The Collection of The End

Chapter 396: Homesick, dare not listen to pipa

——Year 5——

However, it is said that Jin Chanzi encountered a demon when he was sweeping a pagoda in the Jisai Kingdom and was attacked by a group of clouded leopard spirits. Although he successfully repelled them, the entire Jinguang Temple was covered in blood, so no wealthy family in the country dared to invite him to a meal. And because the Ao brothers and sisters did not do much to cover up when they were exterminating the demon, the monks and imperial guards present already knew that the group of people were extraordinary. After learning about it, the king rarely acted as a wise king for a few hours, and suppressed many plots against them. , led the civil and military general Jin Chanzi and sent him out of the country with a salute.

After crossing the border between Jisai Kingdom and Benbo Kingdom, Ao Cunxin put down the hand he raised quietly with regret and said: "This king did not listen to the advice of those civil and military groups and used force to control the bald man so that we can obey the order. "

"Even if they really do this, you are not allowed to take action," Ao Lie glared at her: "How can a mortal survive if the 'Shadowless Knife' strikes down? If we encounter blind mortals who are enemies of us, let Pearl Just take action and knock them all out with the back of your shield."

"Follow the orders of the third prince." Pearl responded immediately.

"Xiao Zhenzhen——" The fourth princess of Xihai expressed her grievances: "When you were in Xihai, you kept saying 'Her Royal Highness'. Why did you turn a blind eye to me when you met Third Brother?"

Pearl responded without hesitation: "Protecting the third prince is the top priority. If the third prince is not available, you can take orders from someone more distant."

"Amitabha," Jin Chanzi, who was riding on horseback, responded after hearing the words: "Then does this female donor also have to listen to the instructions of the poor monk?"

Pearl looked back and forth between Ao Lie and Jin Chanzi, and then said: "That's true."

"Look at the good things you did!" Bai Jingjing moved to Ao Cunxin and whispered.

"Isn't that what you want?" Ao Cunxin retorted.

"..." The two people who didn't think much when they spoke were stunned at the same time, and then began to think carefully about the meaning of each other's words.

"Hmph." "Hum!" After thinking clearly, the fourth princess of Xihai and Princess Bai Gu each turned their heads.

"Ah..." Ao Yu, who witnessed the entire interaction between the two, let out a slight sigh.

"What?" Ao Lie slowed down and walked side by side with Ao Yu.

"I miss my father and queen." The girl grabbed the hem of Ao Lie's clothes and whispered.

"Well..." Ao Lie looked around, as if he had some realization.

Since the eldest prince and the second prince were busy with official duties, and the fifth princess lived in seclusion, the only people who played with her on weekdays were the third prince Ao Lie, the fourth princess Ao Cunxin, and Pearl.

The current situation is almost a replica of the usual Dragon Palace. If there is the Dragon King and Queen of the West Sea sitting on the high throne watching them, then the family will be complete.

However... that was a long time ago. Now, if he can't solve his physical problem of getting angry at the sight of pearls by escorting Jin Chanzi to the West, even if he goes back, he can only go back to Yingchoujian. In addition, although Pearl doesn't mind, But as long as she still wants to be her own guard, she can only continue to wear this layer of chitin armor and cannot wear ordinary women's clothes.

Ao Lie shook his head slightly and raised his hand to stroke the top of his younger sister's hair: "If Xiaoyu wants to see your father, queen and mother, how about asking your fourth sister to take you back? But third brother can't go with us."

"...Then, I won't go back." Ao Yu held on to Ao Lie's clothes, as if she was afraid that he would force her away.

"Third brother wouldn't do that," Ao Cunxin walked over and took Aoyu away, glaring at Ao Lie: "After all, how long are you going to escort this bald man?"

Ao Lie smiled bitterly and shook his head: "If the estimate is correct, after passing this Bo Country, we will only have half the journey."

"Amitabha," Jin Chanzi clasped his hands on the horse and said, "The poor monk is a 'shaving', not a 'bald' one."

I thought how long it would take you to refute this title... Ao Lie thought.


Dongsheng Shenzhou and Xuanzhou Kingdom.

This country uses black as its national color and the image of a lion as its flag. In its domestic army, there are fierce beasts that control the lions. They move like the wind and are invincible. All the countries around them dare not make any mistakes.

It is respectfully called the "Lion Kingdom".

Outsiders don't know that the Xuanzhou Kingdom's ability to command lions is due to the cause and effect of its predecessors. Several generations ago, the king rescued a pair of seriously injured white lions from hunters and raised their remaining cubs. , when the white lion cub grew up, the king originally wanted to release it into the mountains and forests, but unexpectedly it was invaded by a neighboring country. Because the other party was well prepared, it killed the cub at the capital city with overwhelming force. The king decided to surrender out of desperation, but... Seeing the white lion suddenly break out of the cage and jump onto the city wall, with a roar it scared away all the mules and horses in the neighboring country's army. The invading country wanted to be very fast and originally had all its cavalry. As a result, it lost its combat effectiveness. The king took advantage of the situation and rushed out, captured all the horseless cavalry, and counterattacked, forcing the opponent to form an alliance under the city.

The white lion had already become a spirit. After he drove away all the troops with a single shout, he ignored the king and stayed in the mountains and secluded himself in the forest. He only promised that he could command all the lions in the country until he died.

"So that's it." Tianpeng put away the information and looked at the demonic clouds rising below: "These soldiers and horses who are hidden in the mountains and forests but control a country are not like the leader of the country who is better than the leader of the country. They are indeed quite interested in those who are passionate about it. The appetite of a leo that makes a king.”

"However, he can't do that kind of 'seclusion' at all," Fu Ling said on the side: "This kind of approach can't be more stupid."

Marshal Yisheng who was accompanying him did not speak, but just looked down.

I saw that the capital of the Xuanzhou Kingdom was located on a vast plain, and at the end of the plain, inside the dense mountains and forests, there was another "capital" whose specific specifications were exactly the same as that of the plain capital, but the residents in the city were all ferocious-looking lions. monster.

"When the green lion stepped out of the realm, he directly controlled the white lion demon and took over all its subordinates," Tianpeng said: "But it couldn't make the king feel that the lions completely listened to him. We continued to control the lions, and after being questioned several times, we simply recalled all the lions, built a demon city next to the capital, and called ourselves the "Lion and Camel King". The king of the country prayed to heaven and begged the heavenly soldiers to destroy this demon kingdom, so we We will send troops here."

"Yeah," Fu Ling nodded: "What about the specific strategy? Do we want to kill them directly?"

"Here," Tianpeng said with some embarrassment, "if a group of naval forces need to attack, I... will be waiting here."

"..." Fu Lingfeng squinted at her husband without saying a word.

"Haha, sister-in-law, please don't accuse your brother unjustly. He is just lazy. Without that 'nine-tooth rake', he can't use five of his ten stops. If he attacks with bare hands, he probably won't be able to compete." Heavily armed heavenly soldiers." Yi Sheng said with a smile.

"Hmm... Then you haven't thought about finding a new weapon as a backup?" Fu Ling closed his eyes and asked Tianpeng.

"About this matter, actually-" "Boom!!"

Just when Canopy was halfway through his explanation, he heard an explosion from the fleet, and a warship that was moored in mid-air fell with billowing smoke.

"Enemy attack!" Yisheng shouted loudly: "Everyone immediately carries out lowering operations!"

"Strange thing," Tianpeng said to himself as he hugged Fu Ling and walked towards the command room: "When did the green lion dare to attack the Tianjun?"


In the Lion and Camel Kingdom, a quarter of an hour after the fierce battle began, an iron plate was lifted from the ruins of the first fallen navy warship, and several monsters covered in black crawled out.

"You stupid monkey!" One of the tall ones grabbed the shorter one by the collar: "I told you it was the 'Warship Spiritual Power Center', but you still insist on using your broken stick to stab a bucket! "

"Noisy!" the short figure retorted: "I'm asking you what will happen if this thing fails. Didn't you say 'it might not work'?"

"Maybe!" The tall man shouted: "Don't you know what 'possible' means?"

"Shut up," another thin shadow next to him said: "This battleship has fallen, and it is useless to talk about it. It is time to pick up some useful things and leave quickly while they are busy attacking the Lion and Camel Kingdom."

As he spoke, the thin figure waved, drawing water from the nearby creek and dousing the three of them. When he looked again, it was Yuan Hong, the Bull Demon King and the Jiao Demon King.

Earlier, when those heavenly army fleets passed by everyone's heads, the Bull Demon King relied on the convenience of being a Heavenly Bull (?) to cover up the demonic aura of Yuan Hong and the Jiao Demon King, and took them aboard one of the ships. warship.

Since most of the sailors went to the deck to watch the spectacular scene of the "Lion and Camel Kingdom", there were only a few people on duty in the cabin, and because the sailors were running back and forth and talking very noisily, no one noticed the three infiltrators. They actually sneaked into the power core of the spacecraft.

"What is this stupid thing that keeps spinning?" "Hmm, it seems to be the 'Warship Spiritual Power Center'?"

What followed was the "battleship being shot down" incident, which was mistakenly thought to be an attack and launched a direct attack.

"Wait, there seems to be something wrong." The Jiao Demon King rummaged through the ruins for a moment, then suddenly stopped and looked around with a frown: "Such a huge warship crashed suddenly, why didn't you see any casualties? I remember that when it was fully loaded, there were nearly a thousand people. .”

"Ah, about this," the Bull Demon King stopped rummaging and said to the Jiao Demon King: "These heavenly soldiers are actually-"

Wow! As he spoke, the Demon King moved away another piece of rubble, but this time he saw a seriously injured heavenly soldier buried underneath.

"Ah, I thought I was going to-" "Tsk!"

"Stop!" "Save someone under the knife!"

Yuan Hong and the Bull Demon King were unable to stop him, so they saw the Jiao Demon King slit the throat of the heavenly soldier with his fang dagger.

The soldier stared at the Jiao Demon King with a very strange expression for a moment, then vomited blood and tilted his head.

"What? Do you want him to go back and report the news? And we don't have the manpower to take prisoners." The Jiao Demon King turned to glare at the Bull Demon King and Yuan Hong.

"No... I had already thought of the answer when you asked that question, but I didn't expect you to be too quick." Yuan Hong covered his face.

"Hey...just look at him." The Bull Demon King also shook his head.

When the Jiao Demon King turned around in surprise, he saw the body of the heavenly soldier glowing with golden light, turning into countless golden light spots and scattering in front of his eyes, but no trace of blood remained in its original position.

"Never mind the heavenly generals, where do you think the heavenly soldiers come from?" The Bull Demon King sighed: "They are all the best among mortals who fought bravely and eventually died on the battlefield. After they were recruited by the heavenly court, they will not die or enter reincarnation. , you kill him here, and he will be resurrected in the [Hall of Valor] in Heaven one day later, and tell Heaven that this fall is man-made, and you will be wanted by Heaven for your appearance."

The Dragon Demon King was silent for a while and then said: "Nothing, I can shed my skin."

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