The Collection of The End

Chapter 371 Nine-tailed old fox dares to crush the dragon

[Hint: The ape colony 'Huaguoshan' is being destroyed by Aolai hunters. 】

"Great Commander! What a disaster!"

"Speak slowly, why is there another disaster?"

"A group of hunters came to the country from Daao, and they were catching monkeys along the way. Marshals Ma and Liu led troops to rescue them, but they missed and were captured!"

I was tracking the route of the monkeys who sailed on the ocean. After all, they are an important help for me to "open the map". If they deviate too far from the route, I will evolve stargazing and direction finding.

After receiving the warning from my sister, when I turned my attention back to Huaguo Mountain, I happened to see a group of humans going up the mountain to hunt with great fanfare, and there were monkeys reporting to Yuan Hong who had just landed at the pier.

In my territory, naturally you have to listen to me.

Zooming in on those hunters, I found that there were about two or three hundred in total, all of them were dressed as hunters in leather clothes, each carrying bows and arrows, throwing nets, rope buckles, and an additional fifty or sixty hounds and nearly Hundreds of pack horses, two big horse marshals and twenty or thirty little monkeys were firmly tied to the poles and carried away by those horses.

Because these hunters have been shouting loudly, I can't hear what they are saying, so I changed the frequency to only receive the voices of the leading few people, and then I could hear the general idea.

It seems that those hunters who routinely came to Huaguo Mountain to hunt were teased by the much smarter monkeys, and after returning in embarrassment, they aroused the interest of the king of Aolai Kingdom and asked those hunters to catch some "talking monkeys" to play with. The hunters who received the order thought that there were fewer people coming or they would end up being teased, so they gathered all the nearby hunters and went up the mountain at the same time.

As a result, not long after entering the mountain, he got a lot of rewards. He caught more than a dozen little monkeys in one fell swoop, and defeated the patrol team led by Marshal Ma Liu. , Many hunters who got nothing asked to continue to go deeper, at least to ensure that each person has one. should I say it? no Zuo no Die? Fortunately, they were only trying to catch them alive. The little monkey and Marshal Ma Liu only suffered some flesh injuries. If these hunters accidentally killed a few of them, it's not sure what Yuan Hong, who was driving this way, would do. They are of the same root. Health, why is it too urgent to fry each other.

"Wu Na is a bold hunter!" Just as he was thinking, Yuan Hong flew over in the air and shouted, "Leave my subordinates and get out of Huaguo Mountain!"

God Meow's main seat...

Because Yuan Hong pulled the monkey army far behind, and he was alone and had no aura, the hunters were surprised and did not run away, but took up their weapons and prepared to surround him.

But at this moment, those hounds suddenly went crazy and bit the nearest thing, whether it was the Orion or the horses. After the horses were frightened, they ran around. The army of monkeys who came one after another after Yuan Hong captured them all.

Strange, do I have special abilities to strengthen like deter beasts?

"Commander, how should we deal with these people?" After Marshal Ma and Liu were rescued, they had no time to deal with General Beng's taunt, and went directly to Yuan Hong: "No matter what, they can't be killed."

Well, that's of course, even if the state protects animals, they will be shot to death if they hurt people's lives, not to mention these small monkeys that have become sperm—by the way, is there any record of pandas killing people?

"Let's lock them up first. Although they are the first batch, they are definitely not the last batch. After they are all arrested, they will go to the Lord of Aolai Kingdom to ask for ransom." Yuan Hong said.

The monkeys agreed confusedly, tied up the hunters with the ropes they carried, and escorted them away.

——Year 2——

However, the two Dao boys, Jin Ling and Yin Ling, were not low in cultivation, but their IQ was not high. Before Ao Lie and the others could ask them carefully, they explained their origins in a few words.

It turned out that they were alchemy boys under the seat of the Taishang Laojun in the Tianting Tushita Palace. They got their names because they looked at the golden furnace and the silver furnace respectively.

There are often letters or pills exchanged, and the two children acted as messengers many times, and they are quite familiar with the surrounding environment. They even recognized a godmother in the Yalong Cave of Yalong Mountain not far away. This time, it was held in Zhenyuanzi On the occasion of the banquet, I was ordered by the old gentleman to send five treasures "beyond the five elements" to Zhen Yuanzi to test the reaction of ginseng fruit, so I wanted to share half with the godmother and asked her to participate.

"What is ginseng fruit? Is it delicious?" Ao Lie was thinking about pressing He Long in the pressure dragon cave, when he heard Ao Yu ask the two children.

"Ginseng fruit, also known as Cao Huan Dan, is formed by the spiritual root born when the world was not opened at the beginning of the chaos. It blooms every three thousand years, bears fruit every three thousand years, matures every three thousand years, and can only be eaten after ten thousand years." Jin Ling said.

"It looks like a child under three dynasties. It has all four limbs and five sense organs. If you are lucky enough to hear it, your life will be increased by 360 years. If you can eat one, your life will be increased by another 47,000 years." Yin Ling said. .

"So, is it delicious?" Ao Yu asked.

Jin Ling said with a dark face, "How do we know? Only 30 fruits have grown in the past 10,000 years, but it will take another 1,000 years to mature. The Great Immortal Zhenyuan doesn't allow others to approach the ginseng orchard, not to mention the taste, even the smell. Never smelled it."

Yin Ling suddenly said: "Hey, I remember that this banquet is called 'opening the garden'? Could it be that the garden is going to be opened to release fruit, maybe one and a half of them will be able to taste it."

Jin Ling said: "If that's the case, then you should hurry and fetch the godmother."

Yin Ling said: "Extremely extreme!"

While talking among themselves, the two boys reached a consensus and ran away carrying the braided gold silk soft sedan chair.

"Brother..." Ao Yu turned his head and looked at Ao Lie eagerly.

Ao Lie frowned and said: "If it is a mortal fruit and vegetable, I can buy it with money. It is the fairy fruit flat peach, and I can get one or two without the face of the Dragon King of the West Sea. The means are useless."

Bai Jingjing said beside her, "It's really incompetent."

Ao Lie glared at her: "If you can find this ginseng fruit for Yu'er, I will recognize you as the leader."

"I'm born," the Bone Princess pointed back before the Dragon Palace Prince got angry: "Although I can't find that ginseng fruit, there is one who can."

"A Maitreya Buddha." The accused Jin Chanzi clasped his hands together and said, "Ao Benefactor really wants this ginseng fruit?"

"This..." Ao Lie noticed that Jin Chanzi was a bit embarrassed by this matter, so he turned to look at Ao Yu.

"Brother, I don't want it anymore." Ao Yu looked at Jin Chanzi and said, "I'll swallow it all at once, and I won't know the taste."

"Of course." Ao Lie made up his mind and looked at Jin Chanzi: "Of course I want to."

"Just say what you want, if you don't, how will the poor monk know what the benefactor wants?" Jin Chanzi smiled slightly: "The poor monk suddenly plans to visit an old friend, please stay with the poor monk for a while."


But it is said that the Wuzhuang Temple of Wanshou Mountain was built on the southern slope of the fairy mountain, shrouded in colorful clouds and dense with fairy mist. From a distance, the pavilions, terraces and pavilions are patchwork. There is a huge stele on the side of the mountain gate, engraved with "Longevity Mountain Blessed Land, Wuzhuang Guantian", and there is a couplet on the gate: "The Immortal Mansion of Immortality, a family with the same longevity as the sky." There are many guests coming and going in front of the gate.

When Jin Chanzi and his party arrived, several immortals came out to welcome the guests, calling Jin Chanzi a "teacher and old friend" and leading them to the depths of the temple.

Ao Lie doubted: "I think that everyone is a celestial being, but why are the outside guests and entertainers all mortals?"

The welcoming fairy said: "Today is the 'opening banquet' of the ginseng orchard, and the spiritual energy of nine thousand years will be released from the fruit tree. Those ordinary people are usually very respectful, and allowing them to breathe the spiritual energy of the spiritual root is also considered a blessing. "

Ao Lie asked again: "Since the garden is opened, are the fruits in the garden ripe?"

"Since it is ripe, two fruits will be laid for the guests to taste when the garden opens, but if no guests are qualified, we and the students will share them." The fairy led Jin Chanzi and his party to a magnificent banquet hall, Resign after saluting.

Ao Lie looked around the hall, but saw that there were fifty or sixty immortals present, and he was a little frustrated for a while.

"Don't be intimidated, there are forty-six out of the sixty immortals, all of whom are students of Zhen Yuanzi," Jin Chanzi said, "As for the rest of the guests, they are all extraordinary. The cultivation level of those who come and go will not be too low, and they will not beg for ginseng fruit because of their status, but ordinary people like this poor monk have no such worries."

I have never seen such an arrogant mortal!

Ao Lie was leading Ao Yu to find a seat to sit down, but was suddenly thrown into his arms by Wenxiang Ruanyu. Rao, he couldn't avoid it with his Taiyi Sanxian cultivation base, and he was thrown to the ground without paying attention. , was about to struggle to get up, but was froze in place by a coquettish call from beside her ear.


The one who threw him down was a beautiful woman, lazy and undressed, with a graceful appearance, loose black hair, never wearing a wreath, a plain blue robe for a palace dress, a close-fitting black jacket, a silver ribbon around her waist, gold silk around her feet, and a shawl White embroidered belt, double bracelets with snow arm sleeves.

A pair of golden eyes seemed happy and angry, charming and charming. Even Bai Jingjing, who was at the side, felt her heart skip a beat when she heard it, and only reacted in the next moment to pull the woman away: "Who is your husband! What are you yelling at!"

"Here, this female benefactor..." Ao Lie was so frightened that he couldn't speak incoherently for a moment, and brought out Jin Chanzi's usual address.

The woman said: "Besides, the benefactor is often seen. The little girl's surname is 'Niang', and she has a single name of 'Zi'. Your husband can call him like that~"

"Niangzi—" Ao Lie subconsciously wanted to call out, but was gagged by Bai Jingjing's expert hands.

"Who are you?" Princess Bone asked, staring at her.

"It was clearly your idea to let the two children pick me up, why did you forget?" The woman took two steps back, revealing the dumbfounded Jin Ling and Yin Ling who were carrying the golden silk sedan chair.

"This... is it possible that we will call him godfather in the future?" The two children said in a daze.

"No!" Ao Yu stood in front of Ao Lie.

"Amitre Buddha." Jin Chanzi said, "Master Ao belongs to a poor monk."

At this time, the third prince Xihai's mind was in chaos, and he didn't know what to say.

"Giggle~" The woman chuckled twice, suddenly put away her affectionate look towards Ao Lie, raised her hand and waved: "My concubine's surname is 'Su', and her single name is the word 'Mei'. Nothing to do—for now~"

When she turned around to find a seat for the banquet, a pair of furry fox ears protruded from the top of her head, and nine golden tails jumped out from behind.

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