The Collection of The End

Chapter 407 13 Mother’s Love Tangle

[Tip: DNA points have been spent to successfully evolve the transmission methods ‘air transmission·level one’ and ‘land transmission·level one’]

For the original game that has not been modified by the stupid system, there are actually very few ways to obtain "DNA points". Every time it spreads to a new country or the total number of people infected reaches a certain stage, a "red bubble" will appear, and When research is interrupted, a "blue bubble" will be obtained. In a country that has been completely infected, there is a small chance that a "yellow bubble" symbolizing territorial control will appear. Otherwise, there is no other way to obtain any points.

Of course, there must be bubbles that can be obtained after evolving fatal symptoms, but that is not considered.

In contrast, there are quite a few places where "DNA points" are needed, such as various special abilities and communication methods. The points required from level one to level three are completely doubled.

This is completely a paradox. If the type and level of communication methods are evolved too high, it may not be possible to get back to the original point. If we do not evolve, communication will not stop.

I chose a compromise plan: only evolve the transmission methods and resistance level one, and leave DNA points for degenerative symptoms. Then, it takes time. Anyway, the "Simian Flu" has not been discovered yet, and the opponent …

[Tip: The South China Sea has begun to develop an antidote to 'Monkey Killer'. Without the participation of more countries, progress will be slow. 】

Hmm... The opponent doesn't seem to be very good at playing. It seems that he evolved some symptoms early and was discovered.

"But, South China Sea? Has it spread to the South China Sea Dragon Palace?" I popped the blue bubble floating in the South China Sea and asked my sister.

[Tip: Nanhai, Luojia Mountain, Zizhu Forest, Chaoyin Cave. 】

This must have been captured and studied by Guanyin Bodhisattva...

——Year 7——

Heaven, Hall of Heroes.

Tianpeng struggled to deal with the Taiyin Star Lord's accusations, and then rushed to the Hall of Valor to resurrect his naval subordinates.

Of course he was asking questions, because he didn't hide it at all when he brought the Fuling to the world. Everyone in the heaven knew that Marshal Tianpeng brought a Phoenix girl back to the mortal world, and he even got the Jade Emperor's permission to marry him, but the five-hundred-year promise But it is unknown to everyone. After all, even the clairvoyant and the ears of the wind dare not spy on the words and deeds of the Jade Emperor.

As for the three-year relationship between him and the "Nishang Fairy", Yue Lao confirmed that it cannot be faked. The fairy should know about the talisman, but she seems to think that "three years" is longer than "one year", so in When he was questioned, he didn't care and just said he would wait. This made Taiyin Xingjun angry and stopped Tianpeng halfway to question him.

In the end, Tianpeng had to make a promise to Taiyin Xingjun that "he would not make Nishang sad", and then he was let go.

Thinking about it carefully, if he no longer has anything to do with her, wouldn't it be regarded as keeping his promise? But this is still doubtful. Tianpeng has heard that even the Jade Emperor has made mistakes in his orders, but Yue Lao has never heard of any mistakes in his red line. It is better to keep a distance from Guanghan Palace in the future.

Tianpeng shook his head and pressed the tiger talisman on several tables in the tent.

This Hall of Heroes is different from other palaces in heaven. From the outside, it looks like the same beautiful buildings, white walls and golden walls. But when you enter, you will come to a large military camp. The leader only needs to use his military talisman. Put it on the table, and the heavenly soldiers who need to be resurrected will appear in various camps outside the big tent. If you count them carefully, this camp can accommodate 100,000 people.

Not long after the tiger talisman was put down, the canopy heard the voices of many heavenly soldiers outside, all talking about the previous siege of the Shitu Kingdom. After waiting for a while, the captains of the twenty-nine warships who were captains at that time came to the chief accountant to report. Except for some who were lucky enough to escape when the warship crashed, nearly ten thousand sailors were all resurrected here.

"That's very good," Tianpeng said, "Everyone, take a rest and follow me back to Tianhe Pier for repairs."

"Marshal, this failure is due to insufficient intelligence.

Now that the information about the demon kings is clear, it is better to ask the Jade Emperor to kill the generals directly. "The captain of the warship Zhi Geng said that his side was blown up as soon as the battle started and he did not participate in the battle at all. At this time, the fighting spirit was the strongest.

"Even if we go back now, there will be no battle to fight," Tianpeng said: "Although we are the vanguard to attack the Lion and Camel Kingdom, we must have other means in the follow-up arrangements. If expected, the Lion and Camel Kingdom will have been destroyed by now."

"Haha, Zhang Bairen..." The captain of the battleship Wangyue was an old man. He snorted with dissatisfaction. "Everyone only saw that his plans and arrangements were endless, but who would have thought about executing the previous orders?" What happens to the defeated soldiers?”

"What else can we do? Come here to report!" a captain said, causing a burst of laughter in the tent.

"The environment here is special, so it's okay to talk a few words," Tianpeng said: "But after leaving the Hall of Heroes, if you don't want to be remembered as "forbearance", don't talk anymore."

"What are you talking about?" The curtain door of the camp opened and Fu Ling walked in. She dressed up for some reason and put on a beautiful dress given to her by Marshal Yi Sheng. She was looking around: "I heard that my husband has accepted A concubine?"

"How did you know?... No! It didn't happen!" Tianpeng almost admitted it because he hadn't figured out how to explain it to her, and then abruptly changed his words and asked: "On the other hand, how did you get into Nantianmen? "

Fu Ling said: "Tota Li Tianwang brought a little girl up from the lower realm and claimed that she was his newly recognized daughter, but the four gatekeepers refused to let her in. The 'clairvoyant' even stared at her with big eyes to scare her, but she reached out. I poked it, there was chaos over there at Nantianmen, I just walked in and no one bothered me."

After hearing this, all the sailors shouted: "Well done, I wish I had seen those bubble eyes stop being angry for a long time."

Canopy could only shake his head and sigh.


However, it is said that a few hundred miles to the west from the Bhikkhu Kingdom, there is a mountain range with tall trees and lush forests, and strange rocks and rocks, which is called Pansi Ridge. There is also a layer of overlapping flash caves on the ridge, which are called Pansi Cave. There is a spring outside Pansi Cave, called Zhuogu Spring, which has the same name as the legendary spring where the seven fairies from heaven once came down to earth to bathe.

The owner of this Pansi Cave is a female fairy named Chun Shisanniang. She is playing in the water by the spring. What she sees is: her face is lined with red clouds, her lips are evenly crimson, her eyebrows are as small as the moon, and her cicada temples are covered with new clouds, fluttering. With green sleeves, low jade bamboo shoots, swaying Hunan skirt, half exposed golden lotus, lightly swinging belt, high bouquet of fragrant shoulder powder, if she walked into a mortal city, she would be regarded as a noble princess.

Chun Shisanniang was playing with the spring water when she suddenly raised her eyebrows. Without moving her hands and feet, she moved straight back a few feet. Then she heard a bang and a huge red toad fell into the pool. It seemed to be completely out of control and died. Without moving, a skinny Taoist wearing black Taoist robes stood above the giant toad.

The Taoist Chao Chun Shisanniang waved the Buddha dust in her hand from a distance: "Junior sister, are you okay when you come?"

"Hehehe~" Chun Shisanniang laughed when she heard this, her voice was low and charming, "Little sister, I don't know if I am sick or not, but if you are sick, senior brother, you will probably be covered with whip marks."

The Taoist saw her take off a black leather whip from her waist and crackle it in her hand. When she came over with an unpleasant look on her face, she couldn't help but back away: "We are being hunted by Heaven, and we managed to use secret techniques to hide." There is no need to welcome people who come to you like this..."

"Little sister did say that if senior brother is in danger, he can come to Pansi Cave to hide," the smile on Chun Shisanniang's face became brighter: "However, the location of the secret method is in Pansi Cave. How can senior brother and junior brother hide in Pansi Cave?" Will it appear in this 'Zhuogu Spring'?"

"Well, this was a mistake. We are being hunted by Heaven. It's also a mistake..." "Senior brother changed the positioning of the secret method."

The giant toad suddenly spoke human words, directly interrupting the Taoist's defense.

"You brat, don't you think about who has raised you all these years?" The Taoist stamped his feet on the giant toad's head: "Don't you know who you should help at this time?"

"Help senior sister." Juchan insisted on his original point of view.

"So good~" Chun Shisanniang had already returned to the spring, and drove the Taoist away from the giant toad's head with a whip: "What else did your 'hundred-eyed monster' senior brother say?"

"I am the 'Wupao Lord', not the 'Hundred-Eyed Monster'!" Taoist Wupao did not forget to defend loudly when he ran away.

"Senior brother said that this location is where senior sister often comes. She will come here every three days. If the time is right, you can see the beautiful scenery." The giant toad shook his head from side to side: "But where can there be beautiful scenery?"

"Wu Pao, you?" Chun Shisanniang was smiling, her eyes almost completely narrowed, and the whip in her hand made a strange squeaking sound.

"It's not Mr. Wupao, he's a poor Taoist with hundreds of eyes." The Taoist responded casually, turned around and ran away.

"Hehehe~" Chun Shisanniang whipped out the whip, and the black leather whip suddenly extended several feet, wrapped around the escaping Taoist several times, and directly pulled him back.

"Little sister doesn't know that senior brother has always been interested in little sister, hahaha~" Silly Thirteenth Niang smiled at the Taoist who was tied up in front of her: "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"This, Little Thirteen, this is a misunderstanding..." Lord Wupao broke into a cold sweat.

Chun Shisanniang didn't answer, she gently untied her robe, exposing her waist and abdomen. Countless snow-white silks spurted out from her navel, binding the black-robed Taoist like a silkworm chrysalis. She was completely speechless and could only groan.

"Hehehe~" Chun Shisanniang chuckled next to the cocoon: "After twelve hours, we will become one body~"

"Uh-huh--" Silkworm cocoon struggled hard, but to no avail.

"Senior sister?" The giant toad in Zhuogu Spring has turned into a fat young man wearing a red leather coat, who is looking here in surprise.

"Children should stay away from adults' matters." Chun Shisanniang waved him away.

"Oh..." The fat boy climbed out of the spring and was about to dry his clothes when he heard a pop and someone fell into the water behind him. When he turned around to look, he saw a woman with short red hair, holding a konghou, and her eyes slightly closed. Head emerging from the water.

"I feel very sad," the woman looked at the current scene and said, "The only senior brother is about to be eaten by the senior sister."

"This is strange," Chun Shisanniang turned to look at her: "Why is your emergency escape location also here?"

"Senior brother taught me." Scorpion replied calmly.

"Uh huh!" Silkworm Cocoon struggled even harder.

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