The Collection of The End

Chapter 415 Who dares to say that he has been drunk?

[Tip: Without using DNA points, 'Simian Flu' independently evolved the special ability of 'group travel'. 】

[Group Travel]: Apes gain the consciousness of migration and can move to other areas in groups.

"Huh? What does this mean? They can move at will, right?" I was playing "whack-a-mole" and felt a little confused when I heard this prompt.

[Tip: After completing the combo of ‘Group Travel’, ‘Ape Migration’, and ‘Call of the Wild’, all infected people will gain the special ability ‘Far Travel’]

[Travel]: You can arbitrarily designate all apes in a country to travel to another country. The time required depends on the difficulty and distance.

"Oh...I see, isn't this a strategic shift?" I released the "departure command" and was not surprised to see that the arrow changed color. When "picking it up", I could choose the red "departure" or "departure" Bright yellow "move".

"Expedition" cannot cross the sea as always, but "move" can. After clicking the arrow, there will be a bubble prompting the time required and the DNA points spent. Well, this is reasonable, after all, there is logistical work.

Shengzhou, Luzhou in the north; Liuzhou, Buzhou in the south, let's go~

After clicking the move command, I zoomed in to look at the countries at the north and south ends. There was no movement in the mortal countries, but the ape colonies in those two countries began logging and building ships, a scene in full swing.

Wait, even if this kind of instruction is unreasonable, they must have a reason to set out, right? All the monkeys in this country suddenly decided to go to sea collectively? It's impossible no matter how you think about it.

"Great Elder! Your order has been carried out, but you have to wait for an explanation. What's the reason?"

I searched a little and soon found the top monkeys in the country's ape colony who were in a meeting and seemed to be questioning the decision-makers.

The monkey king commanding the marshal general is a unique pattern in Huaguoshan. Since the "Shengzhou Kingdom" did not have strong enough force to subdue other monkey leaders, it seemed to adopt an elders' discussion system. A dozen monkeys who were already old were gathering. Let’s discuss this “long journey” together.

"You must have heard about the Lion and Camel Kingdom," the Monkey Elder with completely white eyebrows explained unhurriedly: "Just occupying half of the human country has provoked a siege from the heavens. Now the Ape Demon King has unified the Dongsheng Divine Continent. , how long do you think it will be before Heaven will send troops?"

"But I haven't seen you here all these years..." When talking about Heaven, the monkey elders subconsciously lowered their voices.

"It's 'not coming' yet, but it's not 'won't come'," Elder Monkey shook his head: "The country we are in is one of the 'Ten Continents' of Dongsheng Divine Continent. If the Heavenly Court is fully besieged, the target will definitely be here. I feel That day is not far away, so we are going to lead the children across the sea to survive. If you have other ways to ensure that you can avoid the attack from heaven, I will stop them from building ships now!"

The Great Monkey Elder remained calm and assertive, and after the other Monkey Elders looked at each other, no one raised any objections.

The North seems to be afraid of running away? I shook my head and switched to the "Liuzhou Kingdom" in the south... Hey! What's going on with these battleships!

Although the monkeys here are also cutting wood and building ships, they are only building small boats, such as landing craft or lifeboats. On the dock of the ape colony near the sea, there were originally more than a dozen ferocious-looking warships, at least The appearance is exactly the same as those of the Tianhe navy.

"The Ape Demon King is old! He was frightened by the heavenly soldiers sent by heaven!" An unusually strong monkey was giving a speech on the high platform of the pier.

After ordinary monkeys possess spiritual intelligence, they often subconsciously imitate mortals. "Monkeys wearing crowns" generally refers to this situation. However, this monkey has clearly surpassed the realm of mortals.

He was only wearing a pair of loose white trousers, exposing his chest with several scars, a snow-white cloak decorated with gold tassels over his shoulders, and holding a huge machete.

If it weren't for the excessive hair on his body, he might be mistaken for a mortal warrior at first glance.

"Let all the demon kings from everywhere return to Fanghuaguo Mountain, leaving us to share the firepower of Heaven!" The strong monkey was still making a speech: "I want him to know that that is impossible!"

"Impossible-" the monkeys below all shouted.

"We have to abandon this abandoned place and go to find a new home!" Zhuang Monkey continued: "I heard that in the south of Dongsheng Shenzhou, there is another rich continent called Nanzhanbuzhou, where The monkeys are weak but rich, let’s use these imitation heavenly warships to conquer them!”

"Conquer—" the monkeys cheered.

"Finally! From today on, I am no longer the 'Monkey King of Liuzhou'! You will call me 'Admiral'!"


So it turns out that self-evolution can be so tricky? Next time I have to ask the stupid system to set it up in detail.

"No, wait, doesn't this mean that the monkeys from these two countries betrayed Yuan Hong?" I just remembered this question and asked Sister Tip.

[Hint: They are still under the influence of 'simian flu'. ] Prompt my sister to give a rare answer.

Well, this means that we are not responsible for loyalty and the like?

But think about it, for example, the Monkey Kingdom in Xiniu Hezhou has developed on its own for a long time. If you want to say that they will have any loyalty to Yuan Hong who is far away in Dongsheng Shenzhou, it is completely a dream.

Moreover, poaching... How can the world's will be called poaching? Ah ha ha.


It’s great that no one complains about the stupid system anymore.

——Year 9——

However, it is said that Jin Chanzi stayed in the country for quite some time in order to save the citizens of the Bhikkhu Kingdom who had been mistakenly given a life span by the birthday star. He improved the old man's physical condition to some extent, cured some injuries and illnesses, and converted some of the murderers either verbally or physically, and finally made the longevity star succeed. Stripping away the excess lifespan, it only adds eight years to the lifespan of each person in the Bhikkhu Kingdom, during which no one dies for any reason.

The king of the Bhikkhu Kingdom originally wanted to ask this "wandering eminent monk" to stay as the abbot of a temple, but when the envoy arrived at the temple where he was listed, he was told by the novice that they had left. The king was grateful and ordered statues of him in various temples in the country, called " Medicine Buddha, Buddha of Merit”.

Because the white-faced fox who met Bai Lu did not do anything harmful, the group did not arrest her. However, the birthday girl was very dissatisfied that his horse had tricked her for the sake of outsiders, and refused to help them both, and returned to heaven with Bai Lu. The sad farewell between the two animals is quite touching.

Not long after leaving Bhikkhu Country and continuing westward, Jin Chanzi and his party arrived at Jinping Country, which was "rumored to be rich in delicious candies." It was the Lantern Festival. Ao Lie wanted to buy Jinping Candy, but was told that it had been sold out and a new batch was needed. The sugar raw material was used to make sesame oil to offer to the Buddha.

In order to prevent Ao Yu from causing trouble, the third prince of Donghai took her to watch lanterns to distract her attention. Unexpectedly, before the third watch, three Buddhas appeared in the sky, collected the sesame oil in the vat and left.

When the mortals around him were worshiping in the sky, Jin Chanzi said that he had never seen these three Buddhas in the Western Heaven, and they must be dressed up as monsters. So a group of dragons and dragon girls followed, and then Aoyu started to snatch food and burp. .

"Huh, everyone knows the whole story. What do you want? Let's have a fight?" King Pishu stood on a high place in Xuanying Cave, turning the long black and red stick in his hand: "I, the king, have not yet used my full strength."

Pearl stared at the strange weapon warily, but had no intention of flinching, apparently saying, "Even if I use my full strength, I can still block it."

"Amitabha Buddha," Jin Chanzi said: "Since you kings have been protecting the Jinping Kingdom here, it is only right that they be worshiped by him. But have you ever thought about why you can't even though you are obviously extraordinary? To accept the things created by mortals?”

"Isn't it because there is too much?" King Pichen, who was as small as a boy, raised his hand obediently and pointed at Ao Yu who was in a daze next to him: "If you have a big appetite, you can drink it like Xiaoyu."

Can you call me Xiaoyu? Ao Lie glared at him, making the little rhinoceros shrink his neck in fear.

"Monk, if you have come to a conclusion, please tell me." King Pihan showed dissatisfaction, "We only give you the opportunity to speak because we recognize your strength. If you talk in vain, I will see you off now."

"Hey~ A blind man rides a blind horse, walking into a deep pool in the middle of the night." Ao Cunxin laughed.

"You!" Pishu was furious.

"In this case, the poor monk will not continue to make insinuations to lead you to think for yourself, but directly come to the conclusion," Jin Chanzi interrupted King Pishu and said: "You have already reserved your place in the Great Leiyin Temple in the West."

"Hahaha! What do you think this king is going to say?" Pishu laughed: "If those bald men dare to come and catch us, they will have a good time!"

Pihan frowned, and after thinking for a moment, he was horrified: "Could it be that they don't intend to capture us by force, but slowly slow down the process?"

"The poor monk has transformed into many mortals in the country of monks not long ago, so he is more sensitive to this kind of behavior," Jin Chanzi said: "As a monster, if you want something from a mortal, you can just rob it. Why should you transform into a Buddha or Bodhisattva? Although I don’t know the motives of the kings when you dressed up like this, I think it must not be in line with the attitude you showed at this time."

"This place is so close to the Buddhist Kingdom of Tianzhu. When you incarnated as Buddha, didn't you even consider the possibility of discovering the real Buddha in the Western Heaven?" Ao Lie also said.

"At that time, I was thinking, 'Since they have protected this country for so long, they should be grateful to us. As monsters, we may be feared, so it is best to dress up as Buddha.'" Even the most irritable King Pishu noticed something was wrong.

"Amitabha did not distort the other person's mind, but subtly influenced others to agree and support his own point of view. This is 'degree transformation'." Jin Chanzi clasped his hands together.

"It's unreasonable. Those bald guys have been targeting us for a long time!" Pishu was furious again.

"In addition, the poor monk can now say something that will cause you to take action directly if he says it when we meet," Jin Chanzi said: "The extraordinary and miraculous rhinoceros horns of your great kings are the most precious treasures for Buddhism."

"Scared!" Bichen quickly covered his nose.

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