The Collection of The End

Chapter 355 Identity and Test

My name is Akatosh,

The world is so beautiful, but I'm so irritable, it's not good, it's not good.

——4E, 201, Frost Moon, 6th, 22:06——

Pseudo Songgard, the ancient city of Citadel.

Arthur was trying to straighten his hair by the campfire.

Thanks to Zela's "Lightning Storm" that killed indiscriminately, after transforming from the dragon form, his hair was all standing upright, looking like a blazing flame. When I was young, there was still a handful of sticks sticking up stubbornly.

As for the thunder itself, the effect was very good. Not only did it wipe out the ashes of mercenaries and heretics, but even the ashes giants who were not affected by spells fell into a paralyzed state, and Arthur took the opportunity to shoot them all to death. And a certain snobby avatar descended again with her spiral sword, and held the giants in their ashes.

So far, all the "four things" have been dealt with, but when Arthur went to the black-robed and silver-masked Jegglag to inquire about the next action, she would only repeat one sentence, "King, please ascend to the throne, everything As you wish."

What a bloody king! You obviously enjoy talking with other people, so can't you say a few more words to me? The Demon God of Order is amazing!

According to others, the reinforcements that appeared this time seemed to be the legendary "Dark Brotherhood", but they firmly denied it, claiming that they were a different "Brotherhood" from the organization that was destroyed by the Empire.

They can do whatever they say, after all, Emilia, whose father was assassinated, has no objection to it.

"...Anyway, they can't beat Sister Yagmi." Her Royal Highness said so.

There is a small problem here. The "Shadow Nightmare" used by the Brotherhood to penetrate Songgard is very close to the princess, and the members of the Brotherhood exchanged glances with each other, completely ignoring this doubtful point, which is a bit concerning.

What is even more interesting is the girl in white who came riding a black horse but called it "reindeer". Damn, even if he dresses like a clown and is always heh heh heh.

The girl who seems to be named "Lily" seems to know Zela, and they are quite familiar with each other, but Zela rarely gives people a face, basically ignoring the girl's fawning behavior.

It was inconvenient for Arthur to listen to the girls' whispers, and he was busy arranging his hair, so he could only analyze the few words they revealed. It seemed that Lily knew Zela before, and the two had even begged in the same place. However, by chance, one of them entered the Mage Academy, and the other joined the so-called "fraternity". The organization had paid a heavy price, and Zela had gone to great lengths to help her, and it was exasperating to see her still hang out with those "brotherhoods."

So, at what cost? She seems to be very energetic and energetic. She must have taken some medicine or been cursed by the demon god to make her smaller, hahaha how is it possible.


Judging by Zela's time-displaying spell, it should be close to midnight at this time, and it is time to find a place to rest, but the problem is that the city has not been restored to its original state because the "four things" were turned into ashes. Unwilling to rest in a house entwined with weird tree roots, and the dazzling red light of the "Hall of Valor" is already close at hand, Arthur, who gave up tidying his hair, decided to continue on his way.

This "space transformation" was very natural. After passing through a few blocks of the city, a wide river suddenly stopped in front of everyone. People can't tell the difference between the upstream and downstream liquids, of course it can't be water.

above the river,

Across a large bridge made of thick, strong, but rusty chains, and at the head of the bridge, stood a giant in black—literally a "giant" man.

He is three or four times as tall as an ordinary person, and his appearance can vaguely tell that he has Nord blood. He is bald, his eyes glow red, his skin is dark, and he is wearing black full-body heavy armor. , a pitch-black giant stick with dark red lines.

This shape gave Arthur the illusion that he would rush over with a growl "【A———————!】" in the next second, but after thinking about it carefully, he should have never seen such a person, even if he did. Impossible to fight let alone kill.

"[My name is 'Sun']," the pitch-black giant said with a voice like thunder: "[At the order of King Sgrammer to guard the 'Dragon's Back Bridge', responsible for testing the qualifications of those who try to enter the Hall of Valor, wandering souls , Report your identities before your death!"

This is interesting, Arthur thought, according to the incarnation of Jegrag, the wandering soul will continue to lose its memory, leaving only hatred, so how powerful the wandering soul must be to come here and remember what it was before it was alive thing? And judging by the tone and appearance of this big man, the "test" is obviously not something that can be solved through words. Finally, what is the correct way to answer this question?

"In the name of [Iulianos], the god of wisdom and logic, I am the head mage of the Academy of Winterhold." As if aware of Arthur's hesitation, Zela stepped forward and said.

"[Very good,]" said the giant, "[I will test with 90% of my strength.]"

Uh, so now is the time to move backstage? Well, if I must say so.

"In the name of [Sgrammer], I am the pioneer of the Comrades." Arthur said.

“[Very good, 60%]” the giant responded.

"Wow! In the name of [Calavicus Vile], I am his dog!" Barbas shouted along with the excitement.

"[…80%]." The giant was expressionless.

You dead dog!

"In the name of [Sgrammer], I am his shield guardian." Lydia showed the "relief" on her shield that was given by Sgrammer.

"[Seven and a half percent.]" The giant nodded slightly and glanced at Arthur.

Is this because the identity is repeated so the effect is weakened?

"In the name of Thalocnir and Sinestra—I'm Sophie." Sophie, who had secretly swallowed a dryad before and felt quite uncomfortable, interjected.

"[Seventy and a half percent.]" The giant seemed to think for a moment, but got nothing.

That is of course, what use is it in the name of parents? No, wait, if it was her, it would still work.

"In the name of [Akatosh]," Emilia said, "I am the princess of the Septim Empire."

"[Welcome, Your Royal Highness, I will test you and your partner with 50% strength.]" The giant bowed his head slightly.

Discrimination is too obvious! And why do you, an ancient being, care about the current empire?

"He doesn't value the status of 'princess'." Perhaps Arthur's expression was too obvious, Zela said to him: "The key lies in the first sentence."

"Wow! Actually, I just wanted to say that I was [Dagon's] dog, but I couldn't help telling the truth." Babas said dejectedly: "What a shame."

"In the name of [Dagon]," the earth dog's words seemed to have fulfilled a certain prerequisite, and a slightly hoarse girl's voice sounded: "I am his 'saint'."

Arthur turned his head and found ripples in the void beside Emil who had just made the princess declaration, and then a girl in brown leather armor walked out, playing with an ordinary-looking A razor that is unremarkable, but extremely dangerous.

If the information Arthur obtained from Satya is correct, this should be the uniform of the Thieves Guild?

"In the name of [Meridia], I am his 'Dawnbreaker'." Another blond girl also came out from the ripples. She was dressed similarly to the previous girl, but was generally light blue She wears a hard leather armor, and a short sword that emits a gentle light is pinned to her waist. The most special thing is that there seem to be six slowly stretching wings of light looming behind her.

"...Sapphire~ Xiaofan~" Amir's tone rarely revealed some joy: "Where's Illya?"

"Cut..." Sapphire seemed to roll her eyes: "We really think too much."

"Nothing, just 'you'." Xiaofan seemed to be very proud of it for some reason.

"That, in the name of [Nocturnal], I am her 'Nightingale'..." The girl who appeared at the end had long silver-white hair and red eyes, which made Arthur jump inexplicably, but she flinched His attitude immediately suppressed the beating.

" are also nightingales..." Ilya complained to the two friends who appeared earlier.

"Forget it, Lady of the Night said that we should distribute the Nightingale Bow, Nightingale Long Sword and Nightingale's Power, but all of them went to you by ourselves. We'd better play our own game." Sapphire played a trick with the dagger, He raised his hand and pointed at "Sun" on the bridge: "Are you the demon god who is going to kill this time?"

"Hey, why do I think it has a tendency to be undead?" Xiaofan turned the dagger in his hand, which became more and more dazzling, and stared at the black giant: "The red eyes that don't know their own death? What a pity, [Meridia] What I hate is all 'non-living things', no matter blue light, yellow light or red light, they are all within the destruction range of this 'Dawnbreaker'."

"[10% strength]," the black giant "Sun" completely ignored Xiaofan's threat, nodded, and picked up the giant stick beside him: "【Come on! Only by defeating me can you be qualified to meet the king!】 "

As soon as the words fell, he swung his stick suddenly, and his whole body suddenly turned into a black whirlwind and rolled towards the crowd.

"Boom!" After hearing him say "10% strength", Arthur, who tried to face the force head-on, swung his sword and slashed at the whirlwind. As a result, he was blown away without any resistance as soon as he touched it.

You said it was 10%? What about the basic trust between people?

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