The Collection of The End

Chapter 367: The Seven Stars Don't Shine in the Wave Moon Cave

Under the order of the White Monkey King of Huaguo Mountain, many monkey grandchildren began to cut wood and build ships by the sea. Although Dongming Kingdom is only 500 miles away, they are all waterways, and the monkeys are only good at climbing trees. I doubt it very much. Even if they build a boat, they can't drive it away.

Although I want to help them, there is nothing in the relevant evolution that can enhance the speed of shipbuilding or improve navigation skills.

It's right to think about it carefully, you can fly through the clouds and ride the fog, and if you go a thousand miles away, what kind of boat do you need?

"Remind sister? I saw that Yuan Hong was able to float in the air when he fought with the Hunshi Demon King before, so how about his flying speed?" I suddenly remembered that if I didn't go to Subhuti to learn from my teacher, it is basically impossible to learn seven The ability of the twelve transformations and the ability to control somersaulting clouds, for the same reason, there is no way to make troubles in the Dragon Palace and the Underworld, and the golden cudgel is gone.

[Reminder: Yuan Hong has completed the cultivation of "introducing air into the body". When using all the spiritual energy for flying, the maximum speed can reach 2500 kilometers per hour, and the maximum combat radius is 500 kilometers. 】

It's supersonic! Still double! ——If the speed of sound in this world is still 340 meters per second.

So, this supersonic monkey can go to the dirty hole by itself and turn it upside down, why does it have to build a ship... Oh, yes, this monkey is self-taught, it can fly by itself, and it can't take people at all. He can't bring back the monkeys that were captured by himself.

When I looked at the archipelago country north of Huaguo Mountain, another blue bubble popped up there, and I popped it off routinely and got a DNA point, which just filled in a gap in evolution.

[Hint: Spend DNA points to successfully evolve the special ability 'Anti-Moisture Level 2' of 'Porilla Flu'. 】

"Remind sister? This situation means that the research institute has not been evacuated and is still researching, right? Can you scan the document data now?" I looked at the monkeys who were logging and building ships at a significantly faster speed, and asked the prompt sister.

[Reminder: Dongming Country Research Institute belongs to the 'monkeykiller', and it cannot be scanned and searched before the apes attack and destroy it. 】

When did that guy take over here? !

[Reminder: Heaven generally believes that monsters should be 'Secure', 'Contain' and 'Protect', but due to the influence of 'monkeykiller', they are gradually changing to 'Seize', 'Custom' and 'Prompt'. 】

God damn SCP Foundation! I just said that the previous documents were inexplicably familiar!

So the opponent in the random arena this time is still a foreigner? It's no wonder that the world of Journey to the West, which is so obvious, does not go to various plot points to make troubles, but instead focuses on influencing the "superstructure" like Tianting, which is quite in line with Western logic.

——Year 2——

Marshal Tianpeng led the navy back to the Heavenly Court after completing the exercise in Uzbekistan.

From the beginning to the end of this rehearsal, the number of warships was less than a hundred, and every time there was a loud battle among the warships, there would always be three or five warships, or a dozen or so, quietly leaving the team, and the wolves in Naus' Tibetan kingdom would be killed. Tigers and leopards have become fine, plants, trees, fish and insects are strange. I don’t know how many were captured. When the army returned, they were taken away together. It’s a pity that the king, ministers, officials and people of this country are too busy fighting fiercely, so they don’t know anything about it.

At that time, a golden and glittering Tianhe Waterfall hangs down from the thirty-three days, connects Liusha River at the bottom, and connects with Nantian Gate at the top. Beyond the boundaries of the mortal world.

But it is said that Marshal Tianpeng, as the commander-in-chief of the Wanjun, cannot be alone. There are three other people who command the navy with him. One is Marshal Tianyou, the other is Marshal Yisheng, and the third is Marshal Zhenwu. They are all brave. Incomparable, powerful against ten thousand fierce generals.

The four generals do not distinguish between high and low, but if two or more are fighting in the same army, one of them will be elected as the commander-in-chief.

The rest are deputy commander-in-chief, but the former is the leader.

When the return fleet was halfway to the Tianhe Waterfall, the deputy commander of Tianyou jumped up and asked if he had something to do.

"What's the matter with you?" Marshal Tianpeng stood on the bow of the "Jackdaw" and didn't turn his head to look at Tianyou.

"Commander," Marshal Tianyou looks like a white-faced, bearded middle-aged general, with a serious face and no smile: "For this exercise, I will go to report to Your Majesty, and you will take the 'Feng Nu' back to Tianhe first."

"Why?" Canopy turned around and looked.

Standing beside the canopy, Fu Ling, a young girl from the Feng family, also turned around, phantoms of flames rose up all over her body, as if she would set fire if she disagreed with her.

"When the Marshal met the 'Phoenix Girl', the sky was full of brilliance, and even everyone in Uzang believed that it was a rare treasure. These visions must have been known by the 'Clairvoyance' and 'Shunfeng Ears' and told His Majesty. Your Majesty will see you if you don't know." It's your fault." Marshal Tianyou said: "Commander, avoid this wind first, and make a decision when envoys from the Feng Clan arrive."

"Why am I afraid?" Tianpeng said proudly.

"This 'Phoenix Girl'," Tianyou persuaded the canopy not to move, so he turned to Fu Ling: "Why don't you take refuge temporarily? The marshal originally went to subdue the demon, but brought back a demon clan to be his wife, or he will be severely punished. It's too long, and it will appear when the Feng Clan envoy confirms his identity."

"She's not a monster!" Tianpeng shouted suddenly, which stunned Tianyou.

"Heh, Messenger," Fu Ling said, "the blood of the Phoenix clan is rare, and anyone who wanders outside will be summoned to the Phoenix Nest if they are found. fight."

Tianpeng frowned and said, "Who is bullying you in Phoenix Nest? Does your husband need to stand up for you?"

"Hoo hoo hoo..." Fu Ling covered her mouth: "Don't bother my husband, I will report any small grudges on the spot."

Seeing them telling the words "husband" and "husband" to their mouths, Tianyou felt that there was no need to persuade them any more, so he resigned after singing.

During the conversation, the Tianhe Waterfall had come to an end, thousands of golden lights were rolling red, and thousands of auspicious air sprayed purple mist. The huge Nantian Gate carved by jasper and the entire heavenly court were all reflected in the eyes of the navy. The six-day palace and the seventy-two palaces are arranged vertically and horizontally in the number of heaven and earth, majestic and majestic, and the navy army, which is already majestic enough, suddenly pales in comparison.

The navy warship did not enter the Nantian Gate, and after passing a circle not far from the gate, it went to the Tianhe Wharf by itself, while Tianpeng, Tianyou and Fu Ling disembarked and walked towards the Nantian Gate.

"Why? Are you not afraid of the Jade Emperor's punishment?" Tianpeng laughed at him.

"My handsome friend is careless," Tianyou said, "I will report on my work together, and see if I can bear one or two responsibilities for you."

"The Jade Emperor has a decree," a heavenly general who seemed to have been waiting for a long time greeted him with an imperial decree, and said, "Take Marshal Tianpeng and the mortal Fu Ling to see him, and Marshal Tianyou will return to Tianhe immediately."

This day, the silver helmet and silver armor, with a yellowish complexion and a pair of small sharp horns on his forehead, smiled before saying a word, and looked amiable.

"This matter..." Tianyou, who just said that he would bear the responsibility, looked bitter, and it should not be true, and it should not be true.

"A mortal girl?" Tianpeng asked in surprise, and turned around to look at Fu Ling seriously: "I guess clairvoyance is indeed blind."

"Tianpeng, don't you think I don't know what you're talking about unless I have the ability to listen to the wind! Have you ever heard of the ability to read lips?" Standing beside the Nantian Gate is a general with eyes like copper bells, and he sternly yelled at the sky. Peng shouted, and was dragged away by another Heavenly General beside him like a fluttering fan.

"Don't make a fuss," the decree said, putting away the decree: "This 'mortal woman' means 'a woman from the mortal world'. If you call her Feng Nu before the identification of the Feng Clan is completed, but it is identified No, and those who call her so will be punished."

"Kui Su, how is Your Majesty feeling?" Tianyou who was repelled asked unwillingly.

This Heavenly Commander is Kui Mulang, one of the White Tigers in the West, who should not be responsible for delivering the message. It seems that the Jade Emperor randomly ordered someone to come here to deliver the message.

"Hmm...very hungry?" Kui Mulang said, "When I left, Your Majesty was eating in the Pixiang Hall. This imperial decree is also for Xuan Tianpeng to meet you in the Pixiang Hall."

"That's very good," Tianyou cupped his hands and said goodbye: "Tianpeng, please don't contradict Your Majesty."


There are seventy-two halls in heaven, but only eight of them are used by the Jade Emperor. Their names are: Zhaoyang, Feixiang, Zengcheng, Hehuan, Lanlin, Pixiang, Phoenix, and Yuanyang. The place can accommodate about ten people. Except for the Jade Emperor's meal alone, it is mostly used to entertain and entertain close officials or show kindness.

"It can be seen from this that His Majesty is very satisfied with what you have done, otherwise you should inquire in the Lingxiao Palace." Kui Mulang said to the canopy while leading the way.

"Well, thank you Kui Su for pointing it out." Canopy nodded in response.

"Kui Su, who is your favorite among the maids in the Fragrance Palace?" Fu Ling asked suddenly.

"Lady Maiden Fragrance - Ugh!" Kui Mulang suddenly covered his mouth with his hands, panicking.

"Hoohoo," Fu Ling stared at Kui Su: "My little girl had some doubts before, the 'Bullfighting Palace' where the twenty-eight stars live is so far away from the 'Pixiang Palace', but why are you named by the Jade Emperor? The purpose is to have a private meeting with your beloved? To what extent?"

"No, no...the two of us are still innocent." Kui Su shook his hands wildly.

"Heh, what do you mean by these words, do you want to be innocent?" Fu Ling asked.

"I don't want it!" Kui Mulang said anxiously, and then hesitated: "...Well, I can't say I don't want it."

"What do you want? How do you want to be with Shixiang?" Feng Nu continued to ask, her whole body bursting with brilliance.

"I... I once asked Shi Xiang about this matter, and she said that the atmosphere should be considered and let it take its course—" Kui Mulang said blankly.

"Kui Su!" Canopy slapped Kui Mulang on the shoulder heavily, interrupting his narration: "If I were you, I would keep my mouth shut."

"Husband is really ignorant." Fu Ling snorted, extinguished the colorful lights, grabbed the canopy and cloak, and stopped talking to Kui Su.

Kui Mulang's face was covered with cold sweat, and he looked around tremblingly, fearing that the walls might have ears.

Seeing that the Pixiang Temple was not far away, Tianpeng shook his head and threw Kui Mulang off, leaving only one sentence behind.

"As a man, you should think more about women, not just yourself. If you listen to my advice, go to Yue Lao for advice. Don't regret it when the situation is irretrievable."

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