The Collection of The End

Chapter 398: The Painting of a Beautiful Lady whose life was cut short by one dynasty

[Tip: ‘Patient Zero’ dies]

etc! I'm not dead yet!

...No, you don’t seem to be talking about me?

I was originally watching the battle between the bald-tailed phoenix and the red-skinned toad with great interest, but my sister suddenly popped up a blood-red important reminder, which scared me out of the "quantum state".

First, I looked at the familiar two-story buildings and gardens around me, then I ran to hammer the stupid system that was in a dead state a few times, and then I drew two cards to show my non-chief nature. Finally, I was sure, well, I am still alive.

After I calmed down a little, I realized that I haven't used this name for a long time. Nowadays, it's basically "A-generation" names like Alaya and Akatosh.

Because I felt that the stupid system might pop up and say "Akarin", I tapped it again.

At present, this "Patient Zero" refers to Yuan Hong, the first white ape infected with "Simian Flu". Since I was delayed for some time just now, I can only read the short message attached to this message by my sister. video.

Uh-huh... A female figure with blue light all over her body drove a golden ox cart and knocked Yuan Hong out? Are you kidding, doesn't he know how to change thirty-six times? Thirty-six lives.

And the blue light looks quite familiar, isn't it the infection state of "MonkeyKiller"? As expected, there is such a decapitation operation in the confrontation mode. I just thought that someone has already done it.

But now I can't interfere in this arena world. I can only affect the development of the world through the evolution of "Simian Flu".

[Tip: Due to the death of ‘Patient Zero’, the ‘Simian Flu’ cannot be operated until he is resurrected. 】

It's okay to be resurrected. Sure enough, the monkey went to the underworld to cause trouble. Let me it works?

I fiddled with the globe for a while and couldn't figure it out, so I asked, "Sir, can you let me see what's going on in the underworld?"

[Tip: It is impossible to observe countries that are not infected with 'simian flu'. 】

Well, it's really impossible to observe, because there is no so-called "population" there, and there can be no living "apes".

So, now we can only wait for Yuan Hong to finish changing the book of life and death and return soon, hoping that no special symptoms will evolve before then... It turns out that the decapitation operation is to prevent the enemy's "doomsday elements" from degenerating symptoms temporarily. Discovered by local counterattack forces.

——Year 5——

In a gray fog, Yuan Hong was falling, at least he thought he was falling.

Before coming to this gray world, his last memory was that he was hit by a strange banshee driving a bullock cart. Then, from the surrounding gray fog that constantly appeared from the direction of his head and rolled and disappeared in the direction of his feet. See, if you are either rising in a positive position, you are falling in a reverse position.

Although there is a possibility of being knocked away and remaining in a horizontal position, I refuse to imagine this attitude because it is too stupid.

During this period, he tried various spells or changes, but none of them improved the "falling" situation at all.

When he couldn't change his state by his own strength, he could only rely on external force. When Yuan Hong tried to call someone, he shut his mouth again. His intuition told him that if he didn't call correctly the first time, A certain opportunity will pass by, and it will even affect a series of subsequent events.

Bai Yuan rolled his eyes, thought seriously for a moment, and finally made up his mind, opened his mouth and called out: "Grandpa Xianshi——"

"[Oh, you should be good now]." A voice that was very familiar to Yuan Hong sounded: "[I thought you would definitely shout 'Xiaoqiang' and 'Fatty'.]"

"I have indeed thought about it," Yuan Hong replied, "but they are definitely helpless to deal with such a situation."

"[Then have you ever thought about what I look like?]" Xianshi asked again.

“I can’t guess my grandpa’s appearance.

But he and I probably belong to the same genus as apes." Yuan Hong responded: "Ordinary gods would definitely not let a monkey call him 'Grandpa'. "

"[That's right]." As he spoke, a figure appeared in front of Yuan Hong.

He has yellow fur and golden hoops, and golden eyes. He wears a straight brocade robe and a tiger skin skirt tied around his waist. He holds a golden hoop and an iron rod in his hand, and wears a pair of suede boots. He is a spirit who is aware of changes, knows the weather and the favorable terrain, and can change the stars. Akashi Monkey.

Maybe he was just a projection, or maybe he was taking care of Yuan Hong. This figure kept "falling" with Yuan Hong, enough for him to see his appearance clearly.

"Dare I ask grandpa's name?" Although he was still "falling", Yuan Hong still cupped his fists and saluted.

"[Oh, 'Sun Wukong', 'Monkey King', 'Monkey King', you can choose any name you want," the golden figure said: "[But if you dare to call me 'Victory Buddha' , I will beat you to death with a stick to clean up the house.】"

Yuan Hong's thoughts revolved around "this familiar saying of cleaning up the family", "it turns out he really has a stick", "why do you say the title you don't want others to call", "the Monkey King sounds so cool", etc. In a circle.

Finally, the white ape shouted to the golden monkey: "Great Sage Grandpa!"

"[Hehe, it is indeed the demon in charge of the transaction. He is very sharp even if he has no memory.]" The Monkey King once again said something that puzzled Yuan Hong, but before he could think about it, the Monkey King Already moved on to the next topic.

"[Listen, this is the passage between the human world and the underworld. It was temporarily opened due to the conflict between the 'Xihe Golden Cart' and the 'evil-breaking' property in your hand. Therefore, it both exists and does not exist, so the state is similar to it." I can only show up, and I will only say the next words once, please remember them.]" Sun Wukong said.

Although Yuan Hong had a lot of questions to ask, he could only say "all ears" at this time.

"[The fairy stone on the top of Huaguo Mountain was left by the sage Nuwa when he was mending the sky. Every time it receives the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and the essence of the sun and the moon, it will break apart five hundred years later, giving birth to a stone monkey. It will travel across the sea and learn from his teacher. Art, thousands of mountains all over the world are bowed down, the Nine Netherworld and ten categories have been eliminated, the official title is not enough, and the self-titled is Qitian Sage,]" the tone of the Qitian Great Sage was indifferent, as if he was not talking about his own business: "[ When this stone monkey returns to heaven, he will be crushed under the Five Elements Mountain by Buddha Tathagata of the West. Five hundred years later, he will escort the reincarnation of his second disciple to the West to obtain scriptures, and he will be named the 'Victorious Buddha'."

"But?" Yuan Hong asked boldly.

"[However, this kind of ending is not recognized by the 'Tiandao',]" The Monkey King waved his stick casually, scattering the surrounding fog, revealing countless moving and twinkling stars outside: "[Look at what kind of composition they form. Words?]"

Yuan Hong blinked his eyes and observed carefully, and saw that the stars were just twinkling, but did not form any words. When he was about to turn around to ask, he caught a glimpse of two lines of doggerel in the corner of his eye:

[I only know that the flowers and fruits are equal to the sage in the sky, but I don’t know that the Buddha is fighting in the west]

When I look at it carefully, each of the countless stars expresses the same meaning. Even if occasionally words such as "Becoming a Buddha is orthodox" appear, they will immediately be drowned by the refutations around them.

"This..." Yuan Hong was shocked and inexplicable.

"[I am Sun Wukong, but it's not 'which time', but 'every time'," Sun Wukong said: "[As for 'this time' when I hide in the fairy stone and teach you many spells, my relationship is similar to that of a handful of times.") The relationship between the little monkey blowing out its vellus hair and its original body.】"

"You haven't taught me that spell, Grand Sage, yet." Yuan Hong interrupted.

"[When you can leave the underworld and return to the sun on your own, I will teach you this spell.]" Sun Wukong put away the golden cudgel, and the mist immediately surged up to cover the starry sky: "[This time you die, even though you are the demon king. It was caused by a sudden attack, but it can also be said that the Bodhisattva who has been protecting you did it unintentionally.】"

"That Bodhisattva..." Yuan Hong thought for a while: "Does it mean that you want me to repeat the great sage's achievements?"

"[I only have a hair here, so I can't figure out what those immortal gods and bodhisattvas are doing, and what kind of contradictions there are. If I forcefully use my true power, I will be directly excluded from this world," said the Monkey King: "[If Let me guess, that Bodhisattva probably just said casually, 'It's time for Yuan Hong to go to the underworld to change the book of life and death.'"

"This..." Yuan Hong felt very familiar with this, but couldn't remember it for a moment.

"[If you want my advice, I can only say that the Ten Palaces of Yama are all bullies and afraid of the strong,]" Sun Wukong chuckled: "[You can choose whether you want to be strong with your fists or with a strong background. By the way, move out now. The name Lao Sun is also useless.】"

As soon as the words fell, the figure of the Monkey King disappeared directly from the "gray mist passage", and Yuan Hong was completely unable to stop him.

The next moment, all the gray fog around him dissipated, and Yuan Hong found himself high in the sky. There was no sun or moon in the sky, but there was a giant light spot like a four-leaf clover slowly turning on the night, heading towards a bank full of flowers below. The winding river of flowers on the other side casts a faint glow.

Yuan Hong tried to use the art of soaring into the clouds and riding on the mist, but it had no effect. He fell straight from the sky onto a small boat that seemed to be waiting for him in the middle of the river.

"Huh? Why is it a monkey?" A woman's surprised voice came from behind Bai Yuan.

When I looked back, I found that the punter was a playful girl with short hair wearing dark red tight-fitting leather armor. Her punting technique was very unprofessional. It seemed that she was better at wielding a sickle than a scull.

"Well...regardless of whether you are a human or a monkey, you are already dead, do you know that?" The girl babbled: "You were murdered by others. The reason why you can't use your magical powers now is to prevent you from getting too excited when you see me. You will recover when the judge comes, but before that, I still want to ask one more question, do you want to take revenge on the murderer? You can make him die at the cost of being thrown into hell? "

"No need," Yuan Hong said, "I will go back to avenge myself."

"Hey, okay, okay," the girl continued to row the boat angrily, and kept talking: "There have been no victims at all recently. After all, it's still a monkey. Forget about monkeys, it's still a white one..."

I'm really sorry for being a white monkey... Yuan Hong looked sideways.

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