The Collection of The End

Chapter 372: The White Rainbow Falls, The Snow Waves Break the Stones

Why do I say that monkey hunters are "born from the same root, so why rush each other"? Take a look at the current state of Aolai Country.

【Proudly come to the country】

[Population: 452,300, number of infections: 452,300]

[Apes: 47,000, number of infections: 45,000]

[Characteristics: wet, rustic]

All infected.

After all, humans are social animals. Even fishermen who have been floating on the sea all year round have to go ashore to shop and replenish their supplies. Those monkeys are quite strange. It seems that there are so small a few thousand that have no relationship with other monkeys.

Looking at Yuan Hong flying away from Huaguo Mountain, I sighed and moved the monitoring screen from Huaguo Mountain to Aolai King's Palace.

Originally, I didn't intend to observe the mortals in the doomsday world. As expected, it should be the "players" who use doomsday elements to destroy the world to see how the aborigines respond. I used to let the stupid system watch it. Now, although You can ask my sister to watch it, but there are problems in communication, so I can only take one step at a time.

"My lord, my subordinates have already stopped several hunter teams who were about to go to Huaguo Mountain, and spread the news that you have revoked the 'monkey hunting order', but none of the monkey hunting teams that have entered the mountain has returned. "A general is reporting to the king in the palace.

After all, it is a small country with a population of less than 500,000. Apart from scattered rural areas and fishing villages, only its capital is a bit more decent. The towering city walls surround three streets in each direction, three markets, and six government offices. Cang, the royal palace is located on the north side of the city, except for the slightly majestic decoration, the occupied area is not as large as some rich mansions in the city.

The lord of the country is wearing a strange red robe, a black plume gauze hat, a sword at the waist, and an old scar on his right forehead. Overall, he looks more like a magistrate than a lord of a country, um... say Maybe he sent envoys to visit some big countries, just found a "king" who was about the same size as his own territory, and imitated the clothes of the other party.

Wu Ning, the lord of Aolai Kingdom, was born in a family in the East China Sea, and he was a childhood sweetheart with the queen, and when he was young, he once—

I probably stared at the lord for a long time, and accidentally triggered the privilege of the will of the world. After seeing the name, I started to read his life, so I quickly turned my eyes away.

"Why did I ever give such an order," the lord said with a wry smile, "I just heard that there are spirit monkeys appearing in Huaguo Mountain in the market, and casually said that I wanted to catch one to play with Zitong, how did it spread like that?"

"Maybe it's because you will reward those who donate generously for what the queen accepts?" the general said.

"Sigh... If those hunters lose their lives because of me, Zitong will definitely annoy me," the lord sighed, "I wonder if there is a Monkey King on Huaguo Mountain, and whether we can discuss the matter of redemption."

"Of course~" Yuan Hong jumped in from the outside, and said with a smile: "I just don't know how much you want to bid for the five hundred hunters?"

"Who trespassed on the palace!" Iron Armored General and the surrounding guards unsheathed their weapons and pointed at Yuan Hong at the same time.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid~" Yuan Hong took out his double sticks and played for a while: "I am the 'Monkey King' that your 'Human King' is looking for."

"So..." The lord of the country ordered the general to retreat, and then he looked at Yuan Hong: "What conditions does the Monkey King have, you can tell."

"It's easy to say~ Yuan Hongdao: "We are Huaguo Mountain spirit monkeys, not man-eating monsters. The hunters are naturally unscathed, but the monkeys and monkey grandchildren who went up the mountain to disturb me will pay a ransom for each set of armor and weapons. "

"It's unreasonable, you monkey, do you know how much this set of armor costs—" "General Jin!"

The lord stopped the general and turned to Yuan Hong again: "We have agreed on this, how do we exchange it?"

The Monkey King said: "At the pier on the east side of Huaguo Mountain, every time a set of armor is received, one person will be released. I won't make it difficult for you. If the armor is missing, you can replace it with any three weapons."

I was dumbfounded when I heard this conversation. Originally, Brother Hou went to the Aolai country to get weapons, but it was still a trick of monsters.

When the yellow wind blows and secretly moves the arsenal, it becomes a deal with Yuan Hong—although there is a suspicion of coercion.

Now that you have the weapons, it's time to make trouble in the Dragon Palace, right? But seventy-two changes and somersaults?

——Year 2——

However, Jin Chanzi and his party of four attended the "Garden Opening Banquet" of the Great Immortal of Zhenyuan at Wuzhuang Temple in Wanshou Mountain. They have not seen the owner yet, but they first met the "godmother" of Jinling and Yinling. The nine-tailed fox seemed to be interested Ao Lie liked it quite a bit, but it seemed that he was just joking.

Ao Lie felt a little embarrassed, but Ao Yu felt like he was facing a big enemy. He dragged his elder brother to sit in the farthest seat of Su Mei. block the line of sight.

"A Maitreya Buddha." Jin Chanzi said: "The two female benefactors don't need to be nervous, the poor monk believes in the concentration of Ao benefactor."

Bai Jingjing said: "You bald man with red lips and white teeth is easy to say, but you must know that he is a fox with nine tails, every frown and smile is charming, if you don't restrain yourself, ordinary people will follow you foolishly when you see her, I don't know what she is just now. You made a mistake in your brain, and you tried your best to seduce my little brother, but fortunately, he has a firm mind so he didn't lose his heart."

Ao Yu also nodded again and again: "Brother said that he would take Yu'er to eat delicious food all over the world, and never let anyone else!"

Jin Chanzi said again: "If Master Ao has someone he likes in the future, what should you do?"

"Let that girl talk to me first before talking." Bai Jingjing pulled up her sleeves.

"Eat her." Ao Yu said.

"Hey, hey..." Ao Lie had woken up from the charm of the nine-tailed fox at this time, and said with a wry smile: "Not to mention that there are no such people, even if there are, we have to wait for my younger sister to become an adult and stand on her own."

Jin Chanzi said: "The poor monk is willing to wait."

Ao Lie and Ao Yu only pretended to be this monk and said strange things, but Bai Jingjing seemed to sense it, and moved to Jin Chanzi's side and said, "You monk, are you not afraid of breaking the precept when you talk like this?"

Jin Chanzi looked at Bai Jingjing, suddenly smiled and said: "If the poor monk said those words to Bai Jingjing, he would have broken the precept, but if he said those words to Ao Shi, the Buddha Master would be so angry that he would ascend to heaven, and he would not be able to get a handle on it. "

"Hehe," Princess Bone smiled as if she felt relieved, "However, a thousand lies will come true, monk, you can take it easy."

"The poor monk can save it." Jin Chanzi replied.

Ao Lie was about to ask the two of them what kind of riddle they were playing, when suddenly they heard fairy music playing in the banquet hall, and at the same time, voices of men, women, and children came from all directions.

"[After ten thousand years, it is really a pity to see you again at this garden opening banquet.]"

Pity? Shouldn't it be joy? Ao Lie looked around in surprise.

"【Everyone is still a big Luo, and the Yasheng is still a Yasheng. There is no progress at all. It's really sad.】"

Ao Lie instantly withdrew his gaze and sat upright.

"Ha! You little boy with short stature, if one day you grow up, I won't be too late to lament!" A certain guest laughed loudly. When Ao Lie secretly looked over, he couldn't see his face clearly.

"[This 'Garden Opening Banquet', the rules are the same as before,]" the voice continued indifferently: "[As we all know, this ginseng fruit is in awe of the five elements. It falls when it meets gold, withers when it meets wood, and melts when it meets water. If you can find a way to get them other than gold, you can get one as a reward. There are only two chances for each opening banquet. The untested means will be used in the next one. In ten thousand years, it is best not to let the poor know.]”

After saying this, several of the guests were eager to move, Ao Lie couldn't see the others clearly, but saw that Su Mei was holding up one of her tails as if she was eager to try... That is indeed not within the Five Elements.

"[Add one more sentence,]" should be the voice of Zhen Yuan Daxian continued: "[Taishang Laojun sent Tong'er a purple gold gourd, a mutton fat jade bottle, a seven-star sword, a plantain fan, and a golden rope, so' Endless Immortal Gold', 'Buddhist Jade', 'Light of the Stars', 'Fire of Death' and 'Divine Beast Hair' are not included in the methods accepted this time. If no one proposes a new method in the end, the Taishang Laojun will get two of them alone. A ginseng fruit.]”

As soon as this remark came out, most of the people who got up sat down directly, and condemned one after another.

"This Li Er, he always comes here every time the garden banquet is opened." "Because the saint can't be there in person, Tong'er is asked to make trouble." "He doesn't eat it himself, so it must be cheaper for Xuandu." "'God beast hair'? He Could it be that there is a nine-tailed fox coming this time?"

In the noisy room, Ao Lie saw that Su Mei, who was originally in high spirits, threw her tail away after hearing what the Great Immortal Zhenyuan said, and angrily walked back to her seat and sat down. Seeing Ao Lie's gaze, she rolled her eyes and turned her head go.

It seems that because the treasures sent by the two boys, Jin Ling and Yin Ling, covered a wide range, almost everyone stopped their movements, as if they were trying to figure out what kind of method they were. Leave the table and walk out.

"Amitre Buddha," he saluted to the empty banquet host: "Please let the poor monk have a try."

"【Please】" Following the words of the Great Immortal Zhenyuan, in front of Jin Chanzi, a majestic giant tree grew in the gap between the banquet, with lush branches and leaves, shining golden light, but its figure was transparent, as if it was projected from elsewhere.

Jin Chanzi clasped his hands together and opened his mouth to chant sutras: "【Namo Holatana Duolayeye Nanwuyapolujiedi Shuobolaya Bodhisattva Poye Mahasattva Poye...】"

Those present who are familiar with Buddhist scriptures have already heard that this is the "Great Compassion Mantra". However, as Jin Chanzi recited it, the originally ethereal and beautiful fairy music turned into a grand and solemn Buddhist music. A phantom of a golden Buddha with a height of thirteen feet emerged, nodding and smiling at everyone present.

Afterwards, the Buddha raised his hand towards the shadow of the ginseng fruit tree, flicked his fingers, picked two ginseng fruits, and put one in front of Ao Yu, but he took the remaining one, ate it and left.

"【... Om, all the palaces are full of Duo Rabaduoye Sapoha】." Jin Chanzi finished reciting the scriptures, and said in the direction where the Buddha left: "Respectfully send [the great compassion, great compassion, great benevolence, great wisdom, and purple golden Arhat Ana's magical power The ancestor of Guangji Sanyuan praises the Heavenly Venerable]."

"Hehe..." The figure of the Great Immortal Zhenyuan appeared at the head of the banquet. As Jin Chanzi said, he looked like a Taoist boy, but with three beards: "Jin Chan, you didn't say that the price was so high when you offered me tea. .”

Jin Chanzi clasped his hands together: "The monks don't lie, the poor monk didn't invite that Buddha, most likely he also wanted to taste the taste of this ginseng fruit."

"Hmph, after all, the fruit has already been taken away, so I won't say anything," Daxian Zhenyuan shook his whisk, and many fairy fruits suddenly appeared on the banquet table: "Although there are no ginseng fruits, there are enough other fairy fruits of various colors. You are Welcome."

Shi Shiran, the golden cicada who had become the focus of the audience, returned to his seat and heard Ao Lie ask, "You really didn't want to invite that Buddha?"

The monk smiled slightly: "Guess?"

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