The Collection of The End

Chapter 373 Thinking about returning, hard to return

On the east bank of Huaguo Mountain, Yuan Hong's monkey grandchildren are doing business with the Aolai Kingdom fleet.

Each Orion has a set of armor and a weapon. If the armor is insufficient, three weapons will be used instead.

In this way, the ransom of more than 500 hunters captured in the mountains destroyed more than 1,000 military equipment, and the entire Aolai country only has 2,000 permanent troops. What do you think, anyway, those Aolai soldiers watched the armor and weapons they brought in being pierced by monkeys one by one, their faces were full of collapsed and life-doubting expressions.

The Lord of Aolai Kingdom must be dissatisfied with those hunters who went to catch monkeys without permission and caused trouble, but at the scene of exchanging prisoners, under the watchful eyes of everyone, he could only order the officials to say to them, "It's all the king's fault, it hurts everyone!" If you are imprisoned, you will be compensated when you return to the country," and so on.

Maybe some hunters will reflect on their own greed, but most of them directly accept the lord's statement, boarding the ship as heroes one by one, and staring at the soldiers who are upset because they lost a lot of weapons and equipment in vain Eye.

"Here, the lord?" Yuan Hong and the lord of the Aolai Kingdom watched the exchange ceremony together from a high place beside the pier, and the monkey suddenly called out to each other.

Originally the monkey intended to call him the "King of Man", but the king of Aolai Kingdom resolutely refused, thinking about it, if he accepted this title, it would be fine at ordinary times, but now that his military strength has been greatly damaged, it would be useless for the surrounding countries to know about it. Questions will be beaten together.

"What advice does the Monkey King have?" Although the Lord of Aolai Kingdom was dissatisfied with those hunters, the monkey king who opened his mouth was the culprit, but even if he had any thoughts, he didn't show it.

"I don't know much about it," the Monkey King said, "I just want to ask, when you saw a monkey jumping out to ask you for half the country's armaments, didn't you ever think of ordering your subordinates to take me down?"

"The Monkey King is joking," said the Lord of Aolai Kingdom, "I have been practicing martial arts since I was a child. Fortunately, an immortal taught me the magic. After ten years of hard work, I have achieved a small success. It may not be possible to defeat ten thousand people, but self-confidence can be achieved." Break through the formation of a hundred people, but if you feel that you are facing the Monkey King, you are still not a single enemy."

"Oh?" Yuan Hong scratched his hairy chin: "Then let's use your 'small success method' to see?"

"If that's the case, then the king will be offended." Probably the king also wanted to try the monkey king's weight, so he immediately agreed.

"By the way, remind my sister, how powerful is this white monkey's understanding of 'introducing qi into the body' from the stone? It's only a while, and he looks almost as arrogant as Brother Hou when he returned from his studies." I watched asked lively.

[Hint: "Wuxu Hedao" is a sage, "Refining God and Returning to the Void" includes Yasheng and Daluo Jinxian, while Taiyi Sanxian, Taiyi Tianxian, and Taiyi Jinxian are "refining qi and transforming gods", and the rest All are 'entraining air into the body'. 】

"...Simple and rude, who divided it?"

[Hint: Daozu Hongjun. 】

"Don't be kidding, isn't that fabricated by "Fengshen Yanyi" which was written later than "Journey to the West"? Daoism has always denied it."


I reminded my sister not to reply. I thought about it and realized that it was pointless to dwell on it. The book was a TV series, a movie, and a game.

While he was thinking, Yuan Hong and the ruler of Aolai Kingdom had already found an open place by the sea and stood opposite each other on the surveillance screen.

"Drink!" The lord of the country did not move, he drew his sword vigorously and slashed forward. Hundreds of fine iron long swords suddenly flew out from the equipment transport ship behind him, shooting towards the monkey like dense raindrops.

"Wow! Wanjian Jue? The grief is inexplicable? Which goddamn immortal taught him? It must be the wine sword fairy!"


Therefore, it is no sense of accomplishment to remind my sister not to complain at all. If the stupid system is here, it must be followed by a sentence of "No, it's the golden glitter."

"Hey! Well done!" Yuan Hong swung a pair of wooden sticks in his palm and rushed straight into the sword rain,

The sound of jingling was endless, like rain hitting plantains, or like big beads falling on a jade plate. In the blink of an eye, hundreds of "flying swords" were all shot down on the beach.

The white ape turned over and landed on the hilt of a huge sword stuck on the ground: "Interesting, interesting, come again?"

"This king only knows how to do this," the Lord of Aolai Kingdom spread his hands and said, "At this time, I should have used the flying swords all over the place to draw a huge sword energy into the sky, but I couldn't do it. If everything goes well, about forty years later Only then can it be practiced."

"Tsk tsk," Yuan Hong jumped off the huge sword, shook his head and walked to the side of the king: "Let's not talk about forty years, even four hundred years. It's the limit of ordinary people to be able to use this sword."

"That's right," the ruler said, "When my teacher left, I said that if I want to go further, I have to let go of everything in the mundane world and devote myself to practice, but this king is learning the magic of immortality for the sake of protection, so how can he let them go? ?”

"Hey, let's just say we don't know each other." Yuan Hongmao hugged the Lord's shoulders tentatively: "Although the armor and weapon can't take away from you, this Monkey King can help you deal with some troubles around you. After all, I want to Which small country around you do you want me to fight?"

"The Monkey King is joking. My Aolai Kingdom is very friendly with its neighbors, and there is no possibility of a military confrontation," the Lord replied, and continued before Yuan Hong laughed, "However, according to reports over the years, thousands of Within the radius, there are seventy-two cave demon kings, including wolves, tigers, leopards, foxes, bears and deer, causing disaster, if the monkey king is willing to send troops to wipe them out, the country should provide assistance."

"The lord is easy to calculate. If I wipe out the seventy-two cave demon kings, you can declare to the surrounding countries that you have formed an alliance with me, the king of demon kings. They will not dare to act rashly. If I miss, it will do nothing to you." It's a big loss, at least Huaguo Mountain can be taken with confidence, isn't it?" White Ape asked while staring at the King's eyes.

"With the Monkey King's ability, there is no way he could miss it." The king responded.

"Hahaha——" "Hehehe—" After waiting for a while, the two laughed together, which puzzled the monkey and the Aolai soldiers who were peeping from a distance.

Orangutan Xiangxi, um...

——Year 2——

However, Marshal Tianpeng and Fengnv Fuling came to Tongtian River with the fish basket from the Jade Emperor’s dining room, and scooped up all the "inspiration goldfish" that overflowed the river. Only then did the clouds go to the South China Sea.

But I saw Luojia Mountain in the sea: the ocean is far away, the water reaches the sky, thousands of layers of snow waves, thousands of miles of mist waves, towering treasure mountains, piercing the sky, thousands of strange flowers, various auspicious grasses, lotuses shaken by the wind, and golden lotus reflected in the sun.

When looking from the air, you can clearly see the Jinding Guanyin Hall and the Youbi Chaoyin Cave, and you can faintly hear the singing of various spiritual birds in the Zizhu Forest. inform.

This mountain guard is a black bear who has become a spirit, and he answered, but he watched the goldfish in the fish basket not move a step, and saw that the saliva was about to drip, and suddenly he was hit on the head by a mixed iron rod, knocked him to the ground, and gnawed With a mouthful of grass leaves and soil, when he turned over and got up, he howled and ran away without looking back: "I really didn't steal it this time!"

"I've seen Marshal Canopy, the Bodhisattva is waiting by the lotus pond, come with me." It was Guanyin Bodhisattva's disciple Hui An Xingzhe who overturned the black bear. He sang to the Marshal and led the way first.

While walking, Fu Ling asked: "It seems that there are not many goldfish in this basket, but there are tens of thousands of each. Is the capacity of the Bodhisattva Goldfish Pond sufficient?"

Hui An proudly said: "The means of the Bodhisattva, you and I can guess? Even a teacup can fill the water of the world, let alone tens of thousands of goldfish?"

"In this way, the Bodhisattva raises goldfish in the cup..." Fu Ling was halfway speaking when the canopy turned his head and looked at him, so he stuck out his tongue and stopped talking, but fortunately Hui An didn't understand.

Turning out of the purple bamboo forest, the canopy and Fu Ling saw [Great Mercy and Great Compassion Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva] meditating on the lotus platform beside the lotus pond. They saw her wearing a pearl necklace with golden flowers and green leaves on her head, and plain blue with light makeup. A pair of emerald jade ring pendants with the breeze dancing the bright moon are hung on the gown, and a brocade velvet skirt with gold rim silk is tied around the waist, and a jade bottle with green white willows is held in the hand.

The canopy and the talisman greeted the Bodhisattva, and after explaining his intentions, he asked Hui An to present a fish basket.

When Hui An handed over the fish basket, the Bodhisattva did not take the fish basket, and made him stand beside the lotus platform with the fish basket in his hand. , Fu Ling and Bodhisattva looked at each other for a while, their eyes were bright and their expressions were calm.

"No regrets?" Bodhisattva suddenly asked.

"Of course I don't regret it." Fu Ling replied without hesitation.

"You should know that although I claim to be 'rescuing the suffering', if those who suffer the misfortune don't call it 'suffering' and don't call it 'difficulty', there is no way to save them." The Bodhisattva said: "Although it is a little late at this time, But if you back out now, there is still room for change."

"The Bodhisattva is merciful, but my daughter has made up her mind." Fu Ling bowed down and said, "I ask the Bodhisattva to help you."

Canopy looked back in surprise, but Fu Ling didn't look at him. When he went to see Guanyin again, the Bodhisattva had already picked up the willow branch, shook the fish basket in Hui An's hand, and shouted: "Go alive, live dead!" Go alive, live dead!"

Seeing the golden and red light in the fish basket flickering non-stop, and trembling violently, Hui An did not let go of his hand under full pressure, and when the sound and light stopped after a while, he saw a gold fish that was glittering in gold and bright red coming out of the fish basket Jumped out, bowed to the Bodhisattva a few times, turned back and jumped into the lotus pond, a few pieces of golden light scattered, and when he looked at the fish basket again, there was nothing left.

Just as Hui An breathed a sigh of relief, the fish basket in his hand flew out and scattered in mid-air. The bamboo grates used to weave it scattered and sank into the purple bamboo forest. They disappeared as soon as they touched the ground, and were replaced by others. It was the pointed bamboo shoots that popped out of the ground.

"The Jade Emperor is still the same. He doesn't bother the two masters with one thing. He has completed his work and one battle." The Bodhisattva sighed, and said to Tianpeng and Fu Ling: "You two go, remember to do it yourself."

Although Tianpeng was confused, he knew that this was not the time to ask, so he retreated with Fu Ling after saluting.

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