The Collection of The End

Chapter 402 Red neon hanging down, 9 layers of purple clouds flying

——Year 6——

But it is said that Jin Chanzi and his party left Jisai Kingdom and passed through Benbo Kingdom. Winter passed and spring came again. The grass buds were green all over the ground, the willow eyes were full of green embankments, peach blossoms were red in the ridge, and half of the stream was misty and clear. , several gardens were all green and dark, it was windy and rainy and it was dusk.

Ao Cunxin, the fourth princess of the West Sea, originally thought that this journey to the west was a journey of killing demons, subduing ghosts and catching monsters along the way, and she was quite looking forward to it. She didn't expect that she had not encountered any evil spirits blocking her way in the past six months, so she was bored and went to find Ao Lie. complain.

Ao Lie said helplessly: "Not to mention Bai Jingjing and Pearl, just seeing the three dragons from the West Sea here, the demons with the slightest intelligence will run away. How dare they come to provoke us? If there is someone powerful enough to suppress the three of us, , and it is impossible to bully the juniors."

Ao Cun thought: "Then we can try to get this bald man to speed up his journey? From here to the west sky, if the clouds and fog are soaring, it will take at most three to five days, right? Judging from his current posture, it seems that he will have to walk for three to five years."

"I know~" Ao Yu raised her hands and said in a soft voice: "Golden cicada flesh... fleshy flesh can't fly in the clouds~"

"...It's a mortal body with the naked eye." Bai Jingjing, who was feeding her dried small fish, said helplessly from the side.

Pearl didn't react and continued to clear the way ahead - using her large shield to smooth out the bumps along the way.

"That's at best because the spell transfer is ineffective," Ao Cun thought for a while, and then said: "Why don't you reveal his true form and carry him?"

"Amitabha," Jin Chanzi immediately responded, "This is a very good idea!"

"Don't even think about it!" Ao Lie also responded at the same time.

"..." Everyone was silent, except for the sound of Ao Yu chewing dried fish.

"Princess Qi," a bone-faced servant appeared to break the silence and reported to Bai Jingjinghui: "The scout reported that there is only one mountain village within a few dozen miles. If you want to rush there, it will be late at night. Why don't you take a rest, Princess?" We will build a house on the spot immediately."

"Go build it." Bai Jingjing ordered the bone-faced servant to step back, then turned around and grabbed the horse Jin Chanzi was riding to stop it.

Jin Chanzi got off his horse, found a large stone nearby, spread it on a futon, meditated and chanted sutras.

"If we don't always have to stay overnight at dawn, this trip can be at least twice as fast." Ao Cunxin looked at him and said.

"I can't explain the details," Ao Lie shook his head: "Brother, I can only say that this speed is currently the most suitable."

"Oh?" The fourth princess of Xihai stared at the third prince thoughtfully, but couldn't figure it out for the moment.

"Third Prince," because the group decided to stop and camp, Pearl, who was opening the way in front, also turned around, holding something in his hand: "I found out ahead..."


As if a certain boundary had been crossed, the "thing" in the patrol general's hand suddenly burned, turning into ashes and scattering in the blink of an eye.

"...a bamboo hat." Pearl Jiang finished.

"When it burned, I knew it was some kind of clothing decoration," Ao Lie shook his head: "At present, even the fairy jewelry obtained from heaven cannot survive. The real fairy clothing and divine armor It’s not convenient for me to give it to you to try.”

"I can just wear my own shell armor," Pearl said, "This style of thing is common among bandits and robbers. There are probably strongman lairs in the nearby mountains and forests."

"Strong man?" Bai Jingjing raised her hand and called out a skinny servant to ask.

"Princess, there is no strongman's lair within a hundred miles," the bone-faced servant paused, "unless that mountain village is their residence."

"Humans, you can't eat them." Ao Yu showed a lack of interest.

"Amitreya Buddha," Jin Chanzi said, "could it be that if the strong ones are too strong, then the weak ones will come? If the monks, Taoists, and monsters are not good enough, then the mortal ones will come?"

Ao Lie knew the origin of Jin Chanzi, and Bai Jingjing also vaguely guessed it. The two looked at each other. If a group of mortal robbers really came, who did not know the immortals and did not understand the power of dragons, and took action, it would cost a life to catch one of them.

After all, the current group of people does not look very intimidating. They look like a pair of rich sisters with two maids in weird clothes.

Plus a capable guard, and a monk who got mixed up for some reason.

Over there, Ao Cunxin said, "What kind of robber! If you dare to come, I'll chop them all down with one strike of the 'Shadowless Knife'!"

You can't kill yourself, but if you reveal your true colors and scare them away, if word spreads in the future, the West Sea Dragon Kingdom will probably become a laughing stock - how can the presence of three princes and princesses help a group of mortal robbers?

"Order the scouts to spread out and patrol in a wider area," Bai Jingjing ordered the bone face: "When the robbers approach, capture and tie them up, but do not hurt their lives."

"As you command." The thin skeleton responded and fled into the shadows. Then a dozen strong skeletons appeared and began to chop down trees and stones to build houses.

For the time being, this is all we can do, Ao Lie thought slightly worriedly.


Let's not mention that Jin Chanzi and his party built a house to rest. There is indeed a group of strong men in this mountain, but they do not belong to the mountain village. They were just passing by and living in a hidden cave somewhere. They were planning to turn around and head north tomorrow. Unexpectedly, they were approaching. When night fell, the watchman came back quietly, saying that something great had happened.

"What good thing?" The strongman leader is a strong man over forty years old, with a sinewy face and a tall body. Many scars on his body can be seen from the simple leather armor. He is holding a large ring knife: "If the robbery cuts the path, There is no need to mention it again in the future.”

They originally gathered in the mountains of Chechi Kingdom, but because they plundered a small village, they were attacked by the country's warrior monks. Fortunately, they did not kill anyone at that time, so the monks did not kill them all, but just robbed them. After collecting the stolen goods, he forced them to either leave Chechi Kingdom or go with them to do hard labor in the temple.

If you are willing to work, why would you fall into trouble? The leader then left Chechi with a group of subordinates, detoured from Yue Tuo Kingdom in the south, and finally arrived at Benbo Kingdom.

Due to the perennial war between the four eastern countries, the people nearby are extremely tough. If they walk into a village and shout, "We are robbers! Hand over all your property!", the villagers will not exclaim like they did when the car was late. If they run away, they will most likely pick up weapons and farm tools and fight them to the death.

Reluctantly, the leader and his men turned from "robbers" to "thieves", specializing in stealing the town's property, and then they were surprised to discover that they had been in the wrong business for several years.

With the help of shadows, blind spots, and even blind spots created when guards are distracted, a group of thieves can even sneak into government warehouses.

However, due to the unfamiliarity of the place, even if he got the luxury goods, he had no way to do it, so he went to the arsenal and granary to steal equipment and food. Unexpectedly, the town military commander thought that there was a traitor and the enemy, and a large number of troops closed the city to search. The thieves had to Transfer again.

At this time, it is said that the lost Buddha treasure of Jisai Kingdom has reappeared, and the four countries have stopped their troops. As a result, more and more officers and soldiers are arresting them, and the leader and his men have to escape all the way out of the country.

In a deserted place, no matter how good their robbing and stealing skills are, they have no place to use them. Surviving in the wild, exploring the jungle, and collecting local materials, people's ability to perform their duties has increased a lot.

Not long ago, they passed by a mountain village to stay overnight. They originally planned to take away the village's wealth before leaving, but unexpectedly they encountered a group of injured leopard spirits surrounding the mountain village.

How can mortals compete with monsters? The leader led his men and mountain people to resist with the idea of ​​​​fighting to the death, but later discovered that they were completely in the wrong business.

Because he usually either steals, robs, or flees in confusion, there is no chance for a direct battle. When he was in a desperate situation with no retreat and no escape, and faced those leopard spirits in a face-to-face confrontation, the leader suddenly realized that he was actually quite handsome. , and all his subordinates are outstanding soldiers.

A group of subordinates advanced and retreated in a measured manner, watching and helping each other. With their cooperation, they were able to prevent the leopard spirits from attacking the mountain village. With the strong bows and spears of the mountain people and the advantage of the terrain, they fought from dusk to early morning. Most of the hundreds of leopard spirits were killed and wounded, and finally retreated. , and all the subordinates and villagers were seriously injured at most, and none were even disabled.

If they were seen by the pursuers of Chechi Kingdom or Benbo Kingdom at this time, they would probably not recognize this group of vaguely formed troops as the prisoners they had been chasing.

"We are so powerful, why do we need to rely on others?" The leader said proudly when he left the mountain village: "I heard that there is no one to govern thousands of miles west of here, so why shouldn't we found a country here and become king?"

"But you don't have citizens." The head of Nashan Village laughed at him that day.

"I will arrest you as a citizen!" the leader said angrily.

"Oh?" The village chief didn't object to this because they fought side by side before. He just wrote a few words: "This is the name of a nearby place. If you recognize these words, what's the harm in being a prime minister for you? Otherwise, What’s the use of a king who can’t even bear a title?”

When the leader looked at it, he saw the words "Qilin Mountain, Haizhi Cave".

The leader hesitated for a long time, but he only recognized the two words "mountain, cave", and did not dare to pronounce "Lulu Mountain, Jiegu Cave", which was embarrassing, and finally walked away in anger.

At this time, he and a group of his men were resting in the "Jie Dog Cave".

"It's not a robbery," the messenger said: "A team that looks like an immortal family has come from the east. Why don't you invite us to recognize the characters and give us a country name?"

"Please... no, I will go in person and call everyone together," the leader stood up proudly and said, "If it is an immortal family in the sky, it will just show the prestige of the country."


"...What's going on?" When the strong Boneface was halfway through building the temporary house, dozens of scouts, Boneface, escorted hundreds of grass bandits to the vicinity of the camp. Ao Lie was quite surprised to see it.

"Report to the third prince," the leader said with a skull face: "This group of bandits rushed down the mountain in a mighty force and said that they would invite all the princes and princesses to be guests. As we were confronting him, we saw a burst of red clouds shouting, 'Poison, poison! After the "harmful thing" floated by, this group of people all fell down, and they had to be escorted over."

"Of course, I'm really a guest!" The strong man who looked like a leader loudly defended himself: "We want to found a country here and become king, so I'm here to ask all the immortals to give us a country name!"

"Oh?" Ao Lie ignored the sympathetic glances his companions looked at the Caotou King, looked at the roof beams of the half-built house, and said, "Then let's call it the 'Pillar Country'."

"Zhu Ziguo? What a good name. Thank you so much to this immortal family." The leader said happily.

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