The Collection of The End

Chapter 384 10 square demons, thirsty for my fragility

What would happen if a group of monkeys learned to sneak?

Of course it wasn't photographed and sent to video sites.

Stealth is not invisibility. Although invisibility does exist in this world, it is impossible to spread it to all monkey groups at once.

It is a stealth mode of action that utilizes the observer's visual blind spot, the illusion of light and shadow between objects, and the shadow cover when lighting. It's hard to notice if you're looking directly at it without moving, but if you're in broad daylight and the surrounding area is empty, it's absolutely impossible to sneak.

The group of monkeys who mastered stealth skills, under the leadership of the clever insect, crossed the state and government in Chechi Kingdom, and were not noticed by ordinary people at all. The monks seemed to be aware of it, but the group of monkeys never hurt anyone except for the occasional prank. People, so they turned a blind eye and didn't pursue them.

According to the map given by Sanqingguan Sanxian, besides the increasing number of monkeys gathered in this team, there are also many other types of goblins who come to join the clever insects, but they are not like humans that can increase infection. The number provides DNA points, and there will be no strengthening symptoms of monkeys, which can be described as tasteless.

I was thinking about how to make the best use of them, but a red message suddenly popped up when I reminded my sister.

[Hint: The Huaguoshan Expeditionary Army was defeated. 】

Um... what? Don't these guys have a lot of fun playing stealth?

After staying for a while, I suddenly realized that the group of monkeys I was following and observing were the "Huaguoshan Immigrants", and the ones who were conquering the demon king in Dongsheng Shenzhou were called the "Huaguoshan Expeditionary Army".

"I don't want to lose face if you lose the battle just after you evolved stealth?"

[…] Remind my sister to refuse to complain as always.

I looked along the real-time screen window attached to the prompt, and saw a group of heavily armed monkey troops surrounding a pool, or in other words, being surrounded by the owner of the pool.

The evolved stealth is not useless, at least they all know how to find cover, and those who have nowhere to hide on flat ground will find companions to form a battle formation-but it is useless.

A black giant dragon was floating above the water pool, roaring at the monkeys non-stop. Even if some monkeys struggled to stand up, they would fall down again with a plop when they heard the roar of the dragon.

It's okay, being suppressed by someone using Longwei instead of being washed away by some powerful spell.

Speaking of which, I have seen a lot of Western dragons in the Laogun world, and suddenly I saw an Eastern dragon, which is quite kind. Although this is an ugly black dragon with no horns, his name also appeared above my head following my gaze. : [Dragon Demon King].

I turned around and looked over the course of action of this expeditionary army. After they cleared the "Vegetable Chicken King" near Huaguo Mountain, they didn't do a spiral sweep at all, but continued straight forward, defeating the other three demon queens along the way Arrived directly at the territory of the Flood Demon King, um... really good.

"My Heilongtan and your Huaguoshan well water don't violate the river water, so why do you violate my border for no reason?" The Jiao Demon King roared again and said.

"Your Majesty ordered me to wipe out the Demon King of the Seventy-two Caves of Dongsheng Shenzhou, and if you know what you want, you will surrender obediently!" A monkey general shouted.

"If Yabeng uses the word 'no' halfway, I will turn your 'Black Dragon Pool' into a 'Blood Dragon Pool'!" Another monkey next to him also yelled.

I was stunned for a moment, and I could only make up for the stupid system hahahaha.

I thought that you, as old monkeys in Huaguo Mountain, would have some high-level remarks when you came to the front of the two armies, but unexpectedly you uttered such vulgar words. I have two names, you two should pick them up-"brainless" and "unhappy" ".

The Jiao Demon King's reflex arc was probably longer than mine, and it took him a long time to react, and he breathed out his dragon's breath angrily: "Oh! I want to see how capable the Huaguo Mountain Monkey King is, making you so arrogant!"

With a flick of his tail, several rope-like streams of water gushed out of the pool, dragging all the monkeys and their grandchildren into the Black Dragon Pool.

Only a few were left: "Go back and tell the white-haired monkey king that if you want to get these monkeys back, you can come here in person!"

After finishing the words, he returned to the Black Dragon Pool with the converging water flow, and the monkeys who survived the disaster uttered a cry, turned around and ran away.

"By the way, where did Yuan Hong go? From the looks of it, the Flood Demon King doesn't seem to be his opponent."

[Hint: West Sea Dragon Palace treasure house. 】Remind my sister to turn the screen to a glittering golden palace, and I tried to distinguish for a while before I found out the location of the white ape.

Regardless of how he got there, is it the tradition of the Monkey King to make trouble in the Dragon Palace?

——Year 4——

Daughter country.

The empress was seriously injured, the national treasure ox cart was robbed by monsters, and outsiders rushed into the palace.

A series of changes caught the ministers by surprise, so they had to order the royal guards to guard the Ganlu Hall where the outsiders and the empress lived, and then discuss countermeasures with the prime minister and the general.

When she was shot down from the bullock cart, the golden crown on the empress's head and the black royal robe were all broken, her purple hair was loose, her red eyes were closed tightly, and the fluffy palace skirt was dyed red by the seeping blood. It never disappeared, so Bai Jingjing could only use her spiritual power to suppress it and stabilize the empress' injury, but she didn't dare to take it out without authorization.

"At this time, there is absolutely no time to think about other trivial matters!" Princess Bone said to Ao Lie: "As a bone elf, I have no way to heal the living, so take out your dragon balls and use them!"

"This..." Ao Lie was embarrassed, he hesitated to speak.

The dragon ball is also called the Lizhu, because the Lilong put its dragon ball under the chin and was repeatedly stolen. Because of this allusion, other dragons will naturally hide the dragon ball properly, so that outsiders can't easily see it.

"What are you hesitating for?" Bai Jingjing glared at him, "This empress loves a woman, even if you save her life, you won't promise her with your body."

"How could I think of this?" Ao Lie said: "There is really nothing to take. After I burn the first bead, as long as there are new beads that start to form, they will burn by themselves. When they are fully formed, they will be burnt out." when."

"Yeah!" Ao Yu nodded in confirmation.

"So... then Xiaoyu yours?" Bai Jingjing hesitated for a moment before asking.

"Eat it." Ao Yu opened his mouth and pointed.

"It's rare to grill your own dragon balls and eat them," Jin Chanzi said.

"Because I always burn the beads, I let Xiaoyu eat the dragon beads by herself. Where did I grill them?" Ao Lie retorted.

"If you have no way to cure Mingkong, then keep your mouth shut!" Bai Jingjing said angrily.

"Zhen..." As if awakened by the crowd waiting to speak, the Empress slowly opened her dark red eyes, looked at the huge thorns on her belly, and said to Princess Bone, "Sister Bai... Is I going to die? "

"Nonsense!" Bai Jingjing said: "Everyone present here has a hundred ways to keep you alive, but I just haven't found a way to allow you to continue to be the empress of the Daughter Kingdom."

"Sister Bai must be comforting me," the empress looked at the spike again, "but since it can make me feel no pain, I will trust my sister once."

These words are not comforting, Bai Jingjing whispered to the empress while thinking, if the empress abandons her human body and becomes one of her bone-faced servants, such small injuries can be easily ignored, or forcibly take out the black thorn to destroy several At the cost of bone surface, she can reshape her lost flesh and blood, and she can even donate the ginseng fruit spiritual power to her. However, no matter what means, this empress will leave the ranks of "mortals" and will no longer be able to become an empress of a country.

Although she did not use the method of suppressing the pain, was it Ao Lie or Jin Chanzi who did it?

"Can benefactor Ao recognize that bullock cart?" Jin Chanzi called Ao Lie to the other side of the palace and asked, which disturbed the conversation between Princess Bone and the Empress.

"[Xihe Golden Chariot], of course I recognize it, but it's not the original version that was originally pulled by Jiulong," Ao Lie said, "The one pulling the cart is a 'prisoned ox'. A mortal pulls a cart and transforms into a cow in the shape of a dragon... Although it is called a prisoner cow, it is not a cow."

"As the saying goes, 'the lone sun never grows, and the lone yin never grows'. This is the ox cart that has been handed down from the land of women to this day," Jin Chanzi said, "I'm afraid that the monster who snatched the ox cart It has been planned for a long time, and the female emperor's inability to grow is mostly due to her plan. Because I was afraid that I would see the flaw, I took the bullock cart away in advance. In this way, all the citizens of this daughter country will not be able to grow, even the son of Yin No baby can be born from the water of the mother river."

"...I think the young citizens of Daughter's Kingdom are probably quite grateful for this," Ao Lie said, "but why is the golden car allowed to be driven by monsters?"

"[Xihe] will not fail to be restrained," Jin Chanzi said: "Although it is a guess, it must be that the demon also has the blood of the emperor of the daughter kingdom. It must be that his mother deceived a certain generation of empresses. If you count strictly, then The little empress will probably call her great-grandmother."

"Oh, housework." Ao Lie didn't know what expression to make.

"Since we were bumped into by us, we have to take care of housework," Jin Chanzi said, "but the demon has probably escaped after he achieved his goal. Let's cure the empress. If there is a chance on the westbound journey Looking for an ox cart."

"It's very good, but how to do it?" The third prince of Xihai looked at the direction of the empress and Bai Jingjing, and was quite speechless when he heard that the little empress began to design her own tomb to avoid being stolen.

"Lord Ao, please try to understand what the poor monk said next," Jin Chanzi said: "Never mind dragon pearls, ordinary pearls are born from shells and oysters. The things that were born and isolated are condensed and formed, and are of the same kind as the bezoar and dog treasure."

"Oh..." Ao Lie nodded in embarrassment, as if he remembered the strange look in her eyes when he named the clam girl Pearl.

"And the black spike that stabbed the empress, the poor monk thought it was also condensed by the things generated in the monster's body." After Jin Chanzi said, he looked at Ao Lie steadfastly.

"Well... that means..." Before Ao Lie could think clearly about these words, a big fire suddenly ignited in the abdomen of the female empress over there, without igniting her clothes, she directly turned the spikes into ashes.

"【Moke Qi Nuo Da Sitta ah Li --】" Jin Chanzi chanted the scriptures, the girl's body shone with golden light, and the blood disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The empress jumped off the ground, patted her body several times with her hands, and then turned to Jin Chanzi: "I want to make Buddhism the state religion, what kind of reward do you want, bald man?"

"Amitre Buddha," Jin Chanzi put his palms together and said, "The poor monk asks His Majesty to take it back."

If he wasn't angry, his master probably felt uncomfortable... Ao Lie, who had just realized the new usage of the ability, looked sideways.

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