The Collection of The End

Chapter 397 The three-strand fork after the soul-stirring song

Hall of Valor? !

Unlike the three demon kings who were buried in the ruins, I could clearly see the details of the crash of the empty airship from a 45-degree bird's eye view. Of course, I also saw the heavenly soldiers who had not had time to escape turned into golden light. I originally thought that It was a force recovery method similar to leaping. I never expected to hear an extremely familiar term from the Bull Demon King's mouth.

No, wait, the word itself exists in the Chinese language family, it is just more well-known when it is attached to Valhalla () in Norse mythology.

"Reminder, sister? What are the names of the thirty-six and seventy-two palaces in heaven?"

There were probably too many, so my sister didn't say anything, and just projected a long list of names in the void.

Tushita Palace, Guanghan Palace, Yaochi Palace, you can see many familiar names at a glance.

Qionghua Palace, Tianyong City...what's wrong with this?

Lingxiao Hall, Chaohui Hall, Tianwang Hall, Pixiang Hall, well, I seem to have heard about it.

The Palace of the Sun, the Palace of Taiyin... the [Hall of Heroes] really exists.

The monkey was asking the Bull Demon King for the details of the Hall of Valor, and he seemed to be very interested in it. However, the Bull Demon King was vague, claiming that he only heard about it when other heavenly soldiers were chatting, while the Jiao Demon King continued to search for the Tianhe Navy, Navy, and Airships. of the wreckage.

It's true that this fake great sage became the monkey king, had a stick, somersault clouds, learned the art of transformation, and even caused trouble in the Dragon Palace. He only had to go to the underworld to change the book of life and death, so he is interested in the Hall of Valor, which is similar to reincarnation. Of course.

Several wild animals foolishly broke into the crash site. When they saw the three demon kings, they were frightened and turned around and ran away. Although the three demon kings were not interested in them, the "gorilla flu" would not miss this opportunity.

[Tip: ‘Simian Flu’ has spread to ‘Xuanzhou (Country)’, and cannot spread because it is being invaded. 】

【Xuanzhou (country)】

[Population: 2.81 million, number of infections: 0]

[Apes: 22,000, number of infections: 0]

[Characteristics: rich, city, (invaded)]

Well... obviously, since "symptoms" and "special abilities" will only appear in humans or monkeys, those wild animals and other monsters that are the "mode of transmission" will not be counted, and since this country is being invaded by heavenly soldiers Attack, only when they end this operation can the animals continue to spread their activities.

However, now that the country is considered infected, can't I go watch the siege movie?

While popping the popping DNA bubble, I tried to cut the "camera" to the "Lion and Camel Country", and it really succeeded.

I saw dozens of navy warships surrounding the monster city, bombarding the city with bow or broadside cannons. At the same time, many heavenly soldiers were in the air to prevent the monsters from attacking the fleet.

Since neither side was infected, I couldn't quickly switch to some important locations. I could only shuttle around the battlefield from a free perspective and try to find Marshal Tianpeng. It was said that he was very handsome before he was sent off?

Although it is a personal feeling, the "Jackdaw" and "Wangyue" seem to have serious suspicions.

I confirmed the position of the two warships and was about to "fly" the camera over them, when I heard a huge "bang-dong", and then I saw an extra foot of the city outside the city of Shituo Kingdom. A quarter-sized crimson toad.


——Year 5——

Tianhe Navy, Jackdaw flagship command room.

According to the regulations of the Space Force, the tents, vehicles and ships of any unit commander must not be decorated in any way to avoid being overturned by the enemy through beheading operations.

Therefore, although the "Jackdaw" was the flagship, it was not deliberately protected by the surrounding warships. It was also attacked indiscriminately by many spells on the ground. Even in the command room that was deliberately reinforced with fairy magic, Fu Ling could feel the tremors.

"The information about the Lion and Camel Kingdom is wrong," Yi Sheng patrolled back and forth in the command room with a serious expression: "Originally, the city was indeed dominated by lion and tiger monsters, but when we launched the attack, there were many insect snake monsters coming from the ground. They drilled out, lowered the battle station and the entire army was annihilated. At this moment, they are even using spells to bombard the warships, and we are at a disadvantage."

"Marshal, do you want to retreat temporarily?" a staff member in the command room said.

"No," the canopy on the command seat said: "If we evacuate and give those monsters a chance to breathe, they will probably immediately launch an attack on Xuanzhou Kingdom. It is not too early for the king to beg for help from Heaven. If we are too secretive, we will find out once we investigate, we should now maintain the offensive while asking for help from Tianhe Pier and mobilize more heavenly troops."

"I accept your orders," the staff member responded.

"Marshal, the information about those snakes and insect monsters has been confirmed. They are the 'Giant Toad King' and 'Centipede King' belonging to Dongsheng Shenzhou." Yisheng received a new report and said to Tianpeng: "Maybe they We have formed an alliance in private to resist the siege of our heavenly army."

"It shouldn't be like this," Tianpeng shook his head: "We will set off immediately after receiving the military order. It is impossible for them to predict and form an alliance in advance. So..."

"I shouldn't have interfered with the military affairs," Fu Ling said, "But husband, have you ever investigated the movements of other demon kings in Dongsheng Divine Continent?"

"This matter... seems to have some impression," Tianpeng raised his hand and rummaged through the many reports around him, and quickly found an "unimportant" piece of information marked in white.

"The ape king of Huaguo Mountain has conquered the seventy-two cave demon kings of Dongsheng Shenzhou one by one. Since he has not disturbed mortals, he only needs regular observation. If he can unify the demon world of Dongsheng Shenzhou, he can be recruited as a heavenly official." Fu Fu. Ling Nian came to the conclusion based on the information.

"Because of the fear of the ape king's power, the lion and camel king, the giant python and the giant toad king formed an alliance?" Yisheng shook his head: "If we had been a year and a half late, maybe the lion and camel kingdom would have been destroyed, but now it is natural Asking for trouble."

"But we can't treat it like this," Tianpeng said: "If we hadn't arrived, wouldn't the mortals of Xuanzhou Kingdom have suffered an unreasonable disaster?"

“Anyway, we’re going to step up our offensive—” “Boom!”

As he spoke, a giant red toad appeared on the edge of the city below, spitting fireballs and directly blasted the battleship "Zhi Geng" into the air.

"Evil beast!" Yisheng yelled angrily and quickly ordered the commander in the command room: "Have all the ships climb up and disperse, and raise flame protection!"

After saying that, she strode towards the door, as if she wanted to attack personally.

Before the canopy could stop it, a strange pipa sound was heard, which made all the heavenly soldiers dizzy. Even Yisheng, canopy and Fu Ling were dizzy.

The giant toad on the ground was not affected. He spit out fireballs again and destroyed the "Pelican". Then he jumped high out of the air, holding a giant three-pronged fork on his claws, and then pierced the "Watching Moon" and crashed it.

At this time, everyone in the command room realized that a centipede spirit with many arms and legs stood on top of the red toad, holding a musical instrument in each hand. At this time, the "Pipa" was emitting bursts of spiritual light.

"These demon kings are no longer something that ordinary soldiers can fight against. Let them climb up quickly!" Yi Shengchao ordered, then stepped out of the cabin in three steps and jumped directly into the air.

The next moment, a huge colorful peacock appeared in the sky, and the five-colored divine light swept across. A group of heavenly army warships that had fallen into chaos restored order and quickly rose up.

The peacock chirped proudly and pounced on the giant toad, but the centipede spirit on top of the giant toad played several musical instruments at the same time, causing her to slow down for a moment. When she looked again, the three prongs in the giant toad's palm had already pierced her face, and she had to fly. Retreat and avoid.

"It's a pity that I have just emerged from the shell, so I can only isolate this 'sound-bewildering technique' in a small area." Fu Ling said bitterly. Although he had not met all the heavenly soldiers in the navy, when they met, they all clasped their fists and saluted and said, "Marshal." "Madam" still made her quite fond of these soldiers.

Tianpeng looked at Fu Ling and suddenly reached out to pick her up.

"Eh? Wait? There's a war going on right now, and there are soldiers around..." Xiao Fengnu said in a hurry.

"What are you thinking about!" Tianpeng reluctantly flicked Fu Ling's forehead, hugged her and stepped out of the cabin, then jumped out of the side of the ship and fell down: "You only need to isolate the influence of the 'dazzling sound' on me, and I will take it back to my husband. The nine-toothed rake is as beautiful as these monsters."

"Oh..." Feeling that he was being watched by many heavenly soldiers, Fu Ling buried his head and refused to raise it.

"Boom boom——"

When the peacock incarnated by Marshal Yi Sheng collided with the giant toad king again, Tianpeng took her to the ground steadily, and then rushed towards the city of Shituo Kingdom without stopping.


Due to the drastic change in the battle situation between the Heavenly Soldiers and the Lion and Camel Kingdom, Yuan Hong, the Bull Demon King and the Jiao Demon King had to stop their plan to search for the wreckage of the spacecraft and retreat to a distance. After all, if the Giant Toad King discovered it at this time, it would probably kill them. He and his group were treated as if they were colluding with the Heavenly Court, and it was impossible to conquer it.

Unexpectedly, before they were far away from the battlefield, the Three Demon Kings were blocked by a golden ox cart.

The driver was a woman with long red hair and a beautiful face. She was dressed in a musician's outfit and held a konghou, but her eyes were closed for some reason.

"Who are you! Why are you blocking our way!" Yuan Hong asked.

"I feel very sad," the woman said without answering Yuan Hong's question, "The Ape Demon King who is currently in the limelight in Dongsheng Shenzhou has to die here silently."

"Heh, you are probably the remaining demon king besides the Giant Toad King." Yuan Hong sneered and picked up the "Red Lotus Breaking Evil" on his waist: "If you think that I can't defeat other demon kings without an army at my side, , that would be completely wrong.”

"I feel very sad." The red-haired woman shook her head and plucked the harp string. Several jet-black spikes flew out silently, as if there was no flight time. They arrived as soon as they appeared and directly hit the three The Demon King directly pierced it and stopped it in place: "Because you don't know how you died."

"If you think you can trap him with just a little skill -" Yuan Hong suddenly exerted force and began to squeeze out the spikes from his body one by one.

"I feel..." The red-haired woman drove a golden ox cart directly over Yuan Hong before he could get out of trouble: "...very sad."

The Bull Demon King and the Jiao Demon King who had not yet escaped were horrified to see that the Monkey King, who had been run over by the golden chariot, melted and disappeared like a snowflake exposed to the scorching sun.

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