The Collection of The End

Chapter 418 I wish I could embrace the beauty of the world

In an amusement park, it is impossible to chase after the moles that pop up on a game machine like Whack-A-Mole. If you want to get high scores, you must observe, remember the order in which they pop up, and plan ahead in advance. Set the tapping sequence, commonly known as "back version". After all, it is impossible for anyone to specially program a true random system for this kind of toy, but if it is a game on a computer or mobile phone, it is another matter.

In the same way, after I copied the expedition order and chased the "invader" for a period of time, I finally grasped its "flickering" pattern and located it at "Jukuzhou". The Huaguoshan army immediately dispatched, and the two sides fought against each other. Ping pong into a ball.

This battle seems to be quite evenly matched. Each side has two members who can become giants, an assassin on each side, as well as the main captain and the soy sauce deputy captain.

"Spring Thirteenth Lady (Sky Spider) infected by 'MonkeyKiller'", this is the name I saw on the head of the enemy captain who looks like Maeve. The variety is quite strange, and he can actually fight Yuan Hong. Evenly matched...

Hello! Yuan Hong, are you letting your guard down? Don't be merciful just because the opponent's captain is pretty! That's a spider spirit, he has no future with a monkey!

[Reminder: The battle between the demon kings of Dongsheng Shenzhou shocked the heavens, and the Jade Emperor ordered King Li Tianwang of the Tower to lead a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers to annihilate the lower world]

[Reminder: The heavenly soldiers are searching and capturing apes affected by the 'orangutan flu' in Jukuzhou (country)]

When I was complaining vigorously, two red warnings popped up in succession.

From the perspective of the globe, the border of Jukuzhou is surrounded by a circle of twinkling solid lines, covering the entire country. The radar-like circular frame and pointer are constantly rotating and scanning.

Doing personal work while on a business trip? The headquarters of "MonkeyKiller" is indeed in heaven.

I thought for a moment, pulled up the "Expedition" button to hunt down the Five Poisonous Beasts, switched to "Move", and pointed outward casually.

——Year 9——

"What should we do, Dabai, those heavenly soldiers seem to be specially attracted by the poisonous insect monsters."

It is not the usual pursuit, dispersion, and encirclement. This group of heavenly soldiers is surrounded as soon as it appears. The high ground is far and near, and the layers are clear. If you look up in any direction around you, a large number of cloud-riding heavenly soldiers will appear in your sight. In this way, , even the always self-controlled Macaque King was a little flustered.

"Calm down," Yuan Hong knocked on his head: "You are not a little demon who can't even deal with a single heavenly soldier, nor are you an ordinary demon general who can deal with three or five heavenly soldiers at most."

"Then who am I?" The Macaque King was still a little confused.

"'We' are the Demon King," Yuan Hong shook his head, stepped on the somersault cloud, and rushed straight to the nearest cloud where the heavenly soldiers were riding. Before he heard the sound of the weapons striking each other, he saw the cloud in an instant It fell apart, and the heavenly soldiers who were originally standing on it were caught off guard and fell down one after another. At this time, the second half of Yuan Hong's words came belatedly: "——The demon king who can ride as many as a thousand!"

Because Yuan Hong is usually a wise man and can make good plans, even though he is quite powerful, other demon kings subconsciously regard him as a strategist. At this time, they put on a heroic posture of "I want to fight a thousand", and the demon kings The king was surprised and amused, but he was also quite excited. He shouted and rushed towards the heavenly soldiers maintaining the dragnet.

Those heavenly soldiers were caught off guard, and the clouds under their feet were all scattered, falling like dumplings one after another.

As a powerful weapon to subjugate demons, the dragnet has always been unafraid of powerful demons breaking through with strength. The stronger the ability to escape, the greater the power of counterattack. The demon could not break out, and when he retreated dejectedly to think of a way, he suddenly encountered him with all his strength. If you have the strength to fight back in victory, you can only surrender.

However, these demon kings have no intention of escaping and spend all their energy on destroying the nodes of the "dragnet". If the dragnet is compared to a fisherman's rod, line and hook, then it is equivalent to taking the bait. The fish has no intention of breaking free from the hook, but instead cuts the fishing line with a swing of its tail. The fisherman can do nothing except holding an empty rod and being at a loss.

Click, as the last cloud collapsed, the sound of something invisible breaking and shattering was heard in the void, and the weak monkey monsters who were originally trapped on the edge of the border of Jukuzhou cheered and fled out.

"Ahem, we didn't originally want to catch those ordinary monkey monsters," Li Jing coughed to cover up, and then said: "Send the order, the four heavenly kings and my son Nezha, go out to catch the five monkey monster kings, twenty-eight nights, Continue to search for the escaped insect demon king, and the remaining heavenly soldiers will rearrange the dragnet."

"Father, there are only three monkey demon kings." Nezha said from the side.

But when I saw the third prince of Nezha, his horns only covered his fontanel, his hair was not covering his shoulders, he was magical and sensitive, his bones were even more beautiful, he was sincerely the son of the Kirin in the sky, and he was indeed a fairy with colorful haze.

"How could I not know this as a father?" Li Jing glared: "What I just said is the 'monkey demon and the demon king'. You are the strongest, so go and fight with the ape demon king."

"Father——" "He went out to fight, went out to fight——" When Nezha was about to say something else, the four heavenly kings dragged him away.

The father and son were fine in private, but the more serious the occasion, the more conflicts there were. Li Jing wanted to show his father's majesty, while Nezha liked to point out all kinds of mistakes to keep him from stepping down.

Not to mention Nezha, these four heavenly kings are the eastern king of holding the kingdom of magic ritual sea, the western king of Guangmu magic ritual longevity, the southern king of growth magic ritual green, and the northern king of multi-hearing magic ritual red.

Demon Li Hai holds a jade pipa and is good at sound attacks, restraining the Peng Demon King from afar.

Magic Li Shou held two steel whips, and was followed by a flowered fox marten. The flowered fox marten transformed into a giant elephant, and collided with the lemur king.

Mo Li Qing holds a green-edged sword and fights with the Jiao Demon King with a pair of daggers.

Moli Hong is holding a Hunyuan Pearl Umbrella, which is made of the same material as the macaque king's iron rod. The collision of the two is like ringing a bell.

Nezha stepped on a hot wheel and held a fire-tip spear. When he came to Yuan Hong, he did not take action directly. He first spoke: "Before I came, I was asked by Taibai Jinxing to tell me that you have immortal roots, wisdom and strength. They are all chosen by the best. If they are willing to submit to the Heavenly Court, they can guarantee that they will not interfere with the affairs of Dongsheng Shenzhou and the monsters of Huaguo Mountain."

"Oh." Yuan Hong held his two sticks, his expression unchanged: "If I accept the recruitment so lightly, my status must not be high. We must fight hard, such as wiping out all these heavenly soldiers and generals to obtain enough Only after paying attention can you consider it.”

"So, don't regret it." Nezha nodded slowly and danced the fire-pointed spear in his hand left and right like a wheel. When it stopped, it had turned into a three-headed and six-armed figure. Each of the four extra hands held a Huntian Ling and a Qiankun Circle was heading straight towards Yuan Hong.

"Oh? This is a good change." Yuan Hong hurriedly blocked it for a few times and found that his fists were hard to beat with six hands. Seeing that he was happy, he turned around in the air and secretly made thirty-six changes, turning into a three-headed and six-armed shape, but Because there were not enough weapons, after holding a red stick and a yellow stick in each hand, the remaining two hands could only make fist gestures towards Nezha.

"Hmph..." Nezha seemed to be laughing, but he held it back. After looking at Yuan Hong's empty hand, he put away Huntian Ling and picked up a gold brick to show that he was also fighting "unarmed".

It's really a good fight, the king wants to win, the demon king is more tenacious, the sound of the sky disturbs the roc, the flower mink fights the fox king, the green edge can withstand the double dagger, the beaded umbrella can withstand the iron rod, three heads and six arms, I don't know who is more crazy. .

The fierce battle between the Heavenly King and the Demon King was in full swing, but the heavenly soldiers had already repaired the dragnet and began to use it to interfere with the Demon Kings. The Peng Demon King was originally unwilling to fight head-on with the Heavenly King Controlling the Kingdom because he kept disturbing him with pipa sound waves. But he was quite annoyed. At this time, the dragnet exerted magical effects such as slowing down and weakening him. He was completely furious and suddenly transformed into his original form. He sucked in all the 100,000 heavenly soldiers arrayed in the air into his belly in one go, and then belched. , spraying out countless golden light powder.


"Sister, why should we escape? Wouldn't it be better to help Heaven capture them?"

The Five Poison Saint Beasts and their entourage did not leave Jukuzhou after leaving the battle. They just maintained the state of covering their bodies with spider silk, hiding from all detection, and were observing the battle between the Demon King and the Heavenly Court from a distance.

Because the battle site was too far away and no king could use the giant incarnation, the Jade Toad boy almost fell asleep, so he asked.

"Don't be stupid. Even if they are willing to cooperate during the battle, they will turn their backs and capture us together afterwards. Monsters are monsters and will never become immortals." The scorpion spirit sneered.

"Isn't it because, senior sister, you stole Xihe's golden chariot?" Yu Chan stared at her and asked.

"Don't think that I won't dare to hit you because you have thick skin and rebound." The scorpion spirit stared back.

"Shut up!" Chun Shisanniang shouted: "Get ready, today we will help Tianting catch those monkeys, and stop them when they see signs of escaping. There is no need to join forces with Tianting, just create opportunities for them."

While we were talking, we suddenly heard a hurricane blowing up suddenly, and the auspicious clouds and fog all over the sky suddenly gathered at a certain point. When we looked closer, we saw that it was the Peng Demon King who was countless times bigger. After he swallowed a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers, there was only one left in the sky. The King of Pagodas protects himself with exquisite pagodas.

The Peng Demon King spurted out streams of golden light powder, and then fell to the ground as if drunk.

"Going to help Heavenly Court?" the Jade Toad boy asked.

"Why are you helping me? Let's go quickly!" Chun Shisanniang turned around to cover the spider silk and was about to take her four junior brothers and sisters to evacuate from the pre-selected river crossing dock.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she approached the river, she saw a waterfall hanging down out of thin air, and nearly a hundred ferocious warships full of heavenly soldiers appeared out of thin air. On the bow of the flagship was a British man with a black face, a gold helmet, silver armor, and a hand-held sword. Behind the big man driving the rake were two women with completely different temperaments, one like fire and the other like ice.

Due to the agitation of spiritual power, Chun Shisanniang's invisibility spider silk completely failed, but she did not take any remedial measures. She just stared blankly at the black man in golden armor, her mind completely blank for a moment.

Is there such a handsome man in the world who is so heroic, handsome, and charming even if his face is expressionless? !

Chun Shisanniang held her face in her hands, her face turned crimson, her eyes were filled with mist, and she stared at the general intently, turning a blind eye to the flame-like frosty gazes of the two "maids" behind her.

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