The Collection of The End

Chapter 417: Survival, Flirting Guest, Mu Jiao'e

——Year 9——

Tianhe navy camp, Chinese army tent.

"Tianpeng, His Majesty's secret order has arrived."

After Marshal Tianpeng had settled the Resurrection Marines, he was looking for time to talk to Fu Ling about Fairy Nishang, when he saw Marshal Zhenwu stepping into the tent with a decree in his hand.

"Secret decree?" Tianpeng put down the military documents and was quite surprised. It should be noted that the Jade Emperor is not like the emperor in the world who can be "falsely passed on imperial decrees". There is no doubt about its nature, but for the same reason, there was a lot of noise when the edict was delivered and it could not be concealed. So where did this so-called secret edict come from?

"This decree is sent together with His Majesty's previous decree when he asked you to go to the Lion and Camel Kingdom to catch monsters." Sensing Tianpeng's confusion, Marshal Zhenwu explained: "There is also a seal attached to it, which can be unlocked under certain conditions. "

"Oh? The latest premise is... King Tota descends from the realm to capture demons?" Tianpeng walked towards Zhenwu and took over the decree.

Zhenwu Dao: "The outer seal is indeed like this. It said in his autobiography, 'Li Jing led one hundred thousand heavenly troops to release himself when he went to Xiniu Hezhou or Dongsheng Shenzhou.' I haven't seen the specific purpose."

Marshal Zhenwu has always attached great importance to rules. Even though the decree sent to him did not state that others were not allowed to read it, nor did he try to unfold it, he was obviously very curious about it, so he lingered after handing over the decree.

Tianpeng laughed, so he took the initiative to directly unfold the imperial edict. When no one was delivering the edict, the edict should read itself out.

Under the gaze of the two marshals, the golden scroll unfolded on its own and burned slowly. At the same time, golden characters appeared one by one in the air: "Order the Tianhe navy to prepare for the battle in the lower realm of King Li Tianhe in Tota, and take place at the navy dock related to the king." Troops were immediately sent to support him after the incident."

"This decree has no beginning or end, but it is indeed His Majesty's order." After the Jade Emperor's decree was burned out, Zhenwu nodded slightly to the canopy, flicked his sleeves and turned around to pay: "I will go prepare the naval army. "

"Hmm..." Tianpeng followed suit, feeling quite puzzled.

Although the Tianhe navy is nominally under the jurisdiction of King Tota Li, in fact it has its own independent station and generals, and has little contact with other heavenly armies, let alone related matters. Therefore, this 'incident related to the King of Heaven' Why, Tianpeng couldn't figure it out for the moment.

However, Tianpeng could easily think of the reason why he wanted to support King Li.

When they besieged the Shitu Kingdom that day, even though the navy had Yi Sheng to contain the giant toad, it still damaged nearly half of it. This shows that the demon king of the lower world is really extraordinary. That's why the Jade Emperor ordered the commander-in-chief of the heavenly army, King Tuota, to lead a hundred thousand heavenly army. Go to exterminate.

Tianpeng has always heard that Li Jing is not good at running an army. Whenever he goes to war, he relies on the help of the Four Heavenly Kings and Twenty-eight Constellations, or relies on the bravery of the Third Prince Nezha. I have nothing to offer except a seven-skilled black and yellow exquisite pagoda. If he is defeated by those monsters Wang made a surprise attack that disrupted the formation, and he was about to retreat without warning.

But where did the talk of support come from? The Tianhe Navy has a total of 80,000 soldiers, and 20,000 of them are still in combat strength. If 100,000 of the Heavenly Soldiers have been defeated, what is the use of investing another 60,000?

The canopy was looking at the navy barracks and thinking, when they saw a bright moon falling from the sky, its fluorescence flickering and shining brightly, reflecting the whole camp in a silvery white.

Lord Taiyin is here in person? !

Before he could think more, the "bright moon" had already fallen into the camp, and the biting cold wind dispersed, covering half of the naval camp tents with a layer of crystal clear frost.

"Well, at least I can be sure that it's not Xingjun. If Xingjun made such a mistake, it would probably freeze the entire Milky Way." Canopeng had no time to be surprised and hurriedly went to deal with this "incident".

"Nishang! I didn't bother you, but you came to kill me, right?"

Before the canopy could get close to where the bright moon fell, Fu Ling's angry voice was heard in the distance. Judging from the location, the moon seemed to hit the female navy camp, but... Nishang? Canopy couldn't help but slow down. If it were really her, she would have made things worse than before.

Or add fuel to the fire?

"[Phoenix Lihuo]!" Tianpeng was hesitating whether to step into the military camp when he heard a scream from inside. A huge firebird made entirely of flames suddenly soared into the air, and then fell rapidly, followed by blazing flames. The loud noise spread, but it only melted the ice and snow, and had no effect on the tent materials and other items. Then, Fu Ling's voice came out again: "Aren't you leaving yet?"

"Miss Fu Ling, I'm here for business. If you take advantage of the small mistake during landing, I'm not afraid to show you the spells I learned in the Moon Palace." Another unfamiliar female voice sounded, seeming to be restrained. Own.

This... Tianpeng was in a dilemma for a moment. Fu Ling and Nishang had an impression of being frank and naive and shy and self-sufficient respectively. Unexpectedly, they were quite aggressive when he was not present. In this way, he could not pretend at all. Tsukuru walked in without hearing anything. If he stayed a little away, he would make some noise to inform him that he had arrived. He was afraid that they would start fighting again during this time.

The canopy was spinning at the entrance of the barracks. Unable to make up his mind, he took the time to glare at the female guard guard who was looking at him with gossipy eyes.

"Hey, Fu Ling, Nishang, what are you arguing about?" Marshal Yisheng's voice came from far away, and when Tianpeng had time to rejoice, he said: "We are all a family, what is there to argue about?"

"Who is her family?" the two said in unison.

Why didn't I realize before that Yi Sheng had the ability to make small things big and big things blow up? Canopy really wants to hammer the wall.

"Cut!" A fourth voice that seemed to have been there but never made a sound sounded. It sounded like a young girl, but it was full of destructive and murderous intentions.

"Yingqiong!" "What!" "Huh?" The three people inside were obviously caught off guard.

According to the known conditions, the only person who meets all of these requirements is Li Jing's new adopted daughter, the golden-nosed white-haired rat spirit who will kill Li Yingqiong, who is about to kill all the women in the past. But doesn't she only have murderous intentions towards apes?

Before the canopy could think about it, he picked up a rake and built a broken camp gate and rushed in.

There was a small amount of water in the camp where the ice and snow had melted. There were many female soldiers onlookers, and the Fu Ling and the colorful clothes were in confrontational postures. This was all as it should be, nothing special. The canopy turned to where Marshal Yisheng was, only to find the armor on her belly. It was cut into a whole piece, only a trace of white skin was exposed, and Li Yingqiong, the righteous daughter of the King of Heaven who had seen the face before, was pressing her little face there and murmuring: "Mom..."

"This..." Tianpeng couldn't think at all for a moment and stood blankly on the spot.

"Brother, when are you going to see me?!" Marshal Yisheng's face turned red, and he pulled the cloak behind him to wrap his abdomen and Li Yingqiong together.

Tianpeng woke up and hurriedly exited the barracks, and then gradually figured out the reason.

It is rumored that the original peacock once swallowed the Tathagata Buddha into its belly, and then burst out of the belly. Therefore, it was called the Buddha's Mother Peacock and the Great Ming Dynasty. Before Li Yingqiong's spiritual wisdom was awakened, he secretly drank the lamp oil in front of the Buddha, which affected the original peacock. Marshal Yi Sheng, who is a peacock, mistakenly believed that his mother was normal. As for the dangerous actions such as cutting open the abdomen, armor and clothing, Tathagata Buddha was responsible.

Looking at it this way, even if Tathagata did not deal with the little mouse spirit that could be destroyed with just one hand, the reason why Heaven had to take action was already clear: if he dared to touch the mouse spirit, there was no way she would be killed in front of three thousand Buddhas, Five hundred Arhats and four great Bodhisattvas called Tathagata "Daddy" in front of them.

Hmm... I just forgot to ask Nishang why she came to Tianhe.

However, this matter should be regarded as "an incident related to the King of Heaven" for the time being, so let's send troops first.


Dongsheng Shenzhou, Jucao Kingdom.

The ten demon kings fought fiercely for three days and three nights without a winner. During this period, each demon king took turns to rest, eat separately, take a short rest, and then join the battle again.

Since both sides had a tacit agreement not to move their positions, all the surrounding trees were pushed flat, the river was more than doubled, and the mountain walls along the river were completely crushed and turned into a shallow lake.

Yuan Hong has achieved success in cultivation, has made many changes, and has somersault clouds to accelerate his steps, plus a pair of red and yellow double sticks that are extremely powerful in close combat. He can attack any demon king except Chun Shisanniang, but the spider spirit on the opposite side seems to be The same is true, so both sides are looking for each other. If they can't capture or kill them in one fell swoop, they won't be able to attack the other Five Poison Demon Kings around them.

However, after the initial mutual testing and fighting, the other eight demon kings had figured out each other's abilities. Even the Dragon Demon King and the Scorpion King, who mainly focused on hidden assassinations, were unable to assassinate them and had to wait for opportunities while fighting. .

In the evening, the two sides were tacitly agreeing to gradually stop fighting and prepare to separate their hands to forage for food. Suddenly, they saw a bright silver star falling from the sky, crossing a bright track and heading straight to the distance to the west.

In the midst of surprise, I suddenly saw spiritual lights flashing around me. More than a dozen sky-covering nets were opened, completely sealing off the battlefield. Immortal clouds were billowing, and tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers appeared densely in the sky. They shouted in unison. : "Listen, monster below, you are surrounded by a hundred thousand heavenly legions led by King Li Tian of Tota. Those who know the current situation should surrender quickly! Don't say that you are not prepared!"

Yuan Hong looked up and saw that in the densely populated area of ​​the sky, there was a tall flag with the inscription "Tota Heavenly King Li". Next to it, there were the flags of the four heavenly kings and the twenty-eight constellations fluttering in the wind. Because of the distance, they could not recognize them one by one. Only the shining golden armor and bright weapons can be seen shining in the sun.

"What, is this your plan? To delay the battle to attract the heavenly soldiers?" Yuan Hong said to Chun Shisanniang with disdain in his words.

"Oh, we and the 'Five Sacred Beasts' have no foundation and can just leave as they please." Chun Shisanniang swung her whip to distance herself and said with a smile: "What about you, Ape Demon King? Can you leave the mountain full of monkeys and go on your own?" escape?"

"Hey~" Yuan Hong played with the two sticks in his hands: "You and I both know that the other party concealed his own strength during the battle, but now it seems that you have hidden less."

"Hehehe~ Everyone can tell lies. Let me just watch the true strength of your 'Ape Demon King' quietly." As she spoke, the figure of Chun Shisanniang gradually became transparent, and the poisonous insects that were fighting each other also disappeared one by one. Disappear quietly.

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