The Collection of The End

Chapter 382 Fighting against the three methods, the fire is rising

[Hint: The king of the Daughter Kingdom wanted to marry the queen, but was opposed by the ministers. 】

[Hint: The envoy of the Phoenix clan failed to achieve the expected goal and returned sadly. 】

[Reminder: Huaguo Mountain's campaign to incorporate the Demon King has started smoothly. 】

[Hint: The aquarium disaster relief operation has received multiple investments. 】

Originally, I wanted to cut back to see how Yuan Hong and the Demon King of the Seventy-two Caves are doing. This reminder is unnecessary once it comes out. Is the leader much smarter than those marshals and generals who stayed at Huaguo Mountain?

Although the group of monkey leaders who were taken into the zoo by the Dragon Lady encountered force majeure such as capsized and drowned, they still won the status of a zoo director for their group through negotiations.

The other thing is the group of monkeys I was looking at. They wandered to Xiniu Hezhou, where they were unfamiliar, and they didn’t just find a hilltop to establish a colony. Instead, they planned to discuss cooperation with a group of local goblins.

"It seems that none of them have names, so let's call them 'Fine Ghost' and 'Smart Worm' respectively." I poked the monkey's head wandering around Sanqing Town and said.

【…】Remind my sister to ignore me.

In fact, there are monkeys living in Sanqing Town, but their original bodies are more like human beings, so they did not learn from those townspeople to practice human body. In the temporary gathering place, only Wisdom Worm and a few monkey guards were left to negotiate with Sanqing Town.

In this regard, I am certainly happy to see it succeed.

【Che Chi Country】

[Population: 4.04 million, number of infections: 0]

[Apes: 320,000, number of infections: 2197]

[Characteristics: Drought, rich. 】

Obviously, this country is so mountainous that there are so many monsters. Monkeys have no advantage against other large-sized or violent animals and monsters, so they have to live scattered throughout the country. There are only about two thousand monkeys in this big tree in Qingzhen.

In this temporary monkey king... Well, under the investigation of the clever insect, I have basically understood the situation in Sanqing Town. It is true that this is a place where monsters gather, but the leader is not such vicious monsters as jackals, tigers and leopards. There are three people in total, namely deer demon, horse demon and sheep demon, all of whom are vegetarian animals. They built a "Three Purity Temple" in the town to worship Sanqing, and they called themselves their disciples.

The Sanqing in Taoism and Journey to the West should have been [Taishang Laojun], [Yuanshi Tianzun] and Lingbao Daojun, but in this Sanqing Temple, the third Sanqing enshrined is... [Tongtian Hierarch].

Clever Worm walked around the Sanqing Temple, and left without feeling anything wrong. Instead, I was quite shocked.

Well, although I already knew that the cultivation method that Yuan Hong never came out of the shell was created by Hongjun, but I still have a little bit of luck, and seeing Sanqing this time is a real hammer.

"Hongjun...isn't he watching me evolve a monkey while poking bubbles in silence? Is it really okay for you to be so naughty all the time?" I complained.

[Hint: 'Player' is the supreme existence in all mission worlds. ] Reminding my sister to ignore me once.

"Shen Temiao's supreme existence, so where did that 'MonkeyKiller' come from? Are we the same way?"

【…】reminds my sister to be silent again.

Think about it carefully, what I just said casually seems to be okay? Didn't the protagonists in those various stories encounter the misfortune of "destiny" one by one, so they have to "go against the sky"?

"So, don't worry!" I said to the clever bug on the surveillance screen: "Even if they have Sanqing's support, you have the will of the world behind you."

If the stupid system exists, it will definitely pop up and say, "What is the will of the world with no DNA points left?"

The appearance of Zhangli Daxian, Mali Daxian and Yangli Daxian is just like their names.

They have a human body and the head of the corresponding animal respectively, but something special is that although the deer head of the musk musk deer is in the body of the young girl, judging from the clothes, the horse power is naturally a horse. But this guy's body is a burly man, and he is dressed like a mortal policeman, making me always want to look around for a bull's head or something. As for Yang Li Daxian, he is more ordinary, he looks like a skinny old man, Wearing dirty and wrinkled Taoist robes.

And in the Sanqing Temple, which serves as the mayor's mansion, the tables and chairs are fully furnished. From this point of view, there are sufficient reasons for the monsters here to cultivate their bodies. After all, they only need to go to mortals to get what they need.

"Sit," Daxian Mali snorted and said to the clever bug who entered the room.

The monkey looked at the chair, then at the three great immortals who were obviously taller than it, jumped onto the chair, stepped on the seat, and sat on the high back of the chair.

"Heh." Mali laughed, "We originally planned to place you and other monkeys on the Monkey Mountain outside the town, but I heard that you have opinions, so we can speak up now."

"Thank you for the kindness of the Great Immortal," said Ling Chong, clasping his hands, "However, when we set off with the group of monkeys, the Monkey King said that no matter where we arrive, we must establish a camp that is fully managed by monkeys. The town built by the three The sea is full of rivers and rivers, but there are many species, and it is not where we live, so I want to ask where in this country there are many monkeys, and I will move to it."

"Duh!" Great Immortal Yang Li suddenly shouted, "I waited for the teacher's ancestor to teach: 'There is no distinction between education', you monkey dare to despise my sect's ancestor's instruction?"

"Don't be upset, Yanggong. You must know that the ancestors also taught to 'teach students according to their aptitude'. If the monkeys can't adapt to the life in the town, just draw a map and send him away." The great immortal Zhangli persuaded.

"However, I am very happy with the teaching of the master's 'nature and inaction'," Ma Li said to Ling Li Chong: "No matter where you and the monkeys want to go, we will not stop you, but there is one thing, as long as you leave this Sanqing Town , and are not allowed to return.”

The smart worm was thinking, but I could only support my forehead. Regardless of whether these monsters have been inherited or not, at least the idea is not wrong. The document I reminded my sister to scan also said that they have the authentic Five Thunders method, maybe it is Did you pick up the reading notes of a disciple of the Three Religions...

"Let me ask, how many ethnic groups have left in the past, and have they ever returned?" Smart Worm asked tentatively.

"Oh," Daxian Yang Li pinched his fingers and counted: "About forty-two, all of them are carnivorous species. They think that there is not much blood food in my place, so they leave on their own, fearing that they have been beaten to death by those bald men. stop."

"Baldy?" The clever bug asked in surprise.

"The country of mortals here is called 'Chechi'. Buddhism is the state religion. There are many monks, and most of them practice martial arts," Zhang Lida said, "If those bloodthirsty people attack mortals, they will be heard within half a day. Even if the monks who come here are caught and killed by chance, they will be chased and killed by their tails, so anyone who leaves from this place will not be accepted."

"Even so, are you going to leave?" Immortal Ma Li took out a roll of maps from his sleeve: "This is a reflection of the surrounding terrain and the places where spiritually enlightened people gather. If you take this, you have to leave immediately."

"I'll leave myself." The clever insect hesitated for a moment, but still took the map: "If there are a few monkeys who don't want to leave, please take care of the three great immortals."


But when Ao Cunxin, the fourth princess of the West Sea, was doing business with the jade-faced fox at the beach, a pure white ape descended from the sky on a cloud and smashed up a lot of gold, silver and jade. This white monkey is quite powerful. He took a pair of gold and silver sticks from a bunch of trading items, and beat all the sailors to the ground. He wanted to attack the two princesses, but he saw the general patrolling the sea blocking him with his shield, so he got away And go, leaving only the soft clouds.

"Oh hehehe—" Princess Yumian sneered, "That monkey belongs to my sister, so why not go after it?"

Ao Cunxin ordered the shrimp soldiers and crab generals to search the surroundings for the white ape, and ignore the bad friend.

The jade-faced fox swayed lightly and approached the somersaulting cloud, then jumped up high and rushed towards it: "Little sister will use it as a bed in the future—"

Everyone present only heard a "plop", and saw the jade-faced princess pass through the clouds unhindered and fell to the ground, Ao Cunxin touched his nose in empathy.

"Why, why?" Princess Yumian murmured while covering her mouth and nose.

"Perhaps it thinks you're a bad sister?" The fourth princess of Xihai teased the fox, stepped forward and carefully climbed up the cloud, although there were ups and downs, but did not fall, and she winked triumphantly at Princess Yumian.

She thought in her heart, this cloud is really comfortable, wouldn't it be nice if she could sit and swim with Xiao Zhenzhen, it's not that big, if you want to sit firmly, you have to get close, then you can... Hehehe~

With a bang, the princess who was originally sitting on the cloud fell straight down, just like the jade-faced fox before.

Princess Yumian, who clearly saw the change in her expression, laughed and said, "It's a pity, this Yun probably thinks you are dirty, sister."

"Sister, I am the princess of the West Sea, so I am pure and pure, and a certain fox who can't get up is full of filth." Ao Cunxin retorted.

"If daddy hadn't brought a group of portraits of young heroes and family backgrounds to urge me to get married recently, how could a mere cloud be difficult for my little sister." Princess Yumian refused to accept it.

"I'm afraid my sister has taken a fancy to which one of them?"

"It's strange that my sister fell down after sitting on it. What's going on in my mind?"

While the two princesses were sneering and sneering, Sea Patrol Pearl approached Yun Duo, tried to press it a few times, and turned over to Yun Duo after confirming that it was all right, only to see that Yun Duo was carrying her around the trading venue like a cute pony , stunned Ao Cunxin and Yumianhu.

"Fourth princess," Pearl said to her, "The white ape seems to be the Monkey King of Huaguo Mountain mentioned by the drowning monkeys in the zoo. Let's go back to the bottom of the sea to inquire about the specific situation first, so as not to add foreign enemies to the Dragon Palace."

"Oh... that's right," Ao Cunxin suddenly said, "I still need to ask them where this cloud comes from, and whether there are other types."

"You want colorful ones?" the jade-faced fox asked.

"No, it's best if it's fiery red." The Fourth Princess of the West Sea said.

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