The Collection of The End

Chapter 423: A square inch is in the middle, but a square inch can’t make a decision

[Tip: 'Simian Flu' has spread to Hokuri Island. Because it cannot adapt to the cold environment, the spread speed will be extremely slow. 】

[Reminder: 'Simian Flu' has spread to the southern continent of 'Tatar'. Due to the active monks, the spread will be slow. 】

After the golden light of 100,000 heavenly soldiers being wiped out disappeared, I regained control over how the "Simian Flu" evolved. At the same time, the two monkey fleets that went north to seek refuge and those that went south to seek development all arrived at their destinations.

From the map, Beiju Luzhou is divided into two demon kingdoms, [Dragon Nest] and [Fengchao]. The "Fengchao Nation" is relatively warm, and there are sporadic mortal settlements in the tundra near the sea, while the "Dragon Nest Nation" The surface of the "country" is completely frozen. Although no mortals survive, there are many monkeys.

Nanzhan Buzhou is ruled by Zhou, the only superpower in this continent with a mild climate and fertile land. All the neighboring countries are vassals to it, but a few nomadic countries and small countries far away rely on the "Ruolai" "If you conquer, you will definitely lose money" and ignored the orders of the Zhou Dynasty. "Tatar Kingdom" is one of them.

For both of them, if "cold resistance" does not evolve to level three or above, "simian flu" will not be able to spread in the northern continent, and before it evolves advanced "resistance", it will struggle in the southern continent.

The most critical thing is that I currently don’t have enough DNA points and can only choose one branch to evolve.

There are many countries in the southern continent, and it seems that it is easy to make a return, but the phrase "the monks and Taoists are active" sounds like a big trap, and the northern Luzhou is not much better. The dragon and phoenix tribes have been operating there for many years, and they want to make a profit before their eyes. If something happens underneath, it might lead to some preset trap.

Which one should I choose...

——The 10th year——

Tianhe, Navy Pier.

Tianpeng doesn't understand what "born knowing" means, and he doesn't know what the Fu Ling with such abilities thinks of him. However, after Xiao Fengnu went to the navy prison to provoke the "Spring Thirteenth Mother" for many days in a row, , finally couldn't help but stopped her halfway, and after casting a shielding barrier, he pressed the wall with one arm and blocked her in a corner of the barracks.

"I'm not going to ask you what you think about the spider spirit, and what kind of future you see, but for now, except for you, I have never expressed my affection for any woman," Canopy Shen said He said: "We have been granted marriage by the Jade Emperor, what are you afraid of?"

"Afraid of... or something... How can..." Fu Ling hesitated, looking around at him, and suddenly his eyes lit up: "Huh? Xin, do you like me?"

Tianpeng took a deep breath, as if to muster up the courage to say the next words: "You should know that I am a black boar who became a spirit and ascended to immortality. I have dark skin and ugly appearance. I have never had the blue eyes of a goddess or fairy. Therefore, when Yue Lao informed me of your existence, even if I risked being punished for leaving my post without permission, I still had to go to Yunzhan Cave to see who would not dislike me."

"Well, then? Are you... disappointed after seeing it?" Fu Ling seemed a little excited, but also a little nervous.

"I have to say, 'If you don't take me away, I'll catch you back when I'm successful in my cultivation.' This is the most special expression of goodwill I've ever heard." Tianpeng said with a smile.

"Hey! Forget about it!" Fu Ling raised his hand to hammer the canopy breastplate.

"However, those words were probably not what you said casually, right?" Tianpeng grabbed Fu Ling's slender hand and said seriously: "We have just emerged from the shell, and foreign affairs are unclear. Most of the things you said casually are what you will see in the future, but right?"

Fu Ling paused, lowered his head and remained silent.

"Marshal Yi Sheng and a group of female soldiers have been with you for a long time, and have never seen you treat anyone harshly or target anyone for no reason. Currently, only Fairy Nishang and Chun Shisanniang have such treatment." Tianpeng's tone was steady and confident, as if he was It's like arranging a battle mission: "Assume that they are like you and have a marriage entanglement with me. Then, when and where will these 'marriages' happen?"

"Mo, don't say anything anymore..." Fu Ling's hand, which was caught by the canopy, trembled slightly.

"Based on the news I heard from Yue Lao and the intelligence currently available, the process that can coordinate them all is roughly this," Tianpeng said: "I made a big mistake in a certain battle and was killed by the Jade Emperor. I was sent down to the underworld as a punishment for the crime of forbearance. I guess I showed my prototype. I happened to meet you who likes black pigs, so you really caught me and stabbed me upside down."

"Bah, I don't like black pigs." Fu Ling retorted.

"However, your life was approaching and you didn't remember me after your Nirvana. You left quickly, and I met Fairy Nishang who came down to earth for some reason. After we broke up, I saw that the marriage had been entangled for so long that it made you behave abnormally. Chun Shisanniang," Tianpeng finished speaking in one breath, and then said: "Is that right?"

"It's good to know. Can you avoid them in the future?" Fu Ling raised his head and looked at the canopy steadily: "It was obviously me first..."

"Now the problem is with you," Tianpeng shook his head: "Except for Yue Lao and other gods who know the inside story, in the eyes of others, it is you who, as the fiancée of my Marshal Tianpeng who was given a marriage by the Jade Emperor, inexplicably went to compete with your competitors. If you treat other women with the same attitude, they won't talk about you, but 'husband' is rumored to be a heartless guy who goes around plundering women."

"Ah..." Fu Ling's eyes were dull, and he quickly figured out the key, covered his face, and ran away: "I will never go to the prison again! I will hide away when I see Nishang!"

No, the latter is a bit too much... Canopy lifted the shielding barrier and thought helplessly.


Tianhe, God Bless Marshal's Mansion.

Just like the navy camp basically copied the appearance of the military camp in the mortal world, Marshal Tianyou's mansion with three entrances and three exits is almost the same as the mansion in the mortal world, but with many decorations unique to heaven.

"Oh, is this Li Jing's new daughter? Come closer and let grandma take a good look at you~"

Sitting on the main seat, in addition to Marshal Tianyou who was wearing casual clothes and smiling, there was also a middle-aged woman of similar age to him, who was wearing simple but elegant clothes, and was smiling and waving to Li Yingqiong.

"Go." Marshal Yi Sheng, who was in the guest room, gave the girl a gentle push.

Fairy Nishang who was sitting next to her was quite nervous, fearing that if the girl said "cut" to the woman in front of her, she would die forever.

Fortunately, what she was worried about did not happen. After Li Yingqiong approached the woman, she just tilted her head slightly and followed her words and called out softly: "Grandma~"

"Be good~"

Huh... Nishang wiped her sweat secretly, because she was always targeted by Fu Ling when she stayed at Tianhe Wharf temporarily, so she wanted to ask Yisheng to take them to visit the married general Tianyou's wife to help negotiate, but unexpectedly, this wife turned out to be Fairy Yunhua , if she opens her mouth, Xiao Fengnu will definitely restrain herself, but in her opinion, the fight among these juniors is probably far from the level that requires her intervention.

Fairy Yunhua's name is Zhang Yunhua, and Marshal Tianyou's full name is Yang Tianyou. If there are still people who don't know these two names, then everyone probably knows Zhang Yunhua's brother, the Jade Emperor Zhang Bairen.

Ni Chang, who heard about this relationship for the first time, couldn't help but curse. The dignified Jade Emperor's sister-in-law came to be the marshal of Tianhe. She was afraid that she had scary thoughts. Then she thought that Tianpeng must have known about this and was able to communicate with General Tianyou as usual. There is no flaw left, and he is worthy of being the leader of the navy.

Nishang was watching Fairy Yunhua teasing Li Yingqiong, but she heard the fairy servant of Shuai Mansion report that the "Second Young Master" and "Third Young Lady" had returned to the mansion to ask for an audience. Then she heard Fairy Yunhua say: "Let Sanya come in, that boy who doesn't recognize his uncle." Just wait outside."

"The boy who doesn't recognize his uncle" and "Sanya", "Erlang Xianshengzhenjun" and "The Three Holy Mothers of Huashan"... Nishang almost suffocated and fainted.

"Why hasn't mother forgiven my brother yet?" Not long after the fairy servant passed the message, he saw a graceful and elegant fairy in goose-yellow palace clothes stepping into the living room. The voice came before the person arrived.

"Hmph, your uncle just forbids me from entering the Heavenly Court. This mansion is not in the Heavenly Court. It would be better for him to resign directly and go to Guanjiangkou to hang out with a group of grass-headed gods. He also said that he 'does not listen to the propaganda', if If you continue to mess around, don't even think about entering this house." Fairy Yunhua replied angrily.

"What about this -" "Cut it open!"

Li Yingqiong, who was squinting and having her head touched next to Fairy Yunhua, saw the fairy appearing at the door. She suddenly turned into a stream of light and cut straight towards her. Marshal Tianyou stood up, but was unable to stop her.


A golden three-pointed two-edged gun suddenly appeared on the route of Li Yingqiong's attack, completely blocking the power of her attack without any leakage. Only then did everyone in the back hall see the woman whose face remained unchanged despite being attacked. There was a young general in golden armor beside the immortal.

The real person: handsome appearance, lobed ears and bright eyes, wearing a three-mountain flying phoenix hat, a light yellow collar, gold-plated boots lined with dragon stockings, a jade belt with eight-treasure flowers, and a slingshot and crescent moon on his waist. , holding a three-pointed two-edged spear in his hand, with a high heart that does not recognize the heavenly family members, and with a proud nature, he returns to Guanjiang. Akagi Zhaohui is a spiritual saint, manifesting the boundless name of Erlang.

Nishang saw Marshal Tianyou smiling, but Fairy Yunhua had a serious face.

"Mother, Chan'er misses you so much~" The female fairy showed no discomfort at being "cut open" by Li Yingqiong just now, and took her back to Fairy Yunhua to act like a baby.

"I've met my father, I've met my mother." The young general in golden armor bowed to the two leaders.

Fairy Yunhua ignored her, but Marshal Tianyou's expression became a little more serious: "Qingyuan Miaodao Zhenjun always listens to orders but not announcements. Do you have something important to do when you come to Tianhe this time?"

"Marshal Tian Bless is aware of everything," Erlang Shen said with cupped hands: "One hundred thousand heavenly soldiers were wiped out in one go. The Jade Emperor was furious and ordered me to go to Huaguo Mountain to destroy the Demon King. Because the Heavenly King was behind closed doors, he came to pay homage to the Heavenly King who had fought with him. Marshal Peng asked the enemy for details - the Three Holy Mothers of Huashan met by chance on the way."

The father and son seem to have a good relationship? But since my wife/mother is nearby, we just talk as a soldier? Nishang is thoughtful.

"Hey, he must be afraid that Fairy Yunhua will disappear behind closed doors or scold her endlessly, so he specially invited the Third Holy Mother here." Marshal Yisheng whispered in Nishang's ear.

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