The Collection of The End

Chapter 365 Receiving the Canopy in Fuling Mountain

Yuan Hong drove away all the monkeys who were joining in the fun outside, and ordered Marshal Ma and Liu to keep them away from the pool, and then jumped into the waterfall with the half-dead golden gibbon.

Speaking of which, I just opened the spiritual aperture for "Monkey Zero", but why is it suddenly much stronger? Not only did he give himself a similar name of "Yuan Hong", but he also had a pair of wooden sticks in his hand, and he was invincible among monkeys.

"Remind sister, is it the mountain top or the rock-like monkey brother that has any influence on it?" I asked the prompt sister while watching Yuan Hong's actions from a 45-degree bird's-eye view.

[Hint: No communication between the white ape and the spirit stone has been detected, but the spirit stone has eight holes and nine orifices, which can breathe out spirit energy to nourish the stone fetus. If the IQ is sufficient, one can learn the practice method from it. 】

Oh, OK.

"You stupid yellow hair, how can you attack the fairy cave? If the owner of this place is as stupid and stupid as you, all the monkeys and grandchildren on this huge mountain of flowers and fruits will be turned into ghosts!" Yuan Hong said to him as he walked. The golden-haired ape scolded.

"How would I know—" the yellow-haired monkey "General Beng" seemed to want to refute, but his language was not very fluent, and the scene in the Water Curtain Cave also proved Yuan Hong's words.

I saw that the cave behind the waterfall is very large. If all the monkeys were allowed to come in to play, it would not be too crowded if there were five or six thousand monkeys. As a fairy cave, of course it would not be a bare cave. It chose a suitable location. Stalagmites and stalactites are used as pillars, and stone-like materials are used to make walls between the pillars to connect with each other. There is a huge house with three entrances and three exits, and there is a huge stone standing on the place where the screen wall of the main entrance should be. On it, there is a red letter on a black background: "Huaguo Mountain Blessed Land, Water Curtain Cave and Cave Sky".

All the furniture in this "house" is made of stone, but there are no traces of chiseling. At first glance, it is transformed by magic, and it seems that the evacuation was a little rushed when the monkeys were raiding, and many traces of life have not yet been found. Erase completely.

"It's strange... It seems that something is missing." Yuan Hong stood in front of the stone tablet, frowning and thinking.

When patrolling the Water Curtain Cave before, the Golden Retriever's "General Beng" tried to attack Yuan Hong more than once, but was suppressed lightly by him every time. At this time, he was panting and doing nothing but talking. Planning to do it: "Lack of food? If the original owners here are immortals as you said, then they don't eat fireworks at all."

"Lack of research materials!" Even though I knew the monkeys couldn't hear me, I still said to Yuan Hong on the screen: "As a research institute, there are no results or reports, which is obviously abnormal, since there is no time to deal with the traces of life. , there should be leftover or missing reports somewhere!"

[Prompt: The remaining test record manuscript has been scanned, do you want to translate and read it aloud? 】Remind my sister to be as awesome as ever.

"Then read it... No, forget it, it must be very long, make it into a document and let me read it myself."

With the sound of swishing, a text appeared in the corner of my field of vision. I saw that Yuan Hong seemed to be planning to turn around for a while, so I zoomed in on the document and started reading.

"Experiments on the Oriented Cultivation of Monsters Using 'Ningshen Pill' and the Current Main Achievement Report", authored by Taibai Jinxing.

Hey, doesn't that sound right?

I kept scrolling down the document, ignoring the weird terminology and the explanation of the relevant experimental design, and only looked at the results report.

"...The experiment of version 1.0 of 'Ningshen Pill' failed. Two [deleted] and one [deleted] turned into phoenixes and unicorns respectively. After being identified by the elders of the two clans, although they have the appearance of phoenixes and unicorns, their souls still remain. It is [Deleted] and [Deleted]. Currently, these three auspicious beasts are kept in the corner of Huaguo Mountain.

His original racial records were deleted upon request. "

"...The effect of the weakened version of 'Concentration Pill' 2.0 is as expected, and all [deleted] spiritual energy absorption directions are developing as expected, but no monsters have been born in the affected groups. As of the report submission date, The reason is still unknown."

"...'Ningshen Pill' version 3.0 adopted reorientation on the premise of enhancing the efficacy of the drug. Since it was only aimed at apes, the experimental results perfectly met expectations. [Deleted] gradually appeared in the monkey group, and the experiment will continue. Until something new happens."

"...'Ningshen Dan' version 3.5 has a mutation, and the IQ of the infected monkeys has increased significantly and broke through the isolation network of the research institute. All members must immediately destroy the test data and evacuate."

Documentation interrupted.

"What is this 'Concentration Pill'?" Leaving aside the records that have been translated into modern documents, I now have an unbelievable guess. Could it be that Taibai Jinxing has always been so kind to Brother Monkey out of some compensatory psychology?

[Reminder: 'Concentration Pill' is a kind of elixir invented by Tianting. It was originally designed to 'customize' monsters, but it was abandoned due to a major mistake in the process, and has been transformed into 'gorilla flu'. 】

Yes, the doomsday element this time has its own history, and that "MonkeyKiller" probably isn't a good thing, a fake great sage has a long way to go.

At this time, a blue bubble popped out on the world map, and I subconsciously raised my "hand" to pop it.

[Hint: Break the 'research bubble' to get DNA points. 】


——Year 1——

Eight hundred miles downstream of the Liusha River, there is a country named Wuge. There are many ethnic groups in the country, and the languages ​​are not the same. There are also names for the country such as "Wuge", "Wuhuan", "Usi Zang", etc. The people's customs are sturdy, Kill people at every turn.

Affected by this folk custom, there are many monsters in this country, and there are many people who are bloodthirsty and disrespectful of the world. The Jade Emperor was impressed by the performance, so he ordered Marshal Tianpeng and his 80,000 sailors to go to the Liusha River to perform. The emissary told him that he could "do it cheaply".

Whenever a celestial army travels, whether it is climbing the clouds or riding the wind, it only needs to set up a formation outside the Nantian Gate, and the heavenly king, Xingxiu and other celestial generals will lead it in front of them. When the orderly army suddenly appeared, he was so frightened that he had no choice but to capture them without a fight.

These 80,000 heavenly soldiers accounted for eleven of the heavenly soldiers, but they were quite different. They neither played with the wind nor stepped on the clouds. At the time of the struggle, the Tianhe River had no intention of making waves, and all water did not dare to make waves. They caught each other in the sky above the Liusha River and used their swords to jump up and down, scaring the demons in Wusi Tibet tremblingly and not daring to show their heads.

If a brave mortal counted the warships on that day, he would find that there were only ninety-nine ships, and the whole army was scattered, as if there was no leader to command.

At this time, Marshal Tianpeng, who was not in the army, was heading for a place called "Fuling Mountain" in the territory of Uzang on the flagship "Jackdaw" of the navy.

"Marshal, this mountain has excellent geomantic omen. Anywhere in front of the mountain and behind the mountain is the Ziqi Dragon Cave. Everyone in Uzbekistan is proud to be buried here. Because it can bless future generations, it is called 'Fuling Mountain' , although there are no dead souls here, but there are many tomb robbers, bloody battles break out with the tomb guards from time to time.

"I know, you step back." Standing on the bow of the canopy marshal raised his hand to disperse the phantom of the adjutant.

I saw that the Canopy Marshal was nine feet two inches long, with a wide mouth, a leopard head with ring eyes, a dark face, a curly beard, wearing a golden helmet and armor, a white cloak over his shoulders, and a nine-foot nail rake in his hand.

It was originally a wild wild boar in the human world. After being recruited by the Heavenly Court, it was incorporated into the Tianhe Navy. Because of its bravery in combat, it was repeatedly promoted. It took less than a thousand years to be promoted to Marshal, which can be called unprecedented.

This ugly face was fabricated at will during the transformation. At that time, the canopy didn't pay attention to it, but now I regret it. You must know that the first face of the transformation is the real face, and no matter how it changes afterwards, it will be seen through by the gods. In addition, when choosing a weapon, an ugly rake was chosen, which made fairies and goddesses stay away.

This time, the "drill" canopy, which originally only needed to use a dozen warships to achieve its goal, ordered the entire army to dispatch in order to find a reason for its flagship "Jackdaw" to lower the limit, because the "Jackdaw" Without a crew, the canopy can control the ups and downs of its navigation, although the combat effectiveness at this time cannot be praised.

A few days ago, Yuelao, who had never had much contact with Tianpeng, approached him quietly and told him that "there is a peach blossom blooming in the Fuling Mountain of Uzbek Tibet." "End", but it does not prevent the canopy from making preparations for this "blossom appreciation" operation.

"Heh, mortal." When the warship was searching the mountains of Fuling Mountain, the canopy could inadvertently see the battle between the tomb robbers and the tomb guards. The perceived mortals are still fighting each other endlessly.

After patrolling for a while, I found nothing. Seeing that the sky was getting dark, the canopy was about to return, but I saw thousands of colorful lights from a cave high on the cliff. I drove the warship to see it, but it was a phoenix nest. There is a phoenix tree, a glimpse of Liquan, and some practice. On the wall of the cave, there is a big seal that seems to be left by a bird's claw, and the three characters "Yunzhan Cave" can be vaguely discerned on the canopy.

The one emitting thousands of colored lights is a bird's egg that fell from the phoenix tree, and the colored lights are still shaking continuously.

When the canopy was at a loss, the egg suddenly split open, giving birth to a scarlet bird, a chicken beast, a swallow's jaw, a snake's neck, a turtle's back, a fish's tail, and colorful rays of light scattered around it, about four feet high.

But seeing that the bird's eyes were not opened, it walked to the side of the Liquan to drink water with a step, and then pecked at the canopy, looking up and down, as if perplexed.

"You—" the canopy was about to speak, but the bird's body suddenly became bright, and it turned into a young girl with silver-white hair and red eyes, wearing a pure white dress that was woven like feathers. With little expression on her face, she stared straight at the canopy and said, "Little girl [Fu Ling], I have seen my husband."

"I'm not, I never..." Although Tianpeng was amazed, he refused to deceive the ignorant, so he wanted to refuse immediately.

"Do you know what is the mysterious bird of destiny?" The girl interrupted the canopy to defend, and continued: "The Phoenix family, every time they are nirvana, they all know this worldly fate. If you are not willing to take me away at this time, you can leave on your own, and when I succeed in cultivation and kill all the tomb robbers here, I will arrest you as a backdoor."

"The thing I hate the most is those who are 'born to know' like dragons and phoenixes..." Canopy sighed, and reached out to Fu Ling: "If you insist, then follow me."

The girl held the hand of the general, followed him to board the warship, and suddenly said: "The Phoenix clan has a rule, if the spouse is philandering, the other party has the responsibility to burn him to death."

"Yes, yes, just burn it." Tianpeng agreed casually, and set up a boat to join the navy fleet.

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