The Collection of The End

Chapter 409 Blocking the road in front of the temple and claiming to be the ancestor of Huangmei

[Tip: Heaven discovered a new type of doomsday element, which was named 'Simian Flu'. It was initially judged not to be a threat. 】

"What? Did I miss any symptoms that have not regressed?" I stopped processing the 'requests' that came from all over Dongsheng Shenzhou and asked in surprise.

[Tip: Because the antidote development progress of ‘Monkey Killer’ reached 10%, ‘Simian Flu’ was automatically discovered. 】

Oh... This is to prevent one party from being wiped out by the indigenous resistance forces in a confrontation mission, while the other party is still blissfully unaware, resulting in "the player is reduced by one".

"One more question, won't the antidote start to be developed on its own?"

[Tip: Whether the antidote begins to be developed is only related to the ‘spread scope’ and ‘severity’. 】

Hmm...that's okay. These are all my special abilities. Although the transmission range is large, there are no symptoms, and the severity is zero. 70% of the earth's surface is water, and no one has researched the 'antidote' for water. no?

Putting this matter aside for the time being, I will continue to think about the governance issues of Dongsheng Shenzhou.

As usual, what should a "king" do when he conquers a large area of ​​land and cannot go any further for the time being?

Basically, the answer should be to govern the country, develop the economy, resist foreign enemies, establish laws and regulations, and protect the subjects.

Oh, the exceptions are those who went to find the immortality medicine, were assassinated by their sons, and died inexplicably.

After Yuan Hong unified Dongsheng Shenzhou, he directly took the Demon King of the Seventy-two Cave back to Huaguo Mountain for fun and banquets. He put the weapons in the warehouse, released Manan Mountain, and left all the governance of the various places to the original control of the Demon King. If he didn't have any subordinates, he would just promote them casually. If he wasn't still training the monkey army and preparing weapons, I would have thought he was ready to retire - wait a minute, he doesn't seem to age after he went to the underworld. .

Besides, this "request" came from around the "departure order" that had become a salty fish. Judging from the tone, the person who initiated the request and the target of the request were uncertain. Some of them had no target, and it was more like simply asking for help. complain.

For example, "The roads near the Shitu Kingdom were severely damaged, and the mountain people asked the Demon King of Xuanzhou to repair the roads" from Xuanzhou. The logic is clear and the reasons are clear. Although the warships that fell from the sky were taken away by the heaven, the various ships that were knocked out were The big hole was not filled up, and it was natural for the nearby residents to ask for road construction, but it was really brave to dare to ask the monster.

Another example is "There are wild monsters in Yanzhou, and the residents request to deal with them" and "Are all the monster kings in Jukuzhou a loser?" The meaning is not very clear.

After clicking on these "requests", there are "accept" and "reject" options. For the road construction, I clicked accept, and then I found that the deputy demon king in charge of the local Xuanzhou was passing by that mountain road when he was out and overturned his car. , and then sent some strong monsters to level the road.

After choosing to accept the request about wild monsters, the monkey patrol had an encounter with those wild monsters. The monkeys were well equipped and captured them all, and then sent them to Huaguo Mountain for re-education.

Roughly speaking, it has the same effect as the "Expedition Order". Although it cannot control specific behaviors, things will develop in the preset direction on their own. This kind of thing should have been the authority of the stupid system in the past, but now it is overwhelmed, huh …

As for the one who complained that the Demon King was a loser, I clicked Reject to see what the effect would be, but the result was that the Peng Demon King flew away in a dangling manner, which was simply inexplicable.

However, how can I put it, this thing is quite addictive, especially now that I can't be avatared, I always want to check around to see if there are any new requests.

In any case, it is better than going to the Huaguo Mountain banquet and starving yourself.

——Year 8——

Dongsheng Shenzhou, Huaguo Mountain.

Yuan Hong left the demon kings who were cheering and came alone to see Grandpa Xianshi, or Sun Wukong, the Great Sage.

He doesn't know how powerful the Great Sage is, so he can just treat him as the most powerful in the world.

"[Are you the son of that Bodhisattva?]" As soon as he reached the top of the mountain, Bai Yuan heard Immortal Stone laughing and said, "[I think he thinks of you so much]."

"What does the Great Sage mean by these words?" Yuan Hong asked inexplicably.

"[Do you know why I ordered you to unify Dongsheng Shenzhou and then immediately shrink and return?]" Xianshi asked.

"I don't know, since the Great Sage has told me so, I will just do it." Yuan Hong said, patting his head.

"[Idiot!]" the Great Sage shouted: "[The Lion and Camel King only occupied half of the territory of Xuanzhou Kingdom, and was destroyed by the troops sent by the Heavenly Court. A great demon king like you, who controls one of the four major continents, and How could it not attract the attention of Heaven?】"

"It's not that there is such a rule as 'degree of influence'..." Yuan Hong quoted what the Bull Demon King and the Iron Fan Princess said.

"[How can we believe what Silly Niu says? These regulations are just normal ways. If the Jade Emperor personally ordered the attack, to what extent could anyone stop it?]" Xianshi scoffed.

"Oh~" Bai Yuan said as if he suddenly realized something.

"[You are shrinking because you are not afraid of Heaven. I, Old Sun, will strike down a stick and a hundred thousand Heavenly soldiers will be reduced to powder," Immortal Stone said proudly: "[The problem at this time is that you, the Monkey King, are too weak. You must continue. If you don’t have the ability to protect the monkeys and grandchildren all over the mountain after practicing the techniques I gave you, don’t force yourself to come forward and alert the Heavenly Court.]”

"Um, oh..." Yuan Hong responded: "Grandpa Great Sage, what about the Bodhisattva you just mentioned?"

"[I'm about to say,]" Xian Shi said: "[You shrink the scope of your control and only leave some ineffective little demons to control various places. It doesn't take long for various places to lose control, refuse to obey orders, and become kings. When you have enough practice, After that, it will be easy to get back the authority.】"

"But?" Bai Yuan answered according to the context.

"[However,]" Xianshi would not let him get what he said: "[I forgot for a moment that such loss of control would cause a lot of casualties to mortals, so after you actually shrank, she took decisive action, not only stopping the goblin from attacking The harm caused by mortals also allows mortals and monsters to coexist peacefully - even my own son did not take care of this.】"

"Grandpa Great Sage..." Yuan Hong thought for a long time and said: "Even if a son makes a mistake with minor consequences, his parents will probably not help him to deal with it. They will only teach him a lesson. This matter does not matter. Are those who are well cared for more like an owner and a pet than a parent and child?"

"[Oh, it turns out you still have some self-awareness]" Xian Shi laughed and said: "[In recent days, I have been working hard to practice the evil-breaking red lotus stick, practice the eight-nine mysterious skills, and become familiar with the thirty-six transformations. Don't wait to discover the power when you should use it. Is there any arrest?】"

"I saved it," Yuan Hong responded.


Hezhou, Xiniu, a country of monks.

"The lifespan of a mortal is no more than a hundred years, but he can also develop a sense of superiority over those insects that cannot survive the winter and only live for one year, or three to five years. If given the opportunity, he can also feel superior to those insects that flood ant nests and tear up butterflies. They don't even care about things like wings, breaking cobwebs, etc. Therefore, if such short-lived creatures become spirits and monsters, they are unlikely to be friendly to mortals." Jin Chanzi swept away the dust accumulated in a temple on the outskirts of the city. Said to Ao Lie.

The bhikkhu country worships Buddhism, and a distinguished monk from afar who is willing to cure their illnesses is naturally welcome. However, Jin Chanzi is quite confused about the many women following him, which leads to many speculations. In desperation, the third prince of Xihai After taking out the gold and silver and letting Ao Cunxin and Bai Jingjing go shopping, and forcing Pearl to follow and protect them, the bhikkhu citizens finally had no more strange guesses when the eminent monk was left with only the heroic young general and the cute girl.

Ordinary people cannot see the nature of the Buddha. They only admire monks who are outstanding in appearance, profound in speech, and famous far and wide. To offer incense and worship the Buddha is to go to a temple where the incense is prosperous and where there are many eminent monks. Therefore, although the monks worship the Buddha, the temple There are also a lot of ruins and monks who have returned to secular life.

At this time, the temple that Jin Chanzi was cleaning was located in a remote place on the outskirts of the city. There was no incense for worship and it was almost abandoned. This temple was only maintained by an old monk and a young novice. Jin Chanzi was here. He came here just to treat this old monk. Although Buddhism says that all four elements are empty, it would be too miserable to die watching an empty temple. So after Jin Chanzi cured his stubborn illness, he prepared to clean up the temple before leaving. Leave.

"Determining attitude based on lifespan would be overgeneralizing," Ao Lie said: "My dragon clan's lifespan is many times longer than that of mortals. How can I interfere in the life and death of mortals at will?"

"However, what the poor monk has to deal with at this time is this 'deviation'." Jin Chanzi put away the things he was sweeping and walked out of the temple: "Suddenly he was given a life span of eight hundred years. Even if he didn't notice it, They will unintentionally regard others as ants. If it were not for the people who worship the Buddha, this country would have been in chaos."

"So you also cured those who were not sick or weak, but were full of anger." Ao Lie nodded.

"Fortunately, this country is not big," Jin Chanzi nodded and said, "If you can't convert it with words, you can convert it with your hands."

The corner of Ao Lie's mouth twitched slightly, remembering the reaction of those arrogant and domineering people who were knocked to the ground by Jin Chanzi with a smile on his face, and how they cried and wanted to enter Buddhism to practice.

"Jin Chanzi! The 'Sakyamuni Tathagata Palm' that Master taught you is not for this purpose!" As he was about to walk out of the temple, he saw the young novice who was taking care of the old monk blocking the door, holding a pair of chimes in his hands. , his eyebrows turned yellow, staring at Jin Chanzi: "Master asked me to tell you something, but I decided to beat you up first!"

"Your name is Uncle Master. This poor monk remembers that you are the yellow-browed boy in front of Master Maitreya. You have not yet been given a Dharma title." Jin Chanzi ignored the words of "beat you up" and asked him: "Is there anyone now?" Already?"

"Of course!" said the young novice: "I am the 'Huangmei Ancestor'!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he threw the chime in his hand directly, and it turned into a huge bowl in mid-air that could cover the entire temple.

Ao Lie was about to jump out and attack when he heard Jin Chanzi follow him. Ao Yu, who was dozing off because he couldn't understand the conversation between the two, said: "Sixth Princess, dinner is ready."

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