After leaving Sanqing Temple, Li Chong hurried back to the monkey gathering place on the outskirts of the town to convey the news to his compatriots that he was leaving. Unexpectedly, nearly one-third of the monkeys who came across the sea refused to continue taking risks. Wanting to live in this monster town, on the contrary, those monkey spirits who had lived in Sanqing town long enough were willing to go out with him.

But watching them prepare their clanking luggage and weapons one by one, and make a lot of noise after leaving Monkey Mountain, the most important thing is that even the smart bug didn't find anything wrong.

Well, this is indeed the style of the Huaguoshan monkey group. No matter where they go, they are full of presence. I am afraid that others will not know that they are from Huaguoshan. They are monkeys covered by a monkey king.

If it’s okay in Dongshengshenzhou, even if they get into trouble, Mr. Yuan Hong still has time to save them, but this is Xiniu Hezhou, and it’s Che Chiguo, a powerful Buddhist school. If the people, and the people ask the monk for help...

[Hint: Huaguo Mountain has conquered the 'five' demon king's cave. 】

Following the voice prompt to remind her sister, a DNA bubble popped up from Dongsheng Shenzhou, which is really a timely help.

[Hint: Spend DNA points to evolve the special ability 'consciousness awakening' successfully. 】

[Awakening of Consciousness]: The intelligence of apes has been greatly improved, and they can dodge more effectively by analyzing the enemy's search behavior.

In this way, they will not be discovered and captured by the monks of Chechi Kingdom——

[Hint: 'Primitive Consciousness' + 'Cognitive Displacement' + 'Consciousness Awakening', the combo is achieved, and all infected people will get the special ability 'stealth'. 】

As soon as this reminder came out, the overall atmosphere of the monkey group on the monitoring screen changed. Although they were still noisy, their movements and positions had been adjusted obviously, and they approached those bunkers such as trees and stones intentionally or unintentionally. The poses also become ready to go, roughly speaking, if an outsider appears on the scene, the monkeys can completely hide in a few seconds.

Although I can see that many monkeys choose the same hiding place, if they really hide, they will definitely hit each other's heads, but at least it's a good start...well.

——Year 4——

"Xihai... the zoo?"

Being dizzy due to falling from a high altitude, Yuan Hong only used 10% of his abilities and only used 20% of his abilities. After grabbing a pair of gold and silver sticks and repelling the inexplicable attacking shrimp soldiers and crab generals, he hid behind a huge rock by the sea and listened quietly. Those aquariums tossed about somersaulting the cloud, originally looking for an opportunity to recapture the cloud and fly away, but they heard the news about the traveling monkey group, so they decided to stay and wait and see what happened.

When the two "princesses" were about to return to the Dragon Palace, Yuan Hong quickly dived into the sea and directly pressed against the belly of the giant tortoise they were riding on. , finally gave up looking.

For the fact that the giant tortoise was intelligent but unable to speak, the white ape was quite fortunate, and after a while, he felt a group of people waiting to climb on the back of the turtle, and with a shout, the giant tortoise dived into the deep sea.

"Sister, if the white ape really came to look for his monkey grandson, what do you do? Let the monkey go as a gift?" Yuan Hong, who was under the turtle's belly, heard one of the princesses ask,

"Send them to the zoo together," another princess said, "I'm not boasting. The dangerous peaks and mountains cut from famous mountains in Xihai Zoo are no worse than Huaguo Mountain. Where is the monkey king?"

"Fourth princess, please be careful," the guard in white armor said, "Even if he doesn't intend to save the monkeys in the garden, he will definitely take back the cloud."

There was a moment of silence on the turtle's back, and then two plops were heard.

"Tsk..." The voice of the fourth princess sounded again, seemingly dissatisfied: "We can't even touch it, you are the one who needs to be careful."

"I don't know if I can ride this cloud if I dye my hair pure white.

In addition, the "princess" also responded: "Before that, you have to help us keep an eye on it." "

"Please rest assured," said the patrolling general, "The white monkey king is not his opponent."

"Hey..." Yuan Hong retorted that he didn't use all his strength, but the general also played it lightly when he repelled him. It's hard to say who is stronger.

While thinking about it, the giant tortoise had already reached the deep sea, and in a dazzling light, the West Sea Dragon Palace appeared under the giant tortoise.


Daughter Country, Wufeng Tower.

"Sister Bai, this is my Xiliang specialty 'Saint Fruit', let's try it?"

But it is said that the Empress of the Daughter Kingdom used the iron ox cart to bring the Princess of Bones from the Zimu River all the way back to the palace in the city, sent her to sit on the main seat of the Golden Luan Palace, and gave her a bunch of melons and fruits to enjoy. The posture of the deputy Yiren taking care of her beloved made all the ministers who came after him dumbfounded.

"Empress, this thing is called 'tomato' in my hometown." Bai Jingjing pinched one and said, "It's a vegetable, not a fruit."

"Calling her a female emperor is a bit of an outsider," the little female emperor pressed close to her, "It's good to call my boudoir 'Ming Kong'."

"Okay, Xiao Kong~" Bai Jingjing corrected as she said, and touched her head by the way.

"Hey~" The girl narrowed her eyes, "My heart is so comforting~"

It was not that Bai Jingjing couldn't dodge that day, because the ox cart came with too much momentum stepping on the blue and purple thunder, she couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then she was captured by the daughter of the Queen of the Kingdom, and when she saw that the owner of the ox cart was nothing After the big man with eyebrows, he was not in a hurry to get away, and planned to see what the purple-haired girl wanted to do.

"If Sister Bai is willing to ascend the throne as the Empress of the Daughter Kingdom, I would like to be the Empress."

Before Empress Mingkong spoke, Bai Jingjing could not think of such a reason, only the daughter of a woman, shouldn't she go to snatch Jin Chanzi or Ao Lie?

But when I saw the picture of the heroic woman walking with the gentle and graceful woman on the street, I couldn't help feeling "Isn't this pretty good?"

If you think about it carefully, this is a country without men since ancient times. When you see men, you should treat them as monsters. The rumors of chasing a mate and so on are mostly malicious speculations by idlers who heard that there is a country of women. I am filled with the idea that men are respected, and certainly no woman is happy with it.

Looking around in a blink of an eye, several ministers of His Royal Highness held up the wat boards in their hands to indicate that they wanted to play, but the empress ignored them and only talked and laughed with Bai Jingjing.

Princess Bone was thinking about how to tell the empress that she was bewildered because she was a mortal, and if she was a natural bone elf, if she didn't cover her face with a bone face, she would be very likely to be seen. It completely charms the witnesses, and it can't detect anything wrong by itself.

Originally, even if the bone surface was only covered on the forehead, it should have the same effect, but unexpectedly, when she absorbed the extra bone surface of the servant, the bone surface on her forehead temporarily failed for a moment, and at this time it happened that this The Empress looked over.

"Your Majesty! It's a disaster—" Outside the palace gate, a general of the imperial guards rushed in: "A man in silver armor came outside the palace gate, straddling a horse and holding a gun, and asked His Majesty to send her sister back. There is also a bald Yiren and a girl following-"

"Irreverent!" The empress threw a strawberry with her hands, leaving a mark on the face of the general who reported the letter.

"Uh...Your Majesty?" the general wiped his face and said innocently.

"Sister Bai belongs to me!" The empress jumped down from the throne angrily. The moment she landed, she covered her body with a black gold-edged robe. Put on a gorgeous gold crown.

After three steps, the empress lightly jumped up and got on the iron ox cart that appeared there at some unknown time. While all the ministers were evading in panic, the empress drove out of the palace, leaving behind the ministers who kept calling for "Your Majesty". Leave a word to Bai Jingjing from afar: "When I beat them away, I will come back and marry my sister!"

There is no doubt that this daughter country is full of mortals from top to bottom, and there is a very sinister Zimu River in the country. The key to the continuation of this country lies in this strange ox cart, which seems to be only for Used by previous empresses, it can enable the driver to gain the power of an extraordinary emperor, and can also faintly suppress the domestic trend of yin and yang decline. It is ready to be revealed exactly what it is.

Although it was interesting to tease the little empress, but he didn't want her to have an affair with the brothers and sisters of Ao Lie and Jin Chanzi, so he also stepped down from the throne and walked out under the complicated gazes of all the ministers.

At this time, outside the palace gate, Ao Lie, Ao Yu, and Jin Chanzi were being blocked by a group of female soldiers and generals. Although Ao Lie could blow these mortals away with a raise of his hand, they belonged to the imperial army of a country after all. Doing it will only lead to trouble.

"It's you who want to snatch my sister?!" The iron ox cart rushed out of the palace gate, and the empress stood on the top of the cart, taking the lead.

"Sister?" Ao Lie was speechless for a moment, and then said: "There is a tradition of kidnapping sisters from outsiders at will in the daughter country?"

"What? You dare to call her sister? Die!" The empress was furious, she waved away the persuading palace servants and drove over directly.

"Amile Buddha," Jin Chanzi said with a sense of humor: "The poor monk once heard that when women from the daughter country marry each other, one of them will be called 'sister'."

"Is that cart edible?" Ao Yu looked at the giant ox pulling the cart.

"How did I know there was such a thing! You can't eat it!" Ao Lie let out a low cry and charged forward with a gun.

Then there was a loud bang, the Sanwei Kamikaze on the gun collided with the red flame gale brought out by the bullock cart, the bullock cart stopped, but Ao Lie kicked back several steps.

The hurricane caused by the conflict between the two blew all the female officers and generals upside down, Jin Chanzi was okay, but Ao Yu was a little unsteady, and when he swayed two steps and almost left his feet off the ground, Bai Jingjing, who was driven out, rushed into the room. arms.

"You beloved, you have some tricks," the empress stood on the roof of the car, her belt fluttering in the wind, but she remained motionless: "You have the right to be known by me."

"Hmph, I am Ao Lie, the third prince of the Dragon Palace of the West Sea." Ao Lie replied as he stood firm.

"Even if the Dragon King came personally, I would never want to take my sister away!" The empress said, "Fight again!"

"It's unreasonable..." Ao Lie frowned, and was about to use a little more force to subdue this rebellious girl before trying to reason, but suddenly saw her petite body suddenly covered by a thick black mist. She rushed.

"Heh, even if it's a surprise attack—" "Pfft!"

In the middle of her speech, she was suddenly pierced by a huge black spike from behind her abdomen, her mouth was rattling but she could not make a sound, and immediately fell over from the roof of the ox cart.

Before the girl landed, she was directly embraced by Bai Jingjing, who arrived first, and when she looked at the bullock cart again, she was robbed by a black shadow that seemed to have double pincers and tail needles. Fly away.

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