The Collection of The End

Chapter 408 Wupao Junsheng 0 eyes

——Year 7——

Hezhou, Xiniu, Pansi Cave.

After all, Wupaojun was not eaten, but was left to soak in the Zhuogu Spring for one night by Chun Shisanniang. The next day, he was carried into the cave by the fat boy.

Wu Paojun raised his eyes and saw that the furnishings in the silk cave were: bluestone chairs beside the white stone table, cold jade pillows on the warm jade couch, coral screens inlaid with luminous pearls, and gold thread flowers on the glazed windows, which were pots and bowls. The ladles, drinking platters and cups are also made of pearls and jade.

"After all, you've been waiting in various places for many years, why did you escape back in embarrassment one after another?" Chun Shisanniang took the lead: "Master is not here, so I will make the decision to punish the main culprit first. Do you have any opinions?"

"No." "No." The toad spirit and the scorpion spirit sitting next to them replied.

I have! I am not the main culprit! Centipede Jingwupao Jun's eyes widened, but his mouth was covered with silk thread and he couldn't speak.

"Senior brother, you can defend yourself, but you only have a chance to say one sentence." Chun Shisanniang flicked the whip in her hand and swept away the cobwebs from Wu Paojun's mouth.

Wu Paojun had no time to argue whether he was the main culprit or not, and said in a hurry: "When I saw the rise of the Monkey King in Dongsheng Divine Continent, I followed Master's orders and contacted all my fellow disciples with the intention of killing him, but I never thought that he would be hunted down by the Heavenly Court!"

"Oh?" Spring Thirteenth Mother put her chin on her hands, her eyes sharp: "How could I not know that heaven will take care of the fights between monsters?"

"Senior brother found out too late that the Monkey King had become powerful, so he went to the Lion and Camel King to cooperate. He didn't want to be surrounded by the heavenly court." The fat boy said.

"It's too late~" Chun Shisanniang's wonderful eyes flashed, and she looked at Wu Paojun again: "Senior brother, since your 'hundred eyes' are useless, let me dig them up."

"Every monkey group has a monkey king, so how can I monitor them all?" Lord Wu Pao cried out, "In response to Master's 'Monkey Killing Order', all my 'hundred eyes' were used to monitor the top 100 monkeys." King, I didn’t even keep you here, my junior sister... eh."

Amidst the crackling sound of the whip whipping the centipede, the scorpion spirit sighed: "I feel... very sad."

"I originally paid attention to the 'Ape Demon King', but the 'Macaque King' and the 'Lemur King' are more eye-catching..." Mr. Wupao was slapped, and he bared his teeth and said: "The 'Ape Demon King' is the king. Not long after, he was attacked by the giant spirits from heaven, thinking that he would die right away, fearing that heaven would find out and withdraw the surveillance, who knows how he escaped."

Xie Zijing said: "Senior sister, as soon as we received the summons from our senior brother, we grabbed the inexperienced 'Xi He Jin Cha' and went to help with the boxing, and killed the ape demon king on the spot, but for some reason he returned to his health on his own. I feel……"

"Did he cut off your tail after returning to Yang?" Chun Shisanniang interrupted her sigh and asked.

The scorpion spirit subconsciously reached out and touched his back, hesitated for a moment and then said: "...Exactly."

"Good job. What does that thing look like growing under the girl's house?" Chun Shisanniang said.

"..." The scorpion spirit was speechless for a moment. She turned around and looked around, only to find that none of the jade toads, wind centipedes or sky spiders had tails. Spirit snakes certainly had them, but she still stayed in the Qijue Mountains of Dongsheng Shenzhou to eat persimmons. So he said sadly: "...I feel very sad."

"Little fat man," Chun Shisanniang turned to the fat boy: "Do you have anything to add?"

"No," the giant toad king who turned into a young man shook his head: "I can do whatever my senior brother and senior sister ask me to do, as long as I have enough food."

"Hmm, judging from the current situation, the 'Ape Demon King' and his monkey demons who have unified Dongsheng Shenzhou are our must-kill enemies. As for other allies, although they are not targets, they can be removed if they are in the way. "Chun Shisanniang concluded.


Heavenly Court, Pixiang Hall.

Kui Mulang was deeply grateful for the Jade Emperor's habit of meeting his ministers at the Pixiang Hall whenever he had something to do. If not for this, he, Jing Muyan, Jiaomu Jiao, and Doumu Xie were all guards, and there would be no reason to go there and have nothing to do with the Jade Emperor. The heavenly palace.

While he was talking to Shi Xiang, he suddenly saw a female general with brown hair and red eyes wearing golden armor walking towards him from a distance. So he stepped forward and said, "Water mixer,

Why are you here? "

The female general glanced at him: "The Jade Emperor summoned me, but I don't mind taking some time to beat up someone who deliberately mispronounced it."

Kuimulang smiled and said: "What is the Ginseng Shuiyuan talking about? I can't quite understand it."

Shenshui Yuan and Kuimulang are both Western White Tiger Qisu, so it is normal to be casual, but this deliberately funny move is... The female general looked at Shi Xiang not far away, and walked into the palace with a sigh.

"The ginseng ape meets His Majesty the Jade Emperor." After entering the palace, the female general saluted the Jade Emperor who was sitting behind the desk.

"Rigel is exempt from the gift," said the Jade Emperor: "Just wait here. Someone may attack you in a moment. Try your best to protect yourself from harm, but do not fight back."

"I accept the decree." Rigel cupped his hands and stood in awe.

The Jade Emperor was holding several memorials behind the desk, but his eyes were not focused on them.

When he visited Tushita Palace not long ago, he saw the green cow flying away, and the cowboy led another cow and chased it away. He originally wanted to order the Nantianmen to be sealed, but he got a message from Taishang Laojun and let them go down to the realm on their own. went.

When the Jade Emperor asked Laojun about the "Spirit Condensing Pill", he learned that Laojun had been studying this for a long time. The functions of bloodthirsty or mutation are not the effects of the elixir itself, and have nothing to do with the maker. I went specifically to find the ancient Buddha of Ran Deng, and also ordered the Taoist boy to ask all the Yasheng Daluo in the next session, but there were no clues. At present, I only know that its source does come from heaven. The subsequent changes or special effects vary from person to person, but More than 80% of the time, there will be hostility or attempts to attack the apes. Preliminary judgment is that it is probably to restrain the monkey monsters in Huaguo Mountain.

However, those monkey monsters and related monsters are affected by another unknown effect of the Concentrating Pill. Not only are they completely immune to the former, but they also have many contradictory effects. People have to think that these two effects are caused by different forces. A secret fight for different purposes.

At that time, the Jade Emperor was still waiting to ask who was so ignorant of heaven and acted arbitrarily, but Laojun refused to say anything more and served tea to see off the guests.

Zhang Bairen returned to the Lingxiao Palace and thought about it carefully. In terms of strength, even Laojun could not count on ignoring heaven and using heaven and earth as a chess game. Except for [Yuanshi Tianzun] and [Tongtian Cult Master], who else could? So capable? However, this matter was a family scandal, and there was a conflict between his own brothers. How could [Tai Shang Laojun] inform the Jade Emperor, an outsider?

However, in this battle over the effects of the two concentration pills, Buddhism seemed to be leaning in. First they took the Tongtian River goldfish, and then they caught the green lion and the Nine Spirits Yuansheng from the Lion and Tuo Kingdom who were obviously infected with the former, but they didn't know what the other was. The tendency can only be judged by the "gold-nosed white-haired mouse spirit" specially given by Tathagata Buddha to the heaven for capture. Therefore, before Li Jing returned to heaven to return to his life, the Jade Emperor ordered the "water-inserting ape" who was temporarily regarded as a monkey. Come to the Pixiang Hall to wait and see her reaction to observe the results.

"Your Majesty, Li Jing and his daughter are requesting an audience." A report came from outside the palace.

"Xuan." The Jade Emperor said, and looked at the palace door intently, hoping not to miss any clues.

"Your Majesty Li Jing——" The Heavenly King walked into the Pixiang Hall and was about to introduce the two girls beside him to the Jade Emperor. Suddenly, he saw the girl with white broken hair suddenly thrust forward, with a pair of dark daggers appearing in her palms and standing directly towards the side of the hall. He killed the "Ginseng Water Ape" and shouted: "Cut it open!"

Because Shen Shuiyuan had expected it, he easily drew his sword to parry the blow. As he was waiting for the girl's next blow, he heard another girl next to Li Jing shout: "No!"

The big book in her hand opened on its own, and countless toys, candies, and picture albums spurted out from the pages, completely burying the white-haired girl who was leaning forward to attack again.

Li Jing, who was about to react, was about to make a move when he saw Rigel tearing open the hill of toys and candies, grabbing the girl who was transformed into a golden-nosed white-haired rat spirit and holding her arms behind her back: "Your Majesty, you have lived up to your fate."

Did your Majesty already know this? Li Jing hurriedly knelt down on one knee: "I will be punished by death!"

"I was the one who ordered her to be captured. What's your fault?" The Jade Emperor felt quite troubled: "Tell me everything related to her."

If all the immortals and gods in heaven would be affected by this, and it was the lesser of two evils, I'd probably have to send troops to get rid of the monkey king to end this fight.


Pure Land, Da Leiyin Temple.

The Tathagata Buddha was reciting sutras with righteous thoughts, his treasures were solemn, surrounded by auspicious clouds. Three thousand Buddhas, five hundred Arhats, and four great Bodhisattvas were sitting down, all with their eyebrows lowered and their eyes submissive, motionless.

"Buddha," Guanyin Bodhisattva suddenly opened his eyes and said, "The Blue Lion and the Nine Spirits Yuansheng have confirmed that they have been infected with the same kind of bad karma as the Tongtian Goldfish, which has polluted the treasure temple. The disciples have dealt with it on the spot and started to study the method of elimination."

Tathagata stopped reading the scriptures and nodded slightly: "I know it."

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva also opened his eyes and said: "I have been separated from the Monkey King of Huaguo Mountain for a calamity of life. I dare not specialize in it. Please handle it, World Honored One."

During the conversation, a dazzling red light appeared in front of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, turning from virtual reality into reality, like a ball of red lightning.

The Tathagata waved his hand, placed the lightning in his hand, pondered for a moment and then said: "Five hundred years from now, the Nuwa stone left on the top of Huaguo Mountain will give birth to a stone monkey. He will learn Taoist skills, make trouble in the heavenly palace, and fight in the sky. I kept him under the mountain for five hundred years, and then escorted Jin Chanzi to the Western Heaven in his tenth life, achieving the right result."

All the Buddhas knew that Jin Chanzi had broken through ten reincarnations, and they all looked at each other, not knowing how to react to this false prophecy.

"Although Maitreya Buddha refused to reveal anything about the future because I drove Jin Chanzi away from reincarnation, I also have other means." Tathagata said again.

There was a conflict between the "Present Buddha" and the "Future Buddha"... All the Buddhas closed their mouths and eyes and continued to pretend to be statues.

The Tathagata smiled at the corner of his mouth and caressed the "red lightning". When the red color gradually peeled off, a loud voice sounded like tens of thousands of people speaking at the same time: "[Only recognize the flowers and fruits of the Holy Saint, but do not know the fighting Buddha in the west!]"

"Fighting Buddha? Is there such a Buddha?" The three thousand Buddhas opened their eyes again and looked at each other.

"I observe that the power of strengthening the apes is quite compassionate, and is fighting against the evil that appeared due to the mistakes of heaven," Tathagata said: "Whether he is willing to enter my Buddhist door or not, I should help him."

"Follow the World-Honored One's decree——"

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