The Collection of The End

Chapter 403 Returned for a long time, but has not returned yet

——Year 6——


When Marshal Tianpeng returned to heaven to report his duties, he was tripped while passing by the Yue Lao Engagement Hall and was unable to escape for a while. Therefore, he was unable to reach the Hall of Valor in time to see the resurrected sailors. Unexpectedly, he angered a high-level god general.

The name of this divine general is Li Jing. He wears two armors of bright light, a gold-winged black crown on his head, holds a seven-story exquisite tower in his left hand, holds a three-pronged purple electric halberd in his right hand, and carries a seven-star sword on his waist. He is ordered by the Jade Emperor to control the eight hundred thousand people in heaven. Heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals, known as King Tota Li.

This King Li Tian became a god in the flesh. His eldest son was named Jin Zha, who served Tathagata Buddha. His second son was named Muzha, who worshiped at the gate of Guanshiyin in Nanhai. His third son, Nezha, did not dare to let go outside for some reason, so he kept him with him at all times. There was a girl named Zhenying. Li Jing was seven years old when she became a god. I don’t know how many years have passed today, but she is still seven years old.

Because I heard that the navy army had returned from an expedition, the Heavenly King, as the commander-in-chief of the Heavenly Armies, naturally wanted to come to inquire. After Tianpeng completed its original mission, he could go back to rest, but the monster that could inflict heavy damage to the Heavenly Army escaped, and it was the responsibility of chasing and killing him. It's impossible to say that it will fall on him as the commander-in-chief.

As a result, Tianpeng not only did not go to the Hall of Valor to collect the remnant soldiers and report to it as soon as possible, but instead entangled with a group of immortals in the Engagement Hall. Because of the presence of Taiyin Star Lord, Li Jing could not say harsh words and could only walk away in anger. go.

The King of Heaven was furious, and when he returned to the gate of his residence, the Jade Tower Palace, he saw Taibai Jinxing waiting here with the Jade Emperor's Holy Purpose in his hand. He quickly calmed down his expression and stepped forward to greet him: "I don't know if Venus is here, but I have been waiting for you for a long time."

"Your Majesty has an edict to order the King of Heaven to descend from the realm to eliminate demons." Taibai Jinxing handed the edict to Li Jing.

"Haha, actually I had expected it." Li Jing asked Tong'er to set up a table and burn incense, received the imperial edict, and when he unfolded it to read, he was surprised: "The goal is not to defeat the monster in the canopy?"

But the monster named in the imperial edict to be captured is "the golden-nosed white-haired rat spirit that stole the wick of the oil lamp in front of the Tathagata Buddha."

Those with detailed crime and appearance descriptions prove that there were clear witnesses to the theft. And the oil lamp in front of Tathagata Buddha? If anyone in the Great Leiyin Temple saw it, it would never escape. The only explanation is that Buddha prevented others from interfering and let the mouse go, but for some reason he let Heaven come forward to capture it.

"Forget it. Although this is not common, it is not uncommon." After the King of Heaven thanked Xukong, he accepted the order and said: "Please Jinxing to report back to Your Majesty, Li Jing will set off now."

Taibai Jinxing asked: "I wonder how many heavenly troops the King of Heaven wants to bring, so that the little old man can be restored to his life."

King Tota said proudly: "It doesn't have to be thousands or hundreds, just me and the child."

Hearing slight footsteps behind him, probably Nezha, Li Jing pointed back without looking.

The person there was not Nezha, but a girl wearing a fluffy black skirt, pink braids, a velvet hat, and holding a big book in her hands.

"Really?" she asked in surprise.

"..." The king did not dare to turn his face for a moment.



Under the leadership of Black and White Wuchang, Yuan Hong left the Wangchuan River Wharf, passed by Guimen Pass, walked by Huangquan Road, stepped over Naihe Bridge, passed Sansheng Stone, and when he arrived at Fengdu Ghost City, he did not go looking for the judge, but went straight to Senluo Hall.

The first hall is King Guang of Qin, the second hall is King Chujiang, the third hall is Emperor Song, the fourth hall is King Wuguan, the fifth hall is King Yama, the sixth hall is King Biancheng, the seventh hall is King Taishan, the eighth hall is King City, the ninth hall is King Pingping, and the tenth hall The Wheel-turning King has been waiting here for a long time.

[Houtu] The empress appeared in Yan, but she came to see a strange monkey demon. The ten kings had already known about this matter, and decided to deal with the monkey demon matter carefully to ensure that no mistakes were made. At this time, seeing the black and white impermanence, people He brought it to me, so he asked: "That demon fairy, tell me your name."

The Monkey King said: "My name is Yuan Hong, and I am a native of Shuiliandong, Huaguo Mountain, in the Aolai Kingdom of Dongsheng Shenzhou. I believe that my fate should not be cut off. I ask you, the kings of hell, to make a clear decision."

The deceased is naturally unwilling to accept the fact of death. In normal times, such defenses would never reach the ears of King Yama.

When the judge or even the ghost officer comes to see you, you will be dismissed with words such as "Your life is over", "The official officer and the official officer are here to come", "The King of Hell wants you to die at the third watch, who dares to keep anyone alive until the fifth watch" and so on.

At this time, Empress Hou Tu was paying attention, but she couldn't handle it casually like that. The King of Hell of the Ten Palaces asked Judge Cao to get the book of life and death to look at it, just to make sure it was safe.

Because Yuan Hong's face looked like a monkey, the judge directly took a look at the book of the genus Monkey, but could not find Yuan Hong's name. After rummaging around, he finally found it in a book that recorded many unclassifiable creatures.

But I saw the book of life and death written: "Yuan Hong is a wild-armed ape among the four monkeys in the world. He holds the sun and the moon, shrinks from thousands of mountains, distinguishes good and bad, and the world is in trouble. He has thirty-five calamities left in his life."

One yuan is divided into twelve tribulations, each tributary is 18,000 years, and 50,000 yuan is one calamity... The judge who read the Book of Life and Death stopped thinking and handed it directly to the desk of the King of Hell. Even though the kings were well-informed, they could not help but be stunned. live.

King Yama was surprised and asked: "Where does such a long life come from?"

The King of Equality said: "Don't be surprised, there is another algorithm for measuring calamity, that is, every destruction of the Five Elements and Three Realms is counted as one calamity."

King Taishan said: "Isn't this even more shocking?"

King Qin Guang suddenly said: "I know why [Houtu] Empress pays attention to this immortal - you should know that the punishment for wrongful cases in the underworld is that the person who handles it must pay twice the remaining life of the wronged person, that is, we You should compensate Yuan Hong for seventy calamities of life."

All the kings of hell were completely silent.

Yuan Hong stood in the hall and saw that the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace looked ugly, sometimes whispering and sometimes silent, but did not reply for a long time. He couldn't help but feel anxious. He was about to speak, but heard someone behind him say: "If I understand what you said, I'm afraid you will." I'll frighten the King of Hell into killing one or two."

Yuan Hong and Judge Yama all looked towards the door, and saw Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva leading Titing into the Senluo Hall, so they all greeted him.

The Bodhisattva said to all the kings of hell: "There is no need to think too much, and there is no need to change the book of life and death. All you need to do is return the monkey's head to the sun. Other matters will be handled by mortal gods and gods."

The ten kings of hell each breathed a sigh of relief and said yes.

"Come with me, don't let those monkeys, monkeys, grandchildren and many relatives and friends wait too long." Ksitigarbha turned and left.

Although Ksitigarbha did not leave the underworld, he was listening to the truth beside him. As long as he wanted to understand the things in the world, there would be no obstacles. Yuan Hong thought for a while and then hurriedly followed.

"Why do I feel like they have taken a huge advantage?" When the Monkey King walked out of Senluo Hall, he suddenly said to Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, "Have I lost any opportunity to get compensation?"

"I can give you some compensation regarding this matter," Ksitigarbha stood still, turned towards Yuan Hong and said, "I have made a great wish that I will never become a Buddha until hell is empty. I believe you already know this."

Yuan Hong nodded in agreement.

"But in you, I saw another eight characters," Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva said: "Only by saving all sentient beings can we realize Bodhi."

"Well, what does this mean?" Yuan Hong thought thoughtfully. These two four-character comments seemed to be related to the "Bodhisattva" that the great sage often said?

"Don't say it, don't say it." Ksitigarbha shook his head slightly and walked straight towards the Well of Samsara: "You can think about it slowly after you return to the sun."


King Tota Li Tian has always disliked Buddhas, Arhats, and Bodhisattvas, not because of the disputes between Buddhism and Taoism, but because they always speak half-heartedly and refuse to speak clearly. They like to be quick-witted, and from time to time they say "something" to others. Weird words like "The donor is destined to be my Buddha".

It has nothing to do with Buddhism abducting his two loyal and obedient sons.

For example, when they were ordered to hunt down the golden-nosed white-haired rat spirit who stole the lamp core in front of the Buddha, they did not say that the key was not the "rat spirit" but the "lamp core". King Tota originally thought that a mere mouse spirit could do it. He had so many abilities, but he unexpectedly fell into the trap of the pair of weapons transformed from lantern cores.

As the commander-in-chief of the Heavenly Army, Li Jing had the right to mobilize his "clairvoyance" and "shunfeng ears" to find the mouse for him. Due to its obvious characteristics of "golden nose, white hair" and "Buddha's lamp core", he found it and hid it almost immediately. He immediately went straight to the lower world to capture him - because he had previously boasted that there were only two people in Haikou, he had to take his daughter Li Zhenying with him at this time, who had promised to go with him.

There are many treasures in Buddhism, but even a pair of lanterns is not something that a little demon who has just become a spirit can control. When the King of Heaven chased the rat spirit in the Kongkong Mountain, he saw that it was grabbing the lanterns with its claws and trying to pull them away. It is divided into two halves.

The King of Heaven once again doubted why Tathagata Buddha entrusted such a simple task to Heaven. However, because his daughter was by his side, no matter how ordinary they were, he did not intend to hold back. He raised his hand and threw out the exquisite pagoda to put the mouse spirit and the lamp core together. Into the tower.

"You evil beast, why don't you surrender honestly and come with me to plead guilty to the Buddha?" The King of Heaven took the pagoda back, listened to the faint movement in the palm of the pagoda, and shouted loudly.

Although the other party has been captured and these words are unnecessary, in order to show his power in front of his daughter, the king still uttered a few words of intimidation that he usually used when fighting powerful monsters.

"Father is so awesome! Just like in the book!" Li Zhenying clapped her hands and praised.

"That's natural!" Li Jing made a heroic appearance, but felt a little bitter in his heart. According to common sense, even if he looks young, after several years of growth, he should have a normal mind. For example, the Zhenyuan Immortal, but his daughter Zhen Yuan Ying not only looks seven years old, but also has a seven-year-old mind. He reads a mortal picture storybook over and over again all day long. Is this a punishment from God for forcing his third son to die? But the Jade Emperor made it clear that he had never done this, and Nezha also said several times that he had forgiven himself. After all-

While his thoughts were wandering, the pagoda in his palm suddenly made a crisp sound, and a cloud of smoke burst out. The mouse spirit escaped directly. The king was about to use the pagoda again to suppress it, but he stopped in a daze.

I saw that the rat spirit had turned into a human form. He was almost the same age as Xiao Zhenying. He had short white hair and golden pupils. He was wearing a strange leather coat and a tattered hood. He held a black dagger in each hand. She was looking at the album in Zhenying's hand intently.

"Want to see it?" Li Zhenying held up the album to her.

"Cut it open?" the mouse spirit replied blankly.

Haha, he knows why the Buddha pushed out this errand, King Li Tianwang looked at the deep cracks on the pagoda in his palm and thought rather melancholy.

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