The Collection of The End

Chapter 411 Still unable to reach Tianzhu, Jinping Mansion

[Reminder: ‘Simian Flu’ has spread to ‘Tianzhu’]

[Tip: ‘Simian Flu’ in ‘Tianzhu’ has been eradicated]


[Tip: 'Tianzhu' will not be infected until it spreads to all other countries. 】

Well, as the location of the big BOSS, you should have some privileges. Let me look at other relevant information...

[Tip: King Li Tianwang of Tota adopted an adopted daughter. 】

[Reminder: The Kingdom of Tianzhu plans to hold a lantern festival in Jinping Mansion. 】

[Hint: The Great Zhou Dynasty enfeoffed the kings. 】

[Tip: The antidote development progress of ‘MonkeyKiller’ has reached 20%]

Hmm... The message to remind my sister that there will be no active prompts is as meaningless as ever, but the last one can still be used to laugh at the opponent. Even if you are discovered and start researching the antidote, don't you know how to evolve targeted options? ?

As the ancients said, it is better to prepare for a rainy day than to dig a well when thirsty. Although "gorilla flu" has only been discovered and research on an antidote has not yet begun, relevant countermeasures have been considered.

Among the special abilities, there is the evolution option "Complexity", which also has three levels. The option description reads "Increase the complexity of the doomsday elements and increase the difficulty of cracking and developing antidotes."

Others don't know, but a certain alien doomsday element that was wiped out by shampoo must not have the option to evolve.

The so-called increase in difficulty means that it only strengthens itself and has no specific external impact, but the other "disrupting the research and development progress" is more cruel. It means "causing a major accident in the Antidote Research Institute and regressing the research progress by 33/66/100%". The same , it also consumes a lot of DNA points.

I thought for a long time how the evolving doomsday element could cause an accident in the institute, and then I glanced at the flashing "Request" on the side... It turned out to be that.

However, since it is a major accident and there must be heavy casualties, I'd better not evolve that thing, and don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you.

Therefore, in order to avoid entanglement in the future, it is better to make yourself more hidden now.

[Tip: Spend DNA points to successfully evolve the special ability of ‘colonial camouflage’. 】

[Colonial Camouflage]: Apes will camouflage their existing and future colonies, making them difficult to detect.

I have wanted to evolve this option for a long time. The so-called seventy-two cave demon kings will be counted. One of the important reasons is that their caves are completely uncovered and displayed carelessly. Not only small demons, but even mortals can He told me in detail what demon kings were nearby, which was really LOW.

[Tip: The combo of 'Ape Colony', 'Social Cohesion', and 'Colonial Disguise' is completed, and all infected people gain special abilities: 'Homeland'. 】

[Home]: When all infected people are near their residence, their combat effectiveness will be greatly improved.

Yes, yes, with the "unity" of the previous combo, you are not afraid of foreign enemy invasion at all.

...Where did the foreign enemy come from, heaven?

——Year 9——

Dongsheng Shenzhou, proudly comes to the seaside of the country.

"Two hundred miles from the country of Aolai to the sea, there is the Huaguo Mountain, huh?" Spring Thirteenth Lady, dressed in pink and plain skirt, wearing white boots, stepped on the waves like a fairy, but her tone hinted at anger: "I have already Patrolling Aolai's overseas sea is no less than four hundred miles away, where is the Huaguo Mountain?"

"Huaguo Mountain is the ancestral vein of the Ten Continents, with dragons coming from the three islands, and the tributaries of the spiritual veins from all over the world converge here, but..." Mr. Wupao was still dressed in a dark Taoist robe, with sweat on his forehead: "But I don't know why they gathered here. The place is covered in clouds, mountains, and fog, making it completely impossible to measure.”

"Incompetent." Chun Shisanniang glared at him.

"Or, maybe those monsters are afraid of you, junior sister, and have fled away?" Lord Wupao said with a smile.

"Sister," the young man transformed by the giant toad looked around: "I can see the nests of tiger monsters, wolf monsters, deer deer, mountain rabbits and other monsters in the mountains on the shore.

But I didn’t see any monkey nests. "

"Why don't we capture them and torture them?" Scorpion Jin was dressed in red and white trousers, with a fluffy vest over his shoulders. He had flying red hair and held a koan in his hand. His eyebrows were lowered and he said, "I called for reinforcements but couldn't find my enemies. I feel very sad."

"Don't think I don't know what you are thinking," Chun Shisanniang glanced at her: "You are not allowed to seek revenge on the King of Aolai Kingdom. If you had not killed the King by mistake, you would have been reincarnated for a long time. Please note that monsters It doesn’t matter if you attack and kill the Heavenly Court, but if it involves the mortal emperor, those guys will never ignore it.”

"Hmph..." The Scorpion Spirit sneered: "Mortals have only a few dozen lifespans. I will wait until the king and queen die and control them to experience all the suffering in the world in the next life."

"Don't go too far," Chun Sansanniang said coldly: "Since we have come to Dongsheng Divine Continent, there is no reason to return without success. If we can't find the monkey, we will go find the greedy snake."

A group of monsters stepped on the waves and left, and there was a huge and looming spider web following them just above the water where they were standing.

After they disappeared from the horizon, a fairy mountain full of flowers and bustling suddenly appeared on the spot, with many monkeys and grandchildren playing on it.

"Our 'Mountain Protection Formation' is really powerful," two monkey soldiers dressed as scouts poked their heads out of the mountain, and one of them said, "We must go back as soon as possible to report these monsters to all the monster kings."

Qijue Mountains, formerly known as Thorns Ridge, is covered with dense and difficult-to-walk thorns, as thick as steel needles.

But a few years ago, a huge red python came, burned all the thorns with fire, and planted many persimmon trees, so it was called "Qijue Mountain" by the surrounding indigenous people.

The red giant python circled the mountain as usual. After eating a bunch of persimmons, it was about to go back to its cave to rest. However, it saw four familiar figures in front of the cave entrance, so it happily swam towards them while spitting out the message.

"Red Chain Spirit Snake, stop right here." Chun Shisanniang's indifferent and arrogant expression cracked a little, and when the red snake was about to fly towards her, she used spider silk to hold her in place.

Hiss, hiss - the giant red python responded with a shake of its head.

"I heard that those monkeys unified the seventy-two cave demon queens and made you the 'Python King'?" Chun Shisanniang asked: "Then do you know where those monkeys are hiding?"

Hiss - the python swung out its tail and rolled back a notice board with a notice in crooked font: "Snake infested, do not eat persimmons."

"So, although you are listed as a member of the Demon King, you have not participated in anything substantial?" Chun Shisanniang was slightly disappointed: "Any news about monkeys will be fine. Is there anything you can say?"

Hiss - the giant python bent its body and gestured repeatedly. Due to its huge size, it smashed the dead branches and leaves of the surrounding trees and flew everywhere.

Chun Shisanniang frowned, completely unable to understand what it meant.

"Senior Sister Tianzhu~" said the fat young man transformed into a giant toad: "Senior Sister Spirit Snake said, 'Monkeys are very good at hiding, and the more they gather, the more powerful they become. Recently, they have also learned to hide their houses.' Well, that should be true." .”

"Could someone help them build a mountain defense formation?" Chun Shisanniang pondered for a moment: "Even if those demon kings can hide themselves in front of us, ordinary monkeys can't do it. Next, we will stay in Ao Come to the country and try to decipher the hidden skills of Huaguo Mountain."


Tianhe Wharf, Navy Camp

The four marshals are coordinating the reorganization of the resurrected 10,000 navy troops into various navy units. This matter is not difficult, but it is very cumbersome.

In the past, even if there were casualties, they would only be in the hundreds but not over a thousand at most. However, this time nearly 10,000 soldiers were wiped out. The queues for everyone to verify their identities and arrange to return to camp were unusually long. People who asked for details were bragging about the battle situation. Those who swear, those who show bravery, those who denounce monsters, and so on.

"Hehe~" Marshal Yi Sheng took a break from his busy schedule and said to Marshal Tianpeng as he passed by, "Brother, you know, there is a saying circulating in heaven."

"What's the explanation?" Tianpeng looked at Fu Ling, who was holding his arm with a nervous expression, and then asked.

"It seems that in the recent period, as long as the heavenly soldiers and generals come down to earth according to the order, they will definitely pick up a little girl. As for whether she will be a wife or a daughter, it is uncertain, hey~" Yisheng looked back and forth at Tianpeng and Fu Ling, Snickered.

"This is really..." Tianpeng frowned.

He believed that his family's situation was completely different from that of King Tota. Although the phoenix clan could barely be called monsters, they were more orthodox auspicious beasts than rats. There was also Yue Lao who confirmed the marriage entanglement, and the Jade Emperor personally granted marriage to him. The fact that King Li Jing actually brought back a mouse spirit as his daughter is completely incomparable.

However, the latest rumor is that the rat spirit got the favor of Lord Mu Dexing and was taken to Guanghan Palace to live temporarily.

Everyone in Heaven knows that the rabbits in Guanghan Palace could only be regarded as ordinary goblins. They were called Jade Rabbits just because they lived in the residence of the Star Lord of Taiyin and took care of the Star Lord. In this way, the rabbit that was taken over by the King of Heaven The adopted daughter of the rat spirit will probably be called a "golden rat" after living there.

Thinking of the Jade Rabbit in Guanghan Palace, Tianpeng thought of the one responsible for making medicine. The other Jade Rabbits took on the appearance of mortal girls after their transformation. Only she still had a pair of rabbit ears on her head that could not be retracted, so she was quite embarrassed. He was so proud that he often declared, "There is only one Jade Rabbit in Guanghan Palace, and it is my Medicine-Making Jade Rabbit."

Because she spends a lot of time with Chang'e and Chang'e on a daily basis, and goes to Yue Lao's place to play from time to time. Occasionally, she can patrol the sky with Taiyin Xingjun. Everything she sees and hears is what happens before the flowers and under the moon, so she develops the habit of playing matchmaker for others. Hongxian's personality, that's why he and Nishang - hiss!

Tianpeng felt a pain in his arm and turned his head to look, and saw Fu Ling quietly retracting the fingers that were pinching him.

"Hey, husband, you must have been thinking of other little ladies just now~ Do you want to pick up another one?" Fu Ling lowered his voice and Yi Sheng also looked over with interest.

"This," although Tianpeng could refute that he was actually thinking about the Jade Rabbit, if he really said that, it would feel worse, so he had to skip the middle link to shame himself: "The daughter of the King of Heaven was sent to Guanghan Palace, and I was just a husband. It seems that the 'Nirvana Fairy' is also here."

"Yo~~" Yisheng shouted in a strange tone.

"Hmph..." Fu Ling's face showed a strange expression of "that's right" and "why is that right?" and he blinked again before saying: "I will keep an eye on you, and I will burn you to death if you dare to bother."

"Yes, yes, burn it as you like." Tianpeng helplessly spread his hands.

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