The Collection of The End

Chapter 420 Diluted my outline

I was struck by that golden light.

When the Heavenly Court attacked the Shitu Kingdom, although nearly ten thousand Heavenly soldiers died in battle, they died in batches and dispersedly. To use an analogy, they were like sporadic fireworks at a festival, and there was no need to pay attention to them.

But this time, once the hundred thousand heavenly soldiers were wiped out, the blazing light was like countless golden fireworks exploding in front of us, as if someone had thrown a flashbang in front of them when the camera was opened, or someone had shined a colorful flashlight into their eyes. .

Although I didn't really lose my vision, the entire "globe" was completely golden. I had to look away from it and turned to look at the stupid system.

Sure enough, it still maintained the posture of choking halfway through the "marshmallow". Perhaps it was an illusion, as if it had swallowed more of it?

After battling wits and courage with unknown opponents in the world of Journey to the West for a period of time, I discovered the reason why I could help the stupid system recover even though I was obviously continuing to play the game.

Because that world is the other party's "host" and I am the "challenger", the resources consumed in maintaining the world are almost entirely borne by the other party, so when I prompted my sister, I said that the cheating clip was "embedded" instead of "deployed" .

Also because it is the opponent's home court, that "player" can know the plot of the world in advance and that I will challenge him with "Simian Flu", so he gave his doomsday element the strange name "Monkey Killer".

As long as I win in the end, this doomsday element with a strange name will be mine. Then I can take a closer look at what functions it has.

However, that guy seems to have started the game directly in heaven. I can't evolve symptoms, but he can kill demons at will. I feel quite disadvantaged... By the way, is the golden light that envelopes the whole world still over?

——Year 9——

"Grandpa Great Sage - help -"

After the Peng Demon King briefly transformed into a Kun and swallowed a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers in one go, Yuan Hong took advantage of the generals' sluggishness and slowed down their movements to rescue all the demon kings one by one, before the reinforcements of the heavenly soldiers arrived. With a smooth retreat, they rushed all the way back to Huaguo Mountain, activated the mountain protection formation, and placed Demon King Peng to rest before rushing to the top of Huaguo Mountain to ask for help from the fairy stone.

Although he has conquered many parties and unified the demon world of Dongsheng Shenzhou, as a monkey demon, he still has a natural awe for the heaven. This feeling is not something he can fight with the Third Prince Nezha and learn some things by the way. New tactics can make up for it.

"[Don't panic, it's not a big deal, it's good to have three heads and six arms.]" Xian Shi's tone was firm, which made Yuan Hong feel at ease.

"Grandpa Great Sage, I selected the battlefield according to your suggestion, and set up a shielding formation, preparing to subdue the poisonous insects in one go. However, for some reason, they were still discovered by the heaven, and only three days later they sent troops to the lower realm. "Yuan Hong calmed down for a moment and talked about the battle.

"[Of course there is a mole]" Senshi responded.

"Ah?" Yuan Hong began to think quickly about who in Huaguo Mountain might secretly reach heaven.

"[Don't think too wildly, with me here, how can anything slip through the net?]" Xianshi said: "[They are those poisonous insects and monsters. Although I don't know the specific means, they do have some connection with the heaven.]"

"It's in vain that I want to bring them here as companions..." Yuan Hong secretly gritted his teeth, and suddenly said: "It doesn't matter what they do for the moment, but if we kill a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers, the heaven will definitely not let us go."

"[It doesn't matter, one hundred thousand is the maximum amount that Heavenly Court can spare. They still have many other places that need to be patrolled and guarded. Before the lost one hundred thousand soldiers are collected, it is impossible to add more Heavenly soldiers to help.]" Immortal Stone said .

"Oh... that's okay..." Yuan Hong breathed a sigh of relief.

"[So, Heavenly Court will give up its numerical advantage and instead use elites to attack, such as the guy who lives at Guanjiangkou and is called 'Qingyuan Miao Dao Zhenjun'.]" Xianshi added.


Erlangshen? "Even though Yuan Hong considers himself to be superior in martial arts, his legs tremble when he hears this name. He is a powerful immortal king who has been famous for many years.

"[I'm so afraid, you are in the same realm as him now, with similar skills, how can you fight for hundreds of rounds,]" Xianshi said: "[He is just as powerful as the dog next to him, but you don't have to be afraid of him.]"

Not afraid of dogs? What's the meaning? Yuan Hong thought about it secretly, but did not speak out.

"[I said, it's not a serious matter. Before Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun comes to kill you, you should practice more. If you are defeated by then, be careful as I clean up the door.]" Xianshi said.

"Wait, Great Sage Grandpa!" Seeing that Immortal Stone wanted to end the conversation, Yuan Hong quickly stopped him: "I have followed the advice of several 'celestial friends' to shrink my power, avoid contact with mortals, and at the same time show my own strength. As a matter of course, He said he should be recruited, so why did he directly send troops to arrest him?"

"[Hey, you want to be recruited?]" Xianshi's voice was a little sarcastic.

"I don't want to, but things are developing differently than expected. If you don't know the reason, you will only make one mistake and one step at a time." Yuan Hong quickly stated his position.

"[Do you know that although there is a lot of spiritual energy in the world, there is a total number, and the total number is constantly decreasing?]" Xianshi seemed to turn around and talk about something unrelated.

"I have heard about it," Yuan Hong responded: "Although there are ways to turn over rivers and seas, open mountains and cut off rivers, there are not many people who have them, and the scope of influence is also very small. For example, in the legend, it is easy to freeze thousands of miles, steam rivers and boil seas, and even break them during battles. Even a true god would be hard-pressed to use the magical methods of the entire continent."

"[If you have the opportunity to see the surviving Ancestral Dragon and Yuanfeng in Beiju Luzhou, you will be able to learn more ancient secrets from their mouths,]" Immortal Stone said: "[To put it simply, in order to stop the overwhelming number of immortals and gods in the sky, To waste spiritual energy, there is 'consecration of gods', and in order to prevent demons and ghosts from wasting spiritual energy, there is 'Journey to the West'.】"

"'Feng Shen'? 'Journey to the West'?" The former seems to have been heard, but the latter has never been heard of. Yuan Hong thought these two words were of extraordinary significance.

[That group of ridiculous gods and Buddhas called it the 'Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth', and believed that they were in compliance with the way of heaven, and that was how it should be. However, according to my observations of countless worlds, during these two special periods, no matter how 'conferred gods' Whether or not the 'Journey to the West' happens, the total amount of spiritual energy in the world will decrease drastically, which happens to be in line with the order after completing the 'Fengshen' and 'Journey to the West'. Therefore, the world that successfully completes it will call this move far-sighted, while those who fail to succeed will Then it is said that the reduction of spiritual energy is the fault of his failure. 】Xianshi, or the Great Sage Qitian said with ridicule.

"If we understand it in terms of 'conferring gods', then is the so-called 'Journey to the West' a journey to kill a large number of monsters in some name?" Yuan Hong guessed.

"[Quite perceptive, Dabai.]" The Great Sage Qitian praised him.

"So, is this the reason why Heaven sent troops to annihilate us without saying a word?" Yuan Hong remembered his original question.

"[This world is a little different,]" the Great Sage Qitian said: "[Heaven has come up with a thing called the 'Spirit Concentrating Pill', which can 'customize' the monsters who take it, making them innately incompetent. It will absorb too much spiritual energy, or only absorb relatively too many types of spiritual energy according to the 'customized' results. If this measure can last for thousands of years, maybe the Journey to the West will not have to happen. Even if the spiritual energy drops suddenly, it will have little impact on the sentient beings in the three realms.]"

"It's a pity that it failed?" Yuan Hong thought of the research facilities in Shuiliandong and various immortal caves.

"[When it comes to specific matters, I can't see clearly. It seems to be both man-made and accidental.]" The Great Sage Qitian said: "[For the demon king who can still be controlled by the 'Concentration Pill', Heavenly Court will naturally try to recruit him, but For a demon king like you who is completely out of control, no matter how much you try to hide your strength and bide your time, it is useless. The 'big waste of spiritual energy' must be eliminated.】"

"Wait a minute, isn't this because the skills taught by you, Great Sage, will lead to this kind of result?" Yuan Hong thought in his mind and suddenly figured out the key: "The cultivation method in the 'primordial era' was not exactly the same as that of Dakai." What is Dahe's style of wasting spiritual energy? 'Introducing the energy into the body, refining the energy to transform into the spirit, refining the spirit to counteract the void, and enlightening the void to combine the Tao'. As long as you reach the second level, the so-called 'Spirit Concentrating Pill' will become ineffective."

"[No need to thank me,]" the Great Sage said: "[The Bodhisattva who paid attention to the monkeys also contributed to it. She may think that it is not humane to control monsters in this way. Ha, why do monsters need humanity?]"

Yuan Hong pinched his forehead hard: "In short...those who were recruited and the monsters that originally belonged to the heaven, such as the Twenty-eight Stars, are all 'controllable', while those like me and the monster kings are 'out of control' ?”

"[This is the case on the surface,]" the Great Sage said: "[On a deeper level, it seems that the Bodhisattva who supports that monsters should not be controlled is secretly fighting with someone in heaven. Regarding this, because it takes too much effort, I didn’t pay too much attention.]”

"But, doesn't Heaven know that I have been to the underworld once and can no longer be killed?" Yuan Hong said helplessly.

"[If you changed the book of life and death, heaven would probably have known about it for a long time, but it must have been the 'immortality' given to you by Ksitigarbha," said the Great Sage: "[I never thought that the Tathagata in this world would actually I support you, well, when he pushed me down when he said something inappropriate, it was probably because I was in his hands...hehe~]"

Yuan Hong watched as the many holes that formed the monkey face on the fairy stone began to shift randomly. This was a sign that the Great Sage was preparing to interrupt the conversation, so he said helplessly: "Grandpa Great Sage! The last question! Ruoerlang Shensha Shanghua Guoshan, what should I do?"

"[You have already thought about it, why are you asking me now?]" The voice from the immortal stone gradually became fainter: "['Don't beat him until his face is full of peach blossoms——']"

"...He doesn't know why the flowers are so red." Yuan Hong continued the last sentence. Seeing the fairy stone calm down, he shook his head, sighed, and left the top of the mountain with the red and yellow sticks.

Erlang Shen... huh, it's just that he has one more eye.

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