The so-called stealth, in fact, there are two ways,

One is to wear night clothes, see all directions, listen to all directions, quietly walk through the shadows and blind spots of the guard's vision, and sneak into the target location without anyone noticing.

The other is the armored sword, rampaging, killing everyone encountered along the way, and sneaking into the target location without anyone noticing.

On the other hand, Yuan Hong made a compromise. He hid himself all the way to avoid being discovered by the guards of the Dragon Palace, but if a guard walked too slowly and made him impatient, he jumped out and knocked unconscious and dragged him away. When he saw a box along the way, he went to unlock it. Destroy when the alarm bell arrives, and even if you accidentally alarm the patrols, they will all be brought down before they warn or escape.

In the end, he successfully arrived at the treasure house of the West Sea Dragon Palace.

"Huh? Aren't I going to the zoo?" Yuan Hong looked at the open door of the treasure house after letting go of the shrimp soldiers guarding the treasury, and murmured to himself in a slightly confused manner.

Yes, yes, those densely intersecting patrol lines, the alarm bells placed everywhere, and the tightly locked gates are all used to protect the zoo from being visited. Should it be said that he was lucky enough not to break into the Dragon King's bedroom all the way? ?

"But it's just right." Yuan Hong glanced at the double sticks in his hands that were bumpy and bent, and walked into the treasure house: "If you find one or two weapons and armor that are suitable for use, save the monkeys in the zoo. The monkey grandson is also more sure."

If you want to comment on this treasure house of the West Sea, one word is "vulgar", and the other two words are "intuit vulgar".

In the huge palace, the gold coins are piled up into undulating hills. All kinds of gold and silver jewelry, armor and weapons are randomly scattered on the "mountain", and there are also some treasure chests of various colors that are projecting light from the gap even if they are not opened. The only thing they have in common is that they are all glittering.

Wait, how come there are gold coins in Journey to the West?

I took a closer look at the "camera" and found that those "gold coins" were just appearances. The whole was made into the appearance of an ordinary copper coin with a circle on the outside and a square on the inside. .

Obviously, this thing is a coin that circulates within the dragon clan. If you want to trade with foreign clans, you may have to melt it down and recast it, although it is just a matter of pinch for them.

Ao Run, the Dragon King of the West Sea, does not hoard pearls, jade and other treasures, but loves gold and silver. He must be a fake Dragon King.

Even though he said so, Yuan Hong didn't seem to care about it. He had already opened many boxes and inspected them one by one, and finally got a piece of gold chain mail to wear on his body to show off.

On the screen, the golden armored white ape jumped around for a while, and suddenly said: "No, no, if you have a golden armor, you must have a golden crown and golden boots, and you must have a golden weapon. The golden light shines in your actions, which is really too much." Too compelling."

Yes, that's right, with fiery eyes and golden hoops.

Yuan Hong swiftly threw off the golden armor, then continued to search in the treasury, and finally chose a half-length heavy helmet with a pure white background and azure blue armor. After putting it on, he moved a little bit, probably feeling Not bad, then turned to look for weapons.

Regarding weapons, the treasure house of the West Sea is similar to that of the East China Sea. They are all things that can weigh a thousand catties at any time. However, unlike the East China Sea, where there are knives, forks, and Fangtian painted halberds, this side is more inclined to guns and swords. Yuan Hong is not good at using guns. As for the sword, it was barely usable, but it was a bit ridiculous for a monkey to play with a sword. After seeing his own image in the gold leaf mirror, he also threw the sword aside and continued to search.

Finally, while I was staring at a weird, detachable "big fork", the white ape let out a joyful cheer: "It's you!"

What he chose was a pair of spinning sticks, made of gold and jade but not gold and non-jade. One is bright yellow and the other is bright red. There are two seal characters, the yellow one is "breaking evil", and the red one is "red lotus".

"Why do I think this color scheme and shape look familiar?" I complained as I watched the monkey happily play with a stick among a pile of treasures.

[Hint: The 'Evil-Breaking Red Lotus Stick' is made of nine-turn iron. It was originally the fire-burning stick used by Taishang Laojun to refine the 'Ruyi Golden Cudgel'. , when the red stick 'Red Lotus' hits, the target will be continuously burned by the 'Red Lotus Karmic Fire'. 】

Tip sister to pop up an item description on that pair of sticks.

Okay, more like that.

"Why are these guards down?"

"Someone broke into the treasure house!"

"Jane - General!"

"No need to say much, follow me!"

Before the monkey finished playing with the stick, he heard a lot of noisy footsteps and shouts from outside. Before he could think of any countermeasures, the gate of the treasure house opened, and the sea patrolling general Pearl he had seen before appeared with a large number of aquarium soldiers. At the gate, there was a floating cloud like cotton candy beside him.

"Who dares to break into the treasure house of the Dragon Palace!" Pearl shouted loudly, and at the same time poked the giant shield shaped like a shell heavily on the ground, and a phantom of a crystal-like translucent blue city wall directly blocked the main entrance of the treasure house.

A group of aquarium soldiers behind the patrolling general also put up a defensive posture and waited for it. Following their movements, phantoms of ice-blue shields with wavy waves also appeared in front of the aquarium soldiers, looking quite indestructible.

"Hey~" Yuan Hong looked at the group of soldiers carefully, and suddenly said with a smile: "Your princess took my monkey from Huaguoshan into the zoo for people to visit, and I, as the monkey king, came here to get some rewards. This deal is reasonable, isn't it?" .”

Before Pearl could reply, White Ape jumped up high as if he was going to jump over the "city wall" and leave above the gate of the treasure house. A group of Aquarium soldiers immediately attacked his line of action, and all kinds of water streams and ice thorns rained down on him. Unexpectedly, the somersaulting cloud suddenly soared into the sky, directly meeting and catching the Monkey King, accelerated to the extreme in an instant, and flew away with him without a trace.

Regardless of where this somersaulting cloud came from, don't you want your monkey grandson in the zoo?

After getting the new weapon, the somersault cloud, which was not very easy to use, became obedient, which made Yuan Hong quite complacent for a while, but this good mood only lasted until he returned to Huaguo Mountain.

After hearing the news of the expeditionary army's defeat, he didn't have time to punish the two snarky monkey generals, so he flew straight to the Black Dragon Pool where the Jiao Demon King was located in somersault cloud.

Thinking about it, the loss of this group of monkeys is different from that of Xihai Zoo. There are just a group of strange monkeys over there, and no one knows where they came from. Everyone here knows that the expeditionary force came from Huaguo Mountain. If he leaves it alone, It was a major blow to the reputation of the newly developed Huaguo Mountain.

"Wu Na Black Snake, quickly hand over my children!" Yuan Hong yelled over the Black Dragon Pool on a somersault cloud, scaring a group of aquatic monsters into the bottom of the water.

"You hozen, you are quite rude!" There was a splash in the pool, and the huge body of the Jiao Demon King burst out of the water: "Your subordinates acted recklessly and were captured by others. As a monkey king, you don't think about how to reconcile and redeem!" People, but they came to me to make a fuss, do you want to know how many monkeys I can eat in one bite?"

"Hey!" Yuan Hong gestured to the black snake with a pair of sticks: "This Dongsheng Shenzhou, Huaguoshan is reconciled with any other demon kings, and it is absolutely impossible to reconcile with the 'ten demon kings', and the first one hits us. You, who are on it, will be used to kill chickens and monkeys."

What are the Ten Demon Kings? Could it be referring to the seven great sages counted together with the Monkey King? So Brother Hou once killed four of them?

"Then let me see what you are capable of!" The Flood Demon King suddenly opened his bloody mouth and bit Yuan Hong.

Although his movements are as fast as lightning, the monkey king's somersaulting cloud is even faster, carrying Yuan Hongfei away before the giant kiss bites, and flying back after closing his mouth, the overall appearance looks like the dragon demon king bit the air with one bite .

"I just took the right treasure, so I'll use you to open it—drink!" Facing the huge mouth the size of a city gate, the white ape didn't panic, and waved "Breaking evil" to hit the fangs of the Flood Demon King fiercely. The fangs as wide as a door panel were directly broken into two pieces.

The giant dragon rolled over in pain, turned its head and took another bite at Yuan Hong, no doubt biting the air again as before. This time, Yuan Hong hit the other side of his fang with the 'red lotus', originally The wet and venomous fangs burned under this blow, and Jiaolong's upper kiss instantly turned black. He didn't care about attacking Yuan Hong again, and turned around and plunged directly into the Black Dragon Pool, but the water that kept rising from the water Judging from the large number of bubbles, the "Red Lotus Karmic Fire" still kept burning even if it was submerged in water.

"Wu Na Black Snake! Quickly hand over my children!" Yuan Hong didn't chase after him, but still sat on the somersault cloud and shouted towards the pool: "If I don't relieve you of that fire, you will become a Roasted Snake Soup!"

There was a roar of water, and many monkey soldiers were sent out from the pool, all of them confused, and finally the Jiao Demon King surfaced with his head upside down, his fangs still burning like torches.

"Seven buried it—" Hei Jiao said inarticulately.

"Hehe~" Yuan Hong didn't hesitate, and directly knocked off the burning fang with a yellow stick, and the red lotus fire was extinguished immediately.

The Jiao Demon King turned over and stared at the white ape with huge vertical pupils: "I lost, and I will obey your orders from now on... Your Majesty."

"It's nothing important for the time being," Yuan Hong said, "You take my monkey grandsons to sweep down the seventy-two cave demon kings in Dongsheng Shenzhou. Come to help—oh, if you can understand, you can tell him the story of those two teeth."

Hei Jiao didn't say a word, just bowed his head to show his submission.

Yuan Hong explained a few words to the monkeys and grandchildren who were released, and then drove back to Huaguo Mountain to show off his weapons.

Hmm... To put it simply, this is a story of sitting at home behind closed doors and disasters coming from the sky. When the group of monkey soldiers came to provoke, the black flood dragon would have just shrunk in the pool and nothing would happen.

And there are still nine such unlucky guys.

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