The Collection of The End

Chapter 419 Floating World 0 Xunmo

——Year 9——

Tianpeng has heard about the Jade Emperor's nickname of "nothing left behind" for a long time, and has personally seen several decrees issued that have nothing to do with each other, but after their respective evolutions, they converge and take effect somewhere, pushing the other one forward. Difficult things are directly contributed to.

The fourth marshal of the navy once reviewed relevant matters and recorded the causes and consequences of an incident as well as many variables on paper. However, he found that unless all possible developments were known through deduction in advance and orders were issued based on their evolution, , otherwise all things can only be called "God's will in the dark".

For example, in this expedition, even if the Jade Emperor guessed that King Tota might be defeated and ordered Tianpeng to come to the rescue, there was no way he could have guessed that the Jade Rabbit would be frightened by Li Yingqiong and go down to the realm on his own. However, when Nishang took Yingqiong to look for him, he actually... He made a mistake in escaping and fell into the Tianhe Wharf military camp.

As for the fact that Tianpeng opened the waterway to the sky and sent Nishang to the lower realm to find the Jade Rabbit, due to the conflict between her and Fu Ling, she was unable to reach the scheduled location. However, she happened to block the batch of escaping monsters at the wrong place. Things can no longer be explained by "coincidence".

So, in front of Fu Ling and Nishang, two female fairies with whom he was somewhat related but incompatible with each other, and another beautiful banshee took the initiative to show her favor, Tianpeng just wanted to rush to the Lingxiao Palace to question the Jade Emperor. Have you had enough fun? Of course, just thinking about it.

There was no need to go to Yue Lao to confirm that this female goblin must have had a marriage dispute with him for several years. Tianpeng was very helpless and "invited" these five goblins into the ship's cell. In any case, he had to first get rid of the king of Tota. The ongoing battle must be resolved.

However, when Tianpeng led the navy to the battlefield, he found that all the demon kings had fled, leaving only King Tuota, Nezha, the four heavenly kings, and Erbasu in a daze.

"Without the 'dragon and earth net' set up by the heavenly soldiers, it is indeed impossible to trap the demon king." Tianpeng thought that the generals could not accept defeat, so he enlightened the heavenly generals present: "And since they have been exposed, they will naturally not be able to escape next time. Hunt.”

"Exactly...that's it," King Tota seemed a little distracted, without even looking at the canopy, he waved his hand casually and said: "Victory and defeat are common matters for military officers. Withdraw your troops and report back to the Jade Emperor. These demon kings are powerful, and they are outnumbered." Pointless."

"Marshal, don't blame me. My father has never suffered such a heavy loss. He lost his composure for a moment." Seeing King Tota leaving, Nezha walked to Tianpeng and said, "If the marshal hadn't brought troops to help, those demon kings might have taken the risk. Many thanks for the help.”

"I remember that all the demon kings except the Peng Demon King were mortals. How could they wipe out a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers with one blow?" When he came down from the Tongtian Waterway, Canopy could no longer sense the heavenly soldiers, only a few heavenly generals, so he was quite confused. .

"That is the 'Kun Peng' after all. Although it has the form of a Peng at this time, if the posture of 'Kun' is fully activated, the heavenly soldiers will never be able to withstand its devouring power." Nezha did not intend to talk in depth, so he simply answered and asked. The King of Towers left.

It seems that the monthly resurrection limit of [Hall of Valor] is 100,000? And I have already spent 10,000 a few days ago. I don’t know how King Tota felt when he learned that the soldiers who died in this battle will have to wait another month before they can all be resurrected.

Tianpeng thought for a moment and finally decided to take care of his own affairs first.


"Tell me, you, a witch, is deliberately trying to get into the Tianhe Navy. What's your plan?"

"Of course he is plotting against Marshal Peng~ Don't you think he is handsome?"

"My husband is naturally very handsome, but it's not what you can imagine!"

Naturally, there are special cells at the Tianhe Navy Pier, but since these monster captives were in the best cells when they were on the ship, when they were transferred and detained, the jailer also cleverly arranged them into a cell that was more like a cell than a cell. A place of house arrest.

At this time, Tianpeng was outside the cell, listening to the sounds coming from inside, and wondered whether he should go in or not.

After the little phoenix girl Fu Ling got married from the Jade Emperor, she had lived at Tianhe Wharf for a long time. She and Yi Sheng lived in the female soldiers' barracks.

He is not too bothersome, but sometimes asks to follow him when sending troops.

Tianpeng originally thought that this was her temperament, until something about Nishang gradually revealed another side of her that had never appeared in front of Tianpeng. Now that she has met the spider spirit who calls herself Chun Shisanniang, it seems that that "other side" It's getting bigger and bigger.

Because the Jade Emperor's order was to "assist the King of Tota to subdue the monsters," although these monsters were captured without resistance, they still had to wait for the Jade Emperor's final decision on how to deal with them.

To be honest, among these captured goblins, Giant Toad King and Centipede King had caused heavy casualties to the navy, but one of them looked like a fat boy and the other a skinny Taoist priest, and the victims could not recognize them at all. The most critical thing is that all their limelight was stolen by Chun Shisanniang alone.

"——I am a white spider, and the marshal is a black boar. Do you think they match well?"

"Absolutely not."

Nishang went down to the next world to look for Jade Rabbit, while Li Yingqiong was temporarily left in the care of Yi Sheng. The other marshals refused to wade into this muddy water. As a result, the only one who can stop this "inquiry" is really herself.

Tianpeng sighed, and in order to prevent Fu Ling from saying anything weird again, he opened the door and stepped into the prison under the strange eyes of the cell guard.

"You are clearly both demons. Why did you go against the Demon King of Huaguo Mountain and deliberately lure the heavenly soldiers away?" After Tianpeng entered the cell door, he heard Fu Ling change the content of his inquiry.

She may have known that this prison could isolate spiritual energy, but she didn't know that it actually had no soundproofing effect... Tianpeng raised his eyebrows and calmly and slowly approached the innermost cells.

"Oh, do you have a master? Little girl?" Chun Shisanniang replied.

"Everyone in the Phoenix family knows this from birth and does not need a master." Fu Ling seemed to be deliberately showing off the advantages of his bloodline.

Chun Shisanniang said: "If you have a master, he will take good care of you before your mind is opened and you have not yet transformed. After you become a spirit and a demon, he will teach you many magic methods and treasures and protect you throughout the process until you encounter an accident, leaving only one I have written a will in advance, will you obey it or not?"

Take good care of it while it is still the original form? Tianpeng thought of the behavior of these prisoners and suspected that they were some heretic who played tricks on insects.

"What fate?" Tianpeng asked suddenly. If these powerful monsters were cultivated by others, then it would be necessary to report them to the Jade Emperor, although he had probably already figured it out.

"Husband~" "Ms. sir~" Fu Ling and Chun Shisanniang called at the same time, obviously well prepared.

"What are you screaming about?" "You can scream, but I can't?" The two stared at each other through the cell door.

Obviously, this "Spring Thirteenth Mother" is not usually like this. Tianpeng glanced at the goblins in other cells, but saw the giant toad king and centipede king stunned, and the giant python king who was shrunk and imprisoned beat himself. A strange knot, and the Scorpion King, who also transformed into a beautiful woman, was muttering to himself: "I feel very sad to have such a senior sister..."

"Your master's will." Tianpeng raised his voice, interrupting the confrontation between Fu Ling and Chun Shisanniang.

"So that your husband will know about it," Chun Shisanniang said in a different tone: "Master's 'last order' can be called the 'Monkey Killing Order', ordering us to monitor all the monkeys in Dongsheng Shenzhou, or the Monkey King, Youhua Those who become spirits will be killed immediately. If it is a spiritual stone monkey, as soon as it is found, it will be killed regardless of whether it has become a spirit or not. However, the ape demon king, macaque king and lemur king have grown too fast, so they have no choice but to seek help to fight against them. , but unexpectedly, he was discovered by the Heavenly Court, and his success failed."

This weird request is like knowing in advance that a monkey will become a powerful demon king and unify Dongsheng Shenzhou. Tianpeng frowned and said: "How do you call yourself master?"

"He calls himself 'Six Paths Demon Shura'~" The Giant Toad King, who turned into a fat boy, raised his hand and answered.

Never heard of it... Tianpeng thought, and if someone really dared to use this name that was an inexplicable mixture of three forces, they would be collectively attacked by members of the relevant forces, so it must be a pseudonym, but the order to kill the monkey left behind was quite... It's weird, and it undoubtedly has some special purpose, but I can't figure it out.

"Fu Ling and I have a marriage entanglement in this life, so she calls me 'husband'," Tianpeng changed the topic and said: "Why do you call me that? Don't say it's love at first sight for me, I still have self-knowledge."

Tianpeng deliberately did not mention the specific age. The dispute between the one-year marriage and the three-year marriage is already a headache. If there is another one with a longer age, wouldn't Tianhe Pier be turned upside down?

"I..." Chun Shisanniang looked at the canopy, as if she was about to say something, but her face became dull halfway, and she unconsciously touched her already flushed cheeks with her hands, her eyes filled with water: "If you don't say... then... Did not say."

Does she still think she fell in love at first sight? Canopy frowned fiercely.

Even when Yuelao revealed that Fu Ling and Nishang were connected to him by a red thread, Tianpeng was never so helpless. The first two were from the Phoenix Clan and had many privileges, and the other was a Fairy from the Moon Palace. As long as Lord Taiyin Star agreed, there would be no obstacle. .

But this Chun Shisanniang is a true and complete monster. No matter how sincere her friendship is, once the heaven knows that she is married to Tianpeng and confirmed by Yue Lao, she will undoubtedly be pushed to the monster killing platform. If you obstruct or intercede, you will be guilty of the same crime.

Over the past few years, Tianpeng has seen many similar incidents. Among the immortals and gods who have a red line with demons, there are those who are indifferent and watch each other go to the demon-slaying stage, and there are also those who release demons privately and are held accountable. As for those very few Those who eloped with monsters to the lower world, even if they were not captured, would remain in fear all day long, just like real monsters who would not dare to appear in broad daylight.

Now that I think about it, the Jade Emperor's indifferent treatment of him and Fu Ling was probably because the Phoenix Clan itself was not a monster in the strict sense.

Normally I have no time to think about it, but when it comes to myself, Tianpeng has just begun to think about why the heaven hates monsters so much that no matter whether they have harmed mortals or not, they will kill them as soon as they get the chance.

What's more, is my suspicion about the rules of heaven at this time also part of the Jade Emperor's plan?

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