The Collection of The End

Chapter 361 A Madness 500 Years Ago

My name is……

Uh, actually, I don't know what identity I am now.

After clicking the "Doomsday" button, I fell into a strange state. If I focused on the "game" that the globe was playing, I would not feel my existence at all, and if I suddenly wanted to see What happened to the stupid system upgrade, when I turned my head to look at it, I found myself sitting on the rocking chair.

Schrödinger's patient zero?

Although the reason is unclear, that block to me is probably equivalent to a certain liaison officer who must keep talking to Gudazi in order to confirm the existence of the spirit after the transfer.

It's a pity, I still want to take this opportunity to leave it and remind my sister to be together.

"Speaking of which, is there such a thing as the will of the world in Journey to the West? Or are there two contradictory ones?"

[Hint: 'Buddha' and 'Tao'. 】Prompt my sister to answer.

"..." I don't think I'm like the side that spreads the gorilla flu.

It doesn't matter, whatever, whatever.

Speaking of orangutan flu, the location where it infects "Monkey Zero" is "Huaguo Mountain" in "Aolai Country", which is about the location of Brazil on the world map.

I thought about the scene of monkeys dancing samba for a while, but it was visually unacceptable.

[Hint: This world is divided into four major continents, Dongsheng Shenzhou, Nanzhan Buzhou, Xiniu Hezhou and Beiju Luzhou. 】

"Oh, Eastern Kingdoms, Pandaria, Kalimdor and Northrend."


It is very embarrassing to remind my sister to ignore my funnyness completely. If it is a stupid system, it will probably pop up and tell me that this is a Buddhist term. Those continents are not as far away as Azeroth, otherwise there is no mana. Brother Hou couldn't get across on a raft, and the shortest distance between Nanzhanbuzhou and Xiniuhezhou was just a quicksand river.

Then I complained again, explaining that Azeroth is only two minutes away by boat, and the stupid system complained again, but your boat to Northrend was stranded on the way for two years...

There is no end to this hypothetical, so I turned my attention to the globe to see what "Monkey Zero" was doing.

The first thing that pops up is the floating details panel.

【Proudly come to the country】

[Population: 451,800, number of infections: 0]

[Apes: 47,000, number of infections: 1]

[Characteristics: wet, rustic]

Well, it is a small country in Brazil, which is near the sea and mainly focuses on hunting and fishing.

Therefore, it is meaningless for some people to take Journey to the West word by word to analyze where each country corresponds to. The "Tang Kingdom" is nothing more than that.

After a while, the panel disappeared, and the screen began to look down at a monkey jumping in the woods at a 45-degree angle. It was taller and larger than ordinary monkeys, and its fur was as white as albinism, but it seemed to be very energetic. Has been running, it seems that the rapid spread is expected.

Well, not to mention that this time, in order to save resources for the stupid system, I can't come in an avatar, even if I can, I don't want to become a monkey.

After monitoring "Monkey Zero" for a while, I found that there was a serious error in the selection of the infected target and my judgment just now. After a while, other monkeys will come to attack and drive them away, and they have to flee again.

"Sister Reminder? What's the matter with this guy? Even a fight with the monkey who came to drive it away can complete the transmission." I watched the white-haired monkey being driven away from a distance again, and couldn't help asking Sister Reminder.

[Hint: This ape once lost in a 'Monkey King Challenge', it didn't face up to the challenger but directly surrendered to the challenger, so it was rejected by all the monkeys who knew about it. 】

"Oh..." I seem to have heard,

When the monkey changes the monkey king, will it kill the predecessor? So the target of orangutan flu can't be regarded as a wrong choice. At least this monkey surpassed its ordinary companions in terms of IQ.

So now, I am looking for options that can evolve...

"Can significantly increase the IQ of apes, turn their irises green, and not trigger an immune response"? What does the second half of the sentence mean? Forget it.

[Hint: 'Porilla Flu' has successfully evolved the special ability 'Ape Nervous Origin'. 】

[Hint: 'Porilla Flu' has successfully evolved the special ability 'Resistance to Moisture Level 1']

In this way... hey hey? Where are you going, big monkey?

——Year 1——

Dabai was leaping among the trees, it was busy avoiding those same kind that were chasing and killing it.

Branches, vines, tree trunks, and strange rocks could not be obstacles to its progress, while the large group of monkeys chasing behind gave up chasing one by one because they failed to cross various obstacles. Turning his head and roaring, he ran away in fright.


It gave itself the name Dabai. It thinks that it is "bigger" than other monkeys, and its coat color is "whiter", so it calls itself "Dabai", but it has no way to tell other monkeys this name, even if it tries hard. Expressing this meaning, those stupid monkeys would just squeak and squeal in search of "big things" and "white things."

In order for those monkeys to call it correctly, Dabai intends to improve the communication method between the monkey group that only relies on gestures and barking. For example, specific calls and tones can represent specific meanings. Monkey king in a small lake.

However, this job seems to be a bit difficult, until Dabai, who was addicted to it, was challenged by a golden snub-nosed monkey he didn't know, and only half completed it.

According to the tradition of the monkey group, the "Monkey King Challenge" is generally initiated by a young and strong male monkey to an aging monkey king. One of the two will inevitably die, and the winner will wear the blood-stained crown.

However, if it remembers correctly, the condition for initiating the "Monkey King Challenge" is that the strong male monkey snatches the monkey king's favorite mate and makes provocative actions. did it?

At that time, when Dabai threw down the dead branch used to write and draw on the land and looked at the golden monkey, he was almost unhappy. The golden monkey gathered all the female monkeys in the monkey group together regardless of their age. , and then kept shouting "Come and hit me" and "You old bastard" at Dabai.

Well, don’t talk to the monkey who can’t even speak enough, it still has to continue to study the language. At that time, Dabai directly put on a "I admit defeat" posture and turned his head away. For some reason, he was chased and killed by the monkeys of the whole monkey group , Is that yellow hair so inciting?

Therefore, there is a long way to go to promote the common monkey language. Even if it meets a familiar monkey and wants to ask the reason, there is no way to communicate with each other. According to the rules summarized so far, they basically say "white monkey king" and "catch back" ""You must die", then the ghost will be willing to go back with you.


After yelling away the little monkeys, Dabai stopped by a stream and began to seriously think about what happened while trying to catch fish.

Well, the so-called "one must die" rule in the "Monkey King Challenge" is actually not as important as imagined. If the new monkey king can't kill the predecessor, at most he will not be able to command the monkey group well, and he It didn't cause any harm to it in the battle, so it should have no effect on its force to subdue the monkey group.

And, to be honest, I just don't want to have the same knowledge as it. If I really fight, I can beat the golden monkey all over the ground with two branches in my hand. Among the monkeys, the smarter and stronger Dabai possessed more than a little bit more fighting power than them.

So, what is the reason for the siege of monkeys...

"Aqiu!" Dabai suddenly sneezed.

At this moment, the whole world in its eyes was covered with a layer of faint green.

Originally, there were only trees in his field of vision, and the ape Dabai, who was fruit, monkeys, and ferocious beasts, saw more when he looked up and looked around.

This mountain forest valley where many monkeys live is just a part of a majestic giant mountain. Far away from this forest is a cliff as smooth as water. There is a pair of red giant birds standing on the cliff like flames. A strange horse radiating colorful rays of light, covered in scales, and with two horns on its head was lying at the bottom of the cliff.

Farther away, in the mountains and forests that I have never been to, golden pheasants, cranes, elks, and spirit foxes are running around.

And on the top of this huge mountain, there is a huge boulder standing abruptly. In Dabai's eyes, it is obviously just a stone, but it attracts his attention more than other exotic flowers and plants, rare birds and animals. Moreover, that The pale green covering the entire field of vision flowed like smoke and was being absorbed by the strange stone. The curious Dabai walked involuntarily towards the top of the mountain.

After broadening the field of vision, the thinking becomes more agile, so many things are naturally figured out.

The winner of the "Monkey King Challenge" will get everything of the loser, and the golden monkey has obviously heard about his extraordinary force, and if he wants to get it through the challenge, at least he must know what it is, but he completely ignores it and directly That's why he persevered in ordering the group of monkeys to hunt them down.

As for the follow-up behavior of other monkey groups... monkeys like to imitate the actions of other animals, and it is even more handy to imitate their own species, isn't it?

If it had been figured out a few days ago, maybe Dabai would consider teaching them how to use stick weapons, so as not to always come to disturb him from inventing languages, but if he dares to come now——

Dabai, who was walking along the creek, picked up a dry stick beside him, and with a light swing, he knocked a fish in the stream high into the air, and at the same time he caught it, he said Out of the language I just invented:

"If you don't beat your face, you won't know why the flowers are so red!"

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