The Collection of The End

Chapter 387 Thousands of miles of evil, broke my silence

Tianhe Wharf, the navy camp.

Marshal Tianpeng and Marshal Tianyou were discussing the drill of the navy in the tent, when they heard the news that the envoy from the Feng Clan came to visit, he said with a smile to Tianyou: "Sure enough, I still found it. It's useless to hide in the barracks and never go out."

Tianyou said: "Looking at it this way, he knows that his siblings are here, but he sees them or doesn't see them?"

Canopy said: "We must see each other, but we need Sheng Yi to go with us. I heard that the dragon and phoenix clans have been fighting since the beginning of chaos. If there is any way to suppress the same clan, as a relative, she can probably take care of it." .”

Tianyou said: "Since both you and Yisheng are going to meet the envoy of the Feng clan, why don't Zhenwu and I also join in the fun to strengthen the momentum?"

Tianpeng looked sideways: "Why didn't you send 80,000 sailors to march and surround the messenger?"

"Tianpeng was joking," Tianyou shook his head, and got up to look for Yisheng and Zhenwu.

Tianpeng mused to himself, "Because Tianyou is the only married one of the four commanders, he always regards himself as the elder brother outside of official business. When Fu Ling arrived, because he didn't explain it in time, he responded by calling him brother and sister. In addition, Yisheng was full of words." Brother and sister-in-law, it may be difficult to change their words.

After a while, a banquet was set up in the tent of all the soldiers and commanders, where the four marshals of the navy received the envoys of the Feng clan, and Fu Ling reluctantly took a seat beside the canopy.

"This Navy Wharf is easy for me to find," said the envoy of the Feng Clan, "I think the marshals know what I'm here for, so there's no need to be polite, just give me an accurate word."

This envoy from the Feng family claims to be old, but she looks like a middle-aged woman with a haughty face. She is wearing a flowing gold silk dress and a golden crown shaped like a bird's beak. She folds her arms in front of her and wears four jewels and jade stones The ring, and even the face were faintly golden. Although he sat down out of etiquette, he didn't care about the dishes on the banquet.

"Oh no, it's the 'Golden Luan' family that is the most difficult to deal with." Fu Ling lowered his head and whispered to the ceiling: "If I talk to her, I will be singled out for a hundred faults..."

"Then girl, whispering in a low voice on formal occasions is the etiquette you inherited from the Feng clan?" Jin Luan looked over with lightning eyes.

Fu Ling was agitated, and immediately sat upright and looked at the envoy of the Feng clan, with a correct posture and complete etiquette, but he didn't say a word.

Jinluan seemed to be quite satisfied and nodded, and then said: "My Feng family is 'born to know', and the relationship with what, what, and who is already established when Lingzhi was just born, and those who are dissatisfied with it like you There are quite a few of them, and there are even more people trying to change, but this kind of struggle is meaningless, at least adjust some order.”

Fu Ling looked at her without saying a word.

"Let me guess, now the battle between our clan and the dragon clan is in full swing, and you must know that you will fight for a long time," Jin Luan looked at the canopy, and continued: "And by chance, with this navy marshal Acquainted and fell in love, but the relationship is deep and shallow, this short-term fate will end with the death of you or this general, after Nirvana you will not remember him, and if the general dies in battle—"

"Shut up——" Fu Ling's body burst into colorful rays of light like a tide, rushing towards Jin Luan.

"Shut up! Ignorant naughty boy!" Jin Luan remained unmoved, a rock-solid golden light glowed all over his body, not only shattering the incoming colorful light, but also reversing it.

"Shut up! Shameless old thief!" Marshal Yisheng who was standing next to him flashed a multicolored divine light above his head, and wiped out the golden light with a sweep of the air.

"You..." Jin Luan missed and looked at Marshal Yisheng who was glaring at her angrily, with a look of surprise on his face.

"Oh, full of destiny and fate," the short-haired female general sneered at Jin Luan: "If my sister-in-law becomes like you, I will beat her twice a day."

"Thank you so much." Fu Ling breathed a sigh of relief and stared at him.

"The envoy of the Phoenix clan, you are not welcome here, leave quickly," Tianpeng stood up, and pointed the nine-toothed nail in his hand: "The heavenly court respects the dragon and the phoenix, which are ancient auspicious beasts. Ju Luzhou's battle, but if you don't know good from bad, why not we support the Dragon Clan?"


"Jin Luan laughed instead. She looked at Fu Ling and said, "Although the Feng Clan can only see things related to themselves, if they combine the relevant clansman and gather the fate and fate, they can predict the future a little bit. Don't regret it. "

After saying that, the envoy of Jinluan left the commander's tent, leaving only the messy banquet due to the fight just now.

"Fu Ling, this is the second time someone has said that you will regret it, but you still refuse to tell your husband what happened?"

"Next time, no, I'll tell you next time."


Heavenly Court, Pixiang Temple.

The Jade Emperor closed his eyes and thought about it in the palace.

He recently noticed something abnormal in the Heavenly Court, but he couldn't tell where it was. He couldn't think in the noisy Lingxiao Palace, so he set up the Pixiang Palace in the name of inviting a group of meritorious gods. Taibaijinxing in this role.

"Chang Geng, tell me about the important events of "Twenty Forbearance" recently." The Jade Emperor opened his eyes and said.

"Your Majesty," Taibai Jinxing held a handle of jade slips in his hand: "Please flash back."


"The envoy of the Feng Clan went to the Navy Wharf after leaving the Heavenly Court, and came out after a short while, seeming angry." Taibai Jinxing said.

"No matter how the canopy protects its weaknesses, the Feng clan can know the exact location of the Tianhe Wharf. We need to check." Jade Emperor said.

Taibai Jinxing wrote down these words, and continued: "An accident occurred in the Ningshen Pill Research Institute of Nanling Kingdom in Dongsheng Shenzhou, and the monsters under test completely destroyed it."

"Hehe. Well, you Li Changgeng, did you come here because of it?" The Jade Emperor laughed and scolded: "Since that's the case, there is no need to report the next item 'Adding a self-destruct function to the Concentration Pill and greatly increasing the cost'."

"Your Majesty is holy," Taibai Jinxing continued after saluting, "The Kunpeng transformed into a form and set off huge waves for thousands of miles. The Dragon Kings of the Four Seas successfully prevented this accident from turning into a disaster, and each invested in repairing the destroyed buildings."

The Jade Emperor said: "These ancient demon gods do not listen to the orders of the heavens and act recklessly. They cannot be captured by conventional combat power. It seems that we must ask Da Luo or Yasheng to take action and make a note."

Taibai Jinxing entered it on the jade slip, and said: "I have the courage to read the following three items together: 'Kunpeng landed and disappeared in Dongsheng Shenzhou', 'Dongsheng Shenzhou Dongming State Research Institute was attacked by foreign enemies and was destroyed', 'The avatar of the giant spirit god was severely injured when he went to investigate'."

"Kunpeng is big and small and has great strength. I have ordered you not to explore Dongsheng Shenzhou at will." The Jade Emperor shook his head.

After Taibai Jinxing recorded it, he said again: "The Heavenly Court Navy's performance in Wusi Tibet has ended, and 90% of the country's evil spirit has been eliminated. Marshal Canopy brought a mortal woman to report to heaven."

"Oh, that little phoenix girl is quite cunning, she was in this incense palace when she dealt with this matter." Jade Emperor said: "Continue."

"The elixirs jointly tested by the Heavenly Court and the Dragon Clan were scattered in the Tongtian River, and many aquariums turned into goldfish." Taibai said.

"This is quite interesting. Those dragons wanted to use the allusion of 'jumping the dragon's gate' to customize a batch of modified Concentration Pills that can increase the combat power of the dragons to fight against the phoenixes. Unexpectedly, due to a wrong formula, it turned into the effect that all aquariums can become dragons. The Jade Emperor shook his head: "If it is not destroyed at his request, it would be a good idea to throw them into the sea."

"A black mist monster unexpectedly appeared in the abandoned research institute near Baixiang Kingdom in Hezhou, Xiniu, and was defeated by a herd of crazy elephants when they attacked the capital." Taibai Jinxing continued to read.

"This matter has been dealt with. Because the relevant personnel did not arrange manpower, both parties who had poor communication have been punished." Jade Emperor looked at Taibai Jinxing: "Is it time for the last item?"

"Yes..." Taibai Jinxing said with a bitter face: "The research institute established by Taibai Jinxing Li Changgeng in Huaguoshan, Dongsheng Shenzhou made a major mistake, and the location was occupied by apes."

"Hehe, I can't blame you," the Jade Emperor said, "Who would have known that there was a piece of fairy stone left by Nuwa on the top of Huaguo Mountain, and the monkeys would have the same effect as the Concentration Pill, but You got involved."

"I am ashamed." Taibai Jinxing said again: "During this period, the 'Menglan Basin Festival' and the 'Garden Opening Banquet' were held and ended successively, there is nothing special about it."

"Well, you go down now." The Jade Emperor waved his hand, and fell into deep thought again after Taibai Jinxing left.

From this point of view, many accidents were caused by the failure of the "Ningshen Pill", but this thing was invented by the [Tongtian Jiaozhu] in Sanqingzhong, so there should be no problems, unless... these are established everywhere to counteract the Ningshen Pill The research institutes that carry out "improvement" and "innovation" themselves have made mistakes.

"Ningshen Pill" can be swallowed, can be turned into water for drinking, and can also be used as burning incense. It aims to "contain", "control" and "protect" wild monsters. It can be used before their transformation to make them quickly open their minds. , so as not to hurt people by nature, this move has won the support of most immortals, especially the twenty-eight constellations whose prototypes are various beasts.

After the Battle of the Conferred Gods, [Tongtian Jiaozhu] disappeared, and the Concentration Pill gradually began to fail over time. Even if it was used before those monsters transformed into wisdom, it was difficult to be effective. Those affected, regardless of their original How, once he transforms into a demon, he will become extremely manic, and treat mortals like fish and blood. If it weren't for this, how could Nausi Tibetan Kingdom be so demonic that it would alarm the heavens? How could the Heavenly Court allow the gods to research their substitutes by themselves?

What's more serious is that the twenty-eight mansions in the four directions, the one hundred and eight stars of Tiangang and Disha, and others who arrived in the heaven as officials because of the conferment of gods, are all users of the old version of the "Concentration Pill" that has expired. If they descend to earth without authorization, they will be exposed Because of his original nature, he committed heinous crimes, so the Jade Emperor was unwilling to punish anyone to go to the lower realm unless he had to.

It is said that to untie the bell, the person who tied the bell must be tied. Although the [Yuan Tianzun] in Sanqing is in the Miluo Palace, wouldn't it be asking for trouble if he asked about the things of the [Tongtian Jiaozhu] who was not compatible with Su?

This matter... let's ask [Taishang Laojun] for a while.

After the Jade Emperor thought about it, he ordered the maids in the Pixiang Palace to pack up the banquet, and then left the palace to go to the Tushita Palace.

In a blink of an eye, he seemed to see Kui Mulang who was secretly talking to the jade girl in Pixiang Temple? Heh, if other heavenly rules are followed, the crime of sixty tolerance will be shared by two people, but it is not a big deal.

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