The Collection of The End

Chapter 401 Jade Rabbit Throwing Embroidery on a High Platform

[Tip: Without using DNA points, 'Simian Flu' autonomously mutated into the 'Rage of Fury' special ability. 】

After the Tianhe Navy successfully captured the Lion and Camel King, they returned directly to the Heavenly Court, and the Macaque King who became Yuan Hong and the other demon kings who gathered also began to lead the monkey expeditionary army to continue to conquer other territories in Dongsheng Shenzhou.

I looked at the information on other sites, and just after I clicked on the "departure order", I saw a pop-up prompt for "autonomous mutation" prompting my sister. I was initially shocked because Yuan Hong was gone and could not regress his symptoms, and then I I discovered that what evolved was a certain "special ability" that I had degraded.

How do you describe this ability? Although it can improve some combat effectiveness, it will make the infected become belligerent. It is a joke to evolve when the strength is weak, just like... um, Chihuahua?

However, there are currently a group of demon kings and their little demons gathered together. Their strength can be regarded as that of Tibetan Mastiffs.

[Tip: ‘Rage of Violence’, ‘Calling Friends’, ‘Creating Weapons’, once the combo is completed, all infected will receive the special ability ‘Unity’]

[Unity: When fighting together, the more friendly troops there are, the stronger the combat effectiveness will be. 】

Hmm...compared to the clear "stealth", this combo ability is also explained specifically, but it is still not very clear. Does "our army" and "friendly army" refer to a single monkey and other monkeys, or Monkey monsters and other races of monsters?

Forget it, anyway, now that the demon kings are gathering, there are quite a few of them.

In the surveillance footage, in a simple "military camp" where a large group of monster soldiers gathered, fake Yuan Hong was standing on a big rock giving a speech.

"The 'Lion and Camel King' has been captured by Heaven! The 'Giant Toad King' and 'Centipede King' suffered all casualties and fled in defeat! As for the 'Giant Python King' and the 'Peng Demon King', I heard they have no subordinates!" Macaque Monkey The king shouted sternly: "I will take over their territory soon!"

...It's really simple, clear and easy to understand. Also, did you leave out the Scorpion King on purpose?

"Now we have the 'Ox Demon King', the 'Si Demon King', the 'Jiao Demon King', the 'Macaque King', and the 'Lemur King' as helpers. If they surrender honestly, that's all. If they have any intention of resisting -" Macaque King The tone of voice was drawn out.

"If you don't beat him up, he won't know why the flowers are so red -" all the monkey monsters shouted.

Dabai in the sky... No, he seems to be in the underworld?

"Let's go!" After the macaque king said this, he jumped directly onto the somersault cloud next to the stone and rode away first.

By the way, that marshmallow didn't drop him...

"Xiao Bai, do you really want to help?" Cuiyun asked, looking at the Bull Demon King with a worried expression.

The scholar-looking Bull Demon King straightened his chest and was about to say something when he heard her add, "Can you beat others?", and was choked for a moment.

The green cow that was just regarded as the Demon King was still chewing grass in its mouth, but its eyes were bent.

——Year 6——

Due to the unfavorable outcome of the war, Tianpeng led the navy back to Heaven and then Marshal Yisheng took Fu Ling and the remaining soldiers back to the Tianhe Pier. He then went to the Lingxiao Hall to plead guilty to the Jade Emperor, report the results of the battle, and apply for the [Hall of Heroes] for the navy officers and soldiers. 】Resurrection quota and warship repair costs.

As far as Tianpeng knows, [Resurrection of Heroic Spirits] is a technique passed down from the saints when he proclaimed himself a god. There are 100,000 heavenly soldiers who can be resurrected every month. Although it is very unlikely, even if all 800,000 heavenly soldiers are wiped out in one day, it will still be possible. It only takes about half a year to restore the old look.

As for why the number of one hundred thousand is limited, Tianpeng is not clear, but it is said to be related to the golden-winged roc known as the uncle of Buddha.

In the Lingxiao Palace, the Jade Emperor seemed to be a little distracted. He followed everything Tianpeng played and did not reprimand him for his failure in the battle. Tianpeng would not bring trouble to himself, so he resigned and left.

The road from Lingxiao Palace to the Hall of Heroes happened to pass by Immortal Yue Lao's "Engagement Hall".

Tianpeng felt guilty for being banned by the Jade Emperor for pointing out his fate with Fu Ling. At this time, he happened to have the opportunity, so he stopped by to visit.

The reunion moon, the acacia tree, and the engagement hall. Compared with the boasts of other immortal gods about their residences, Yuelao's engagement palace has only such a simple description, because the gods in heaven are not allowed to marry at will, and the red thread held by Yuelao cannot be changed at will. Therefore, even if we praise this place, no one will visit it diligently.

The red thread is held under the reunion moon, the love blossoms bloom on the acacia tree, and marriages are held in the engagement hall. Although there are not many people, Yue Lao has held weddings for many gods and couples over the years. At that time, the Jade Emperor will send every gift A man who endures thirty years of guilt is a congratulation.

After bypassing another fairy palace, the Engagement Palace is already in sight. Over the palace, which is always covered in red and colorful colors, the shadows of the reunion moon and the acacia trees complement each other.

Although Tianpeng is not very satisfied with Yue Lao and his comments, "Blooming without fruit, having a beginning but no end", it is still better than those comments such as "Slight love and deep fate, fate but no destiny", "You have not given birth to me, but I have given birth to you and you are already old", "There are trees in the mountains, but the trees have branches, and my heart is happy for you, but you don't know it." It's just a little better.

It is said that the worst criticism was "It's a pity that there are no fixed bones by the river, just like a person in a spring boudoir's dream". The star king directly beat Yue Lao and then angrily went to the lower world to eliminate demons... Wait? Speaking of which, I haven't seen him in some days.

"Canopy Canopy~"

Since the interpretation of the approval sentence was not very good, and Fu Ling himself said that "there is only one year of fate", a solution must be found before the end of the "five hundred years" casually set by the Jade Emperor, otherwise, he will have no choice but to go to the lower world. Go spend this short year with her, and then the soldiers will come to cover up the water and the earth...



When Tianpeng saw the engagement hall, he became a little distracted. When he was called, he failed to respond in time. He didn't realize it until the person being called hit him with an object.

When Tianpeng turned around to look, he saw a strange and unstable platform being set up on the outer wall of the engagement hall. A girl was standing on it, looking at him angrily.

Wearing a velvet embroidered skirt, a red silk ribbon tied at the waist, her hair is as white as gold, her eyes are like fire, she wears a gilt crown on her head, she is throwing a hydrangea in her palm, and she has one free hand scratching the rabbit's ears.

Under the platform that the girl was standing on, there was another girl of similar age to her, but wearing a blue-purple maid dress, holding the platform gingerly, but there were no rabbit ears on her head.

Tianpeng shook his head and picked up the hydrangea from the ground that she had just thrown at him: "Jade Rabbit, did you sneak out of Guanghan Palace to play with Yue Lao again?"

These two girls are the Jade Rabbit and Fairy Su'e in the Guanghan Palace. The strange table was transformed into a medicine pestle. The original object cannot stand independently, so it is naturally unstable when the Jade Rabbit uses it to turn it into a table.

Since the "Reunion Moon" appears every fifteenth day, the "Guanghan Palace" will move closer to the "Engagement Palace" at that time. The Jade Rabbit and the little palace ladies took the opportunity to visit and play. Although Yue Lao did not dare to criticize them, However, a lot of girls are affected by the atmosphere, and now they are talking about "what about my future husband". When they see other stars or fairies, they will also say things like "such and such fairy/fairy is very suitable for you".

Taiyin Xingjun does not care about such trivial matters, but Chang'e and Chang'e are quite dissatisfied with Immortal Master Yue Lao because of this. Their handiwork can be vaguely seen in Yue Lao's ban recently.

"You're not sneaking away!" Jade Rabbit waved and took back the hydrangea in the canopy's hand: "This time, we came with Taiyin Star Lord Xunyue Lao to punish him."

"Aunt Yue is here?" Tianpeng frowned.

Just by looking at the actions of the White Rabbit and Su'e, one could tell that they were taking a peek inside the palace. They originally thought that Chang'e or Chang'e was here, but unexpectedly it was Taiyin Star Lord who came in person.

The Lunar Star Lord [Wangshu] is different from the Sun Star Lord [Xihe]. There are a few days every month when she does not need to patrol the sky, but she helps the Heavenly Court patrol and arbitrate disputes. Because of her extremely high status, even the Jade Emperor cannot change her decision without reason, and currently So far, all matters arbitrated by Taiyin Star Lord do not require any changes.

It is said that she originally looked like a stunning beauty, but because she suppressed all the fairies in Guanghan Palace and lost all self-confidence, she changed to dress up as a middle-aged woman and claimed to be an old woman, so that she would not have all the fairies bow their heads and hide their faces whenever she went out. .

Since this technique of changing faces can go back to the past, no one except some Daluo Jinxian and Yasheng remembered her original appearance, so everyone imitated [Xihe]'s name as "Sun Mother" and called "Wangshu" "Wangshu". Yue Gu".

"Don't worry, the message I sent you on behalf of Yue Lao has not been leaked~" The Jade Rabbit nodded proudly, and the rabbit ears on its head swayed.

No, maybe it hasn't been leaked before, but now this wall separates...

Before Tianpeng could think clearly, he heard a woman's voice coming from the engagement hall: "Come in, Marshal Tianpeng, Yutu and Su'e, please stay away."

Seeing the changes in the faces of Jade Rabbit and Fairy Su'e, they jumped off the stage, put away the pestle and ran away. Tianpeng shook his head and walked into the hall.

The engagement hall was decorated as a mortal wedding hall as always. Taiyin Xingjun, who was dressed like a wealthy mortal woman, sat in the main seat in the high hall. However, Yuelao Xianjun, who was dressed in red flowers, did not dare to sit with her, but just sat at the guest banquet. next to each other.

All the Chang'e and Chang'e were still looking around at the decorations, whispering "husband", "groom" and other words. When they saw the black and powerful canopy stepping into it, they all suffocated and turned their faces. Only A fairy in colorful clothes showed surprise on her face, and her reaction was a little slow. By the time she realized something was wrong and tried to cover it up with her companions, it was already too late.

"Marshal Tianpeng," the Taiyin Star Lord said to Tianpeng without looking at the fairy in colorful clothes: "I lost my way to Tianhe and needed your help in Nishang, and I passed the token back and forth in private. I will not pursue it because I am in love." , it’s just for the sake of etiquette, it doesn’t violate the rules of heaven, but Immortal Master Yue Lao has calculated that you and Nishang have been married for three years, how are you going to deal with it?”

What? Keepsake? Tianpeng was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that when Yu Rabbit went to play with Marshal Yisheng, he asked him for various objects and gifts in return. All in all, except for the sachet hydrangea he just saw in Yu Rabbit's hand, those decorations He had never seen her wearing flowers and flowers - he should have thought that those things were not something that a mere little girl would be interested in!

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