The Collection of The End

Chapter 359 The End and the Beginning

My name is【】,

I am【】.

——4E, 201, Frostfall Moon, 7th, 18:00——

False Songgarde, the burning Hall of Valor.

In the form of a giant dragon, Arthur, who was covered in bruises, was protecting the dying little white dragon Sophie, watching the scorched "Sgrammer" walking towards him slowly but firmly with a giant axe. , behind it appeared a shadow like a giant dragon.

Arthur now regrets his previous choice very much, if he had known it would be like this...


Obviously, [Sgrammer] himself was calculated. As the center of Songgard, how could [Alduin] not have any control over this place? Letting Sgrammer contact this ashesed body and speak is also to let Arthur and the others relax their vigilance, thinking that this is just a test for Sgrammer, and subconsciously thinking that "God-Alduin" can easily deal with it and deal with it Attack.

When Arthur tentatively launched an attack on it, "Sgrammer" did not start a similar ordeal-like battle with him as expected, but laughed and raised the pitch-black "Ursrad" The mist that permeated the entire Songgard was inhaled into the body, as if Arthur's attack triggered a certain precondition.

Feeling bad, Arthur continuously used the dragon roar "Open the Sky" on the fog, but with little effect.

As the mist was absorbed, there appeared in the Hall of Valor as well as the comrades guarding the spiral swords, the sharp-eyed eagle, the brotherhood, and the "incarnation of Jegragg".

Unlike others who were eager to ask "Is that the enemy?", the avatar of Jegrag "saw" the "Sgrammer" and said only one word: "[RUN]!"

If it was Arthur at this time, he would naturally do so without hesitation, but at that time he asked stupidly, "Didn't you ask us to come to see the king?"

Even through the blindfold, Arthur could feel Jeglarg's anger, helplessness, and regret for failing: "[The Sgrammer you know must be a willful idiot.]"

After finishing speaking, she held the spiral sword upside down and rushed towards "Sgrammer" who was constantly absorbing the mist, and the black-armored giant, who was originally focused on absorbing the mist and completely ignored the attack, retracted the ax as if he had some scruples. Blocked Lady Incarnation's attack.

Before Arthur called everyone to attack, "Sgrammer" turned the ax from blocking to attacking at a speed that didn't suit his size at all, and the avatar of Jegrag, who had just been blocked from attacking, couldn't make any response She was chopped off by an axe, and she turned into a pile of ashes in the air, and the spiral sword fell to the ground with a bang.

"[Run away, leave this world alone...]" Jeglag's voice quickly became smaller and farther away.

Arthur wanted to escape at the time, because as the lady turned into ashes, all his partners and comrades in arms were wrapped in an unusually thick "death vortex", and it was not surprising that they would die in the next second. "Degree.

But looking at the comrades-in-arms group "Knights of the Round Table" who were gathering towards him, the sharp-eyed eagle who instantly protected Emil in the middle, and the members of the brotherhood who had already launched an attack on "Sgrammer", even if the order to retreat was issued immediately, it would be too late. late.

In any case, how do you know the result if you don't fight it? Arthur raised the golden sword in his hand high towards the black giant.

"[Sword of Oath and Victory]!"



The black giant swung his ax down, interrupting Arthur's flash memory. He took Sophie away in a hurry, but he couldn't leave the burning Hall of Valor because thousands of ashes surrounded him in darkness monster.

They flocked to the broken Hall of Heroes one after another, completely ignoring the width of the Dragon's Back Bridge, and fell into the abyss non-stop, and those few monsters who were lucky enough to rush over, even if the cracked gap was large enough, they could not step into the heroic spirit. inside the hall,

Can only scream outside.

Although Arthur doesn't understand the purpose of those monsters, at least it can be confirmed that even if he dies in the Hall of Valor, he will not become a wandering spirit like the one outside. Grammer", maybe there will be a turnaround.



At that time, after absorbing all the mist, "Sgrammer" was indeed a lot stronger. The wind pressure brought by the swing of the giant ax left fierce ravines on the ground and walls, but it attacked the people around it. The Brotherhood members were helpless, and it was obvious that by the time it cut to "Jegrag", the maximum speed was fully mastered.

Arthur's "Sword of Oath and Victory" successfully left deep scars on its armor, and even black mist overflowed from it, which seemed to anger it, or gave some kind of hint, "Sgrammer" He suddenly poked the giant ax on the ground, released a large mist to cover himself, and then ignited violently in the next moment.

The members of the brotherhood who were caught off guard were ignited with the same black flames as "Sgrammer" and were blown away. Among them, the Argonian, werewolf, dark elf lady and bald old mage were completely reduced to ashes without any reaction , the blond female leader and the clown were almost burnt to charcoal, and then the nightmare horse Lily was riding was collected into its own black mist space. A pair of bat wings flew up and let out an angry roar.

"Damn it! Avoid the flames on it! Is there a ranged attack? Ayla? Septim's hint?" Arthur tried to chop Sgrammer's arm to prevent him from continuing to attack with the axe.

The comrade-in-arms team cooperated tacitly with each other, and immediately changed their formation when they heard the words, and protected Ayla, Satya, Jane Rasay, and Septim behind them so that they could carry out bow and arrow or magic attacks—now that I think about it, Arthur would rather they The response is not that fast.

"Sgrammer" is not a beast or a monster at all. It completely ignored Arthur and other heavy armored fighters standing in front of it. After jumping up suddenly, it sprayed a large burst of black fire towards the center of the comrade-in-arms guards. Huh? Stella and Septim expressed that they were the first to be burned into a pile of ashes, but when the old mage died, he extinguished the flame in some way, so that Satya and Jane Lassey who were affected next were only killed. Shi Hua was immobilized, and Ayla was unharmed.

Ella turned into a werewolf angrily, and rushed forward, but before taking two steps, the black mist left on her body burst out suddenly, petrifying her and the three Wilkas brothers.



The giant ax slashed down again, and Arthur rolled and fled in the direction of the throne of the Hall of Valor, avoiding the petrified position of the comrades-in-arms group.

Since Jegrag put him "on the throne," there must be something special there.


When the flame on "Sgrammer" was extinguished by Septim through self-sacrifice, and it turned to petrify the werewolves of the Comrades through the fog, Princess Emilia appeared on the back of the black armored giant , swinging the ebony dagger towards its unprotected back neck, while sharp-eyed hawks such as Parathos, Des and Eastin Fulvo attacked its knees and ankles to attract attention.

Arthur, who was charging head-on at that time, was still thinking, there is no fog and no flames, this time it must have no other means, but the next second, the black armor suddenly cracked, turning into countless sharp spikes and shooting around .

The sharp-eyed hawks didn't even have a chance to react, they were directly pierced and turned into ashes. Amir's position was not directly hit due to lack of armor, but the spikes turned around and stabbed at her after a certain distance. , she seemed to hesitate for a moment, but still firmly stabbed the dagger downward.

At this moment, Arthur in the charging state could do nothing, he could only see clearly what happened at this time with an extraordinary reaction.

Lydia raised her shield in front of her, deflecting almost all the spikes and clearing the way for him to charge.

Sapphire's figure riddled with holes appeared behind Amir, and left a sentence, "Dagon's razor can't kill this guy, what a pity..."

Zela was casting a spell with Illya, and Xiaofan waved "Dawnbreaker" to intercept the flying spikes, but she had already been hit by several of them.

In the next moment, Zela and Illya's magic enhancements were added to the ebony dagger that Amir finally stabbed into the giant's neck, and the princess of the empire, the leader of the Thieves Guild, and the "Sgrammer" who had no armor turned into With the burning torch, Xiaofan collapsed, while Zela and Ilya lost their strength and fell into a coma at the same time.


Then, right now, facing the black mist, flames, and "Sgrammer" without any armor, Arthur suddenly transformed into a dragon and wanted to tear it apart, but he picked up the black "Wusla" If it wasn't for Sophie who also turned into a dragon to block the fatal axe, Arthur's dragon head would have been almost chopped off.

Since this degree of injury would probably die immediately if he returned to a human, Arthur could only take his daughter to dodge in the Hall of Valor in the form of a dragon. Fortunately, "Sgrammer" is now charred all over his body, moving slowly, and When the film cracked, he held the belief that "it must last longer than it" and hid in hiding, refusing to pass out.

Eventually, Arthur reached the throne where Sgrammer had been sitting and carefully moved himself up, but nothing happened.

Lily riding the "reindeer" and Babette spreading the bat's wings kept harassing the dark giant, but it ignored it and walked slowly towards Arthur.

"Everything is as you wish?" Arthur said to himself while holding Sophie who finally couldn't hold on and fell into a coma: "Could it be that my wish is to see the world destroyed and everyone die? That's obviously [Kirei]'s. Wish... wait, who?"

Boom! !

Before Arthur could think of anything, the roof of the Hall of Valor suddenly collapsed, pressing the "Sgrammer" not far away directly below, and through the roof, one could see a very familiar building floating in the air, and it had just been The crack in the sky it passed through was still glowing faintly, and the ashen monsters around the Hall of Valor scattered away in terror.

Winterhold Mage Academy? When I first saw its shape, I thought it was quite strange. Can it really fly?

However, before Arthur could figure out how to ask for help and save his surviving companions, the phantom of a huge black dragon soared into the sky from the collapsed ruins. With its giant jaws closed, it gnawed away a small half of the Mage Academy. Stalled, spinning and falling into the distance.

As if absorbing some important energy, the phantom of the black dragon in the air quickly changed from virtual to real, and within a few seconds, it became the "world" that Arthur had seen in his "dream" with the shadow of its wings covering the sky and the sun. Devourer".

Alduin glowed red, staring at Arthur with huge vertical pupil eyes, and said the first words since the start of the war: "[I said, I will destroy you, 'The evil of this world '.]"

It is also the last sentence.

At that moment, Arthur seemed to see golden meteors falling from the sky.

——[The time of birth has come, use this to correct everything! 】(The Time of Birth has Come, She is the One who Masters All!)——

——4E, 201, Moon of Sunset, 7th, 18:00——

Songgard, Hall of Valor.

"[Good job! Use the 'sword marks in the sky' left by Talos to hit that stupid dragon in one fell swoop, this time it will probably stop for hundreds of years, come on, do it!]" the glittering golden Sgrammer and Ya Ser touched his glass, then laughed and walked away.

Wait... I... Arthur frowned and thought.

He led the partners he met on his adventure to break into Songgarde occupied by the "Eater of Worlds", and successfully sealed it with everyone's help. The process was safe and sound, and no one died as a result.

It sounds like it's going to happen...but...

Arthur frowned and looked around.

Members of the "Brotherhood" in weird white clothes are communicating with several similarly shaped golden spirits, while Jeanne Lily rides her "reindeer" around.

The friends of the comrades-in-arms group are being surrounded by a group of seniors of the comrades-in-arms group. Except for Lydia, everyone is a bit cautious. Septim expresses that he is having a good conversation with the old man Fidel among the three warriors.

Satya and Nazr stared at each other, and Hestra and Babette held hands and said something.

The sharp-eyed eagle bodyguards stood obediently in a row, watching Princess Emilia chatting with the legendary Martin Septim.

Sapphire sat at a long table in anger and ate and drank, Xiaofan laughed at her from time to time, and Ilya was at a loss.

From the huge window of the Hall of Valor, you can see the mage academy floating outside. Zela Pesh is pressing her ear at the gate, looking at the sky and communicating with the people above. Lily was pulled off her horse when she flew by. hold on.

What happened to the ancient dragonborn Mirak? A girl with a silver-haired plaid skirt came to show her affection?

"Wow! Look who I found?" Babas' voice sounded, and Arthur looked around, and saw a very familiar old hunter, Uther.

"Father, father!" Arthur was surprised: "I thought you..."

"In the field of hunting? Haha." The old man Uther laughed loudly: "Although it is a bit far away from Songgarde, I think you will definitely become a hero, so I rushed here a long time ago."

Speaking of which, in the world of Nirn, apart from being picked up by the Holy Spirit after death, people will arrive at a specific annihilation domain according to their behavior in life, and they are very far away from each other. If you want to visit, you need enough perseverance, reason and courage. After all, the environment in most Annihilation Domains is not very good, and there will be demons wandering in remote places.

"Dad, should I call him Grandpa?" Sophie tugged at the corner of Arthur's clothes.

"No, then I'm dead...just call Grandpa Uther." Arthur patted the girl's head.

"Grandpa Uther~" "Good boy~"

He seems to have forgotten something, but he can't remember... When the grandparents and grandchildren communicated, Arthur looked around to find the source of this sense of discord.

"[You did a good job, Dragonborn,]" Another golden heroic spirit in armor appeared in front of Arthur: "[I don't really care whether I am worshiped or not, please find a way to stop those fanatics after you go back. believer.】"

"As you wish, Lord "Head of the Holy Spirit" [Talos]." Arthur responded with a smile.

No, the "Head of the Holy Spirit" is not Talos, but who is it? He is...she is...

Because Talos was tall, when Arthur raised his head to respond, he suddenly saw a strange starry sky with shining constellations and stars. At this moment, the doubts in his heart were answered.

——She is 【Akatosh】.

The scene of the Hall of Valor was instantly shattered like a broken mirror, leaving only the empty starry sky.

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