The Collection of The End

Chapter 369 Fish Basket, Wangtongtian 1 Red Tail

Dongming Kingdom is just a small country. After getting familiar with the environment, the monkey army quickly found the Shuidirty Cave, and "fighted" with the little demons left behind.

I don't know what Yuan Hong was thinking, but I almost died laughing myself.

When the monkey found the entrance of the water dirty hole, there were only two jackals guarding the door. The monkey whistled to tell his companions that he had found the place, and rushed there with a wooden knife in his hand.

As a result, the two gatekeeper fairies swung their heads, stretched their arms, raised their hips, twisted their waists, took steps, and danced by themselves, staring at the monkey dumbfounded.

At the end of the dance, the two jackals spun around and posed to support each other, one pointing to the left and the other pointing to the right, and at the same time winked at the monkey to indicate "it's your turn".

Not to be outdone, the monkey jumped a few steps, but found that it was obviously not the opponent of the pas de deux, and ran away after saying "wait and see".

"Pfft haha! I think this research institute must have ordered the wrong technology tree." I laughed and slapped the assistant of the rocking chair vigorously: "Remind my sister, if you can't scan the research data, these two dogs can always scan it, right?"

[Hint: After scanning, their physical strength, agility, body coordination, affinity, and negotiation ability have been greatly enhanced, but their combat effectiveness has dropped significantly. 】

"Hey, this direction of development is probably to play diplomatic victory."

[…] Remind my sister to ignore my behavior of making complaints.

After the army was assembled, it was much easier to deal with the two watchdogs. Yuan Hong didn't use force to bully others, and directly asked five monkeys to perform a group dance.

Next, Yuan Hong opened the way in front and smashed the door, followed by a group of little monkeys who are good at singing and dancing. When the dance team blocked the way, they sent monkeys to deal with it. Wooden weapons control key locations in the cave.

In the end, when Yuan Hong found the captured monkey monkey grandson in a building similar to the stage of a grand theater, he reminded his sister that the leftover documents had also been successfully scanned.

[Hint: The furious monkey group destroyed a research institute located in the 'Dongming Country' and rescued many monkeys. The research team had to find a suitable base again. 】

[Hint: Scan to the legacy documents of the research institute. 】

fury? Is it hilarious? Anyway, take that document and have a look.

"...The version 3.5 of 'Concentration Pill' had a major mutation. It began to mutate itself and strengthen the apes, but the command and countermeasure mechanism was completely missing. This abandoned version was renamed 'Porilla Flu'."

"...'Orangutan flu' has spread, and other races and some humans have begun to be affected, but the enhancement is still limited to apes, and it is allowed to capture affected apes outside of 'Huaguo Mountain' for research."

"...The aggressiveness of the influencers of 'Porilla Flu' increased significantly in a short period of time, but after defeating the avatar of the general, it decreased again. It is preliminarily judged that it has a stress mechanism. It is not recommended to use force again until the 'Porilla Flu' is fully analyzed. "

"...The research on version 4.0 of 'Concentration Pill' has been completed. This version has greatly strengthened the [Deleted] and [Deleted] abilities of apes, and it may be expected to neutralize the 'Porilla Flu'."

Delete a ghost, strengthen the ability to sing and dance?

After destroying the Shuidang Cave, the Huaguoshan Expeditionary Army rescued thousands of monkeys originally belonging to the Aolai Kingdom, as well as other little monsters of different races. Seeing that their original "master" had run away, they surrendered decisively.

Yuan Hong originally planned to bring them all back to Huaguo Mountain, but many of them were unwilling to go. Some wanted to go back to their hometown in Dongming Country, and some planned to go alone. There were also a group of vegetarian monsters from far away who tried to fight with him. Negotiations, those who want to borrow a few boats to cross the ocean to find a new home, because the description of the new home by these monsters is very contagious, and even some monkeys plan to go with them.

[Hint: In the case of not using DNA points,

"Porilla Flu" mutates independently into the special ability of "Call of the Wild". 】

[Call of the Wild]: A small number of apes in the colony will actively explore unknown countries, and this behavior ignores border blockades.

This is fine, let's go.

——Year 2——

Heavenly Court, Pixiang Temple.

The Lord of the Heavenly Court, that is, [Haotian Jinque Supreme Supreme Natural Mira to the True Jade Emperor God], also known as [High Heaven, the Great Sacred and Benevolent Jade Emperor, the Great Heavenly Venerable Xuanqiong God], the immortals and gods in the Heavenly Court generally call it " Jade Emperor", "Jade Emperor" or "Your Majesty".

Since the beginning of the world, the Jade Emperor has gone through infinite eras, infinite calamities, weighing the three realms, ruling the Liuhe, and controlling the eight wastes and the four seas. During the infinite reincarnation and calamity, a total of eight incarnations have cultivated to the supreme realm, and they are permanent in the heaven. The person who heard the play and criticized the report was called Zhang Bairen.

Because of the Jade Emperor's "Hundred Forbearance", although the laws of the Heavenly Court are strict, few gods are held accountable. Whenever there is negligence and violation of the rules of heaven, the Jade Emperor will say: "This crime is a combination of tolerance, and write it down.", If there are those who are responsible, it is probably because they have broken the "Hundred Forbearance".

According to Tianpeng's knowledge, there is a clumsy shutter veteran who breaks a glazed cup to pollute the flat peaches every 500 years. Even though the Jade Emperor recorded each glazed cup as a forbearance, he could not be sheltered, so he had to be demoted to the lower realm.

Walking outside the gate of the Pixiang Temple, Tianpeng thought, "I don't have a single renunciation in my body, even if I take people to the upper realm without authorization, or make my own spouse, it is not enough to make up the number of hundred renunciations, so there is nothing to be afraid of. " Then he took the hand of Fu Ling and stepped into the hall.

"Your Majesty, Marshal Tianpeng has arrived with the mortal girl's talisman." Tianpeng saluted after entering the palace.

"The marshal has worked hard, and please take a seat." Above the head of the Pixiang Hall, the Jade Emperor was having a meal, and he responded casually when he heard the report.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." After Canopy took Fu Ling to the table, he kept his eyes on the table, but Fu Ling paid attention to the maid, as if he wanted to find the jade maid, but Kui Mulang didn't describe his appearance, so how to find him?

"Tianpeng, you brought the girl from the lower world back to the heaven without authorization. Although you belong to the dragon and phoenix, the crime is halved, but you still need to record thirty forbearance. Are you not satisfied?" Peng Yan said.

"My subordinates are convinced." Canopy clasped his fists in response.

"So—" "The little girl refuses to accept it!"

The Jade Emperor was about to move on to the next topic, but was interrupted by Fu Ling.

"Oh? Do you have any objections?" The Jade Emperor looked at Fu Ling with a little interest: "You know, if the protest fails, the crime will be aggravated."

"As far as my daughter knows, sixty forbearance is the punishment of the gods in the heavens thinking about marriage, and my daughter thinks that such crimes should not be punished." Fu Ling ignored the dissuasion of the canopy and said to the Jade Emperor.

"You call the canopy 'husband', and the canopy also calls itself 'husband', how can you explain it?" Jade Emperor asked.

"It's a child's speech." Fu Ling responded.

"Tong——" Jade Emperor seemed to think of something, the words were interrupted and he fell into deep thought.

"Your Majesty may have forgotten that the little girl just came out of her shell today, and because dragons and phoenixes are 'innately known', she can change into this appearance," Fu Ling said slyly: "If Your Majesty wants to write down the canopy's 'forbearance' number for the crime of Sifan marriage, The little girl turns into a baby and the canopy walks through the streets with swagger."

The sound of crackling was endless, but it was a few maids who were packing the banquet in the Pixiang Palace who were shocked and missed. In this way, the persuasion memorials might not fill the Lingxiao Palace.

"You little phoenix, it's quite surprising that you are threatening. If so, then the guilt of the canopy will be erased. However, I heard that the phoenix family will come of age in two hundred years." The Jade Emperor said: "Then you will be fined for five hundred years. Marry Tianpeng, otherwise you will be punished with several crimes, about seventy tolerance."

"Thank you, Your Majesty~" Fu Ling smiled happily and sat back beside the canopy, but the canopy was speechless. Fu Ling's behavior seemed to be random, but it was equivalent to asking the Jade Emperor to personally testify as a matchmaker, and let them get married in five hundred years , there is no room for change, why is this a mere one-year marriage?

"Tianpeng," the Jade Emperor seemed unwilling to talk to Fu Ling again, and confessed to Tianpeng: "You take a fish basket from the kitchen of Pixiang Palace, and when the golden light shines on the Tongtian River later, you can go and pick it up." All the 'inspiration goldfish' are picked up and sent to the Purple Bamboo Forest in the South China Sea to be handed over to Guanyin Bodhisattva, and if one or two are caught by those fishermen, the mortals who have touched those goldfish will be captured and delivered together."

"Why?" Canopy asked in amazement. It is understandable to salvage the goldfish that are about to mature and avoid their mischief, but it is not clear even to ordinary people.

"This is an abnormality in a elixir that cooperates with the Dragon Clan," said the Jade Emperor, "Although the reason is not very clear, but according to the Sanxianyun who is in charge of this matter, if left unattended, all the goldfish that swallowed the elixir will be melted." As an evil dragon, mortals who come into contact with it will also turn into ghosts."

"These things don't punish them?" Fu Ling heard that it was the Dragon Clan's accident, and immediately fell into trouble.

"Forty forbearance has been punished," Jade Emperor said: "If it really happens, one hundred and twenty forbearance will be added."

"I will not let him turn into a dragon or a ghost! If he fails, he will be willing to commit the same crime!" Fu Ling was about to think about the punishment of the hundred and twenty forbearance, but he heard Tianpeng say so, so he had to give up .

"If the school of fish is normal, you can decide how to act at your own discretion, but if the school of fish has turned into a dragon, you must immediately call in the water army to encircle and suppress any fish." Before leaving, the Jade Emperor told Tianpeng.

"Your Majesty, please rest assured, my 80,000 sailors are on standby at any time." Tianpeng lifted the fish basket and went straight out of Nantian Gate, and returned to the lower realm with Fu Ling.

"It's strange, those dragons clearly hate people who jump into the dragon gate and transform themselves, why do they want to find the medicine that can turn mortal fish into dragons?" Walking through the half-cloud and half-mist, Fu Ling asked in surprise: "And the Jade Emperor can't help it?" Understand what is in charge?"

"My celestial general's duty is not to ask anything that is not related to him." Canopy said solemnly.

"But I don't know who came to me specially during the practice." Xiao Fengnv raised her hand and pointed forward when the canopy had nothing to say: "Isn't that Tongtianhe?"

But seeing a big river hundreds of miles wide, the river is full of goldfish, golden and brightly red.

"Those guys, what are they doing?" Canopy muttered to himself.

"Can the lotus pond of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva hold so many goldfish?" Fu Ling asked another question: "Maybe the pond will be renamed Goldfish Pond."

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