The Collection of The End

Chapter 414: Hiding Fine Wine, There’s Something More

There are many countries in Xiniu Hezhou, and because they are close to the Buddha's ashram, the characteristics of each place are different. For example, Wuji country needs level 3 water transmission, while Baifeng country next to it needs level 3 air transmission, while the farther away Jisai country needs level 3 air transmission. In the "border blockade" state, an additional level 3 penetration is required.

I have to evolve the corresponding capabilities needed by those countries one by one while retaining enough DNA points for degenerative symptoms. However, this kind of gameplay can easily make people frustrated, and I can't help but want to recruit an army to kill them.

However, it cannot be pulled. In the absence of the demon king as a target, the "departure order" is aimed at the country itself. Clicking on it means crossing the border to attack the guards. The spread has been spread, but who is responsible for the mortal casualties caused? ?

Generally speaking, although the Huaguo Mountain Expeditionary Force in Hezhou, Xiniu has expanded a lot of power and cooperated with the local monkeys to infect many countries, its power has also been divided thinly. If it does something that arouses the vigilance of Buddhism, There is no doubt that they will be thrown out as a scapegoat.

Therefore, I will definitely not take the initiative to invade other countries.

[Reminder: Dongsheng Shenzhou was invaded by the ‘Five Poison Beasts (Monkey Killer)’. 】

This class of opponents is the worst I have ever encountered!

I turned the "globe" and switched the current screen from Xiniu Hezhou to Dongsheng Shenzhou, and then I found that the ten continents and the surrounding small countries seemed to be neon lights lighting up one by one, with a "blue light" among the many "red lights" flashes all over the block.

There is a frame on the "blue light" similar to a national reminder, with patterns of scorpions, snakes, toads, centipedes and spiders drawn on it with stick-like lines.

It seems that it was a small team invasion rather than a large army. It seems that the unknown opponent is still trying to play the decapitation trick, but doesn't he know that the same trick cannot be used twice on the Saint? I copied the expedition instructions and poked them!

[Fall into the air][Flow into the air][Invalid target]

"...Sister Tip, can you help me immobilize it? This whack-a-mole is too difficult." After angrily pulling out the expedition order from Aolai Country, I asked Sister Tip.

Tip my sister to ignore it, as if the request was too stupid.

Humph, okay, I didn’t believe it and still couldn’t figure it out. I held the expedition arrow in my hand and started looking for the flashing pattern of the blue light.

——Year 9——

Dongsheng Shenzhou, proudly comes to the king's palace.

The queen wore a plain dress and no makeup. She slowly stood up from the wooden wheelchair while holding the king's arm. After trying to take three steps, her legs suddenly became weak and she fell directly into the arms of the king who had rushed ahead.


"It's already very good, Zitong!" Before the queen could speak, the king kept saying: "This is a good start. Three steps today, five steps and seven steps tomorrow. It won't take long for you to be able to walk freely. , this, these are all..."

"Okay." The queen raised her finger and shushed, stopping the king from continuing: "Can you stop saying 'it's all your fault'?"

"I... um..." The king sent the queen back to the wheelchair and raised the corners of his mouth as if trying to make a smile, but failed.

The queen sat down and said with a smile: "Haha, I heard that recently the courtiers are afraid to raise opinions, because as long as you submit the letter, you will definitely agree to it with the words 'It's all my fault', so all the courtiers who have incomplete plans are Go back and revise the memorial."

"I practiced swordsmanship originally to protect you, and then I sat on the throne by many coincidences. Originally, it was because as a king I could have a better way to protect you, but if it hurts you, I am not as good as a king. Don’t do it,” the king said in a dull voice.

The Queen said: "If you were not King Aolai, it would not be easy to get a healing elixir for my leg injury. The Monkey King in Huaguo Mountain would probably not pay attention to you at all."

The king sighed: "In such a position,

We have reached a point of no return, but what if Zitong gets hurt by me again and leaves all this behind? "

"Haha, why don't you give up your life first?" A familiar and cold female voice sounded in the hall.

Choking - the king suddenly turned around, and several long swords of various colors flew out from the beams, under the bed, from the cabinets, from the side of the pillars, and from the windows in the palace, pointing in the direction of the sound.

"I usually clean the room but I didn't find it..." the queen muttered.

"I went back and realized that you shouldn't have such fighting power." I saw the red-haired woman in white clothes and black trousers, her eyes slightly closed, and playing with the harp in her hand: "It seems that you were emotional or hurt the queen. stress response.”

"Humph, I..." "So I already have a way to deal with you."

Before the king could react, the woman interrupted the conversation: "I swear on my soul that I will never harm this proud king. If anyone tries to hurt the queen, I will stop him."

"..." Although the king did not lose control of the many flying swords, his momentum was inexplicably weaker.

With two clanks, the scorpion spirit made two sharp piano sounds and went straight towards the king, but the king's reaction was half a step slower.

"Aning!" the queen exclaimed, but her legs and feet were weak, and the wooden wheelchair could not move by itself, so she could do nothing.

"Ding! Ding!" There were two crisp sounds. The king tried his best to mobilize the nearest flying sword to block the two sound attacks. However, he was hit hard by the counterattack. He stepped back a few steps and fell to the ground. All the flying swords lost control. They fell to the ground with crackling sounds.

The Queen struggled to move her wheelchair in an attempt to block the Scorpion's attack route, but she was easily bypassed.

"Although killing a mortal emperor will attract the attention of the Heavenly Court, we have already killed one, so no matter how many more it has, it will not have much impact. If we can draw out the Monkey King, it will be worthwhile." The Scorpion Spirit slowly plucked the strings: " I feel very sad."

"Boys! Follow me! Catch that bald-tailed scorpion!" Just before the sound attack was launched, many neatly dressed monkey demons suddenly jumped out of the palace, holding various weapons, and rushed towards the scorpion demon in a mess. .

Scorpion frowned slightly and strummed the strings of the harp, as if he wanted to kill the monkeys and the king together.

Unexpectedly, a sound wave passed by, and the monkeys only paused for a moment before continuing to rush over with no impact at all.

The Scorpion Spirit noticed something was wrong and retreated far outside the palace. After finding that he could not hurt the king for the time being, he tried to ask: "Are you the Forbidden Army of Huaguo Mountain?"

Otherwise, why is the combat power so strong?

"Haha, although you asked sincerely, I'm not happy to tell you, how about it?" The leader of the monkeys, Super Scorpion Spirit, made a face and waved his long stick again: "Everyone, go ahead, capture this monster and sacrifice it to the monkeys. Your Majesty, you will definitely be richly rewarded!"

"Tsk..." Since he came here secretly in the first place, if he was really caught and sabotaged his plan, he would have to be taught a lesson by his senior sister. Scorpion calculated the balance carefully and ran away, but the monkeys couldn't catch up with him.

"Did all the monkeys come here from Huaguo Mountain to rescue me? I am very grateful." The king had recovered slightly and walked out of the palace to thank the leading monkey.

"No~" the lead monkey said: "I am not happy, one of the four strong generals under the Monkey King, but these monkeys are local monkeys from your proud country. The Monkey King heard that you were attacked by monsters, so he specially ordered me to I will train it and give it to you for your own protection."

"Oh... local monkey..." The king was speechless for a moment.

"The Monkey King specifically stated that they must not be split up, sent out of the country, or lack of fruit to support them. As long as this is the case, they are enough to guard any city impregnably." "Unhappy" said.

"That's natural," the king said, "I will host a fruit banquet for you. Can this 'unhealthy general' appreciate it?"

"I'll spare it," the general said: "There are four more monsters that are as powerful as those monsters just now, and they are all wandering around Dongsheng Shenzhou. We must chase them before they cause big trouble."

The king reluctantly stayed, but the capable general just didn't respond. He gave a brief explanation to the monkey soldiers and left directly.


Huaguoshan, Shuiliandong.

The demon kings are holding a banquet in the cave. There is no shortage of fresh fruits and peaches, as well as wine and meat in the mortal world. There are also many demon kings who offer their own delicacies, such as the macaque king who has monkey wine and the lemur king who brews sour fruit. , Jiao Demon King brought a basket of blind fish from the deep pool, but only the pile of giant eggs brought by Peng Demon King attracted attention.

In the big room that serves as a banquet hall, there is a smooth stone wall in front. The topography of Dongsheng Shenzhou is roughly depicted on it, reflecting a bright green light, and there are five groups of blood-red red light swimming around on it. Together, one of the red lights stopped for a moment at the capital of Aolai Kingdom, suddenly shrunk in half, and then quickly ran away, causing all the monsters to cheer.

"Brother Yuan Hong, these monsters are obviously the Giant Toad King, Centipede King, Giant Python King and Scorpion King. I don't know where they found a helper, but their strength must be limited and they are alone," Macaque said Wang drank wine and shouted: "Wouldn't it be better to just put them into Huaguo Mountain and have a fight?"

"That Giant Toad King seems to be delicious," the incarnation of the Peng Demon King was a big-bellied man, and he said at this time: "He is mine!"

"That Scorpion King talks too much." Demon King Jiao said coldly: "If she meets me, she won't even be able to express her feelings."

"Of course I know what you brothers are capable of," Yuan Hong sat in the main seat, watching the group of red lights returning to the team in embarrassment, which seemed to be smaller, and then said: "But if there really is a fight, except for the Jiao Demon King brothers, everyone The battlefield will surely be earth-shattering.”

The Lemur King smiled and said, "That's true."

"Then it will be discovered by Heaven." Yuan Hong added.

"..." The demon kings were silent for a while. Thinking of the incident in the Lion-Tul Kingdom, if the attack was on Huaguo Mountain, no one could guarantee that they would escape unscathed.

"Moreover, perhaps this group of poisonous insects originally had this plan. They were not strong enough, so they relied on external forces." Looking at the light group on the map, Yuan Hong's eyes flickered: "We have to wait for an opportunity to catch them all in one go. , and there will be no chance of attracting the attention of heaven.”

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