The Collection of The End

Chapter 360 On the road, Gongzhou encounters a tiger and a bear

ache ache ache ache—

I was in so much pain that I wanted to roll on the ground, but luckily I managed to get out of bed before then with great perseverance.

"It hurts, it hurts—"

Decisively roll on it.

【Where does it hurt? 】The stupid system asked ignorantly.

"Aches, aches, aches! Wings hurt!" He continued to roll.

Long Po has been used too much, the overall feeling is as if the scales of the whole body have been peeled off, grow out, and peel off again and again without stopping. Cool.

【Where did you get your wings? 】


I turned over and got up, and looked around.

This is still my familiar small courtyard, but the red wasteland outside and the golden Hall of Valor have all disappeared, and what appears outside the courtyard is the familiar strange starry sky, and the stupid system is no longer the appearance of a little black dragon, but has changed back to the Red cube for warning sign.

That's right, after I broke through the realm of true and false and reached the false Songgard, I first caught "Alduin", and then used "Dragon Break" to save all the heroic spirits and the group of fools who were about to be wiped out. The Dragon "Akatosh" itself no longer existed and left directly. It stands to reason that there is no "Dragon of Time" that needs to bear the damage of Long Po.

"The pain just now was a hallucination?" I touched the back with my backhand, and there was nothing wrong with the wings.

[Of course it's a hallucination, 'the wings hurt', puff, don't you feel ashamed? 】

"Xiao え る flight machine cloud servant たちは see send っ た ~" I raised my hand to make a piece of background music, and pulled out a microphone with a stand out of thin air.

[My own people! Don't talk! ] The stupid system flew far away.

"Come back! I won't sing, what about the summary of the last world?"

Hmm...Actually, I can't sing "The Poem of Birds" at all. It would be boring if I got a teleprompter.

【Well, this, wait... It seems that someone took the opportunity to make trouble at the last moment...】

This stupid system has been watching my jokes and not doing business?

[Hint: Established an alliance with Hermaeus Mora]

[Hint: Obtain the doomsday element: 'knowledge']

[Hint: Obtain the priesthood: 'Fate', 'Astrology', 'Divination'. 】

Remind my sister to start swiping the screen in the air.

Hehe, I guessed that the poem "Duran the Fortune Teller" was the work of this guy, because he is an evil demon god, and he couldn't shrink back except for sending Milak out to explore the way, because he was afraid of being shot to death by me , the result is that he succeeded until the end.

The priesthood and doomsday elements are also full of slots, when can knowledge cause doomsday? Knowledge alters your fate?

In addition, what does this guy mean by running to the Hall of Valor in a grand manner? Demonstration? Don't you know that Xiu En loves her so much?

[Hint: Alduin was defeated]

[Hint: Obtain the doomsday element 'Alduin's Breath'. 】

[Hint: Obtained the priesthood: 'Dragon of World Destroyer']

The doomsday element and priesthood are quite simple and clear, but I can't think of any other world that would allow a dragon to destroy the world.

[Hint: Received gifts from Jegragg and Talos]

[Hint: Get the priesthoods 'Order' and 'War'. 】

Sure enough, they were not satisfied with delivering the courier. The "Scar of the Sky" they saw before was probably cut by Talos.

Boom! While thinking about it, a puff of smoke exploded out of nowhere in front of me. It was originally gray and dull, but after a few seconds, it became white and fluffy, looking like... cotton candy?

"Hmm...'Alduin's breath'?" I held the ball of "marshmallow" and looked up and down, yes, the evil in this world is chocolate, and Alduin's breath is cotton candy. So that stupid system is still a foodie.

[This...that...] The red cube floated back in time.

"Hey, here," I threw the marshmallow over, "You've already eaten 16 doomsday elements, and you're still thinking about this, and you're not afraid of eating it—oh yes, you don't have a stomach."

[Evolution and upgrade, no amount is too much~~] The red cube directly grabbed the "marshmallow" and began to "suck" it in.

"Restore the original function first! You can wait for evolution and upgrades." I talked to the stupid system while watching a series of reminders to my sister.

[Reminder: The Faith Points harvested by 'Akatosh' have been converted into 'Free DNA Points', which can be used in other worlds. 】

There are really people who believe in Akatosh, a dragon god who does nothing.

[Reminder: An error occurred when recycling 'The Evil of This World', 'Zera Pesh' became the new will of the world, the recovery failed, and 'Night Mother' could not be recognized. 】

You two are really good at...

[Hint: Successfully recovered the remaining 'evils in this world': 'Arthur Pendragon (???)', 'Emilia Septim (???)', the original identity has created a substitute Evolve by itself. 】

Hmm... instead of these two guys who are in the Shura field anytime and anywhere? Good luck to you.

"What do those three question marks mean?" I interrupted aloud.

[Hint: The spirit foundation code cannot be recognized. 】

At times like this, it is necessary to see through Joan's real name... no wonder! Isn't it Ryunosuke and Amir!

[Hint: Additional recovery of people who meet the conditions for leaving the world: 'Babas (Karavikus Vile)' and 'Ledia Balgruf'. 】

I won't mention that fraudulent demon god... Lai Mei is indeed related to Lord Xueman! You usually take care of the lord's children in Longxiao Palace, right?

[Hint, integration of annihilation domain——]

【A problem has been detected and System has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer】

【If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen, restart your computer. If this screen appears again, restart your computer again】

I was thinking about how to place them, when I heard a "boom", outside the small courtyard, the entire starry sky turned into a deep blue, and no matter where I looked, there were always a few rows of English stubbornly appearing in the field of vision In the middle position, however, through that layer of blue, we can vaguely see the brighter stars outside, proving that it is ourselves who have the problem.

In this case, you don't need to think about who is at fault.

I turned back to look at the stupid system, and as expected, the original biochemical warning signs had disappeared, all six sides of the cube had the same error message in English, and there was still about half of the "Alduin's breath" outside that hadn't been sucked in.

#What should I do if the system eats too many blue screens, wait online, urgent. #

Generally speaking, the computer should be restarted, but where did I get the computer? Computing Ji does have one.

"Uh, remind sister? How to solve this situation now?" I asked tentatively.

There must be a reaction, and it must not be really just a reminder. The stupid system must be lying if it says that she made it with V's software.


The stupid system stubbornly reports an error.

[Tip: The system has recovered from an unexpected shutdown. 】

Sounds of nature!

"Remind sister! Is there any way to fix that stupid system? No, you first make an avatar and let me hug you!"

[Hint: The system is looking for a solution online. 】

As always, prompt the sister to ignore questions and instructions directed at "herself".

Well, that's right, if someone goes to talk to Miku or Luo Tianyi, it's impossible to expect them to reply, right?

"Hey... wait, online?"

[Reminder: The network function has been repaired by using the priesthood 'Web Weaver', 'Chain Reaction', and 'Group Awareness'. 】

[Reminder: The solution has been found, tell 'System' to close 'explorer' to upgrade, and wait for the upgrade to complete. 】

"Oh..." I didn't understand: "Then turn it off?"

[Reminder: 'explorer' is the system program manager and file explorer, and the identification code in the system is 'patient zero', patient zero. 】

"...huh? Wait?" That's not me! ?

[Hint: 'explorer' tried to end the process by itself, and the access was denied by the system. 】

Thank you, Her Majesty, for not killing me!

[Hint: The solution has been updated, put 'explorer' in the background and wait for the 'System' upgrade to complete. 】

"Sister, dear sister, can you describe it in a way I can understand?"

[Tip: Create a fully conditional random 1V1 map and defeat online opponents. The time required should not be shorter than 500 years, and the avatar cannot be used during this period. 】

Ah... I vaguely understand, I just try to free up the doomsday element resources to upgrade it. I used the evil of this world to open 16 computers at a time, maybe it was overheated.

"How slow is the CPU of that stupid system! Five hundred years ago, monkeys jumped out from under the Five Elements Mountain!"

[Tip: If you want to start the game, please click the confirm button. 】

Following her sister's voice, on the ice-blue globe that had disappeared on the map of Nirn Continent, the "Doomsday" button reappeared.

"Well, remind sister, although it's random, it shouldn't be a problem for us to cheat quietly, no, it can't be considered cheating, that is, when choosing the doomsday element, try to use the one that will not cause casualties to humans, that's okay." I said. Tried to bargain with the tip sister.

[Hint, the cheating fragment has been embedded. ] Reminding my sister to agree very simply.

Very good, very good, if there is no accident, it should be the happy worm or the Christmas virus, this thing spreads without any pressure, and will not be detected by the epidemic prevention department.

I raised my hand and pressed the "Doomsday" which was purple due to the blue light all over the sky. It seemed that it was completely random and didn't let me choose the starting country? Whatever it is, based on my experience in both worlds, it is absolutely within reach.

The globe spins rapidly, and prompts appear line by line.


【Game Mode: Online 1V1】

[Doomsday Element: Orangutan Flu]

[Map Type: Random]

【Map Size: Random】

This doomsday element... It's okay, as long as you don't take the initiative to evolve fatal symptoms, it will have no effect on humans. Instead, it will make them smarter, and you can also use it to dig holes for your opponents.

[Hint: 'Orangutan Flu' has already infected the first 'Monkey' in 'Huaguo Mountain' in 'Aolai Country', because it is unstable and cannot adapt to a humid environment, you must use DNA points to evolve it to infect more Many monkeys. 】

What the hell! !

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