The Collection of The End

Chapter 386 Breaking down one by one, I want you to know my true colors

Strictly speaking, the actions of the two monkey masters "brainless" and "unhappy" cannot be miscalculated. Although they miscalculated the strength of their opponents and were defeated, the benefits after defeating the "Flood Demon King" are obvious .

[Reminder: The Huaguo Mountain Expedition has achieved a major breakthrough, and the weak demon kings have attached themselves and surrendered. 】

That's right, Huaguoshan not only got a strong thug, other little demon kings who felt that it was impossible to defeat the Jiao Demon King would surrender directly after seeing it.

Judging from the map, the small triangular icon around Huaguo Mountain representing the cave of the Demon King disappeared instantly, and was replaced by a light red color representing the successful spread of "orangutan flu".

[Reminder: Huaguo Mountain has conquered the 'thirty' demon king's cave]

Of course, what is more intuitive to me is the DNA bubbles that pop up from each newly infected small country.

Puff puff puff puff, pierced one by one, refreshing.

No, wait? I just poked a blue one?

[Reminder: Apes escaped from the research institute located in the 'Nanling Country' in Tianting, and the angry apes destroyed the research institute. 】

[Reminder: A new infectious disease has been discovered in Dongshengshenzhou'Nanling Country', named 'MonkeyKiller', and it is initially judged not to be threatening. 】

[Hint: Due to the inability to spread, the 'Monkeykiller' of 'Nanling Country' was assimilated by 'Porilla Flu'. 】

The quality is three consecutive, so the blue that flashed just now is them, and they dare to evolve symptoms in the early stage, either a god or a pit.

[Hint: Without the use of DNA points, the 'gorilla flu' spontaneously mutated into the symptoms of 'mania'. 】

[Hint: Spend DNA points to degenerate 'mania' successfully. 】

Well... I didn't say anything just now.

From the current point of view, the clever worms who ran to Che Chi Kingdom are farming style, the fine ghosts trapped in the West Sea Dragon Palace are prison escape style, and the mindless and unhappy follow the newly subdued Jiao Demon King to attack other demon kings are fighting for hegemony. And Yuan Hong, who was showing somersaulting clouds and evil-breaking red lotus sticks to the monkeys and grandchildren at Huaguo Mountain... daily flow?

Anyway, Huaguo Mountain has now become the rear area, let him play as he pleases, I'm going to keep an eye on the Jiao Demon King, don't let it lose to some demon kings who might treat monkeys as snacks.

——Year 4——

When Huaguoshan defeated the surrounding demon kings and made them submit, those demon kings would naturally bring all their belongings, among which there would naturally be some treasures with "strong restrictions" or "unburnable", which were either unusable , or it's useless, at this time, it is best to use it to test the characteristics of the weapon for the Monkey King.

There is a story called self-contradiction. The protagonist in that story dare not poke his own shield with his own spear, but of course Yuan Hong did not have this concern. After the experiment was almost the same, he was asked by the little monkeys, "Which one is the yellow stick and the red stick?" Stronger", they hit each other without hesitation.

"Red Lotus" successfully ignited "Poxie", but the flame was extinguished in the next moment because "Poxie" eliminated its ability to ignite everything.

"【Monkey King, come to the top of the mountain." Yuan Hong heard a call that only he could hear.

"What? Monkey King? Where is the Monkey King? You have misunderstood the monkey~" the white ape replied in a low voice while directing somersaulting clouds to carry several little monkeys back and forth.

"【Yuan Hong! Come up to me!】" The voice suddenly became two or three times louder.

"In front of grandpa, Yuan Hong dare not be king." Yuan Hong drove the little monkey off the cloud, and rode it straight to the top of Huaguo Mountain.

It is said that the more you know, the more you feel ignorant. As the enemies Yuan Hong came into contact with became stronger and stronger, he felt the power of the Huaguo Mountain Immortal Stone even more.

When he was able to bully other monkeys just now, he felt that the strength of this fairy stone was completely different from his own. When he had the magic weapon and defeated the powerful demon king with three moves, his strength was almost the peak among monsters.

When you look at it when your eyesight improves, the gap in strength becomes Haoyue and Yinghuo instead, which is very scary.

A person thinks where the upper limit of others is because he can only see so high. Yuan Hong may still dare to be naughty when facing Grandpa Xianshi, who is far taller than him, but he definitely does not dare to be presumptuous.

"【Hey, is this the old man's fire stick? Why is it in the treasure house of the Dragon Palace in the West Sea?】" Yuan Hong had just arrived at the top of the mountain, "Po Xie" and "Red Lotus" dropped out of his hands just like the wooden sticks he picked up at will. out, spinning and flying around the fairy stone.

Now that Grandpa Xianshi wanted to beat him to death with a stick, it was really not a false threat, the white ape was trembling with somersaults in his arms.

"【Bigger? Smaller? Thinner? Thicker?】" Xianshi made a voice of unknown meaning.

The evil-breaking red lotus did not respond at all, like a piece of iron.

"[Don't make any trouble, I'll just return it to you.]" Xianshi sounded regretful, and put the pair of sticks back into Yuan Hong's hands.

"Uh, Grandpa Xianshi?" Yuan Hong asked in confusion.

"[When I taught you the method of cultivation, did I ever mention the 'three disasters'?]" The hole on the fairy stone shifted, and he put on a serious face.

"I've never heard of it." Yuan Hong responded.

"[This method has four levels, but you can be called an immortal after passing the first level,]" the fairy stone said: "[Because of its extraordinary creation, if you want to step into the second level, or after five hundred years of cultivation, There will be thunder calamity, fire calamity and wind calamity, if you can't avoid it, you will be wiped out.]”

Yuan Hong scratched his head: "Isn't that too early?"

"[Duh!]" Immortal Stone scolded, Poxie Red Lotus dropped his hand again, turned around and beat Yuan Hong, but the powers of "Poxie" and "Red Lotus" were not triggered, but even the two The stick itself beat him all over the head.

"I beg Grandpa to teach you how to avoid the three disasters—" the white ape hugged his head and shouted.

"【These so-called three disasters, if you resist stubbornly, it is the next choice," Xianshi said: "【If you spend your cultivation to resist, at least 70% to 80% will be consumed. Its original purpose has been achieved, but it can Find another way.]”

"I would like to hear more about it..." Yuan Hong caught the twin sticks that flew back, fearing that he would be taught another lesson, so he had to cooperate with Xianshi and said.

"【I have the thirty-six transformations of Tiangang and the seventy-two transformations of Earth Sha, which can transform everything in the world. Each transformation is a life. After you learn it, when the three disasters are found, just let them go.】" Xianshi said: "[Which change do you want to learn?]"

"The disciple is willing to learn the thirty-six changes of Tiangang." Yuan Hong replied without thinking.

"【Oh? Why?】" Xianshi asked without any ups and downs, "【Don't you think that seventy-two is more important than thirty-six?】"

"The number is secondary. I heard that the 'Tiangang' is stronger than the 'Disha'." Yuan Hong felt that Grandpa Xianshi seemed a little unhappy. In order to prevent another beating, he quickly explained: "For example, the seven Twelve hole demon kings, I'm afraid they can't add up to one finger of grandpa's."

etc? Does Grandpa Xianshi have fingers? Should I say a gravel?

"【Huh, come here,】" Xianshi didn't seem to feel anything wrong, and continued: "【I will teach you the transformation technique of that pig.】"

What pig? Maybe you heard it wrong?

Yuan Hong walked up to the fairy stone, and was once again shrouded in green smoke from the hole. In a daze, he seemed to see that the smoke had already spread out of Huaguo Mountain, covering most of Dongsheng Shenzhou, and even the continent in the far west and the There are also some green flashes on the bottom of the sea.

But at the same time, the entire sky was blood red.

Indistinctly, Yuan Hong seemed to hear Xianshi talking to himself: "[I have never seen this kind of Bodhisattva, this behavior is not 'rescue suffering', it is already 'enduring suffering', if this Yuan Hong suffers three times disaster……】"

——Year 4——

Daughter country, the suburbs of the capital.

The empress led all the ministers to send Jin Chanzi and his party to continue westward.

From the prime minister to the Huangmen, everyone looked relieved, but their eyes couldn't stop looking at the empress, not because of it, because after the empress was assassinated and rescued, she was no longer The appearance of that seven or eight-year-old girl has grown into a girl of cardamom age in less than half a month, but the fascination with Princess Bone in her words and deeds and flashing eyes continues unabated.

"A Maitreya Buddha," Jin Chanzi said, "Your Majesty does not need to send him far away, it is better to go back and recuperate."

"Don't point fingers at me, bald man." The empress gave him a look with disgust.

I saw that the empress had changed from the blue and purple loose gown she usually wears, and now she was wearing a strange white dress that fit the whole body, from the fluffy lace on the wrists and ankles, the long gauze back hem, and even the matching The translucent veil with the emerald green headband can roughly guess that this is a wedding dress, but the decorative chains, belts and even the necklace like a big lock on the neck that are attached to it are confusing.

"Sister Bai," the empress stepped forward and handed a key to Bai Jingjing: "I know that you are all extraordinary people, and it is impossible for you to stay here forever. Please accept the key that symbolizes the promise."

The courtiers behind the empress seemed to be making a slight noise, but suppressed it on their own.

"Oh..." Princess Bone took the key, and she didn't know what to say for a moment: "Actually, if you want, I can leave a bone-faced servant here who can communicate at any time."

"Sister, you should know that this is not what I want." The empress shook her head slightly, and pressed a little harder when she put the key in her hand: "'I' will always wait for your return, but only for this life."

After saying that, the Empress turned her head and left without hesitation, and all the ministers also returned after saluting to the group.

"Amitre Buddha," Jin Chanzi said, "It seems to be the formal attire worn by members of the royal family of the Xiliang Kingdom in ancient times, but the other matching style has been lost, so those who wear these clothes and hand over the keys now, It is tantamount to declaring 'until death'."

"Hmph, this matter is easy," Bai Jingjing said, "How much time will it take to send you to the west, and recognize my parents with my stupid brother? If she still hasn't changed her mind by then, why not come back to accompany her until she dies?" ?—don’t you think she’s actually quite cute?”

"Heh, heh..." The corners of Ao Lie's mouth twitched, not intending to refute what she said when she took the opportunity to call her sister.

Because she was too shocked, Ao Yu couldn't even say the phrase "terrible".

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