The Collection of The End

Chapter 422 Even when there is a thunderstorm, I sing loudly

[Reminder: Heavenly Court strictly investigates any act of going down to the lower realms at will. 】

[Tip: Fengxian County holds a strange flower exhibition. 】

[Reminder: The Dragon and Phoenix clans have begun the 640th war. 】

[Reminder: The Kingdom of Zhuzi was officially established. 】

If the one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers were a sun punch deliberately thrown by my opponent, I have to say that he was quite successful. With a "white screen", it was completely impossible to specifically control evolution, "departure" and "movement". I can only ask my sister to read out all the events that happened one after another.

[Tip: Without using DNA points, 'Simian Flu' evolved the symptoms of 'hay fever' independently. 】

[Tip: Spend DNA points to successfully degenerate ‘hay fever’. 】

and direct degradation of each self-evolved, resulting in "symptoms" of increased "severity".

Fortunately, I saved a lot of DNA points, and based on the conclusions drawn from the previous monitoring, if the monkeys develop their own power, they will not take the initiative to die even without my help...probably.

Since I felt that the white screen would last for a while, I began to modify the surrounding environment according to the fairy caves I occasionally saw. I would say, those fairy caves were not very creative. The mountains, towers and jade buildings were either rare birds, fairy beasts or exotic flowers and plants. , coupled with the shrouded clouds and mist, flashing lights and so on, it’s so vulgar – let’s do the same thing~

As for naming, there’s nothing to hesitate about. Since it’s for monkeys, I just waved my pen - [Lingtai Fangcun Mountain] [Xianyue Sanxing Cave]~

There is a modern two-story building standing inside the Fairy Cave in the Fairy Mountain. The problem with this style of painting... no one can see it anyway, so don't worry about it.


"You must really want to complain, hehehe~" I turned around and came back, poked at the stupid system that was in a choked state, and then conjured a microphone: "[I can't afford to be hurt, I really can't afford to be hurt~ I will carry Tang Sanzang and follow Three apprentices~ Do you have any conscience? Your conscience will be taken away by the dog~ It will cover tens of thousands of miles~】"


Phew—the dazzling golden light on the "Globe" disappeared in an instant.

——Year 9——

The words indicate that the Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Guanyin Bodhisattva in Putuo Luojia Mountain in the South China Sea, after receiving the Tathagata's decree, pays more attention to the things that are scattered from the heaven. The effect is similar to the evil curses of the Nine Spirits Yuansheng and the Inspired Goldfish. On this day, on a whim, he pinched one of his fingers. Finally, after learning that the thing had escaped again, he brought Hui'an Traveler towards Tongtai Mansion.

In a short time, they reached the sky above Fengxian County. When the Bodhisattva looked intently, he saw that the impatiens flowers all over the city were stained by a faint black air. The people who grew the flowers were not immune, and their souls were entangled and they could not get rid of them.

Hui'an asked: "Master, doesn't that thing originally only affect fairies? Why does it affect ordinary flowers and mortals?"

The Bodhisattva looked at it for a while and then said: "Cause and effect are entangled here, but they are not the same force. Let me find one of the 'causes' and ask."

I saw Guanyin picking off the willow branches from the pure vase, flicking it toward Fengxian County, and then caught an old man carrying a package, spinning around until he reached the cloud head. He ran a few more steps, saw the Bodhisattva, and hurriedly kowtowed. Said: "Bodhisattva forgive me!"

The Bodhisattva said: "It's not up to me to decide whether you are guilty or not, but if you make things worse and run away instead of trying to fix them, it will only increase your guilt."

The earth kowtowed repeatedly: "The Bodhisattva clearly shows that this little old man has been wronged!"

Hui'an Xingzhi shouted: "The Bodhisattva will judge for himself whether he has been wronged or not, and he has not yet told the whole story!"

The earth said: "A year ago, a red meteor fell from the sky. The original target was Wangshe City, the capital of Tianzhu Kingdom, but it split into two halves on the way, and one half fell into the governor's mansion of Fengxian County. It was originally just a general who loved Fengxian. The daughter of the governor of Hua suddenly learned about medicine and made flower fertilizer that made the flowers grow rapidly. After using it, the impatiens could absorb the spiritual power of the little god. The little god was frightened and asked a passing holy monk for help."

The Bodhisattva said: "But Golden Chanzi?"

Tutu said: "Exactly... The little god thought that he would definitely be able to deal with the governor's daughter who was either an immortal descending to earth or a goblin who had taken possession of her body.

Unexpectedly, they actually improved the flower fertilizer for her, and held a "Flower Fair" to only accept high-quality flowers. Although they did solve the problem of the skyrocketing number of impatiens and restored the daughter of the county governor to her original state, the little god was attracted by those impatiens. The problem of the flower absorbing the spiritual power was not solved, so he had to run away. "

The Bodhisattva nodded and said, "Did this strange black energy appear after they left?"

Tutu responded: "Hui Bodhisattva, that's right."

"Master, this flower fertilizer was cursed when no one was controlling it. It sounds consistent with what happened in the past." Hui'an said.

"Dragon water, lice repellent, elixir...the connection..." The Bodhisattva frowned and thought, but couldn't figure it out for a moment.

"Bodhisattva is compassionate, please save the little god!" Tutu heard that the black energy was not the first time Bodhisattva had seen it, so he kowtowed repeatedly.

"If you go back, you may continue to be absorbed in spiritual power for a while, but it won't be for long. The transformation made by Jin Chanzi is actually quite effective." The Bodhisattva dipped a willow branch into some bottle-cleaning water and sprinkled it on the land: "If you are punished by heaven for leaving your post without permission, there is nothing I can do."

"Bodhisattva has mercy!" The earth kowtowed again, falling straight from the clouds and drilling into the ground.

"Master, why don't you just dispel those evil spells?" Hui'an asked doubtfully.

"They are entangled with the mortals here. If they are purified directly, they will lose half of their lives even if they don't die. Do you think this style is familiar?" the Bodhisattva said, looking at the exotic flower exhibition in full swing.

"That seems to be a trial designed by Buddha for Jin Chanzi, and is it a straightforward imitation?" Hui'an was slightly surprised.

"It seems that, as the World Honored One said, there are two almost saintly beings wrestling with each other. Although the purpose is unknown, both parties have come into contact with Jin Chanzi and his party, but neither of them can influence or control him... The World Honored One imprisoned him. The act of reincarnation is indeed far-sighted." Guanyin sighed with her hands clasped together.


"That is the 'Wangshe City', and the princess replaced by the Jade Rabbit should be inside," Fairy Su'e said, pointing to the Xiongcheng in front of the mountain and the sea.

Jin Chanzi and his party looked far away, but only Bai Jingjing was still staring at "Fairy Su'e".

"What, what? Is it weird?" Fairy Su'e nervously held the pure white bones on her forehead.

Her "Prayer Comes" will return the body after fulfilling the wish of the governor's daughter, and she should return directly to heaven. However, she is worried about the Jade Rabbit, so she borrows the body of a bone servant from the Bone Princess to stay temporarily.

Since the "bone face" of the bone-faced servant is the true body, the body differs from person to person, and Fairy Su'e who wears the bone face eventually transforms into a young girl with lavender hair and slightly dark skin. Bai Jingjing reacts to this He seemed quite surprised and would stare at her in a daze from time to time.

"No, it just looks strangely familiar. I seem to have seen it somewhere." Princess Bones shook her head and turned to look at the Wangshe City.

But you can see: the tiger sits high in the form of a dragon, the phoenix tower and the Lin Pavilion are swaying with colorful light, the water in the imperial ditch is like a jade belt, the blessed land is surrounded by the mountains, the banners are placed on the chariot road, and the spring breeze is full of flutes and bridges across the valley.

Looking from afar, I could see eight long streets, ten drum towers, many restaurants and tile shops, and pedestrians were bustling with each other, but they all headed towards the cross street in the east of the city.

"Could it be that the king of Tianzhu is on a patrol?" Ao Lie said: "When my father was patrolling in the sea, many water tribes behaved in the same way when they saw Long Yan."

Ao Cunxin and Ao Yu nodded in unison.

"It's a pity that the distance is too far," the third prince of Xihai shook his head and said: "We have never learned magical powers such as clairvoyance or wind ears."

"If it's just a sound, it can be done because the city is near the sea." Pearl suddenly said: "Third Prince, do you want to listen?"

"Hmm? Then let's hear it, but why didn't I know you had such a skill? Could it be that you just learned it?" Ao Lie replied.

"I've never heard of it either." Ao Cunxin also said.

"Because it cannot be used in the sea." Pearl responded, and the shield in her hand suddenly transformed into a giant conch. Waves of waves first came from the conch, and then noisy voices began to appear, and the shield adjusted with Pearl. The angle of the conch gradually becomes clearer.

"The princess is going to give a lecture again." "This time I must grab a closer seat." "What the princess said is every word, and the echo will linger for three days." "Go away, the sour scholar!"

What passers-by said came from the conch, making Jin Chanzi and his party look at each other in shock.

"Amitabha, the poor monk doesn't know that Moon Rabbit in the Moon Palace is proficient in Buddhism and can teach the Dharma in India. He must be very insightful. Why not rush there as soon as possible to have a listen." Jin Chanzi chanted the Buddha's name and rushed to the city of Wangha.

"Could it be that the princess was proficient in Buddhism and was affected by the Jade Rabbit's arrival?" Fairy Su'e was surprised and hurriedly chased Jin Chanzi.

The prince and princess of the Dragon Palace did not comment on this, and followed closely for the purpose of protecting Jin Chanzi.


"[——Take refuge in the Three Jewels, take refuge in the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva who saves the world with great compassion. All sentient beings in the world who feel all the horrors, diseases, and sufferings must vow to proclaim the mantra of vast, perfect, and unhindered great compassion to save suffering and disasters. They must see through the troubles of life and death, understand the true light, and take refuge in the great compassion and follow one's heart. The Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva at ease——】"

When Jin Chanzi and his entourage rushed to Wangshe City, although more people had gathered, a group of dragons and dragon girls used their own methods to reach the high platform where the princess lectured without any hindrance.

I saw the princess in white clothes and skirt, with a white gauze covering her face, sitting upright on a high platform, with a strange metal rod in front of her, and her voice was rhythmic, which made all the mortals in the audience mesmerized.

"The Great Compassion Mantra?" Jin Chanzi listened to a few sentences and was quite surprised: "But it shouldn't have an intoxicating effect, and the tone seems a little wrong."

"The Jade Rabbit is singing..." Fairy Su'e looked dumbfounded and lowered her voice to Jin Chanzi and the others: "That metal rod is the 'medicine pestle' she uses to amplify the sound when she sings."

"Can casually reciting scriptures make people intoxicated?" Ao Lie looked at the crowd around him suspiciously.

"The 'Medicine Pestle' is an artifact after all. Even if you sing it randomly, mortals can't resist it." Fairy Su'e said, "This is troublesome. The princess must be hoping to win the love of a large number of people, but the Jade Rabbit is so chaotic. I'm afraid she won't become a Buddha after coming here."

"Haha... The arrangement of the World Honored One is getting more and more interesting," Jin Chanzi sneered and said to Ao Lie, "Donor Ao, please bring the medicine pestle."

This did not seem to be the work of Tathagata Buddha. Ao Lie was slightly suspicious, but he still jumped on the stage and snatched the "medicine pestle" back.

I originally thought that Jin Chanzi was going to chant sutras on his own to interrupt the Jade Rabbit's influence on mortals, but he saw that he directly handed the "medicine pestle" to... Ao Yu?

Ao Yu took the medicine pestle in a daze, and then heard Jin Chanzi ask her: "What did you eat today? How do you feel?"

"I..." Ao Yu tilted his head, and when a large number of mortals around him were about to wake up, he imitated the tone of the Jade Rabbit and sang: "[Xiao Long Bao Barbecued Pork Buns ~ Custard Sesame Bean Paste Buns ~ Big Meat Cabbage Buns ~ And Guan Guan Soup dumplings~roast duck, mapo tofu~garlic white meat, dandan noodles, hot and sour noodles, and the fried soybean noodles~], [roasted donkey meat~soy glutinous rice braised pork~sweet and sour pork loin~tiger claws~donkey rolling~don’t forget Stinky tofu ~ Sixi meatballs ~ duck blood vermicelli soup ~ cross-bridge rice noodles, braised noodles, pancakes and fruit ~ served with tomato scrambled eggs ~】"

Many people of Tianzhu who were originally confused by Jade Rabbit's singing of "The Great Compassion Mantra" made a rumbling sound in their stomachs. Their eyes were not yet clear, so they went straight to restaurants and restaurants in various parts of the city and dispersed.

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