The Collection of The End

Chapter 366 On the Ridge, Go Against the Yellow Wind

【Proudly come to the country】

[Population: 451,800, number of infections: 129,000]

[Apes: 47,000, number of infections: 37,000 (upper limit)]

[Characteristics: wet, rustic]

It is already the second year after the "orangutan" flu was cast. As I expected, some hunters from Aolai country went to Huaguo Mountain to hunt, and after being played by monkeys, they returned with "orangutan flu" , but because they are human beings, they will not trigger special effects at all. They just spread it to monkeys outside Huaguo Mountain by the way, and because this country is dominated by fishing, those fishermen who have been wandering on the sea all year round Not very infected.

Yes, that's right, I couldn't help but turn on the acceleration, if the stupid system didn't go to upgrade, it would probably jump out and refresh the screen with "True Fragrance", and the prompt sister just confirmed it once and didn't say anything.

I'm not going to make excuses for myself, but watching a group of monkeys slowly relocate, slowly build houses, slowly build furniture, and slowly learn languages, my whole being "slowly".

[Social Cohesion]: Apes will strengthen communication and develop a complex social structure, which will speed up the development of the colony.

[Ape Migration]: During the development of the colony, more apes will be attracted to join the colony.

At present, the Water Curtain Cave has been transformed by Yuan Hong and his generals and marshals into a base suitable for monkeys to live in, and many wooden houses, guard posts, etc. have been built around the waterfall outside. They were assigned to different positions according to their respective characteristics.

From this point of view, after casting the doomsday element, the world will speed up, and then stop and evolve the "doomsday element" when the DNA points are sufficient, and then accelerate again. This should be the original correct gameplay of this game, and it also slightly explains the original "player" The reason for not being able to stop me in time, but unlike him/her, I don't have to degenerate anything at all.

[Hint: Without the use of DNA points, the 'orangutan flu' evolved 'hydrophobia' by itself. 】

[Hint: DNA points have been spent to successfully degenerate 'hydrophobia'. 】

The imaginary stupid system began to refresh the screen with "True Fragrance".

I can't help it either! What the hell is it that a group of monkeys living in the Water Curtain Cave suffer from hydrophobia? Not to mention those fishermen in Aolai country, should I give each of them a devil fruit to go to the great route?

If there are any benefits during the time acceleration period, there are more unlisted prompts that appear at the same time acceleration.

[Hint: Heavenly Court's harsh punishment for a certain day has caused controversy. 】

[Reminder: Guanyin Temple started construction]

[Reminder: The Heavenly Court Navy has completed the exercise, and Uzang will send off the Heavenly Army from all over the country. 】

[Hint: Yuelao was ordered to contemplate behind closed doors. 】

[Hint: The Feng Clan sent envoys to the Heavenly Court again, and the motives have sparked speculation. 】

Hmm... Although these gossips seem interesting, they basically don't seem to have any special connection.

Among them, there is only one thing that can be said to be related to me, but it is strange to remind my sister that no warning pops up directly.

[Reminder: Tianting's investigation team has arrived in the 'Dongming Kingdom' and started hunting for apes for research. 】

This Dongming country is in the north of Aolai country, and has a larger area, but due to the many waters and mountains in the country, the environment is harsh, and there are fewer residents.

【Dongming Kingdom】

[Population: 273,400, number of infections: 0]

[Apes: 11,000, number of infections: 7,000 (captured)]

[Characteristics: wet, rustic]

Combined with the previous information from Aolai Country, it is obvious that some group has captured a lot of infected monkeys in Aolai Country, but in the judgment of reminding my sister, this does not seem to constitute a major event, so it was not broadcast?

I now have absolutely no means of interfering with this world other than gorilla flu,

It's tricky to watch the big white monkey who doesn't feel anything.

"Your Majesty! What a disaster!" A messenger monkey jumped into the Shuilian Cave and rolled to the front of Yuan Hong who was teaching the three leaders, Ma, Liu, and Beng, how to cultivate.

"Don't panic, let's talk about it, what's wrong?" Yuan Hong waved his hands to let the monkey leaders leave, and then looked at the monkey who reported the news: "Also, don't call me the king, call me the leader."

At this time, Yuan Hong was holding a brow-level short stick in each hand, wearing a simple iron armor, fur boots, and a horn helmet. Talking about it is better than nothing, at least it has a deterrent effect among monkeys who hang a few leaves and dismiss it.

"Here, big boss," the little monkey responded, "a monster came outside the door, claiming to be the devil king of the world in Kanyuan Mountains and Waters Dirty Cave, and he wants to live in another place with the big boss."

At the same time as the little monkey spoke, the voice reminding her sister and the prompt board also sounded.

[Reminder: Huaguo Mountain was invaded by the giant spirit god (the devil incarnate). 】

Wow, that awesome "bracket" is so cute... No, wait? Giant Spirit God?

[Reminder: The research institute established by Tianting in Dongming Kingdom has been detected, and it is sending patrolling generals to Huaguo Mountain to investigate. 】

"Where did the demon come from!" Yuan Hong said angrily, "Wait for me to meet him for a while!"

The white ape picked up the two sticks, left the messenger monkey aside, and went straight to the outside of the cave.

I started to think about how to tell the monkey king, don't be too verbose when meeting, just kill the incarnation of the general with a club, but I have almost no way to communicate other than evolutionary symptoms, um...

[Hint: Spend DNA points to evolve the special ability 'Furious Fury' successfully. 】

[Rage of Berserk]: Apes acquire the ability of berserk, which can put aside the fear of actively attacking things that threaten them, but it will make their character violent and aggressive.

Sorry monkey, I degenerate this thing after you beat him.

"Wu Na Monkey Head, your spacious cave is not bad. I decided to accept it reluctantly. I quickly packed up my luggage and left. It won't hurt you. Five hundred miles to the north is my 'Kanyuan Mountain' , 'Water Dirty Cave', the environment is good but too narrow for me, you can bring your monkey monkey grandson to live there!"

I saw a giant warrior standing in front of the water curtain cave with a height of more than five feet, an unclear face, a black helmet and a black armor, and holding a giant axe of Xuanhua. Seeing Yuan Hong jumping out of the water curtain, he recognized him as ordinary The monkey shouted loudly after its appearance was different.

Yuan Hong sneered and said, "Your grandfather wants to give it to you, so you accept it. If you don't give it to you, you can't take it away."

That warrior probably couldn't use his head well, so he replied in a daze: "If I want to grab by chance, so what?"

I don't know how or why, but it is true that this fool had an extra grandfather first.

Yuan Hong endured and endured, finally stopped laughing, and then replied harshly: "If you insist on robbing, you can't even keep your own cave!"

Perhaps it was because of my "violent rage", the white ape was more vigorous than usual, and hit him with a stick before he could finish his sentence.

"Ha, you little monkey, you are less than six feet tall, and your claws are not even an inch long. Even if you let the uncle swallow it in one gulp, you still can't taste it!" He chopped back with two big axes.

This is a good fight, like, like... a cannon hitting a mosquito?

The giant spirit god's twin axes were raging like a tiger, blowing down several wooden houses in front of Shuilian Cave, but they couldn't touch a piece of Yuan Hong's clothes. A hundred times, but it doesn't look like it has broken the defense at all.

Can't I save more DNA points? Sighing, I opened the evolution menu for "Porilla Flu".

[Hint: Spend DNA points to evolve the special ability 'Create Weapon' successfully. 】

[Create Weapons]: Enable apes to create or snatch weapons, greatly improving combat effectiveness.

At that time, the black-armored giant had just raised the big axe, but Yuan Hong did not retreat and dodge as before, but rushed out along his arm in the opposite direction, and hit his elbow with a stick.

The giant ax flew out of his hand. When the giant looked in panic, he was hit on the bridge of the nose with a stick by the monkey. superior.

When the black-armored giant sensed something was wrong and wanted to dodge, it was too late. The accelerated ax split in half from head to toe, and then disappeared into a large handful of black ashes.

"Congratulations to the big boss!" "The big boss is mighty!" All the little monkeys who watched the battle sauntered and flattered.

"It's not over yet," Yuan Hong put his double sticks on his shoulders, and looked at the north with a frown: "Kanyuan Mountains and Waters is a dirty cave, it seems that we have to go there."

——Year 2——

About 3,000 miles west of the upper reaches of the Liusha River, there is a giant mountain of quicksand, which is full of strong winds all day long. It is also called "Eight Hundred Li Huangfeng Ridge".

Another peculiarity of it is that the whole mountain can move with the wind. According to Jin Chanzi's inquiry of the nearby residents, it may be two hundred or three hundred miles, and it flows to the Liusha River every year. Entering the Liusha River, I am afraid that the "eight hundred miles of Liusha River" will be cut off at the middle, and by then, the whole area of ​​ten thousand li will become Ze Kingdom.

"Amitre Buddha, this matter is absolutely impossible, this mountain will not be able to move an inch for ten thousand years." Above Huangfeng Ridge, Jin Chanzi said to Ao Lie, holding a fat stingray in his hand.

"Eatable?" Ao Yu looked at the chinchilla and approached slowly with his short hands raised.

"Don't eat it!" "I'm so disgusting!" Ao Lie and the chinchilla shouted at the same time.

"The Three Flavors True Wind even I have to avoid its edge, you treat it like nothing, really need my guard?" Ao Lie stopped Ao Yu and asked Jin Chanzi.

"Ao Benefactor wants to break the agreement with the poor monk?" Jin Chanzi looked at Ao Lie.

"I didn't think so!" Ao Lie said angrily, "Explain quickly!"

"When the poor monk was still a golden cicada, he saw this squirrel stealing the lamp oil from Lingshan, so it has Buddha nature in him." The monk shook the fat rat in his hand: "As the second disciple of the World Honored One, the poor monk has Buddha nature. The poor monk will easily subdue the spirits and monsters, but the Qixing, Jiuyao, Erbasu, the four heavenly kings and other officials appointed by the heavenly court, the poor monk has no power to fight back."

"Ha, that's why you died at the hands of the 'Rolling Curtain General'?" Ao Lie said with a smile, "It just so happens that I am quite troubled by the weird spells of people in the Buddhist sect, but the general of the Heavenly Court is Erlang Zhenjun who came personally. , my Third Prince Xihai dares to fight with him."

"In this way, it can be called 'a match made in heaven'." Jin Chanzi folded his hands together.

"Shut up!" Ao Lie flung his sleeves away, no longer wondering what Jin Chanzi was going to do with that ground squirrel.

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