The Collection of The End

Chapter 421 Jumping into the dust

——Year 9——

But it is said that Jin Chanzi's eloquent tongue persuaded the three moon-watching rhinoceros in Jinping Mansion to no longer pretend to be the Buddha, but to show their true bodies to Jinping Mansion and surrounding small countries and collect offerings.

At first, there was some confusion among the various countries. However, because Lingshan did not respond in any way, and the three white rhinoceros looked very good, their horns contained Zen meaning, and they were also very magnanimous when incarnated as humans, so they were named They are called "Pure Land Lingxi" and worshiped by each one.

Since everything was on track, Jin Chanzi relieved himself of the responsibility of "guaranteeing that the kings would not be condemned by Lingshan" that he had initially shouldered, and said goodbye to continue his journey westward.

King Pihan and King Pishu had no time to see him off, so King Pichen had to see him off because he was too young and was quite free.

"Where does Master Jin Chan want to go?" At the edge of the original "national boundary" of Jin Ping Mansion, Bichen stopped and asked Jin Chanzi, knowingly asking.

"The poor monk is going to Tianzhu to find Ling Mountain." Jin Chanzi replied with no surprise on his face.

"Where can I find Lingshan?" Bichen asked again.

"Why look for Lingshan?" Jin Chanzi replied.

"..." Bichen choked.

Due to concerns about public opinion, in places where mortals gather, Ao Lie is often the only one who follows Jin Chanzi, while his sisters and Pearl often act as fellow travelers a little further away.

Hearing that the two seemed to be fighting each other, Ao Cunxin laughed and said: "If there is no need to search, what is the point of spending nearly ten years coming here from Nanzhan Buzhou?"

"Salvage the monsters along the way?" Bai Jingjing touched the head of Ao Yu who was dozing next to him.

"Writing transcends, reading means eating?" Ao Cunxin curled her lips.

"I haven't eaten..." Ao Yu didn't know what he heard and protested in a daze.

"I didn't know earlier, but after the fourth princess and I arrived, we saw that the sixth princess had eaten wild beasts that had not yet developed intelligence, and monsters that although they had transformed into monsters and gained intelligence, were full of ferocious rage and ignored the power of dragons." Pearl agreed.

"Coincides with Buddhist teachings?" Ao Cunxin looked at Jin Chanzi with suspicion.

Over here, Bichen recovered and shook his head: "Why should I fight with a reincarnated Buddha? You are asking for trouble. I want to tell you that your destination is not that easy to find."

"I would like to hear the details." Jin Chanzi responded.

"Tianzhu is the monastery of the Buddha, and Lingshan is where the Great Leiyin Temple is located. If Lingshan is within reach and can be reached by following the map, wouldn't everyone in Tianzhu be able to visit the Pure Land and see the Tathagata?" Pichen seemed to be copying someone's original story. The words are a bit stiff.

"Everyone has Buddha nature. If you see yourself, you can see the Tathagata." Jin Chanzi responded.

"...I don't have time to talk nonsense with you," Bichen was a little dazed, and then shook his head vigorously: "I just want to tell you that Lingshan is not an easy place to reach. I once heard that someone looking for Lingshan traveled west to the border of Tianzhu and asked. Knowing that Lingshan Mountain is two thousand miles to the west, after the arduous trek, the news he received was still "Lingshan Mountain is two thousand miles to the west." Until he was about to leave the border of Tianzhu while traveling westward, the news suddenly changed to "Lingshan Mountain is here to the east." Two thousand miles'."

"Oh, it is indeed Master's style." Jin Chanzi smiled and said: "But don't worry, the poor monk will not ask for directions."

Bichen pointed his finger at Jin Chanzi, seeming to want to laugh but unable to do so: "Anyway, I have passed on the words of the two brothers. What you want to do is your business."

After seeing Bichen turn around and leave, Ao Lie asked in confusion: "You have been in the West for countless years, but you don't know the way to climb Lingshan Mountain?"

"Amitabha," Jin Chanzi asked, "Donor Ao, does he know how a mortal should act if he wants to reach the Dragon Palace from the sea?"

"Well, we have to first find a way to sneak into the lightless deep sea, and then break the dragon palace's shielding formation, and defeat the patrols... Wait, if you are really a 'mortal', then you can't do the first one." Ao Lie suddenly realized. road.

"That's right," Jin Chanzi said: "The poor monk is a 'mortal' at the moment. Although he can see the Tathagata if he can see the Lingshan Mountain,

But first, you have to be able to ‘see’ it. "

"What if you are never allowed to 'see' me?" Ao Lie asked.

"If that's the case, then he has already lost," Jin Chanzi said: "However, the greater possibility is that in this country of Tianzhu, there are also arrangements that conflict with the poor monk's ideas. A person who travels a hundred miles will be half a mile. , please don’t slack off, Master Ao.”

"Ha," Ao Lie responded, "Just ask him to let his horse come over!"


After leaving the boundary of Jinping Mansion, it was under the rule of Tongtai Mansion. Ao Lie asked an old man along the way and learned that it was once a small country like Jinping Mansion, but it had little strength and had attached itself to Tianzhu early. By the way, he asked Later, it was confirmed that there was no state capital starting with the word "silver" around.

"Master, if you want to go to Tianzhu, you can take a detour from Savatthi in the north or Ling County in the south. You can't go due west." The old man advised Jin Chanzi hurriedly when he heard that Jin Chanzi wanted to visit Lingshan.

"What?" Ao Lie, who looked like "I knew this" asked, "Is there a monster haunting there?"

"This young man is joking. How can monsters dare to appear when we are close to the Buddhist Kingdom?" The old man responded: "To the west of this place is called Fengxian County. It is rich in high-quality impatiens flowers, which are sold to Tianzhu and then bought back as grain. , originally they were only slightly more profitable than grain growers, and were affected by both the flowering period and grain prices, so not many people followed suit. But recently, for some unknown reason, the impatiens in the entire county have been ignoring the seasons and flowering periods. If it grows, the county governor orders everyone in the county to plant impatiens flowers if they can, and prohibits any monks, Taoists or alchemists from entering."

"Isn't it obvious that the flower demon is causing trouble," Ao Lie said, "The county guard clearly knows that if a mage enters the county, he can stop the flower demon from doing anything, but he lets it go for his own selfish gain?"

"Amitabha, this is not surprising," Jin Chanzi said: "Since those impatiens flowers are sold to Tianzhu, at the feet of the Buddha, I am naturally not afraid that they will have any problems."

"Imati flower? Is it delicious?" Ao Yu asked.

"Well, I heard that it can be used as medicine..." Ao Lie thought for a moment: "If it is confirmed that the flowers spawned by the monster are not harmful, there is no harm in giving them to you."

"Little old man, you are too talkative. If Master, you catch the monster that makes the impatiens flowers grow continuously, then won't the county master hate me to death?" The old man muttered to himself and left quickly: "Little old man, I haven't seen any of you today. , and never said anything about Fengxian County——"

"My eyesight is average and I can't see the monsters, but I can judge the strength of the third brother and the bald man," Ao Cunxin looked at the "mortal old man" and judged: "I guess it is the land of Fengxian County, which was manipulated by those flowers. It’s too much trouble.”

"It could also be the city god who is worried about the residents being affected by monsters." Ao Lie nodded in agreement.

"The poor monk is not bald." Jin Chanzi said.

"Although the county guard prohibits people with magical powers from entering the country, do any of us look like monks or magicians?" Bai Jingjing raised her hand slightly, took the black gauze hood from a bone-faced servant, and then buckled it directly on the golden On the cicada's head.

"While out for fun, I heard about the rich sisters, bodyguards, and servants who came to see the flowers blooming in Fengxian County." Ao Cunxin said with a smile.

"Poor monk..."

"You revealed your identity when you opened your mouth. You are not allowed to speak until you catch the monster!"



Because they were completely unlike those with magical powers such as monks and Taoists, Jin Chanzi and his party successfully entered Fengxian County. When they looked around, they saw that the entire county was almost covered in impatiens flowers. White, pink, and purple flowers were everywhere. Even in places that are not suitable for growth, as long as there is land and space, a flower branch will poke out. Ao Yu ate a few flowers when no one was paying attention, and they grew back within a moment.

Although the fragrance of the flowers was so strong that it was a bit overwhelming, the local people smiled brightly when looking at the flowers.

"It's strange," Ao Lie said in surprise after a week of patrolling the city disguised as a tourist: "You really don't have evil spirits?"

"My servants didn't notice it either." Bai Jingjing said while pressing her forehead.

"More similar to the spirit of a fairy." Pearl frowned and looked around.

Ao Cunxin... was humming a tune and painting her nails with impatiens flowers.

Jin Chanzi, who was forbidden to speak, shook his head and expressed that he had no idea.

The group was at a loss when Ao Lie suddenly heard young women whispering to each other: "These rich girls are really beautiful, almost as good as the fairies from the county governor's family."

Sheriff? Thinking about it carefully, this is indeed the case. If he had no concrete basis to confirm that this infinite flowering period would continue, how could he dare to order the entire county to plant impatiens and even abandon the original grain fields?

After communicating with each other, the group stopped their aimless patrol and went straight to the governor's mansion. As expected, they saw a little fairy there, directing a group of servants to mix baskets of gray powder with small mountains of phoenixes. Fairy seed mix.

"The third prince of Xihai?" She saw a group of dragon sons and dragon girls, and said in surprise: "Please help Jade Rabbit!"

The servants working nearby didn't seem to notice the extra people here or their lady running to say hello.

"Are you the Jade Rabbit of Guanghan Palace?" Ao Lie frowned and looked at the gray powder that was probably the "elixir of death". The quality was too poor, and it could only be used to make flowers "immortal."

"No... no, my name is Su'e, and I am a trainee palace maid in Guanghan Palace." Fairy Su'e, who dresses the daughter of an official, said, "When the medicine-making jade rabbit was about to descend to earth to become a princess, she accidentally fell down to stop her. .”

This sentence expresses a lot of meaning... Ao Lie raised his forehead and said, "Continue."

"Yutu originally wanted to be the Princess of Zhou, but she failed inexplicably, so she turned to be the Princess of Tianzhu. She should have taken on the identity of the princess at this time. Please stop her before she does more things that violate the rules of heaven. "Na Su'e said anxiously.

"She wants to be a poor monk's sister. I'm afraid she still lacks some merit." Jin Chanzi, who can speak because she found the "Flower Demon", responded, and then was looked at by a group of dragons and dragon girls at the same time.

"Why did you give birth to these impatiens flowers? Where are the original governor's daughter and Princess Tianzhu?" Ao Cunxin asked.

"I assumed her identity, and she herself should be sleeping in..." Su'e pointed to her head: "This 'wish to come' must fulfill the wish of the 'descended' person in order to leave the body and restore the original body. She can move freely, and she hopes to cultivate better impatiens to help the county guard - the Jade Rabbit will definitely not be able to fulfill Princess Tianzhu's wish, and I don't know what the fuss will be like."

"To be honest, your approach will not help the county guard, but will put him in trouble." Jin Chanzi shook his head: "Have you ever heard that 'things are rare and valuable'? Producing so many impatiens at one time, The total price that can be sold is likely to be lower than in previous years.”

"The county guard probably doesn't know how to buy and sell." Ao Cunxin said.

"Ah..." Su'e was stunned.

"Don't panic, we will take over here. After processing, we have to rush to Tianzhu as soon as possible." Ao Lie looked at the gray powder: "For these inferior elixirs that can only be used for flowers, we have some methods that can be used to transform them."

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