The Collection of The End

Chapter 368: 0 Years of Bone-shattering Yin Wind

Yuan Hong prepared a total of hundreds of rafts, canoes, ferries and other rough water surface vehicles to attack the dirty water hole this time. In addition to non-combat monkeys such as rowing boats and paddles, they also brought the "orangutan flu" , made wooden spears, wooden knives, wooden bows and other weapons by themselves, and there were about a thousand fighting monkeys who played well.

The so-called "one hundred people, all kinds of people", not to mention these tens of thousands of monkeys, the evolutionary option of [creating weapons], which is manifested in Yuan Hong and a small number of monkeys, is "empty hand into white blade", "disarms and captures". " and other "seize other people's weapons" skills, but in more monkeys, it is the ability to make wooden weapons, wooden furniture, and even set traps and other "weapon-making" skills.

If there is no accident, the monkeys in Huaguoshan will naturally appear soldiers, auxiliary soldiers, and logistics members according to this division. A well-ordered Huaguoshan may have some problems in dealing with heavenly soldiers and generals, but It is enough to deal with all kinds of demon kings and cave masters who come looking for trouble.

Pop, pop, when I popped the blue bubble of the research institute routinely, a combo occurred, and after that, the news to remind my sister was long overdue.

[Reminder: 'Dongming Country' has been infected by 'Porilla Flu', and when it spreads to a new country, it will be rewarded with DNA points. 】

On the surveillance screen, Yuan Hong's fleet has landed in this small country composed of archipelagos, and is setting up camp in an orderly manner, looking for clues of the captured monkeys, but at present, it is still relatively far away from the location of the research institute.

Not bad, I can't wait to see the new research materials in that institute, I hope they won't destroy too much.

When I asked my prompt sister before, I learned that this kind of blue bubble can't completely interrupt the other party's research, and what it breaks is to prevent some "flash of inspiration" development. For example, Newton was smashed by an apple and appeared A blue bubble, if he doesn't care about it, he will discover the gravitation, and if he pops the bubble, Newton will find out - this apple is really delicious.

Now, since the monkeys are approaching the city, I can temporarily stop accelerating time, and see that the research institute has been destroyed, but when the research materials have not been destroyed, ask my sister to scan them.

——Year 2——

But it is said that Jin Chanzi went west on the road, and after crossing the Liusha River, he captured the stingray rat that was making trouble in Huangfengling, eight hundred miles away, and handed it over to Lingji Bodhisattva, who was about to find him. After a long while, he finally let out a long sigh and covered his face and left.

"Jin Chanzi, are you familiar with that Bodhisattva?" Ao Lie asked strangely. As the third prince of the West Sea, he naturally recognized gods, Buddhas, and Bodhisattvas, but if asked about the specific gods, Buddhas, and Bodhisattvas, he would be like a monkey watching a play. --look on in despair.

"Unfamiliar," Jin Chanzi said, and took out a golden orb about the size of a child's fist from the monk's robe sleeve: "After being tricked into this 'Dingfeng Orb' by a poor monk, he claimed several times that he had never known each other before. Poor monk."

"It's terrible." Ao Yu looked at the orb with curiosity on his face.

"Wait!" Ao Lie was startled, he hurriedly backed away, but it was too late, a fire ignited on the orb, and it was completely burned up in an instant.

"Oh," Jin Chanzi raised his wrist to look at the ashes in his hand without changing his expression: "It turns out that not only mortal jewels, but also Buddha jewels can be burned, which is interesting."

"What's so interesting!" Ao Lie glared at the monk angrily: "If you are blamed by the Buddha, what should you do?"

"The poor monk will take it on his own shoulders." Jin Chanzi clasped his hands together.

"Huh, I, Ao Lie, as the third prince of the Dragon Palace, would I let others suffer for me?" The silver-armored young general pulled out his silver spear and pointed it at the sky: "This 'Ding Fengzhu' was destroyed by me, and I am willing to accept any punishment." !"

"Have you ever heard clearly?" Jin Chanzi said suddenly.

There seemed to be something in the void expressing approval, and then a strong wind blew, and several spiral wind marks converged on Ao Lie's silver gun. When the wind stopped, the silver gun had disappeared.


Jin Chanzi, what is this...? "Ao Lie waved an invisible object with his bare hands, although there was no sound of wind, the huge stones and dead trees were all shattered wherever he passed.

"It's the 'Fixed Wind Bead'," Jin Chanzi replied, "it's attached to Master Ao's silver spear, and it can hide the length of its position. If it is condensed and released, it will be another 'Sanwei Shenfeng'."

"This item is too expensive. When I have a chance to return to the West Sea, I will open a warehouse to compensate you with treasures and treasures." Ao Lie shook his head.

"Money is something outside of the body, besides, Benefactor Ao himself came here to protect the poor monk," Jin Chanzi said indifferently, "If Benefactor Ao is unwilling to let go of his affliction, you can just pay more attention on the road to West Paradise."

"That's natural!" Ao Lie replied: "I will never let the monster touch a hair of yours!"

Amidst Ao Yu's snickering, Jin Chanzi remained silent.


The effect of the fixed wind bead is naturally more than that. Even if it has been burned, it can still greatly increase the speed of the mount. It is the so-called "shunfeng horse". In two days, the "Eight Hundred Li Huangfeng Ridge" disappeared far behind him, and was replaced by dense forests and deep ravines where tigers and wolves roared. There was a dilapidated boundary marker on the path leading into the mountains, and the "White Tiger" could be vaguely discerned. Ridge" three characters.

"There is absolutely no possibility of a family here," Jin Chanzi looked at the mountain and said, "The poor monk is fine, but Lingmei seems to be quite inappropriate."

"Hungry." Ao Yu said weakly.

It should be noted that since Ao Lie and Jin Chanzi traveled together, wherever there are homestays, the third prince of Xihai has spent a lot of money to buy all his stored food, throwing all the meat and fish to Ao Yu, and the vegetarian is Jin Chanzi Keep it as dry food, but after passing through the two uninhabited places of "Eight Hundred Li Liusha River" and "Eight Hundred Li Huangfeng Ridge", the stored food has been completely exhausted. Slightly empty, but Ao Yu was lying on the horse and refused to move.

Dragons themselves don't need to eat, but Ao Lie's seventh sister is very special since she was born. If she doesn't have enough food, she will be in a state of weakness on the ground. After diagnosis by several immortal doctors, it is confirmed that she can do anything except sitting and lying down. It will consume thousands of times of physical strength, but I don't feel it at all, so situations like "too hungry to walk" often appear.

Therefore, the third prince who often lost control and burned his property, and the seventh princess who often ate and drank were sent to Yingshoujian Palace. Although they intended to be exiled, their provisions were not short.

"So..." Ao Lie came to his senses after a little trance: "Although there are no people on this mountain, there must be fruit trees alive, and if Longwei is suppressed, there will be brainless beasts coming to the door."

During the speech, Ao Lie used the invisible silver gun to draw a wind circle around Jin Chanzi: "I'll pick some fruits for you, you stay here, don't move around."

Jin Chanzi looked at the silver wind circle and said with a smile: "The poor monk will wait at home for Master Ao to come back."

Ao Lie was not interested in arguing with him about the definition of "family", and after touching Ao Yu's top door, he jumped up and left.

As the saying goes, if a mountain is high, there must be something strange, but if the mountain is steep, it will be fertile. Although there are no white tigers in this White Tiger Ridge, there are some ferocious beasts that have become spirits. They were originally intimidated by Ao Lie's dragon power and did not dare to move rashly. They settled down after he left. Looking around furtively, I found that the dragon had left behind a few horses and a listless girl. Although he was a little suspicious, he saw that there were already brainless monsters rushing towards him, and those who were afraid that they would not get a share of the pie also rushed forward.

The so-called moths to the flames are nothing more than that, the horses that Jin Chanzi rode alternately were originally afraid of the monsters that were rushing, but after a while, they turned to be afraid of Ao Yu, who swallowed those monsters with one mouth. up.

"Ah..." Ao Yu opened his eyes and looked at Jin Chanzi in front of him, as confused as when he first saw him: "What did I eat just now?"

"Don't worry, you don't have to pay for them." Jin Chanzi smiled, and then brought Ao Yu and the horses into the pen: "It's okay to get rid of demons, but if you attract harmless people The beast is not good."

"Oh..." Ao Yu replied incomprehensibly.

After Jin Chanzi, Ao Yu and Ma all entered the silver circle, the approaching tigers, leopards and wolves lost their targets and retreated, only to reveal a monster that hadn't attacked before.

I saw that the monster was tall and tall, and his whole body was covered by a puff of black smoke, only showing a skeleton-like face, standing motionless not far from the silver circle and staring at Jin Chanzi.

"Do you have something to say?" Seeing that he could see through the silver circle but didn't make any movements, Jin Chanzi asked.

"I'm here to find the Red Dragon." The black mist bone-faced monster paused.

"Looking for Ao's benefactor?" Jin Chanzi replied, "What's the matter? Can the poor monk tell me?"

"No—" "Die!"

When the black mist monster answered, an invisible sharp blade came from mid-air. When he raised his head in surprise, he was pierced through the head by Ao Lie's invisible silver spear, and his pale bones flew high.

"Ao Yu! Jin Chan! Is there something wrong?" In mid-air, Ao Lie came back with two orange trees on his shoulders. After throwing the silver gun, he did not confirm the result of the battle, but left the tree and rushed to the silver circle Zhong grabbed Ao Yu and Jin Chanzi and asked anxiously.

"Huh? I'm fine?" "The benefactor Ao is so urgent, why?" The two responded respectively.

"I just saw you two covered in black mist in the air, what did that monster do?" Ao Lie turned around to protect the two of them behind his back, raised his hand to volley and retracted the bright silver spear.

"Hehehe, I found it..." The black mist monster was still alive after taking such a blow. After the black mist permeated its body, dozens of nearly a hundred of the same black mist covered their bodies, wore bone masks on their heads, and were of the same size. Various monsters appear outside the silver circle.

Ao Lie stood upright with a gun, ready to fight.

"Welcome to Mrs. Bones—" the bone face shouted.

Following this call, all the black mist bone-faced monsters separated to both sides, revealing a bone-faced and converging pure black figure that was taking shape. Although it was much shorter than other fog monsters, its aura far exceeded the sum of the whole.

A little bit of cold light arrived first, and then the spear shot out like a dragon, Ao Lie stepped forward suddenly, and the invisible silver spear pointed directly at the face of the "Bone Lady".

With a loud bang, the tip of the spear of the third prince of Xihai was held firmly by a dagger, and the wind of the three flavors scattered, blowing the other black mist monsters to and fro, but it only slightly distorted the bone surface of "Mrs. Bone".

I saw that the bone face was shaped like a cat's face, and the four small characters "Bone Princess" were engraved on the side. The person wearing it was not the scary skeleton as expected, but a familiar girl's face. Under the black mist, it was nothing. Thick bones, but a petite body in night clothes.

"I found you," the "Bone Princess" said to Ao Lie, "Leave my younger brother who ran to reincarnation."

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