorbing other nearby vampires to increase your size, although you will collapse on your own in the end because you can't control the power in your body, but before that, you will definitely cause serious damage—by the way, when did you interrupt this ritual?" Ze Ra turned to look at Arthur while providing Amir with spell support.

"It seems to be the case." Arthur thought of the weird vampire lord at Triwa Tower.

During the conversation, the Cursor was forced back a few steps by Amir, and then he spread his wings and rose into the air. Although he couldn't see his face, he could be sure that his sight was firmly fixed on Arthur through the helmet.

"[Comrades!]" A volley assault exactly like before.

"Baron! Attack with all your strength!" Arthur was about to avoid the assault and seek a chance to counterattack when he heard Lydia's low voice, judging that she seemed to be planning to block the attack for him, so he swung his sword vigorously and galloped away The coming Curser launched a counterattack.

Choke - crack!

At this moment, it seemed that even time slowed down. Before the two giant swords were about to collide, Lydia rushed directly between the two, swung the shield in her hand violently, and bounced back the curser's great sword, making him It directly turned into a state where the empty door was wide open, and then rolled dangerously to avoid Arthur's attack, and then watched the "Sword of Oath and Victory" split the "Binder" in half and turn it into ashes.

"Lydia! This is too dangerous! I order you as a baron, you are not allowed to do this in the future!" Arthur broke out in a cold sweat after beheading the Curser. Lydia, who always seeks a stable impression in everything, can make such a thrilling move.

"Follow your orders, Baron." Lydia said with a low eyebrow.

Seeing her attitude of clearly planning to commit another crime, Arthur only felt a headache: the last member of the team who didn't need to worry had also disappeared...

When the ashes of the Curser scattered away, the expected flaming spiral sword fell from the sky to fix it, but the "Avatar of Jegrag" did not appear.

"Obviously, there is more than one thing," Zela looked around. "If nothing else happens, the 'thing' that turns the city into this is our goal."

"In short, take a short rest and head to the city center." Arthur sighed and sat down by the campfire.


"I think, I don't understand what's going on here..."

After a short break, the adventure team continued to go deep into the city controlled by plants. As they got closer to the center, the number of ash creatures began to increase, but they ignored anyone in the team and focused on killing each other.

From the outside, the three warring parties are a group of grotesque human mercenaries with wolves who are also grotesque, and another group of strange mages wearing robes and black mist all over their bodies, plus five or six heads on the battlefield. A strange giant who rampages and kicks everyone whoever it encounters.

"Aww!" "Kill those heretics!" "Die! Everyone die!" "Master Mora send out sugar!" "Long live Somo!" The central square of the city, which was the battlefield, was full of chaos and noise.

The members of the adventure team looked at each other for a while, and then collectively looked at Zela.

"Look at what I'm doing? If I killed it, I definitely wouldn't deny it, but I really don't remember it at all." The female mage's eyes widened, and her pointed ears trembled.

"Hmm... so?" Arthur began to think.

"Wow! The mage is really powerful," Babas concluded, "you can kill so many people unintentionally."

"Oh..." Zela gathered a ball of spinning thunder in the palm of his hand: "I just invented a spell called 'Unintentional', do you want to try it?"

"Thank you for not being sensitive!" Babas ran away directly.

"In short, we have to get rid of this group of 'ash creatures'." Zela scattered the electric ball in his hand: "I can cast a large-scale spell, but it shouldn't be useful to those giants, and it will attract them in advance attention."

"Oh, you can rest assured that I am a professional at beating big guys." Arthur patted his breastplate and said confidently.

"If there's something Dad can't beat, I'll eat it!" Sophie interjected.

Although the others did not speak, they nodded in agreement.

"Then leave it to you." Zela opened her hands towards the sky, and a shining thunder circle appeared above her and began to spin.

At the same time, the fierce battle in the town square stopped instantly. Whether it was ashesed mercenaries, heretics, or giants, they all turned their heads and looked this way.

"Hey, this is different from what you said." Even with Arthur's courage, his eyelids twitched in fright.

"I can only fight." As if to comment on Lydia's words, the ashes monsters moved again, and rushed straight towards Zela as expected.

"How dare you say that you didn't do it?!" One ashen giant is fine, but here is a group? Even if the size is half smaller than the previous one, it is enough! Arthur didn't have time to think about it, he turned into a giant dragon and rushed out: "[You protect Zela well, watch out for those who slip through the net! ——Fus Ro Dah!]"

"It's really not me!" Zela yelled desperately even when she was charging up, and then a second parallel thunder circle appeared.

"Baron! There are too many enemies!" Even though Arthur blocked all the giants by himself in the front, there were so many mercenaries and heretics that it was impossible to stop them with only three people and one dog, even with the help of the terrain. The advantage is that the contact area is reduced, and it is not enough to kill one with every hit: "Would you consider letting Miss Sophie also transform—"

"[No—if you eat too much of this thing, it will become like them. That's how the giant dragon was transformed before!]" Arthur and several giants got into a ball, turning around and sweeping his tail to let out a dragon roar when he found time Reduce stress on your peers.

"Damn it..." Being at a loss, Lydia gritted her teeth and seemed to be about to use some tricks, but suddenly saw a gap in the ashes monster flooding in front of her, followed by a monster riding a weird black horse. The girl in white jumped out of the fault out of thin air.

"Successful positioning—" the girl shouted cheerfully: "Send a gift! Reindeer!"

"Oh!" "It hurts!" "Where is this?" "Ein Bjorn?" "I'm here." "Lily! Can you be more reliable!" "Hey hey~ (Hearts)"

A group of people named "Gifts", dressed in white clothes very similar to the girl's, were thrown out of the void by the black horse, and they just formed a circle to protect Zela.

Although they seemed to be confused about the situation, they immediately went into battle very efficiently, which greatly relieved the pressure on the members of the adventure team except Arthur.

"It's terrible." "...Oh, it's terrible." Sophie and Amir had almost opposite reactions after seeing the black horse.

"How is it, Zela? Are you satisfied with the gift I brought?" The girl rode a black horse to the side of Zela who continued to guide the spell, and asked with her head tilted.

"Wait for me to finish this, and then I will find you to settle the score." In Zela's intermittent words, the ring of thunder and lightning was superimposed to three layers, and a dazzling electric light began to flash in the middle.

"【Remind me to avoid before you throw the spell】!" Arthur's voice came from afar.

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