The Collection of The End

Chapter 416 Don’t blame me, I’ve been so infatuated in this half of my life

——Year 9——

Dongsheng Shenzhou, Jukuzhou,

A wide river flows through, with many stone cave walls on one side, and forests with many giant trees growing on the other side.

This is the place where the Macaque King and the Lemur King came into being. Even though the two demon kings have left, there are still many ordinary monkeys living there. Their intelligence is not yet developed. Even if they receive the order to fully shrink the Huaguo Mountain, they cannot understand it. , even if I can understand it, I don’t know how to do it.

For the same reason, even if they are entangled in spider silk, dragged out of the hole, and hung on a tree, a considerable number of monkeys are still swinging around excitedly.

"Senior sister, these monkeys are just ordinary beasts, not monkey monsters," the fat young man transformed into a jade toad looked up at the spider silk cocoons hanging in the forest: "The Monkey King of Huaguo Mountain won't care."

"If they really don't care, just throw them away to Chi Lian to eat." Chun Shisanniang was walking through the forest, catching more ordinary monkeys and hanging them up. She replied without looking back when she heard the words.

"!!" The giant red python shook its body vigorously upon hearing this, causing sawdust and rocks to fly everywhere, as if to express the meaning of "absolutely not eating".

"Hey, it's rare to see a vegetarian python. Unexpectedly, there is one here who only eats persimmons." Mr. Wupao laughed at the side.

"Shut up!" Chun Shisanniang suddenly shouted: "The spider silk I placed on the outside has been destroyed. It must be those monkeys, prepare..."

Before she finished speaking, Chun Shisanniang's expression had changed several times. Even Yuchan and Wupaojun could hear the sound of tearing and cracking coming from the surroundings, not from one direction, but from all directions.

"Impossible!" Lord Wupao said in shock: "This ambush battlefield was temporarily selected by us, and we have confirmed that there are no ambush around it!"

"Hmph, since you have fallen into the trap, there is no need to guess how you stepped in," Chun Shisanniang stopped, pulled out the black soft whip from her waist, and said to Yu Chan: "Little fat man, transform."

The fat boy made a croaking sound, and his figure suddenly grew. In his breath, he transformed into an unusually huge red toad. He held a bright silver steel fork and was about to throw it in the direction of the sound.

"Your name is Little Fatty? That's a coincidence!" Before he could take action, another sound like thunder sounded in the forest, and a lemur almost as tall as the giant jade toad collided with him. The giant toad jumped directly into the river.

"Hey, fat man! What's the point of bullying a child?" A voice laughed and cursed from far away in the forest.

Boom boom! The water in the broad river rose to the sky, and the Lemur King responded intermittently: "You... try to... bully... this kind of... child?"

Wu Paojun raised his eyebrows, but he didn't care about the battle in the river. Instead, he took off to catch the monkeys hanging on the trees. If he really didn't care about these ordinary apes, why did he deliberately hit the jade toads that were easily affected by the fighting? Go into the river?

Phew - Before Wu Paojun could get close to the many monkeys on the tree, he felt a huge suction force coming from the air. After trying his best to get rid of it, he found that it was a giant roc that sucked all the monkeys together with the spider silk cocoon just by inhaling. After the goal was achieved, he did not join the battle group, but turned around and flew away with the monkeys.

"The strongest and only way of fighting the Peng Demon King is to swallow the enemy, but we are all poisonous. In this battle, he has no effect except saving some monkeys," Chun Shisanniang ignored Dapeng and The rescued monkey only shook his soft whip and said to the outside of the forest: "Am I right, Ape Demon King?"

There were several loud booms, and all the surrounding trees fell down, revealing the monkey army, the macaque king and the ape demon king who had surrounded the place.

"'s really not easy to intercept you," Yuan Hong didn't answer, but sighed: "If we hadn't discovered that you were looking for trouble for monkeys everywhere, we wouldn't have been able to set up such traps."

"Our original purpose was to catch you out," Chun Shisanniang said, "Now that we have achieved our goal, it is not that important who steps on whose trap."

"Then I can only see the real seal in my hand.

"Yuan Hongqing raised his red and yellow sticks.

"Go to hell! Monkey!" The two sides pulled up and seemed ready to fight, but with a roar, a figure jumped out from behind Yuan Hong, each holding an illusory and invisible weapon in his palms.

Ding! The pair of invisible sharp weapons were blocked by two snake-tooth daggers that seemed to have been waiting there for a long time. Then, the thin body of the Jiao Demon King gradually appeared behind Yuan Hong.

"The scorpion spirit who has been waiting for you for a long time and always stabs people with the needle in the back of his tail:" said the Jiao Demon King: "As long as you don't show up, I will keep lurking."

Hearing the words "Tail Back Needle", Scorpion froze up, then waved the pair of invisible sharp weapons to attack the Jiao Demon King like a violent storm.

"Huh? Huh?" The Jiao Demon King was surprised, but this was in line with the plan before departure, so he led the scorpion spirit, who was angry for some reason, to gradually leave the scene of the confrontation between Yuan Hong and Chun Shisanniang.

"How about, let's see who can defeat his opponent first?" Seeing that it was already a two-on-two game, Yuan Hong smiled at the Macaque King.

"Oh, I'll choose that centipede spirit. This guy's magic sound technique is so annoying to monkeys. I've long wanted to teach him a lesson." The six ears of the Macaque King twitched, and he raised the iron rod in his hand and pointed directly at it. Wupaojun smashed it away.

"Talking to myself!" Chun Shisanniang whipped her away, but Yuan Hong waved her two sticks to stop her.

"Although I don't know why you monsters transformed from poisonous insects are causing trouble for me, I don't bother to ask at the moment." The Monkey King hit her head and face with a "red lotus": "Catch her first and then ask questions slowly!"

Chun Shisanniang sprayed out several lines of intercepting spider silk, but all of them were burned. In the end, she had to use the long black whip in her hand to block the red stick.

"Oh?" The long whip showed no sign of breaking or burning, which made Yuan Hong slightly surprised.

"Oh, who doesn't know that the Ape Demon King of Huaguo Mountain has red and yellow sticks? The yellow stick destroys all things, and the red stick burns all things. But unfortunately," Chun Shisanniang snapped the whip at Yuan Hong: "I There are no spells on the 'Oolong Whip', nor can it be burned!"

"Ha! Wouldn't that be just right?" Yuan Hong laughed and stopped: "I've long been tired of enemies one after another!"

The Five Poison Demon King and the demon kings of Huaguo Mountain fought together, but no one paid attention to the giant python king. She hesitated for a long time, and when she was about to support any side, she found that she had been attacked by a group of fully armed ordinary monkey demons. surrounded.

Because she couldn't speak, she opened her big mouth to threaten the monkeys. Although one or two were scared away, the remaining monkey demons seemed to be stimulated by this action. They picked up various weapons and came up to beat the red python. Because it was too small, it couldn't be rolled up, and the spirit snake refused to take the initiative to swallow the monkey demon, so it was suppressed and beaten for a while.

But with a roar, the giant toad was knocked out of the river and hit the stone wall on the other side hard, creating a huge dent. The Lemur King pounced on it and was about to pursue the victory, but it turned over and kicked out hundreds of people with both feet. Ten feet away, it happened to hit the Peng Demon King who was lazing around after putting down the monkeys. The Dapeng was angry and attacked the Giant Toad King together with the Lemur King.

Wupao Jun is entangled with the Macaque King. His sound-obfuscation technique has no effect on the Macaque King, who has six ears, because the range of sound waves that his six ears can hear is far beyond that of ordinary ears. Seeing Yuchan in danger, he quickly took the time to provide sonic support.

The Lemur King and the Peng Demon King naturally have two ears, but their huge size has little effect. On the contrary, the monkey monsters who were besieging the Giant Python King couldn't bear the sound and fled one after another, while the Red-trained Giant Python took the opportunity to join forces with the Giant Toad. Fight against lemurs and rocs.

Because Lord Wupao was distracted, the Macaque King broke the strange musical instrument shaped like a pipa in his hand with a stick. When he was about to continue the pursuit, he saw that he suddenly took off his outer robe, and dozens of strange eyes suddenly appeared on his thin body. The golden light was emitted, giving the Macaque King a splitting headache. The Demon King not far from him was also affected, and his movements slowed down for a moment. The Scorpion Spirit took this opportunity to get rid of the Demon King, and pierced the Monkey King's vest with the black spikes in his hands.

Ding! The scorpion hit accurately, but it was like a gold stone. When he looked in surprise, he saw Yuan Hong blocking behind the Macaque King, with the sharp thorn stuck in his chest, and the evil-breaking red lotus in his hand was already raised: "Do you think I have already Forgive you?"

Bang! Bang! When the two sticks were struck, the scorpion spirit flew out, but did not feel any pain. When she looked at the place in surprise, she found that Chun Shisanniang had already blocked the pair of terrifying double sticks with a whip. His temperament was somewhat disillusioned by the several scorch marks on his dress.

Here, the Wupao Lord was about to emit another golden light. Yuan Hong turned around and knocked them all out with a yellow stick. When Chun Shisanniang tried to sneak attack from behind, she was entangled by the Macaque King and the Jiao Demon King who had recovered their strength.

The Scorpion Spirit rolled over and landed on the ground, rushing to help Chun Shisanniang resist the siege. However, Wu Paojun, or the Hundred-Eyed Monster, was unable to take advantage of the confusion and golden light under the chase, and was chased by Yuan Hong for a circle before escaping. came back and officially joined the six-person melee.

On the other side of the river, giant toads and giant pythons were fighting against the gigantic Lemur King and the huge Peng Demon King. A single contact would shake the world and cause dust in the sky.

On the periphery of the battle group, the army of monkey demons who were ordered to block this area had to retreat again and again. Not to mention those behemoths, even the six demon kings who faced each other in human form, the inaccessible range was gradually expanding. There were already Many monkey demons who did not have time to retreat fell asleep due to the confusing sound, or were temporarily blinded by the golden light. Some monkey demons were whipped away by the whip shadow from nowhere, but were caught by the yellow light and fell safely halfway.

Finally, they received an order from the battle group: "Disband on the spot and run as far away from the battlefield as possible." Then, except for the monkey soldiers who were originally on duty at Jukuzhou, the other monkeys instantly dispersed.


Heavenly Court, Lingxiao Palace.

"Publish the edict," after hearing the report from the Clairvoyant Eye and the Shunfeng Er, the Jade Emperor wrote the edict with the Taibai Golden Star: "Because the civil war between the demon kings in Dongsheng Shenzhou and Jukuzhou has made mortals uneasy and praying to God, so Let King Tota lead one hundred thousand heavenly troops to quell the demon chaos, and he can handle all matters on the front lines and the disposal of demons by himself."

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