The Collection of The End

Chapter 358 Divination and Farewell

My name is Patient Zero.

I received a poem.

——4E, 201, Frost Moon, 7th, 12:34——

The comrades-in-arms group went in, the sharp-eyed eagle went in, even Joan of Arc Lily from the Brotherhood and the Nightingales from the Thieves Guild went in, but I couldn't get in.

[Thinking about it, you are like the big superman in the Justice League, once you appear on the stage, no one else will play. 】

"Could it be that I'm being smashed in the face by kryptonite and a red sun?"

[There is nothing that can limit you, now you just fall into the ‘God Paradox’. 】

"I have solved that stupid paradox!"

It is meaningless to complain about the stupid system. After several failed attempts, I decided to temporarily give up on checking Arthur's actions. In any case, if they fight "Alduin", I will definitely feel it.

So I walked around the Hall of Valor twice and started feeding "Dragon-Akatosh". By the way, I took pies and smashed "Tifeg" to play. Well, the foreign version of "Meat buns beat dogs".

Well, Tifeg is a werewolf, yes, after death, he was sent to the kingdom of the hunting god Hircine, but now it belongs to me, right? After all, as the veteran of the comrades-in-arms group, he said that he wanted to come to Sgrammer to plead guilty, so he couldn't refuse.

However, Sgrammer seems to be a bit demented, sitting on the throne of the Hall of Valor without moving. gone?

"Well, the head of the grave... the tomb... the tomb... the burial...buried in the earth?" I seemed to think of something, but I was not careful.

[On the point of transforming into a vest, you are quite similar. ] The stupid system makes complaints at the right time.

"It's so noisy! Believe it or not, I'll change into her school uniform!?"

[Is this Miss Pao's? And it's the wrong color. 】

"That's right, what I want is her 'Special Attack on Vending Machines', I'll hit it!"

【Woooooo...I'm not a vending machine...】

Uh... wait, this is not my courtyard, messing around here won't damage [Akatosh]'s image in Sgrammer, right?

I casually threw a smoked fish to the "Dragon-Akatosh" who was begging for food. I looked back and saw that the ancestor of mankind was still dazed on the throne, it was okay.

So, bring your thoughts back, if buried in the soil... soil... ground... underground?

"I remembered, when I was incarnated as 'Zera Pesh' to fool the Thalmer envoy, the vest of 'Divinator Duran' was still there, even if Zela awakened her self-awareness, she couldn't use it , but I can still." I said to the stupid system.

[Hmm... are you sure? Due to the awakening of the two vests of Zela and Night Mother, under the self-correction of "Dragon Po", "Duran the Fortune Teller" is now equivalent to the "Tower Spirit" of the "Mage Tower" of the "Mage Academy". 】

The stupid system unfolded a three-dimensional perspective view of the Mage Academy in front of my eyes. Below the academy, "Divinator Duran" has connected all the magic wells, providing teachers and students with daily mana recovery and supplements for teaching and experiments.

"It doesn't seem to be very important. After all, there are no important subjects in the Master Academy that require a lot of mana. It doesn't matter if it is less."

[I must explain that when you gain control over it, it is equivalent to returning those magical energies to 'nature', which will cause a temporary surge of mana, allowing most of the ongoing magic experiments to achieve unexpected great success or fail. ] The stupid system opened a batch of small windows for ongoing experiments next to the three-dimensional perspective view.

Well? Guiluo? Margaret? And Hibilly Sdent and Papa Toftil who came from afar? Even Movas Pirien is there?

If they accidentally destroy their research... Then, when regaining the control of Fortune Teller Duran,

Wouldn't it be nice to keep their magic experiments stable?


Click! Boom boom boom——

The Mage Academy soared into the air, flaunting a circle over the Imperial Legion and the Stormcloak camp around Winterhold, and then tore a big hole in the void and rushed in directly.

"..." I have nothing to say about this.

[According to the analysis of the remaining information, they are building a brand-new magic system, consisting of two self-contained spell circles of "gold, wood, water, fire, earth" and "earth, water, fire, wind, thunder" Nested with each other, due to insufficient output, only one can be activated at a time. Although a new spell system has been formed, it is not too powerful, but...]

"However, I got involved, and the nature changed directly, didn't it?"

[When you control the 'Divinator Duran' and maintain stability for their experiments, it is equivalent to the world acknowledging the existence of these two magic systems. The original 'insufficient effort' immediately becomes 'excessive force', plus Actually, they were already working on how to make it fly, so one took advantage of the situation... um. 】

"I think Mrs. Collier will be so angry that she will resign." Think about it, the landmark buildings of Winterhold flew away directly, leaving only scattered village houses by the edge of the pit, such a lord is not appropriate.

[Has been tracked down to "Duran the Fortune Teller", it has no entity, it is purely composed of a magical energy and name, so it failed to gain self-awareness after being out of control, but similarly, the information that can be obtained from it is also extremely limited. 】

"Okay, so what does it say?"

[Uh, the text I received was a bit strange... I can't remember where I saw it at the moment. 】

"What's the use of you! Remind my sister?"

[Reminder: Received a divination poem from 'Nyon Nosturan Angel's Automatic Notes', and will read it aloud soon. 】The mechanical female voice reminding my sister sounded without any hesitation.

God damn fortuneteller Duran! Isn't this still gaining self-awareness! The main body no longer knows where it went!


[An important part of the calendar is missing, and the forgotten month will be mourned grandly. 】

[Under the performance of the orchestra in mourning clothes, the moon in November of the lunar calendar moves steadily. 】

【The chrysanthemum withered and withered together with the leaves, lying beside the blood-stained fiery eyes. 】

[Even if there are only half of the remaining partners, your superior position will still stand. 】

[Enjoy this intermission, and find new partners. 】

[You can go east when you start, and you will definitely meet someone waiting for you. 】

The voice that reminded my sister stopped, and I was already stunned.

This poem is nothing special, and it should be familiar to anyone who has read some of Mahjong King’s works, but the problem is that it is unclear in the plot of the original work, making it difficult to guess what it is talking about.

But when it appeared in front of me verbatim, the malice in it almost overflowed.

"Missing a part of the calendar" obviously refers to the time jump when I took them through the realm of oblivion, and "the forgotten month" and "the moon that runs smoothly" are naturally the incarnations made by those months.

"Fiery Red Eyes"... I made this "Illya" into the shape of another "Illya" purely out of spoofing, but it hit the red heart?

"Only half of the remaining partners" and "the position is still standing" are of course referring to that guy Arthur, can't he keep a few friends after so many cheats on him?

"Intermission" refers to me, maybe it refers to the rest time of "Akatosh" after eliminating "Alduin", or it may mean that I am going to take a little vacation after finishing the world of the ancient scrolls, but if If the things in the first two paragraphs really happen, I'm not in the mood to take a vacation, "go east", "new partners" and all have to be sidelined.

"Hey, stupid system, tell me how can I enter that fake Songjiade? Don't say there is no way," I grabbed the little black dragon who felt wrong and planned to escape: "It's like I can't know the thoughts of mortals in this world because of that It’s like killing them, if I really do it, before they die, I will undoubtedly get the information I want from it—let’s say, what needs to be destroyed to get there? This Hall of Valor?”

[No, it’s the entire Songjiade,] After a few stumbling blocks in the stupid system, the words finally became fluent: [In other words, if you define the current Songjiade as 'false' and the other as 'true', you will naturally Arrived on the 'true' side. 】

"Huh? It doesn't sound difficult, why didn't you say it before?" I let go of my hand and touched the head of "Dragon-Akatosh" next to me.

[Destroyed together are all the heroic spirits in the entire Songgarde. 】

"..." My hands froze.

Hell, the choices of the minority and the majority are separated by a whole world, how can Kiritsugu's dilemma be moved?

"Then, Long Po..." I frowned and thought about it.

【You should know that the dragon roar of 'Dragon Break' is to harm 'Akatosh' itself to achieve its goal. Those small changes before are okay, for you, it is the degree of thorns in your hands,】 The stupid system replied: [If you want to keep all the heroic spirits from ancient and modern times from being harmed in the disaster of 'switching the Hall of Valor', which is similar to the collapse of the plane...'Akatosh' will die. 】

"I will not die." I, the will of the world, is strong and invincible.

[But the pain... Forget it, it’s useless to talk about it,] the stupid system flapped its wings: [If you really decide to do this, then 'Akatosh' will disappear completely. How about other Elder Scrolls worlds? Clear, but this one you have been here, no matter how many times you reincarnate, there will never be a 'Dragon of Time' appearing again. 】

"Anyway, the doomsday elements are almost collected, and the remaining time is enough to save those idiots. Who knows what they will trigger will kill more than half of the group." I patted "Dragon-Akatosh" Head, signaled him to go away.

[If you insist, then do it.] The little black dragon in the form of a stupid system flapped its wings and flew away: [You know what to do. 】

How do I know—oh, it seems like I really know.

Slightly closing my eyes, my body began to emit a bright golden light, and it slowly floated up. Those heroic spirits in the Hall of Valor who were eating and eating without realizing it at first cast their gazes over in surprise. Sgrammer on the throne seemed to feel What happened, stood up and knelt down on one knee and gave a chest salute.

Hmm... Although the environment is very unsuitable, I still can't help but think that Sister Pao's outfit couldn't be more suitable. Safety pants are the greatest invention in human history~

I raised my hand, opened my five fingers and pointed my palm straight to the sky, and a golden beam of light that was more dazzling than the Hall of Valor itself fell from the sky.

[The time of farewell has come, so let's abandon the world! ] (The Time of Parting has Come, She is the One who Lets Go of The World!)

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