The Collection of The End

Chapter 412: The ax cuts through the world of mortals, and the ax breaks away from the cold and heat

——Year 9——

The Kingdom of Tianzhu is the country with the largest population and the largest area in Xiniuhezhou. Although it is not strong enough on its own, it is the monastery of Buddha Tathagata in the West and the location of the Great Leiyin Temple. None of the surrounding countries dares to provoke trouble. The weak countries They even attached themselves one after another and changed the name of the country to states, prefectures, prefectures, and counties on their own.

Among them, Jinping Kingdom, which is coveted by neighboring countries because it is rich in Jinping sugar that can be sold at high prices in Nanzhan Buzhou, attached itself to Tianzhu a few years ago and was renamed "Jinping Mansion".

"Ahem, I have something to discuss with your ministers." The former king and the current magistrate of Jinping Mansion, who had not yet gotten used to the change of status, said to a group of staff in the palace that was converted into a government office.

"Please tell me, Lord." There is no need for the staff to change their titles.

The magistrate said: "My government has attached itself to Tianzhu without permission, but the king of Tianzhu has not given a clear reply, nor has he given the official seal and ribbon. The surrounding countries have been waiting and watching for a while, but then they have taken actions again and again. What should I do?"

This dependence strategy was originally made out of desperation. If there were other means to prevent the surrounding attacks, why would there be such a small move?

A group of officials discussed with each other, but had no idea. When they were at a loss, they suddenly heard someone shouting: "I have a plan!" But it was a big businessman jointly recommended by many Jinping sugar merchants to participate in the meeting. If this "Jinpingguo" "Without guarantees, officials and even the king may be able to survive, but many workshops and sugar merchants will be divided and occupied.

The master of the palace was suddenly ill and went to the doctor indiscriminately, so he said: "Speak quickly!"

The merchant said: "The surrounding countries are ready to move because Tianzhu has not expressed support for the lord. But what if we can create the illusion that Tianzhu has already supported it?"

The magistrate said: "Forging official seals and ribbons? No, no, if Tianzhu is blamed, the consequences will be more serious than being invaded by other neighboring countries."

"No," the merchant said: "Tianzhu is a Buddhist country. The reason for not responding to the Lord's attachment is probably because they are debating whether the 'Jinpingtang' will displease the Buddha. If we are the first to welcome the Buddha, not only will the surrounding evil spirits disappear, , Tianzhu cannot continue to remain unresponsive."

"This statement is reasonable, but how to welcome the Buddha? Even the country of Tianzhu itself has not had many appearances of the Buddha." asked the prefect.

"I have heard from folk rumors that a large group of rats that became spirits stole several jars of lamp oil in front of the Buddha," the merchant said, "Of course we, the merchants, can't deal with the monsters, but we can take advantage of this Lantern Festival to donate lamp oil to the Buddha. If the Buddha shows up to collect the oil , this crisis will resolve itself.”

The magistrate said: "This policy is very good, we should implement it quickly!"


Everyone in Jinping Mansion is preparing for the lantern festival and preparing sesame oil. Not to mention, outside Jinping Mansion, two hundred miles to the east, there is Qinglong Mountain. There is Xuanying Cave on the mountain, and there are three rhinoceros spirits living in the cave.

These three rhinoceroses are the rhinos that look at the moon. They know astronomy and geography, absorb the essence of the stars and the moon, and cultivate the true method of Taoism. They can soar and change themselves, have the power to penetrate a thousand pieces, and are invulnerable. Their horns have all kinds of magical powers. They can conquer any mountain around them. None of the water monsters could be their enemies together, so they all fled far away.

The escaping monsters were originally waiting to see how these rhinos would be captured by the Buddha, but the Buddhas in the Western Heavens turned a deaf ear to this. Then they suddenly realized that these rhinos were vegetarians and had a little bit of Buddha nature within them. As long as they did not hurt anyone, , the Buddha would not pay much attention to it.

This day was the Lantern Festival. Three rhinoceroses were admiring the moon outside the cave. Suddenly, they saw a yellow bull demon striding towards them and saying from afar: "Congratulations, king, congratulations, king~"

The rhinoceros spirit transformed into a golden-armored man and said, "Why are you so happy?"

The yellow bull demon said: "The king always protects the Jinping Kingdom from evil spirits. Today is a festival for the mortal world. The king led his ministers to hold a lantern festival. He also went up on the stage to pray and thank the Buddha for his blessing. He promised to reward him with several jars of 'Crisp Sesame Oil'. It must be prepared for the three great kings.”

Rhinoceros, dressed as a strategist in cloth robes and turbans, smiled and said: "That's the bad thing about mortals. Anyone who protects us does not discriminate. We must directly thank the Buddha, Bodhisattva, and the Jade Emperor. If he knows how to protect this country, They are three monster kings,

I was afraid I would be scared to death on the spot. "

The third rhinoceros spirit was smaller and transformed into a child. He was wearing a short shirt and shorts, dressed as a mortal child. At this moment, his eyes were shining: "Suhe sesame oil? Can you see it?"

"The little magic power is low, so I don't dare to approach it," the Yellow Ox Demon responded: "But I heard from the craftsmen that this oil is mixed with many raw materials when making Jinping Candy. It is not completely made, but it smells fragrant. I'm afraid it will be fragrant when I light the lamp. Floating hundreds of miles."

"Tsk, tsk..." The boy rhinoceros's eyes flashed with brilliance, and he turned to the other two rhinoceros and said, "Let's go collect it now!"

"Tsk," the golden-armored rhinoceros looked disdainful: "Bichen, you have to know that no matter how exquisite the creations made by mortals are, they are still mortal things."

The cloth-robed rhinoceros mocked, "I don't know who it was, but he first dismissed Jinpingtang as a supplementary food for children and refused to eat it. Then he accidentally tasted it and shouted, 'It's so sweet.'"

"Bihan! Do you want to fight?" The golden-armored rhinoceros pulled out a long black and red stick from the void in front of him.

"Think clearly, Bishu," the cloth-robed rhinoceros also pulled out a pair of golden axes and a stone book: "When you fight me, you will lose more than you win."

"Can you bring the oil back and hit it again?" the child-like rhinoceros shouted.

Seeing the three kings arguing as usual, the yellow bull demon ran away decisively.

After the three rhinoceroses argued for a while, they finally followed Bichen's advice, and by the time of the third update, each of them had changed.

Pishu transformed into a golden-armored Arhat, and Pihan transformed into a robed Bodhisattva. Pihan was too small, so he had to transform into a boy in front of the Buddha. Together, they shined the golden light of the Buddha, riding the wind in the air to approach the Jinping Mansion Lantern Festival. After taking the sesame oil, he left. Everyone in Jinping Prefecture was so surprised that they kept praying to the sky tremblingly, but the three rhinos had already returned to Qinglong Mountain.

"Oh, I got this oil back. Come on, drink it and show it to me." King Pishu mocked.

"This..." Bichen frowned: "How did I know that the leader of Jinping Kingdom had such a big deal, fifteen hundred kilograms of sesame oil..."

But in Qinglong Mountain and Xuanying Cave, everything that can hold water, pots and pans, barrels and pots, are all filled with the fragrant "Suhe sesame oil".

Even though King Pishu allowed many of his men to drink, half of it still gathered into huge droplets of oil in the air, with nowhere to put it.

"Your Majesty, this sesame oil is just a fresh taste, how can it be used as a meal? The small staple food is still grass, but this thing is unbearable..." The cow spirits were disgusted by the drink and left the cave to eat.

"Hahahahaha!" Because it was rare for him to be able to gain reason in front of Pihan and Pichen, Pishua transferred control of the oil drop to Pichen and went into the cave laughing.

"In Buddhism, this is called 'self-karma and self-sufficiency'. You have to think of a way on your own." Seeing that Bichen wanted to ask him for help, Pihan also ran away decisively.

"Ooooh...Buddha, please give me someone who can drink these sesame oils. I don't want them..." Because he drank too much, the child-like Bichen felt dizzy even if he just smelled the fragrance. , and started talking nonsense.

"Really? Can I drink them?" A soft female voice sounded next to Bichen.

"Whatever you want, you can drink as much as you want -" Rhinoceros Tong'er said casually, thinking that he was another of his subordinates who had not tasted the fresh cow spirit. However, the next moment he discovered that huge oil droplets in the air were heading toward him like a whale drawing water. They gathered around them and disappeared in the blink of an eye, and the many containers that originally held sesame oil were also quite empty.

When he turned around to look, he saw a little girl with light pink hair, blue eyes, a pink and white velvet skirt, and a slight baby bump. She was covering her mouth in surprise and burping. Then she saw something on her forehead. A pair of snow-white dragon horns sprout from the upper fluttering edge.

"Wow, am I dazzled or have my ears ringing? Yu'er actually hiccups? And the food hasn't been finished yet?" Another clear female voice sounded, this time it was a girl wearing an embroidered skirt in a moon palace, with black hair tied into a pair of ponytails The young woman looked similar to that girl, with a look of shock on her face.

"Amitabha," the young man's rhythmic voice sounded, and a handsome monk came from behind: "When the prefect ordered the production of this batch of sesame oil, he already said that it was to be offered to the Buddha, so it was mixed up during the production process. Naturally, the goblin can't bear the amount of 'wish power'. The sixth princess can only eat so much because of the yellow-browed golden cymbal from before."

"If you eat too much, you will grow horns. This is the first time I have seen it... Hey, Xiaoyu, don't worry about that. It will be put away after the previous sesame oil is absorbed." Beside the monk, a general with a silver helmet looked at him. Here's what he said.

Bichen turned around blankly and found that the girl who had just eaten the entire oil drop was grabbing her horns in a distressed manner, as if trying to push them back.

"Don't move," Bichen stopped him subconsciously: "They are quite beautiful."

"Really?" The girl named Xiaoyu turned to look at him with sapphire eyes.

"Really, really." Pichen couldn't stop himself from speaking for a moment, so he simply changed his rhinoceros horns on his forehead, "Look."

"Oh, that's incredible." The girl's eyes sparkled and she praised.

Bichen was about to say something else, but he heard a bang and the door of Xuanying Cave was kicked open from the inside. King Pishu in shining golden armor and King Pihan in Fengshen rushed out and shouted: "Where did the trash fish come from?" , Dare to take advantage of my brothers and other rhinoceros horns!?"

Before the group of people outside could speak, Pishu suddenly pulled out his long black and red staff and swung it down suddenly. A crimson wave containing the power of opening up chaos swept away, and King Bihan struck with his ax and axe, summoning countless Weapons accumulated over the years, together with dense arrows shot from nowhere, rained down on those people.

"It turns out that the two brothers usually don't use all their strength..." Bichen thought blankly.

"Boom--" "Ding-ding-ding-ding-ding-ding--"

The silver-armored general seemed to be about to take action, but he saw a thin warrior wearing bone armor and holding a bone shield jumping out from behind to block the crimson wave of Bishu. However, the countless weapons that followed were made of the same number, with faces on their faces. The men in black with strange masks stopped them one by one. From time to time, someone missed his move, but in the next moment, it turned into black smoke and flowed into the body of a woman who had been standing next to the silver-armored general and was dressed similarly to these men in black.

"Amitabha," after the dust settled temporarily, the monk took a step forward and said, "Have the two donors calmed down? Can we talk about business?"

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