The Collection of The End

Chapter 425 I am determined not to dodge this time

——The 10th year——

Outside the Nantian Gate, on the viewing platform, the Jade Emperor asked: "The monster monkey is so ferocious, who among the ministers dares to fight with it?"

Seeing that Erlang Shen's men suffered heavy casualties, the Pagoda King dropped the Linglong Pagoda and took him and all his men back to the sky. Although Yang Jian thought he was undefeated, since he did save many Caotou Gods, he had no choice but to thank him and salute the remaining men. Make placement.

The twelve hundred grass-headed gods and the six friends of Meishan share the incense of the mortal world, but they are not righteous gods. They cannot be resurrected as quickly as the heavenly soldiers in the [Hall of Valor]. After they die in battle, they will receive the power of their wishes from the Erlang Temple in Guanjiangkou. Reshaping it, since it takes a long time, is equivalent to being eliminated from this battle.

When the gods saw Erlang Shen, who was famous for his superior martial arts, also returned with a broken sword, they believed that they could not be Yuan Hong's opponent, so no one answered the Jade Emperor's question for a while.

"Senior brother, wait a minute."

After Yang Jian arranged for the Caotou God to return, he saw that the situation was awkward. He took a step forward and wanted to challenge again, but was stopped halfway to send a message. He turned around and saw that it was Nezha, the third son of the Pagoda Heavenly King.

The third prince of Nezha studied under Master Taiyi, and Master Taiyi and Yang Jian's teacher, Master Yuding, were both disciples of Yuanshi Tianzun, so Nezha and Yang Jian could barely call each other brothers.

"Junior brother, what do you have to tell me?" Yang Jian also responded through a voice message. At this time, everything was silent. It was impossible to say that someone was listening, so the voice transmission was also in a low voice.

"Senior brother fought with that monkey for nearly a hundred rounds. Didn't you find that he could transform into three heads and six arms?" Nezha asked.

"Of course... huh?" Yang Jian responded casually, but suddenly thought of something and started to ponder.

"Senior brother, I transformed with the eighty-nine mystical skills. Junior brother, I transformed into a lotus flower. How could Yuan Hong do it?" Nezha said: "According to what my father learned from heaven, regardless of his original lifespan, the monkey demon can only become a spirit." In ten years, if all monsters in the world have such abilities, what kind of monsters are there to be eliminated? Wouldn't it be better to find [Tai Yi] or [Emperor Jun] and continue to be his Haotian God?"

"Junior brother, what do you mean, Yuan Hong has Da Luo of Da Luo and even Ya Sheng of Dao Sect as his teacher?" Yang Jian was slightly surprised, but not too surprised. The immortals of Dao Sect act like horses flying in the sky, and there is no trace to be found like an antelope hanging its horns.

"I'm afraid it's more than that," Nezha looked up: "If it's at this level, the Jade Emperor will definitely know about it, and the way to deal with it will probably be to recruit An as a heavenly official, but his direct dispatch of troops this time has proven that he knows There are some secrets that we don’t know about.”

"The incarnation of lotus root has a lot of eyes," Yang Jian said: "If we whisper for too long, we might attract attention. All you have to do is say, how can I cooperate with you, senior brother?"

"Then, wait and see what happens. When junior brother makes a move, senior brother will definitely know how to cooperate." Nezha smiled and backed away, no longer transmitting messages.

At this time, the Jade Emperor looked unhappy when he saw that all the generals were silent and no one asked for military leave. He was about to speak again when he suddenly saw a star king jumping out of the immortal class and loudly responded: "The last general is willing to go!" All the generals looked at him. , is Wenhuangxing Luyue.

The Jade Emperor seemed quite surprised. He was stunned for a moment and then said: "Is the Qing family sure? How many troops and horses are needed?"

Lu Yue said: "There is no need for soldiers or horses. The monster monkey has many men. If the soldiers and horses are restrained, they will inevitably be defeated. With the incompetence of the general, he only needs to go alone to discipline the Huaguo Mountain. Death place.”

This Lu Yue mastered the art of plague, and was good at refining talismans and making weapons. He had a headache chime, a fever flag, a stupor sword, and a manic whip. Anyone who was affected by the disease would show symptoms even if he had no symptoms. The size and intensity were completely controlled by him. Daluo Jinxian and above cannot resist.

Na Lu Yue talked eloquently: "Although the monkey demon is changeable, invulnerable to weapons and weapons, water and fire, it will definitely be unable to withstand the plague of the final general. When it is worse than death, it will definitely kneel on the ground and ask for surrender."

Seeing that no one else came out, the Jade Emperor ordered Lu Yue to fight.


But it was said that after Yuan Hong defeated Erlang Shen, in order to prevent the heavenly soldiers from coming again, he did not return to Huaguo Mountain and held a banquet on the spot to celebrate.

During the banquet, the demon kings came to Yuan Hong and said: "The 'Great Sage of Pingtian' you boast about sounds quite domineering.

We have decided to call each other the Great Sage. "

"Huh? That's very good... What do you guys call the Great Sage?" Yuan Hong secretly decided that if anyone dared to call him "The Great Sage Equaling Heaven", he would be forced to change his name even if there was a fight.

The Macaque King said: "I will become a 'great sage'."

The Lemur King said: "I am the 'Great Sage who can move mountains'."

The Demon King said: "Then I am the Great Sage Fu Hai."

The Macaque King said again: "The Peng Demon King is not here, how about we just assign him a 'Foodie Great Sage'?"

Yuan Hong said: "I'm afraid he will be the first to eat the Great Sage after he recovers."

"Hmph..." the Macaque King said angrily, "Then let's call him the 'Great Sage Swallowing Heaven'."

The demon kings and great sages were making fun when they suddenly saw a green meteor falling from the sky. The little demons fled away from her, and a bold monkey demon scout came to the impromptu banquet to inform the news.

When Yuan Hong led his troops to the place where the green meteor landed, he saw a general wearing green armor and carrying a pair of flags on his back, waving the flags in his hands to chase the monkeys who had not escaped. He was furious and refused to wait for each other. Give him a common name and hit him if he takes a photo of his head.

The general laughed loudly, put his flag against Yuan Hong's stick, and pointed the Qingfeng sword in his other hand at Yuan Hong: "That's it! That's it!"

The Great Sage Pingtian only felt that he was wrapped in a strange bubble. He had a splitting headache and almost passed out. However, the next moment the "bubble" shattered as if someone had popped it, leaving only the general in front of him who was still poking at him. He poked, then sneered, and knocked the flag and sword away with two bangs.

Tian Jiang was shocked. After flying back, he took out a chime and a pair of steel whips. He knocked and shook them, but they had no effect on Yuan Hong. When he tried to point the chime at the Macaque King who was holding the battle, he saw something terrible. The Great Sage screamed in pain, covered his head with his hands and fell to the ground.

"So that's it!" The general suddenly became excited and swayed in the wind, turning into a figure with three heads and six arms. Each of the six hands held one or two weird magic weapons, and they all aimed at Yuan Hong.

The Great Sage Pingtian instantly felt headache, hotness, dizziness, rage, and vague nausea and diarrhea, but it was only for a moment. Those feelings disappeared with the bursting "bubbles" in the next moment, but he seemed to feel a faint feeling from it. Anger.

Yuan Hong had no time to care about where the vague anger came from. When the general was unable to move because he was using too many magic weapons at the same time, he smashed him and all the weird magic weapons into pieces with a stick, turning them into a golden stream. The whirlwind disappeared without a trace, and the Macaque King who was originally attacked also stood up with his head covered, feeling quite frightened.

"Looking at it this way, there are many heavenly generals with weird abilities," Yuan Hong said to the demon kings: "Everyone, please lead your monkey army to avoid them. If there is any time to help, I will naturally not be polite to the brothers."


Outside the Nantian Gate, the Jade Emperor asked again: "The demon monkey is so ferocious, who among the ministers dares to fight it?"

Different from the last time, this time the generals around the viewing platform were talking a lot. Although Lu Yue was disliked because he always used the small road during battles, he could not ignore the special nature of the small road that was "impossible for people below Da Luo to resist".

All the magic weapons of the gods were ineffective, and he was beaten to death without even reporting his name. Although he was not strong enough and relied on those magic weapons for most of his combat power, it still made the generals who were watching feel quite sad. Qi.

However, unlike many generals who were at a loss for a while, Yang Jian was quite excited and sent a message to Nezha: "Then Lu Yue is also very capable! His reputation is not obvious, but he calls himself the first person in the sect of Tongtian Master's uncle. Could it be that Is it because of this? No, wait, if he went to the underworld to die so recklessly, if it was not his own will, wouldn't it be, wouldn't it be..."

Nezha nodded slightly, took a step forward from the immortal class, and said to the Jade Emperor: "Your Majesty, I am willing to go!"

"This..." The Jade Emperor did not give a clear answer, but just looked at Li Jing.

"I think that my three sons might be able to give it a try," King Tuota said: "The monsters in Huaguo Mountain are not afraid of group battles, and Yuan Hong himself is also very capable. Ordinary magic weapons can't hurt him, so he wants to defeat him." , we must fight head-on and win with our own strength.”

"The general is willing to go together!" Before the Jade Emperor agreed or refused, Yang Jian also stepped forward: "Both Nezha and I can fight Yuan Hong to a draw. At this time, the group of monsters are retreating. If we join forces to fight against him, we will definitely be able to easily defeat him. Now, as for the remaining scattered demon kings and monkey demons, there is nothing to fear."

"This is a very good statement." After hearing this, the Jade Emperor saw that there was no objection from the generals present, so he issued an edict: "Instruct Erlang Xian Sheng Zhenjun and the Great God of Santan Haihui to go down to the world to capture the monsters. The other generals will continue here. Stand by and provide support at any time.”

The generals took the orders, and Nezha and Yang Jian prepared separately and went down to the realm together to kill Yuan Hong.

"Senior brother, you can complete the word 'isn't it'?" Nezha said to Yang Jian as he left Nantianmen and gradually lowered his head.

"Lü Yue's move is quite strange. In my opinion, he has achieved nothing except testing out that Yuan Hong is not afraid of magic weapons. It can even be said that this 'not afraid of magic weapons' is not true. It is just for Some specific magic weapons that can affect Yuan Hong will not be so easy to use and preparations have been made in advance, and because he is already dead, all doubts will be denied at the beginning of their birth." Yang Jian said in a message.

"That's right," Nezha also sent a message: "I learned from my father that the reason why the Jade Emperor went to war was that the 'Concentration Pill' used by the monsters in Huaguo Mountain failed and mutated. However, that thing was invented by Tongtian Master's uncle, and it was How could the elixir that the master perfected and was refined by the Grand Master's uncle fail and mutate so easily? Moreover, it would be completely impossible for Yuan Hong's cultivation to be able to advance so rapidly without the help of the [Saint]."

"Currently, the saints are not coming out. The Biyou Palace and the Yuxu Palace have disappeared together. In the heaven, only an incarnation left by the Grandmaster's uncle remains in the fake Tushita Palace. Although there is the possibility of other forces intervening, Yuanshi Grandmaster and the It’s more likely that Tongtian Master’s uncle will fight in secret again.” Yang Jian responded.

"So..." "So." Huaguoshan and the white ape holding red and yellow sticks were already in sight. Nezha and Yang Jian made a tacit agreement to shut up, but they had already made a decision on what to do: capture Yuan Hong alive and hand it over to the emperor. Shang Laojun, during this period, no one who belongs to Heaven will be allowed to have personal contact with him.

"Two defeated generals, even if tied together, can only defeat half of them." Yuan Hong laughed loudly: "It's still less than half."

However, before that, this monkey must know what it means to respect senior brother.

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